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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy panted shallowly and nuzzled him back, " 's find, cion" he limped to the cabin and shifted, then he grabbed a small bag and put some of his and Mickey's clothing in it, as well as a small tank top and a pair of shorts. He also grabbed a little bit of food, some leftover pizza and an apple, also a small bottle of sparkling water. He shifted and picked up the bag and met Mickey outside, "less go then." He began running towards the city at a slower pace than normal. He knew if Diana knew how much he was exerting himself she would kill him. @akumashioni
Micky waited paitently for Quincy, taking the bag from him and trotting alongside him.

He was worried about his ribs, and let him take as long as he needed.

"You think he'll like us?" Micky asked, wondering what the boy would be like.

"I'm pretty sure he'll hate everyone at first... He doesn't know us, well need to earn his trust..." He mused as they entered the city and made their way to the club, Tyrrell meet then at a side door and let them in, where Quincy promptly shifted and pulled on his cloths.

The boy was sitting on a couch in the room, he was tall for his age, and thin-very thin. He had dark olive skin and burnt colored hair, and his eyes was dark yellow, the color of a low burning candle. He looked up and saw a brown wolf and a white wolf, the white one grow into a taller red haired man with one blue eye. "Hello." He said warily. @akumashioni
MadameRedWolf said:
"I'm pretty sure he'll hate everyone at first... He doesn't know us, well need to earn his trust..." He mused as they entered the city and made their way to the club, Tyrrell meet then at a side door and let them in, where Quincy promptly shifted and pulled on his cloths.
The boy was sitting on a couch in the room, he was tall for his age, and thin-very thin. He had dark olive skin and burnt colored hair, and his eyes was dark yellow, the color of a low burning candle. He looked up and saw a brown wolf and a white wolf, the white one grow into a taller red haired man with one blue eye. "Hello." He said warily. @akumashioni
Micky shifted and pulled on his clothes as well, "thanks Tyrell." He kept behind Quincy, introducing himself to the boy, "Hey.." He didn't want to give off a bad impression, so he let Quincy do the talking.

"I'm Quincy Hau, and this is my friend and cabin mate Mickey, were here to take you back to our pack... If you wish to come."

Adrian looked at the one eyed wolf and his friend. "Are you two together?" Was Adrian's only question. He felt a small pull of satisfaction at the blush that bloomed on Quincy's cheeks. @akumashioni
MadameRedWolf said:
"I'm Quincy Hau, and this is my friend and cabin mate Mickey, were here to take you back to our pack... If you wish to come."
Adrian looked at the one eyed wolf and his friend. "Are you two together?" Was Adrian's only question. He felt a small pull of satisfaction at the blush that bloomed on Quincy's cheeks. @akumashioni
Micky slid his hand around quincys waist, "yes." He figured blunt honesty would be appreciated by the kid. "Adrian? Would you like to stay with us?" He looked at Quincy through the corner of his eye, gauging his reaction.

Quincy's eye lit with a touch of surprise that was quickly replaced with happiness. But the blush at his cheeks intensified... When had that become official? He couldn't say he was unhappy to say the least.

Adrian looked completely nonplussed at this. "I saw lots of humans being mean to the humans that came here... It's strange to be with the same gender here, isn't it? Where I'm from its as natural as a male and female creating a cub as two women loving one another, or two men..." Adrian seemed thoughtful, "yes I'd like to go with you... The music here is to loud and I can smell that you have food."

Quincy pondered where Adrian would sleep, his cabin had only two rooms... Then he remembered that Mickey would probably insist on sleeping with him again... "Here, eat first then,"

The kid pulled out a piece of pizza and the Apple and his eyes lit up, he hasn't had pizza in a long time. He inhaled the food, then drank the sparkling water in just a few seconds, before shedding the oversized robe Jet had covered him with and shifting. Jet hadn't lied when he told Quincy that Adrian's wolf was big, the wolf showed every sign of a yearling, long spindly legs ended in large paws, and ears that seemed to large for his head, but the wolf was as tall as Quincy's wolf- and Quincy's wolf was a little larger than average.

Quincy shrugged off his surprise and shifted " well go back to the cabin, it's late, but I want to take him to Diana in the morning and have him checked out, make sure he's healthy other than malnutrition. "

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MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy's eye lit with a touch of surprise that was quickly replaced with happiness. But the blush at his cheeks intensified... When had that become official? He couldn't say he was unhappy to say the least.
Adrian looked completely nonplussed at this. "I saw lots of humans being mean to the humans that came here... It's strange to be with the same gender here, isn't it? Where I'm from its as natural as a male and female creating a cub as two women loving one another, or two men..." Adrian seemed thoughtful, "yes I'd like to go with you... The music here is to loud and I can smell that you have food."

Quincy pondered where Adrian would sleep, his cabin had only two rooms... Then he remembered that Mickey would probably insist on sleeping with him again... "Here, eat first then,"

The kid pulled out a piece of pizza and the Apple and his eyes lit up, he hasn't had pizza in a long time. He inhaled the food, then drank the sparkling water in just a few seconds, before shedding the oversized robe Jet had covered him with and shifting. Jet hadn't lied when he told Quincy that Adrian's wolf was big, the wolf showed every sign of a yearling, long spindly legs ended in large paws, and ears that seemed to large for his head, but the wolf was as tall as Quincy's wolf- and Quincy's wolf was a little larger than average.

Quincy shrugged off his surprise and shifted " well go back to the cabin, it's late, but I want to take him to Diana in the morning and have him checked out, make sure he's healthy other than malnutrition. "

Micky agreed, laughing as Adrian ate. He couldn't help but smile to himself, quincys reaction was too priceless. "Right-O then.."

He waited for everyone to be ready before leaving, hoping the kid wasn't much trouble.

Quincy lead the way out as Jet thanked them, and at a slower pace brought them back to the cabin. He wasted no time in sending the kid for a shower while setting up Mickey's room with clean sheets and blankets, and moving Mickey's cloths to his room. He knew he was going to have to get the boy more clothing...

Adrian quite enjoyed his shower, the feeling of hot water cleaning the various blood and dirty from his skin was heavenly. He got out and put on the clothing that Quincy had provided him with and left the bathroom. He found that Quincy had fixed up a room for him and he felt grateful for it, he thanked the two men and crawled into the bed, and fell immidiately asleep.

Quincy stumbled into his and Mickey's bedroom and collapsed on the bed "your welcome to join me here when your really l ready." He slurred through exhaustion to Mickey. He also promptly fell asleep.

MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy lead the way out as Jet thanked them, and at a slower pace brought them back to the cabin. He wasted no time in sending the kid for a shower while setting up Mickey's room with clean sheets and blankets, and moving Mickey's cloths to his room. He knew he was going to have to get the boy more clothing...
Adrian quite enjoyed his shower, the feeling of hot water cleaning the various blood and dirty from his skin was heavenly. He got out and put on the clothing that Quincy had provided him with and left the bathroom. He found that Quincy had fixed up a room for him and he felt grateful for it, he thanked the two men and crawled into the bed, and fell immidiately asleep.

Quincy stumbled into his and Mickey's bedroom and collapsed on the bed "your welcome to join me here when your really l ready." He slurred through exhaustion to Mickey. He also promptly fell asleep.

"Be right there, choice." He sat outside on the porch for a little while, looking up at the sky. He noticed shaw walk out of the forest, naked and COVERED head to toe in blood. His heart began racing and he was frightened at the sight. He went inside and took a cold shower, the sensation unjarring his thoughts.

Once he finished, he joined Quincy in bed, wrapping his arm around him and falling asleep, breathing softly. @MadameRedWolf

Shaw woke up to the feeling of heat.

He opened his eyes and dismayed, he was inside the ruins of a burning building, looking around he noticed the remains of an entire village in flames.. "My god.. W-What have I done..?" He looked down at himself and saw all the blood, he was drenched, effectively turned red.

He ran.

He ran until he reached the borders of Luna's camp, he slowed down to catch his breath, emerging from the forest and heading to the lake, he dove in and washed himself of all the blood. He returned to his own cabin, took a shower, and lie down beside felicity in bed.

Elise stayed quiet for a long time,her face as pale as a sheet of paper as she heard Faolin's confession. She felt a mixture of fear and happiness inside her heart. The beating in her chest started to increase,and she let out all of her fears in front of Faolin.
"My first mate died and left me half destroyed. I'm impulsive,I can be really annoying sometimes. People come to me looking for someone who will make them feel alive,but they always leave in the end when they see all my flaws. You don't see anything you don't like in me now,but you will." Tears appeared in her eyes as she looked up at Faolin. "I really like you as well,Faolin. I don't think I ever found a man that is so kind and selfless at the same time. But I don't want you to leave like all the others. I don't want you to look at me one day and decide that you have to go away. Promise me that you will stay,please."
Faolin was about to walk away he felt silly and foolish especially since Elise wasn't replying but he couldn't make it back to the house by himself so he had to wait besides he wanted to here what she had to say. Her face was pale and he thought about how he could remedy that. She wasn't sick she was scared he could see it in her eyes. Elise seemed to take a deep breath then began speaking softly. It was soft at first but grew louder especially when she mentioned her flaws. He smiled of course she had flaws he hadn't said she was perfect. She said about him not seeing flaws which was correct he didn't see any. He listened to her and waited. She told him she liked him and he blushed. She mentioned his attributes and he felt his heart accelerate. His eyes twinkled slightly. She mentioned him leaving and he moved closer sensing she was nearing the end. Then she finished with asking him to promise something. He looked at her gently. Moving his hands he took both of hers then looked at her as he spoke, "I promise to never leave you Elise. I promise to always stay." He looked at her and stated, "No matter what flaws I eventually end up noticing I will not waver in my love towards you. I hope you will be the same way because like everyone I have flaws to." He smiled as he let go of her hands gently then looked at her lovingly.
Jasil said:
Luna laughed slightly as she began trying to undress her mate.
"Luckily you won't be that damaged my love."

She whispered at him as she tugged on his clothes.

@Supermegabrenda2 @loyalwolf


Caua smiles. He rips his shirt open, making her job easier. His right side is absolutely burnt, and his left side had many scars on it.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua smiles. He rips his shirt open, making her job easier. His right side is absolutely burnt, and his left side had many scars on it.​
"You did well."

She mumbled and touched his scars gently.

"I'm proud."

Luna's eyes drifted to the burns.
Jasil said:
"You did well."
She mumbled and touched his scars gently.

"I'm proud."

Luna's eyes drifted to the burns.


"I think we need to put a patch on it, no?"

He said, looking up at her. He grumbled softly as he ran her fingers through his scars.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


"I think we need to put a patch on it, no?"

He said, looking up at her. He grumbled softly as he ran her fingers through his scars.​
Luna bit her lip and nodded.

"Yes, Dante was going to treat it before we bandage it."

She reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek.
Jasil said:
Luna bit her lip and nodded.
"Yes, Dante was going to treat it before we bandage it."

She reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek.


Caua smiled softly.

"I'm going to sleep now. Fighting makes me sleepy."

He said, yawning and closing his eyes.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua smiled softly.

"I'm going to sleep now. Fighting makes me sleepy."

He said, yawning and closing his eyes.​
Luna gently pushed down Caua onto a table.

"Then rest my love, I'll be here."

Her fingers ran through his hair and she smiled
Elise nearly cried with happiness at Faolin's words,sensing the truth behind them. It had been so long since she found someone like him. Actually,no. She had never met anyone like Faolin.

"I promise I will never leave you either,my wolf."

She jumped with happiness and kissed Faolin deeply,not caring at all about the people of the clan staring at them questioningly. She was in her own bubble of happiness now,and nothing could break through.

Supermegabrenda2 said:


"I think we need to put a patch on it, no?"

He said, looking up at her. He grumbled softly as he ran her fingers through his scars.​
Jasil said:
Luna bit her lip and nodded.
"Yes, Dante was going to treat it before we bandage it."

She reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek.
"Alright love birds enough. i finished the ice bath so Caua i need you to get into the water. it going to hurt but im sure you'll be fine. i need you to stay in there for 15 mins. then after im going to scrub all the burned skin off of you so i can clean your wounds properly. So far you have been the most compliant patient i have ever had." he then looked at luna and spoke "Was he the only one hurt luna because if you need to be looked at as well its best to do it now."
Nuuch shifted once they got there and threw on his sweats, stumbling slightly to where him shoulder hit the wall. Out of respect for storm sense they had only just met he decided to go into the other room so she could shift comfortably and not worry about a guy being present. @MadameRedWolf @LittleWolf

Skip scratches the back of his head not really sure why cana gets so upset when hes only trying to help. "I was only trying to help mate, but fine. Ill stop" skip says softly as he lights a new fire and lays back next to it and watches the sky. Skip feels bad for upsetting canagan and keeps trying to understand why he was so mad about it. @Yewitz
loyalwolf said:
"Alright love birds enough. i finished the ice bath so Caua i need you to get into the water. it going to hurt but im sure you'll be fine. i need you to stay in there for 15 mins. then after im going to scrub all the burned skin off of you so i can clean your wounds properly. So far you have been the most compliant patient i have ever had." he then looked at luna and spoke "Was he the only one hurt luna because if you need to be looked at as well its best to do it now."


Caua walked over, entering the water. It stung like crazy, but he kept a straight facade. He twirled the water around, watching them silently.​
Luna shook her head.

"No one that I know of."

She crossed the room to Caua and dipped her fingers in the freezing water.

Her eyes turned mischievous and she flicked water at her mate.


Luna grinned and turned to face Dante.

"How long till he's alright again?"

@loyalwolf @Supermegabrenda2
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Jasil said:
Luna shook her head.
"No one that I know of."

She crossed the room to Caua and dipped her fingers in the freezing water.

Her eyes turned mischievous and she flicked water at her mate.


Luna grinned and turned to face Dante.

"How long till he's alright again?"

@loyalwolf @Supermegabrenda2


Caua grinned. Cupping the water in his large hands, he splashed it on the back of her head, completely soaking it. He grinned, looking between the two.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua walked over, entering the water. It stung like crazy, but he kept a straight facade. He twirled the water around, watching them silently.​
Jasil said:
Luna shook her head.
"No one that I know of."

She crossed the room to Caua and dipped her fingers in the freezing water.

Her eyes turned mischievous and she flicked water at her mate.


Luna grinned and turned to face Dante.

"How long till he's alright again?"

@loyalwolf @Supermegabrenda2
"I'd day give him about 5 days after the treatment t be fully healed. but that's only if he comes here everyday for treatment and regularly switches his bandages." he then noticed that Caua splash water at luna and gave him an amused smile. "Seems like your mate thinks his a child. i wouldn't be having so much fun Caua soon your going to be in some serious pain and your going to want Luna to comfort you." he then gave luna a wink and went off to mix the treatment.

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