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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Can someone please show me the post where Geralt lost his hand?! I never even saw that! Like wait how did he lose his hand?
Felicity nodded, gently closing the door. Quickly after, she leaned against it, allowing her back to slip down it until she was sat on the floor. With her head titled upwards, she sighed deeply, only hoping that Shaw would be good, would be fine.

Inka-Grace continued to giggle, gripping her two fists around her mother's larger finger. With a slightly confused expression, she frowned.

"Here you go cana" skip says handing him some deer meat. "Plenty more where that came from so eat as much as ya'd like" skip then helps himself to his own portion. It seemed so peaceful at the moment. At least where they were it felt as such.

He took the deer meat, his smile growing wider. "Thank you," He chirped happily, and bit into the meat. "It's really good," Canagan couldn't help but say, looking over to him, and his smile becoming a grin. I could definitely get used to this, Canagan thought, as he got back to eating, looking away and to the water.

skip remembers his tea and quickly gets up to grab it. "here ya go mate, nearly forgot about it. Yug-yug-yug!" really he was just distracted thinking about last night. wondering if that was a spur of the moment thing, or if it was actually going to be a thing between them two. he didn't mind either way, but he couldn't help but develop small feelings for cana after he kissed him.

"You all right?" Canagan asked, tilting his head in confusion. "You seem distracted." He pointed out, quickly finishing whatever he had. He watched him with interest, deep amber eyes opened wide. He lifted a hand to run his fingers through his pale hair, before he stood up once more. "Is it about the cabins? I- sorry.. We don't have to, really!"

"It's not that mate, honest" skip said with a small laugh "was just thinking is all" he gaze into his eyes for a moment "I'm actually a little excited about that really. Might make living easier even though I'm used to doing it this way" he then gets up and puts his hand out "you ready mate?"

"O-oh.. Okay.. Alri- Sorry.." Canagan shook his head with a small, embarrassed groan. He met his gaze when Skip looked at him, and smiled, before taking his hand. "I am too.. So, sure! If you want to do it right this moment." Honestly, he couldn't wait to take a shower. If there were showers in there. Hopefully.

"Let's go check it out then" skip says smiling wide. Then leads them on a walk through checking the cabins until he sees a rather roomy one open. "well heres one it seems" he says looking down at canagan. Then he opens the door allowing him to go first. "Looks well so far, what do ya think mate?"

Canagan, like always, let Skip lead him to the cabins, watching as he checked into empty, open ones, until they stumbled across one that seemed quite roomy. Cana blinked up at him as he held open the door for him to go first, before quickly scurrying into the cabin. He looked around, a smile stretching across his wide, large and happy, before turning back to Skip. "Yeah!" He squeaked happily, "I like it."

Skip was pretty happy with it. He didnt really have anything to compare it to so he didnt really know. "Thats good then. You go ahead and relax a bit im gonna go make sure the fire is out and grab the rest of the stuff." He says as he starts to head out the door

@Yewitz (sorry super busy but ill respond asap x.x))
Canagan nodded, now grinning. "Okay!" He giggled, watching as Skip left, before walking around and sighing. He looked around for a bathroom, and to his luck, found one. But, of course, he couldn't take a shower, because he didn't have a clean change of clothes. And to him, that absolutely sucked. Oh well, he supposed he could wait.

Skip makes his way over to the camp he called home for a brief moment and put out the remainder of the coals. Then he finished cutting the deer meat and stuffed it in his bag. Last thing he made sure not to forget was the book canagan had just started reading. Skip looked around once more making sure he didnt forget anything before he headed back to the cabin he would soon call home with only him and canagan. He was nervous living indoors, but he was excoted to try something new

Canagan still went to the bathroom, and decided to at least wash his face. Turning the faucet on, he places his hands under the cold water, making it a tad warmer, before splashing it in his face and hair. He tensed up from the cold, but still scrubbed at his face. After he was done, he grabbed a hand towel and walked out to wait for Skip.

Skip opens the door to walk in but ends up smacking his head on the door frame "oof! You didn't see that" he says with a small laugh while rubbing his head. "They got everything here? Kitchen looks good, what about a shower? Never took an actual shower before, i normally just wash off in a lake or river" skip asks while looking around

He looked up when Skip opened the door, but yelped when the tall male hit his head against the door frame. "Are you all right?!" He squeaked, immediatly turning and racing over to him, while he spoke. He grabbed a hold Skip's arm and attempted to lead him over to a chair, and sat him down. "Yeah, they have a shower. I was going to take one, but I don't have any clothes to wear besides this." He motioned to his clothes, "And that's definitely not happening." He said all this while checking Skip's forehead.

KaalysBR said:
Geralt entered the house,using his right hand to hold onto Dante. He saw Elise take a glance at his missing hand and felt a tingling sensation in his ghost fingers. Brushing the flashbacks from the battle away,he sat on the chair in front of Elise.
"The meaning is...what are your intentions with my sister and when is the marriage?"

Elise's face turned as red as her hair colour.


"Sorry,I had to get that out my system.Well,back to the subject at hand."

He took a glance at Dante,hoping for support.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Geralt Faolin waited for the obvious question. He looked at Elise who glanced at Geralt's missing hand. He then glanced at Geralt as he spoke. Faolin had expected the question although he still blushed deeply as he looked at Elise who blushed as red as her hair and shouted her brother's name. Faolin felt himself chuckled slightly then he looked at Geralt then Elise then stated, "My intentions with Elise is to get to know her better and after that if she would consent to be my mate. I don't know when the wedding would be because I am not going to ask for her hand yet although if I am being honest I would ask for her hand today if I knew more about her but unfortunately I don't. So to sum it up I want to marry Elise and be her mate and protect her although with how large her tiger is she may be the one protecting me." He looked at Elise and blushed deeply then stood as he stated, "I hope this does nothing to affect your love for me Elise. I'll go to the kithen and make us all something to eat. I assume Geralt wishes to speak with you Elise." He turned and headed towards the kitchen.
Dante watched on with amusement in his face. He expect this reaction from geralt but the added reaction from Faolin and Elise were a plus."Geralt calm yourself now. It a bit rude to just speak and demand answer like that. Anyway Elise u brought your brother here to hopefully get his spirit high. It helps with the healing if the person is in a good mood." Dante sat with such a calm demeanor. He had this glint in his eyes that told Elise he was there for more then just geralt's wellbeing. But Dante will let the siblings have there time together. Before he speak with Elise about what was on his mind.
"Im ok mate, just took me off guard" he said in a laughing tone "good, i think ill try. If i can figure it out that is" skip notices canagan really want that shower more than anything. "Well its just me and you here mate, you could always throw on one of my extra shirts until you get a chance to wash those. Should be plenty to cover everything" he said trying to help him out

He nodded and reluctantly moved to sit beside him, listening as he spoke. When he mentioned borrowing one of his shirts, Canagan flushed. "A-are you sure..?" The werewolf squeaked, eyes wide. "I mean.. I suppose I could.. But.." He trailed off, not knowing what to say. Giving up, he released a small sigh, before nodding. "All right."

"Good, you go ahead and get ready and ill bring you one in when i finish unpacking in one of the rooms, ok?" Skip says as he begins to get back up to grab his bag once more still rubbing his head slightly where he smacked it.

"I dont have much mate" skip says "but if ya'd like to them come along" he smiled big at him abs actually enjoys canagans company and was happy to spend more time with him

Elise rolled his eyes at Geralt,although a smile was bright in her face. The way Faolin had admitted his feelings for her...it made her very happy.

"Geralt,you are a six foot one tiger,full of tattoos and battle behind you. And you still care about old traditions." She rose her eyes and smiled to Dante. "Thank you for bringing him here."

"Well...yes. I care about tradition. But Faolin seems like a nice person." He didn't mind the fact that the wolf could probably still hear him.

"Of course he is,he is great. But now..." Elise leaned forward and held Geralt hands. "I know you didn't come here just for a talk. I can see that in your boyfriend's eyes. What did you come to talk about?"

Geralt hesitated for a moment,and Elise saw a tingle of guilty pass his eyes as he looked up at Dante.

"Dante has a plan in his mind. We...came to talk about it. It involves our father."

A dark look appeared in Elise's face for a second,but it quickly disappeared.

"All right. Let's hear it."

Canagan dipped his head, and moved to follow them. "And I'll just steal one of your shirts on my way out of the room," He giggled, seeming to lighten up already. "Are you gonna take a shower, too? Or wait until later?"


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