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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

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  • Jasmine

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  • Daisy

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Skip look up and laughed a bit. "Well i do plan on trying it out, though i may need your help getting it started at least." He stated clearly. "Of course if you needed a hand.." skip mumbled a little louder than he had meant to but in a joking manor

Canagan rolled his eyes and giggled. "Come onn, let's get this done already!" He gently demanded, tapping Skip lightly on the shoulder. "Where do you want whatever you have to go?"

KaalysBR said:
Elise rolled his eyes at Geralt,although a smile was bright in her face. The way Faolin had admitted his feelings for her...it made her very happy.
"Geralt,you are a six foot one tiger,full of tattoos and battle behind you. And you still care about old traditions." She rose her eyes and smiled to Dante. "Thank you for bringing him here."

"Well...yes. I care about tradition. But Faolin seems like a nice person." He didn't mind the fact that the wolf could probably still hear him.

"Of course he is,he is great. But now..." Elise leaned forward and held Geralt hands. "I know you didn't come here just for a talk. I can see that in your boyfriend's eyes. What did you come to talk about?"

Geralt hesitated for a moment,and Elise saw a tingle of guilty pass his eyes as he looked up at Dante.

"Dante has a plan in his mind. We...came to talk about it. It involves our father."

A dark look appeared in Elise's face for a second,but it quickly disappeared.

"All right. Let's hear it."

Dante smiled at the both of them and then turned very serious. "I have few plans that might work but of course I need more infomation. I wanted to see if you had anymore information to give Elise. Also I plan to set up a meeting with your father at some point in time. Of course I want to wait for Geralt to be fully healed."
"Just toss it anywhere mate. Ill sort it later." Skip said shuffling through things. "Cana.." he began "you, uh.. sleeping in here too? Cuz i mean, its not the only room so i mean if you dont want to i get it i mean.." skip went on babbling like tbat for a while out of being nervous

"Okay," Canagan nodded, and grabbed a few things, placing them and sorting theough them. He picked them up, about to put them 'anywhere,' before Skip began speaking. A large, amused smile stretched across his face and he set the items down, before he went over to him and leaned against him. "Would you like me to sleep in here, with you?" He asked, his voice surprisingly steady and calm. "I'm fine with whatever, Skip. What makes you comfortable." Cana shrugged.

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Elise nodded once more information was required,searching her mind for things to tell them. But she suddenly stopped once he mentioned a meeting.

"A meeting? But-" She gave Geralt an incredulous look. "You didn't tell him."

"I was going to." Geralt didn't meet her eyes.

"By the seven gods Geralt..."

Geralt ignored the reaction and turned to Dante,regret marked in his bright eyes.

"There is a reason as to why I left the clan as a traitor,Dante. My father decided to attack a completely harmless clan of wolves. They were healers,they saved lives. One of them even healed my father's wounds without even caring for his race. And then he turned crazy with xenophobia and killed them all. I tried to help the wolves,and that is why I was sent out." He took a deep breath,meeting Dante's eyes. "Not all of the healers died. Actually,the only one that managed to flee while I helped is in your pack. I didn't tell you because...I felt guilty,Dante. I could have done more. Her entire clan was completely dissipated."

Elise shook her head intensely.

"We all could have done more. What is the name of the healer?"

"Diana. She is just as we imagined,sweet and caring. And she has no idea that our clan destroyed hers."

An idea seemed to cross Elise's mind.

"You know...after you left,I think that's the first time I saw the Alpha feeling guilty. He is still torn over destroying that pack,even with his xenophobia...if Dante takes Diana along with him..."

Geralt rubbed his eyes.

"Are you serious? Think about the pain that would cause her."

He gave Dante a look,wondering if he agreed with the plan.

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KaalysBR said:
Elise nodded once more information was required,searching her mind for things to tell them. But she suddenly stopped once he mentioned a meeting.
"A meeting? But-" She gave Geralt an incredulous look. "You didn't tell him."

"I was going to." Geralt didn't meet her eyes.

"By the seven gods Geralt..."

Geralt ignored the reaction and turned to Dante,regret marked in his bright eyes.

"There is a reason as to why I left the clan as a traitor,Dante. My father decided to attack a completely harmless clan of wolves. They were healers,they saved lives. One of them even healed my father's wounds without even caring for his race. And then he turned crazy with xenophobia and killed them all. I tried to help the wolves,and that is why I was sent out." He took a deep breath,meeting Dante's eyes. "Not all of the healers died. Actually,the only one that managed to flee while I helped is in your pack. I didn't tell you because...I felt guilty,Dante. I could have done more. Her entire clan was completely dissipated."

Elise shook her head intensely.

"We all could have done more. What is the name of the healer?"

"Diana. She is just as we imagined,sweet and caring. And she has no idea that our clan destroyed hers."

An idea seemed to cross Elise's mind.

"You know...after you left,I think that's the first time I saw the Alpha feeling guilty. He is still torn over destroying that pack,even with his xenophobia...if Dante takes Diana along with her..."

Geralt rubbed his eyes.

"Are you serious? Think about the pain that would cause her."

He gave Dante a look,wondering if he agreed with the plan.

Dante kept a straight face as she told him this new information. he didn't look bothered by it in the least. "Have both me and Diana there could work but at the same time that would leave the pack without a healer. Yet, from what you tell me we could use his guilt to are advantage. considering that his warrior came on to our pack-lands, i have a legitimate reason to meet with him. Bring her along could just be added insurance for now." Dante kept think about what he wanted to do and he knew he need to meet with this man face to face. "Alright ill take Diana with me....but i also plan on taking shaw and faolin as of right now. once i get a feel for the pack and there state, we can come up with are game plan." Dante then smiled and acted like making plans for war was second nature to him. "Glad that's out of the way. so Elise i dont think we ever formally introduced ourselves. My name Dante and as you stated im your brother boyfriend."
Skip shut up a imediately once cana began speaking "id like that" he smiled wide and was happy that he wanted to sleep with him. He hadnt felt this happy in a long time and he couldnt help but kiss his cheek out of excitement. "I can finish up here mate, go enjoy your shower" skip says with a wink as he continues to finish with his stuff

Geralt breathed with relief once he noticed Dante wasn't angry at him,although the entire plan still seemed a bit...cold. He held onto Dante's hand with a smile as he introduced himself to Elise as his boyfriend.

"If I had my way,he would he my husband and mate as well. Immediately. In this floor right here. But Dante is hard play." His tone was playful and Elise chuckled.

"It's really good to see that Geralt finally found a good guy to settle with. I was tired of seeing him sad for not having anyone in his life. Are you throwing all those romantic CDs away now?"

"No." Geralt replied immediately,then laughed out loud. He glanced up at Dante and the affection was obvious in his eyes. "And don't worry,you won't see me sad anymore. I have the best man in the world by my side right now."

I love how my phone thinks im tapping the very top of the screen when my finger is in fact at the bottom

sorry for randomly rating your post @Nuuchi lmao))


He giggled when Skip fell silent to listen to him, before finally speaking again. So, Canagan nodded, face heating up when Skip leaned down to peck his cheek. "Okay.." He shrugged, before hesitantly picking out a shirt, looking up at Skip to see if it was all right, before he walked out of the room and disappeared into the bathroom.
Faolin walked in as he placed food in front of everyone. He had not been listening to any of the conversation even though he could here he just ignored them all. Silently he whistled in his head as he made some snacks and some sandwiches if anyone was truly hungry. He made water then decided to pour Elise a cup of some mild beer. He came back and placed the food down and looked at Elise as he handed her the small pint of beer and stated, "Here for you. So I heard somethings. I hear a plan about meeting Elise's father but not much else. I hear my name mentioned if you want me to go with you Dante I am warning you I am in no state to fight I can barely walk around the house." He sat heavily appearing tired and worn out. He looked around at everyone waiting to be filled in on the details.

@KaalysBR @loyalwolf
"We are hoping it won't come to a fight at all,Faolin. At least,not until I'm fully healed up."

Elise smiled gently to Faolin as he gave her the beer,but frowned lightly once he mentioned fighting.

"I'm not letting you fight while you don't feel well. I'm not losing someone else."

She pulled herself up and sat by Faolin's side,wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek.

Geralt himself didn't seem to be so well. His skin was going increasingly pale as time passed and the meds worn out. He mentally wished that the discussion wouldn't take long,as he didn't fancy passing out in front of everyone.

"Geralt?" The worried voice of Elise cut through his thoughts. "Are you feeling okay? You're looking as white as snow right now. Also,there is a table of food in front of you and you're not eating anything."

"I'm okay,don't worry. Just not hungry."

Diana finished up the dinner with a smile,pulling the roast chicken out the over. The delicate smell enhanced the room's atmosphere,the herbs giving it a sophisticated tone. She placed it in front of Violet with a smile,lighting the candles for their romantic dinner.

"All right,my sun and stars. I think we are all set."

She gave Violet a quick kiss,her hair touching Violet's face delicately before she pulled back.
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Skip finished setting up what would be their new room and then started putting the meat in the fridge. looking around and trying to get a eel for things he decided to lay down on the couch and wait for canagan to finish up then he would take one right after him.

@Yewitz I didn't even notice :P ))
After only a few moments, running water could be heard. Canagan undressed and stepped into the shower, sighing in relief at the hot water. "Oh.. It feels like forever since I took a shower," He mumbled under his breath as he began to scrub his hair and skin.

It was at least twelve or fifteen minutes later when he finally turned the water and stepped out of the shower, quickly drying off before he slipped on the large shirt. He looked down and giggled, noticing it went a little past his knees. Then, he went out of the bathroom, the towel over his shoulders, to where Skip was lying on the couch.

@Nuuchi (lMao ok ;00)
Lighthouse8477 said:
Faolin walked in as he placed food in front of everyone. He had not been listening to any of the conversation even though he could here he just ignored them all. Silently he whistled in his head as he made some snacks and some sandwiches if anyone was truly hungry. He made water then decided to pour Elise a cup of some mild beer. He came back and placed the food down and looked at Elise as he handed her the small pint of beer and stated, "Here for you. So I heard somethings. I hear a plan about meeting Elise's father but not much else. I hear my name mentioned if you want me to go with you Dante I am warning you I am in no state to fight I can barely walk around the house." He sat heavily appearing tired and worn out. He looked around at everyone waiting to be filled in on the details.
@KaalysBR @loyalwolf
KaalysBR said:
"We are hoping it won't come to a fight at all,Faolin. At least,not until I'm fully healed up."
Elise smiled gently to Faolin as he gave her the beer,but frowned lightly once he mentioned fighting.

"I'm not letting you fight while you don't feel well. I'm not losing someone else."

She pulled herself up and sat by Faolin's side,wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek.

Geralt himself didn't seem to be so well. His skin was going increasingly pale as time passed and the meds worn out. He mentally wished that the discussion wouldn't take long,as he didn't fancy passing out in front of everyone.

"Geralt?" The worried voice of Elise cut through his thoughts. "Are you feeling okay? You're looking as white as snow right now. Also,there is a table of food in front of you and you're not eating anything."

"I'm okay,don't worry. Just not hungry."

Diana finished up the dinner with a smile,pulling the roast chicken out the over. The delicate smell enhanced the room's atmosphere,the herbs giving it a sophisticated tone. She placed it in front of Violet with a smile,lighting the candles for their romantic dinner.

"All right,my sun and stars. I think we are all set."

She gave Violet a quick kiss,her hair touching Violet's face delicately before she pulled back.
Dante faced faolin and looked him over very carefully. "you should stop by so i can give you some medicine and preform some rehab on you. You know this is a demand not a request so i expect you at my cabin tomorrow. as for fighting, that's something i don't need...all i need is some muscle around me so i look weaker." he then notice that Elise was speaking the truth about geralt. "She right you dont look right. your suppose to be getting better not worse. Something must be wrong." thats when slight worry entered his voice "Maybe i didnt mix the right medicine for you or maybe my treatment is working." he then began to inspect geralt closely.
Geralt breathing was slightly ragged as he looked up at Dante,his eyes glazed from the pain that was starting to rise in his body. He couldn't let Dante think that this was his fault.

"I am getting better. But...I took some medicine to be able to stay up for this entire time. Actually,not some. A lot. An entire bottle." He took a deep breath as Dante approached. "You're helping me a lot. I just...wanted to be useful once."

"You never can tell how big ya really are until someone else wears your shirt" skip said palyfully "how was ya shower mate? Im sure it feels good to be out of those clothes for a bit. So that would mean ya got nothing on under that then?" Skip says as he grabs the bottom of the shirt canagan was wearing and acted like he was gonna lift it, only teasing him of course he wouldnt actually do it

@Yewitz ;p
Dante didn't say a word, he keeps himself calm on the surface, but on the inside, he was feeling a storm of emotions. Anger, betraying, sadness, disappointment and many more. Because he was in the presence of others, he decided to just not let anything show. He made no physical contact with anyone and had no expression on his face. If anything, that was more frightening than if he let himself go. He wasn't sure what to do so he just stood up and excuse himself to the bathroom to regain his composure. "I'll be right back. geralt take some water to help flush the pills out your system and the rest you'll have to stuck up and deal with until we get back to me cabin." @KaalysBR @Lighthouse8477
Geralt ignored the shocked looks of his sister as he stumbled after Dante to the bathroom,completely ignoring the pain he was feeling. He didn't care about making a scene or not,not after hurting his boyfriend.

"Dante...I'm sorry. I know I fuck up a lot. I know I do it way more than I have the right to do,but it's just that I love you so
much. I never loved anyone like this and I have no idea how to act anymore. I would give up anything for you,even the pack. Even my title as Alpha. I don't know how to deal with it all. So please...please forgive me as I try to be a better person for you."

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KaalysBR said:
Geralt ignored the shocked looks of his sister as he stumbled after Dante to the bathroom,completely ignoring the pain he was feeling. He didn't care about making a scene or not,not after hurting his boyfriend.
"Dante...I'm sorry. I know I fuck up a lot. I know I do it way more than I have the right to do,but it's just that I love you so
much. I never loved anyone like this and I have no idea how to act anymore. I would give up anything for you,even the pack. Even my title as Alpha. I don't know how to deal with it all. So please...please forgive me as I try to be a better person for you."

Dante keeps a straight face not showing any emotion either way. "Right I understand that and we can discuss this more when we get back home. For now, please allow me to use the bathroom in peace." he then shuts the door and locks it. He slides down the door frame and sits on the floor. Dante was not sure what to do about this. He wants to understand Geralt but at the same time want he did was very troubling. He lied to Dante, tampered with his medical supplies and put his life at risk. These were some serious issues and Dante didn't want to deal with all this in someone else's home. He was starting to doubt himself and everything going on around him. He wasn't going to give up on Geralt but he just didn't know how to deal with this. On top of that he didn't know if could speak with geralt about this without saying something he would regret.
Geralt placed one hand at the door as Dante closed it in his face,hearing the breathing of the wolf inside. Touching the door with his forehead,he realized how stupid he had been. How stupid he always was.

"Okay. I will be back home. At...your home,I mean."

He walked through the back door of Faolin's house,not wanting to see Elise in that moment. The adrenaline stuck with him until he arrived in Dante's house. The pain suddenly caught to him and he fell straight to the floor,not making any sounds to indicate what was going on through him. It felt like being dipped in acid,although he probably deserved it.

More than once Geralt glanced at the bottle of painkillers,imagining what would happen if he took another one of those.

You're going to die.

That didn't seem to be that bad of a possibility right now,but he remained still in the ground.

KaalysBR said:
Geralt placed one hand at the door as Dante closed it in his face,hearing the breathing of the wolf inside. Touching the door with his forehead,he realized how stupid he had been. How stupid he always was.
"Okay. I will be back home. At...your home,I mean."

He walked through the back door of Faolin's house,not wanting to see Elise in that moment. The adrenaline stuck with him until he arrived in Dante's house. The pain suddenly caught to him and he fell straight to the floor,not making any sounds to indicate what was going on through him. It felt like being dipped in acid,although he probably deserved it.

More than once Geralt glanced at the bottle of painkillers,imagining what would happen if he took another one of those.

You're going to die.

That didn't seem to be that bad of a possibility right now,but he remained still in the ground.

Dante figure it was time to go face Geralt before he did something stupid and set back his healing some more. he splashed some cold water on his face and walked out of the bathroom. He went to the room where Elise and foalin were in. "Thank you for having us. Faolin make sure to come by and Elise, please keep in touch with your brother, i know he misses you." he walks back to his cabin and opens the doors. He sees geralt on the floor and sighs to himself. He picks him up and put him on the bed. He gets out a bottle of water and gives it to him. He then gathers all his medical supplies and locks them away. He didn't know if he can trust anyone around them. "It seems we have some things to talk about, tiger?"
Geralt felt the floor disappearing from under him as Dante pulled him up and set him in the bed. His eyes slowly drifted to Dante as he lay down,his muscles limb against the table.

"I wanted to help Shaw. And you. Just once,I didn't want to be your patient. Maybe I wanted to be your boyfriend as well,fully able to help you instead of just laying in a bed." He took a deep breath as he looked back up. "And maybe I was lying when I said that I was ready to move on. You can fix my body,but you can't fix me up here."

He pointed to his head with one finger.

"You deserve someone whole. I'm all broken. You are caring,strong. I'm holding you down."

Nuuchi said:
"You never can tell how big ya really are until someone else wears your shirt" skip said palyfully "how was ya shower mate? Im sure it feels good to be out of those clothes for a bit. So that would mean ya got nothing on under that then?" Skip says as he grabs the bottom of the shirt canagan was wearing and acted like he was gonna lift it, only teasing him of course he wouldnt actually do it
@Yewitz ;p
He giggled and nodded, dipping his head. "Yeah... The shower was very nice!" Canagan chirped, looking down when Skip went to grab the bottom of the shirt he was wearing, and fell silent, not knowing if he should act like he was embarrassed or mad, even though he knew Skip wouldn't do it. "Yeah." Was all he said, eyes squinting slightly at him.

KaalysBR said:
Geralt felt the floor disappearing from under him as Dante pulled him up and set him in the bed. His eyes slowly drifted to Dante as he lay down,his muscles limb against the table.
"I wanted to help Shaw. And you. Just once,I didn't want to be your patient. Maybe I wanted to be your boyfriend as well,fully able to help you instead of just laying in a bed." He took a deep breath as he looked back up. "And maybe I was lying when I said that I was ready to move on. You can fix my body,but you can't fix me up here."

He pointed to his head with one finger.

"You deserve someone whole. I'm all broken. You are caring,strong. I'm holding you down."

"Helping other is nice when the time calls for it, but we also have to help ourselves. Look your injuries that's something you have to suck up and deal with. If you want to help someone, then help yourself. If you want to just be my boyfriend then that's fine. I can see now I can no longer treat you. I will ask Diana to take over the rest of your treatment. I will also ask her to go through some mental healing with you. She is better equipped for that than I am apparently." Dante went to go compile his notes to give to Diana when he sees her. "You know Ernest Hemingway once said The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places. that means your not the only broken one here but that also doesnt give you the right to pity yourself and push others away."

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