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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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"I'm pregnant... not handicapped silly." she laughed and sat up, grabbing a knee-length white shirt and pulling it over her head and leaving the hollow. "Come on, Nuuch." She smiled. @Nuuchi
I get absolutely no notifications for anything anymore unless I'm tagged.

Could some of you tag me in posts even if you're not talking to me, just so I get alerts
Jasil said:
I get absolutely no notifications for anything anymore unless I'm tagged.
Could some of you tag me in posts even if you're not talking to me, just so I get alerts
((Np I will start doing so, as of right now other than with Val m waiting for akumashioni to return))

Valissa smiled and waited for him before starting towards the hall. But, a wolf event hit her and she turned towards where there was a wolf hiding, "hello? Shoe yourself." She called, her voice want threatening, but it was defensive towards the unknown she wolf. @Nuuchi @LittleWolf
Nuuch catches up and isnt really paying attention to much as they walk. Until he notices valissa acting strange before she called the other wolf out. So instinctively he puts himself between her and where the scent was coming from "come on out now. We know youre there so no sense in hiding anymore" nuuch says very stern and standing his ground hard ready for anything @MadameRedWolf @LittleWolf
Storm went stiff at someone yelling in her direction. Knowing that she had been caught, she stepped out of behind the tree, crouched in submission. She didn't want to be attacked. She slowly walked a little towards the two wolves in front of her, but not walking very close to them. She stopped moving way before she was near them.

@MadameRedWolf @Nuuchi
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Tears flowed down Diana's face as she spoke,the events of the night getting the best of her. She held onto Violet like it meant life or death,but her grip became softer once she focused on the soft humming. Her eyes closed against her will and she slept in her mate's arms,feeling finally safe and loved.

Elise's tiger saw the wolf enter her dream and reacted with confusion at first,then with happiness for finally have someone to spend her lonely time with. She nudged the wolf gently. It was smaller than her,and she felt comfort in it's presence. Closing her mind both in the dream and in the real world,Elise slipped into a dreamless night.
Looking at her mate Violet smiled as she slipped into bed bye her mate. Softly she held her mate close as she closed her eyes and rested gently. Her mind wandered as her wolf slept next to Dianna as she felt herself drift off into the darkness as she sighed happily.

Faolin's wolf wagged it's tail at the tiger approaching unafraid. His wolf laid down next to Elise's Tiger and smiled at her gently then closed it's eyes then slept. In the mourning Faolin's wolf woke up as he nuzzled Elise's tiger gently then stood and stretched. His wolf walked to his human over a simple small bridge then nuzzled the human and woke him. Faolin opened his eyes as he felt himself in Elise's arms. He blushed but didn't pull away realizing she was still asleep. He found himself sniffing her scent in too memorize it plus she smelled sweet. He blushed then stopped himself and waited.

Storm was still uncertain of the wolves in front of her. Her wolf knew that they could still attack her. Still, she slowly walked forward a little more. "How do I know you aren't trying to trick me?" Storm said quietly; she normally talks quiet anyways. "My wolf is uncertain."

@MadameRedWolf @Nuuchi
"Oh sweetheart, can't you smell that were omegas? Or purpose is to care for our pack mates, and protect the young ones... Not attack harmless young wolves, come and eat with us, I'll find you some cloths so you can shift if you like." Valissa smiled. @Nuuchi @LittleWolf
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After he walked out of the cabin, a cotton swab doused in vinegar placed up his nose, he headed in the direction of the lake. "Skip!" He called, expecting the man to follow after him, if he was even still there. Canagan wasn't really paying attention this time. He was tired, his head hurt, and he was possibly going to pass out near the campfire, like previous times, no matter if it was dead or not.

Elise yawned softly in Faolin's arms,her red hair splattered all over her face. She stretched like a cat and went back to Faolin's chest,until she fully woke up. She blinked with confusion once she found arms wrapped around her,her memories slowly setting down until she looked up and saw Faolin's clear eyes looking down at her.

She felt a great amount of heat in her face,blushing violently as she looked down.

Sorry...I didn't mean to fall asleep. I should have been watching over you."

The freckles on Elise's nose and cheeks looked more noticeable as she blushed. She imagined that it was morning already,although she couldn't see the outside light. The embrace of Faolin was comfortable,and she felt a surge of sadness knowing that they would have to get up soon.

Nuuch layed on his belly looking at the female hoping to seem less intimidating this way. "We wish no harm on you. There is enough violence in the wood without starting any ourself." He says letting a smile go across his muzzle @LittleWolf @MadameRedWolf

Skip didnt realise cana had taken off already until he heard him shout for him "you ok mate? You should probably rest. Ill light us a nice warm fire once we get there." He says trying to make sure canagan is ok @Yewitz
He let out a groan as Skip told him be should rest. "Like I've probably said previously, Skip, I'm fine. You don't have to keep worrying about me." Though, Canagan was quite relieved Skip didn't mind that he was probably going to lay down and pass out as soon, as possible.

Elise yawned softly in Faolin's arms,her red hair splattered all over her face. She stretched like a cat and went back to Faolin's chest,until she fully woke up. She blinked with confusion once she found arms wrapped around her,her memories slowly setting down until she looked up and saw Faolin's clear eyes looking down at her.
She felt a great amount of heat in her face,blushing violently as she looked down.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to fall asleep. I should have been watching over you."

The freckles on Elise's nose and cheeks looked more noticeable as she blushed. She imagined that it was morning already,although she couldn't see the outside light. The embrace of Faolin was comfortable,and she felt a surge of sadness knowing that they would have to get up soon.
Looking at her Faolin waited as he looked at her silently feeling his heart tug at him as he ignored it although he did blush. She stretched luxuriously then blinked in confusion as she woke up fully. She looked at him as he gazed into her eyes and felt a snap and a shiver run through him again. He blushed with her as she looked down. He almost made a happy sound then refrained from making the sound. She apologized. Softly he whispered, "It's okay Elise. I tried to lure you into sleep when I woke up from my nightmare I knew you needed rest so I made sure you went to sleep. Plus I was so tired I held you close for comfort." He looked at her and whispered, "Thanks for comforting me last night. I needed you." He let her go as he at upright then whispered, "Your beautiful Elise and charming and gentle and I can't thank you enough for everything you have helped me with." He smiled as he stated, "But I can offer you my friendship and my time and more if you wish." He blushed then looked away forcing himself not to stare at her. Why did he feel like this? He knew why he just didn't wanto acknowledge it.
Elise did her best to hide her embarrassment as Faolin spoke to her,but the proximity of their faces caused his breath to tingle against her skin,sending shivers through her body. She still held onto the wolf tightly,feeling his scent that reminded her of forests and dark oak.

Comforting you wasn't any trouble. I...kinda liked doing it. And I guess that I needed comfort myself." She pulled her hair to the back of her ear,then rose one hand and fixed Faolin's hair softly. "You're beautiful and charming too. I would be blind if I didn't saw that."

She smiled hesitantly at him,her heart racing at his promise of giving her more. The feeling in her chest scared her,and she felt herself covering a bit into her shell. Elise was afraid of feeling close to someone and losing them again.

She pushed herself out of the bed and held Faolin's arm. She would leave the complicated thoughts for later.

Let's have breakfast,okay? I don't want you starving."

KaalysBR said:
Geralt saw the feelings in Dante's eyes and he didn't really need words. Nothing that he said could explain what he was feeling in his heart. He didn't feel empty anymore as he felt Dante grab tightly onto him.
"I won't do that anymore,I promise. I will be honest with you about all my feelings. I want to have a relationship built on honesty. And I want to have a new life with you "

He entered the water with Dante,stretching on the river with a sigh of content. He held onto Dante as they floated,kissing him gently.

"Good tiger because next time you do I'll beat some sense into you. Anyway I think it time we talk to your sister. Anyway I want to speak to her about meeting with you father and making temporary priest." Dante knew he was treading on egg shells but he need this done with. And time for peacefulness is over. It time to act.
Storm relaxed a little at the knowledge that they were omegas. She knew little of the rank, but knew that they wouldn't hurt a wolf as young as her. She slowly let a small wolfish smile creep onto her muzzle at the male turning over. "I guess that would be nice," she said in her quiet voice to the female. She stood up more and walked over to the pair.
Elise did her best to hide her embarrassment as Faolin spoke to her,but the proximity of their faces caused his breath to tingle against her skin,sending shivers through her body. She still held onto the wolf tightly,feeling his scent that reminded her of forests and dark oak.
"Comforting you wasn't any trouble. I...kinda liked doing it. And I guess that I needed comfort myself." She pulled her hair to the back of her ear,then rose one hand and fixed Faolin's hair softly. "You're beautiful and charming too. I would be blind if I didn't saw that."

She smiled hesitantly at him,her heart racing at his promise of giving her more. The feeling in her chest scared her,and she felt herself covering a bit into her shell. Elise was afraid of feeling close to someone and losing them again.

She pushed herself out of the bed and held Faolin's arm. She would leave the complicated thoughts for later.

"Let's have breakfast,okay? I don't want you starving."
Looking at her Faolin waited as he noted his heart was accelerating. They were really close really close and he could feel a connection between them that made him want to love her. Okay he did love her somewhat secretly although from his blushing it was kind of obvious he liked her. Silently he looked at her as she spoke to him. He blushed as she pulled her hair back then fixed his hair. He looked at her as he was about to speak when she complimented him and he blushed. She smiled at him hesitantly and he pulled away slightly just to indicate she controlled the situation. She asked if he wanted breakfast as he smiled and stated, "Yes I would love breakfast Elise." He smiled gently then said nothing not wanting to say something wrong.
Geralt gave Dante a look that showed exactly what he thought about the idea. He turned his attention back to the water,looking down at the blue surface as he ran one hand through it.

"I don't see the point of speaking to him. We have the element of surprise here,Dante. He still thinks that I'm dead. If he goes near you,he will be able to feel my scent in your fur. No matter how far away we stay from each other."

He held Dante's face in his hands,looking at his eyes.

"If this is war,that's what we will be going for. Next time I see my father,it will be in a full attack against his pack. But first I need to do something."

He leaned onto Dante and kissed him intensely,making the conscious decision of wanting to mate with his lover. He pulled back suddenly as he felt the burning sensation in his hand,and the mark of mating appeared. He was ready now,but he would wait for Dante's pace.

Elise nodded to Faolin and helped him to get up,walking to the kitchen with their arms locked together. Her heart raced at every step they took,and Elise cursed herself for getting attached so quickly.

Idiot idiot idiot idiot

A subtle look of fear crossed Elise's face,but she quickly suppressed it. There was no point in dueling against her heart. The wolf she was holding onto was a gentle person with a good heart. Developing feelings for him wouldn't be anything shocking. She helped Faolin to sit in one of the chairs,then quickly turned back to the oven to distract herself with cooking.

She made pancakes for the both of them,drowning her own in syrup. Elise had a sweet tooth.

I was...thinking of speaking to my brother today. Do you think it's a good idea?" She lowered her eyes to the plate. "I'm still a bit afraid that he won't forgive me but..."

Elise hesitated. She needed support in that moment,and she was growing to trust Faolin more with each passing moment.

Will you go with me,Faolin? It's okay if you can't or don't want to...But I'd really appreciate it."

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Elise nodded to Faolin and helped him to get up,walking to the kitchen with their arms locked together. Her heart raced at every step they took,and Elise cursed herself for getting attached so quickly.
Idiot idiot idiot idiot

A subtle look of fear crossed Elise's face,but she quickly suppressed it. There was no point in dueling against her heart. The wolf she was holding onto was a gentle person with a good heart. Developing feelings for him wouldn't be anything shocking. She helped Faolin to sit in one of the chairs,then quickly turned back to the oven to distract herself with cooking.

She made pancakes for the both of them,drowning her own in syrup. Elise had a sweet tooth.

"I was...thinking of speaking to my brother today. Do you think it's a good idea?" She lowered her eyes to the plate. "I'm still a bit afraid that he won't forgive me but..."

Elise hesitated. She needed support in that moment,and she was growing to trust Faolin more with each passing moment.

"Will you go with me,Faolin? It's okay if you can't or don't want to...But I'd really appreciate it."
Grabbing her hand Faolin helped himself up as he leaned on her dependently. He was stronger today but when he leaned on her he gained strength so he leaned. They walked down the hallway his heart beating loudly. He silently closed his eyes almost berating himself with falling for another female again but he couldn't help it. He almost sighed then stopped himself as she placed him in a chair. He smiled thankfully then watched her cook from behind. He relized he was staring and blushed and looked away. He blushed deeply then she finished and presented him with soaked pankackes she had a sweet tooth. She spoke and he looked at her she was looking at her plate. She was hesistating then she asked him to come with her. Looking at her he stated, "I think it's a great idea Elise. You'll have to do it eventually and of course I'll come with you." He smiled gently as he stated, "I wouldn't disappoint you." He smiled gently.

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