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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Diana shook her head immediately,holding onto Violet and kissing her forehead.
"You are a bigger wolf than me,you need to sleep to replenish your energies." She hesitated,remembering the attack of the witch. "A witch attacked Luna's house,and I was helping with defeating her. I'm okay,you don't have to worry. It's not your fault,love. If I am alive today,it's thanks to you and Dante."

She touched the new scar in her chest,wondering if Violet found it ugly.
Looking at her mate Violet just moved closer as her mate shook her head. She couldn't help but feel responsible. She looked at her mate then sighed as she whispered, "I suppose your right love." She looked down at her mate's new scar and moved her mate's hand away to see it. She had done this to her mate. Her eyes glittered as she looked at her mate and whispered, "Your beautiful love." She touched the scar the connection between them strengthened as Violet kissed her mate and whispered, "The scar doesn't make you any less beautiful." She smiled lovingly.
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Diana felt a blush in her face,then kissed the top of Violet's head. The scar meant that she was alive,and she sent comforting feelings to Violet through her connection. She didn't want the woman she loved to feel guilty.

"Let's sneak out,my sun and stars. I feel better already and we have more important things to do at our house." Her smile had a shine of playfulness as she whispered to Violet,licking her mate softly.

Diana felt a blush in her face,then kissed the top of Violet's head. The scar meant that she was alive,and she sent comforting feelings to Violet through her connection. She didn't want the woman she loved to feel guilty.
"Let's sneak out,my sun and stars. I feel better already and we have more important things to do at our house." Her smile had a shine of playfulness as she whispered to Violet,licking her mate softly.
Feeling the comforting sensations running through her Violet smiled happily and blushed. She just sat next to her mate and watched her. Then her mate spoke her name. Her special name and Violet felt her wolf perk her ears and wag it's tail excitedly. She sighed out loud. She wanted to go with her mate who had that smile about her and plus her mate's licking was weakening her resolve. She gave in not able to win this fight. She kissed her mate back as she whispered, "I agree on one condition I get to carry you home and from now until tomorrow evening you stay in bed I want you healed and well rested before you go anywhere." She was being forceful about this as her eyes glinted daring her mate to argue.

Faolin shot upright breathing fast as he clutched himself shivering. Shaking his head he shivered with fear his body covered in nervous sweat his eyes were wide with fright. He had just had the worst nightmare of his life and since he had a couple of bad ones before it was saying a lot. It had been so horrible. He and Elise had been...pups. Shrieks screams blood. Dead all dead. NO! He snapped himself out of the flashback and sobbed loudly he would most likely wake Elise he had forgotten she was their.

Elise's eyes shot open immediately.She pushed herself to her feet and growled loudly,reacting to whatever treat that made Faolin scream. She stuck to a threatening position until she saw Faolin sobbing and gasped,turning back to her human form and pulling her dress back on.

She quickly pushed herself to the bed and embraced Faolin tightly,holding onto him like he was a safe line.

Faolin...it was a nightmare. It's all right,I'm here with you."

She whispered softly to him,running her hands through his arm in a soothing way.


Diana's lips pouted a bit at the conditions. She was a healer,and hated being hurt as she couldn't help anyone like that. But she nodded with a sigh and held onto Violet,knowing that the wolf would always win in a discussion. She nudged her mate lightly and kissed her mating mark.

"All right then,love. Let's go. I promise I will stay in bed."

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Elise's eyes shot open immediately.She pushed herself to her feet and growled loudly,reacting to whatever treat that made Faolin scream. She stuck to a threatening position until she saw Faolin sobbing and gasped,turning back to her human form and pulling her dress back on.
She quickly pushed herself to bed and embraced Faolin tightly,holding onto him like he was a safe line.

"Faolin...it was a nightmare. It's all right,I'm here with you."

She whispered softly to him,running her hands through his arm in a soothing way.


Diana's lips pouted a bit at the conditions. She was a healer,and hated being hurt as she couldn't help anyone like that. But she nodded with a sigh and held onto Violet,knowing that the wolf would always win in a discussion. She nudged her mate lightly and kissed her mating mark.

"All right then,love. Let's go. I promise I will stay in bed."
Violet smiled lovingly then kissed her mate's mark gently back. She winked then whispered, "Good love." She picked Dianna up in her arms easily being very strong for her size. Her human form was almost the same size as Dianna's only more muscular. Silently she kissed her mate again then walked towards her house. She slipped past Dante who didn't see them go which was a good thing. She slipped outside then began walking.

Faolin sobbed loudly his head in his hands. He heard a scraping sound then a rustling sound like clothes being thrown on. Elise she was still here! He had forgotten he was about to become quiet when she wrapped her strong arms around him. He sighed audibly and just allowed himself to draw comefort from the embrace. It was odd he didn't feel weird with Elise holding him like a small pup after a nightmare he felt safe. Normally his pride would have stopped him from doing this but he just clutched Elise back as he pulled himself into her and relaxed as her hands ran through his arms soothingly. He quited his body shaking slightly. He sighed and whispered, "Thank you Elise." He didn't let her go he just kept on holding her as he felt his head go onto her shoulder as he whispered, "So tired." He fell asleep in her arms again feeling safe and warm.

Elise didn't try to leave the bed this time. She kept her arms wrapped around Faolin gently. Her muscles relaxed as she felt comfort in his warmth. She sang a soft tune to help him sleep,the same music she used to sing for Geralt.

She didn't feel awkward laying in bed with Faolin. They had a connection,and she could feel the strength of it. She would be there for him for as long as he needed her to be.

Closing her own eyes,she allowed their foreheads to touch and fell asleep on Faolin's arms. They held each other,using their energy to sooth themselves.


Diana rocked gently in Violet's arms,already feeling the exhaustion of the day take over her. She talked softly as she held onto Violet with tiredness,letting all of her random thoughts flow out.

"Valissa is pregnant. I protect her babies from the witch. I guess it was the first time I killed something that wasn't a wild animal. But I don't feel guilty." She leaned
her head against Violet's body. "Back in my clan,we used to work even when we were sick. I was delirious with fever once and had twenty patients,one of them nearly died because I got the wrong medicine. My dad was so angry..."

Looking at her mate Violet listened intently as she placed her love down in a bed. She looked at her exhausted mate and began to hum gently. She stroked her mate's hair soothingly as she began to lull her mate to sleep. Her mate rambled about pregnant Valissa and killing the witch. Dianna leaned her head against her body and continued on about her clan. Violet continued humming.


Faolin although he was asleep could still hear Elise humming. It comforted him and sent the approaching dreams into blackness. Feeling his body go deeper Faolin let himself absorb Elise's humming it was weird he swore he could see her tiger standing in front of him. His wolf was circling the tiger in a friendly way wagging it's tail happily as if it had just found someone. He felt a shiver run through his spine as he heard a humming sound fill the air. A snap like sound jolted the silence but didn't wake him. It felt like a connection with whoever was holding him sleeping with him embracing him and holding him close. Elise. It all seemed surreal in his dreamland and he sort of wished it was true he slipped into completle blackness not relizing his dream was actually Elise's mind dispayed out for him.

Tears flowed down Diana's face as she spoke,the events of the night getting the best of her. She held onto Violet like it meant life or death,but her grip became softer once she focused on the soft humming. Her eyes closed against her will and she slept in her mate's arms,feeling finally safe and loved.


Elise's tiger saw the wolf enter her dream and reacted with confusion at first,then with happiness for finally have someone to spend her lonely time with. She nudged the wolf gently. It was smaller than her,and she felt comfort in it's presence. Closing her mind both in the dream and in the real world,Elise slipped into a dreamless night.

Yewitz said:
He let out a high-pitched shriek as his shirt was grabbed a hold of, and he was dragged to one of the beds. He sat down with a huff, crossing his arms and glaring at whoever made eye contact with him. "Skip, you traitooooooooor~!" He whined, falling silent when the man came over with some weird, small tool, which he found out half a second later was an Otoscope. He decided to ignore being called a whimp, and sighed. "It hurts, and I'm dizzy. Should I be telling you this?" He asked, when he heard someone say his name. He glanced over to see Diana, and waved. "I'm fine! I just tripped."


"i see well that common when you land and hurt your nose. you hurt the nasal passage which then caused the bleed. that in turn caused the headache so nothing to worry about for now. You seem to have better luck then Geralt over there and are a lot easier to fix up. im simple going to ask you to come to me if anything worsens. also im going to prescribe some simple herb painkillers for the headache. By the way if i find out that something happened to you and you didnt come to me....i will find you. also im going to stop the noose bleed just dont cry." dante quickly went to grab some vinegar and a cotton swab. he then put the swab into the vinegar and pushed it up Yewitz's nose instantly stopping the bleed. he then hand him some small little tablets that numb pain. "hey Dianna how are you feeling? same for you tiger?" @KaalysBR @Nuuchi @Yewitz
Geralt gave Dante a thumbs up and a smirk,still lying in the table. He snickered once he heard the comment about being unlucky. That was a way to describe it.

"I would be much better if you were closer to me,and if my muscles weren't burning because of the exercising."

KaalysBR said:
Geralt gave Dante a thumbs up and a smirk,still lying in the table. He snickered once he heard the comment about being unlucky. That was a way to describe it.
"I would be much better if you were closer to me,and if my muscles weren't burning because of the exercising."

"dont be a smart-ass when we have company in the cabin. and we are moving to the next excercie." he then grabbed some ankle weighs and placed them on geralts legs. he also took the medcine ball and throw it away from them.

"I need you move your legs up and down. Maybe if you do well enough ill reward you with kiss and a trip outside." dante smirk knowing

he was being a tease. he also want to speak with shaw about his illness and a possible cure. but he didnt want to go there without geralt by his

"Evil wolf spawn. I only do this because you're lovely." Geralt took a glance at the ankle weights,knowing too well how they felt strapped there. He had run miles with those,but right now his legs felt jelly. He touched one of the many scars,the only bite Lino got through before Geralt broke his neck.

Brushing the memory away,he forced his leg up. He ached with rage for thinking about Lino. The kid died because his father was an idiot. Geralt kept moving his legs up and down,not realizing that his hands were bending the metal table under him.

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KaalysBR said:
"Evil wolf spawn. I only do this because you're lovely." Geralt took a glance at the ankle weights,knowing too well how they felt strapped there. He had run miles with those,but right now his legs felt jelly. He touched one of the many scars,the only bite Lino got through before Geralt broke his neck.
Brushing the memory away,he forced his leg up. He ached with rage for thinking about Lino. The kid died because his father was an idiot. Geralt kept moving his legs up and down,not realizing that his hands were bending the metal table under him.

"I'm not evil tiger, i am increasingly charming and good-looking...your just jealous." dante smirked but then noticed how geralt was acting. Hmmm it seems My tiger is having some PTSD and some extreme emotion distress.

Dante started to yell at Geralt to calm him down " Hey tiger watch yourself. if you break my table ill break your neck." dante frowned at his own choose of word. sometimes he feels his attitude is very off putting and wishes to be nicer and made gentler. it makes him doubt how geralt can like him so much and if they will actually last.
Geralt suddenly pulled the ankle weights away from his legs and pushed himself to the ground,standing upright for the first time since the attack. He stumbled to the back of Dante's house,not wanting the visitors to see him as he knew exactly what was about to happen.

He turned to the wall and broke down,crying with his head against the surface. That reaction had been boiling down since the first day,but he had been deflecting it with humor and flirting. Now it all exploded at once as he sobbed.

"Lino...Lino was sixteen. Marcus was the nicest guy in the world..."

KaalysBR said:
Geralt suddenly pulled the ankle weights away from his legs and pushed himself to the ground,standing upright for the first time since the attack. He stumbled to the back of Dante's house,not wanting the visitors to see him as he knew exactly what was about to happen.
He turned to the wall and broke down,crying with his head against the surface. That reaction had been boiling down since the first day,but he had been deflecting it with humor and flirting. Now it all exploded at once as he sobbed.

"Lino...Lino was sixteen. Marcus was the nicest guy in the world..."

dante was quick to react to geralt. "everyone stay put and dont break anything. also dont follow me or else!!" he ran as fast as he could until

he came to a stop when he saw geralt crying. "Oh tiger whats wrong...talk to me please...i dont want to see you like this."

he then rush over to geralt and hugged him tight. he let geralt cry and comforted him the best way possible. he hummed lightly to help him relax. "let it all out tiger...dont worry i got you. nothing that happened is your fault, your a victim just like them."
Geralt slid to the ground,still sobbing as he felt Dante's arms wrap around him. He had been meaning to keep all that pain to himself,but now he nearly chocked in it as he felt the feeling burn his chest.

"I'm a murderer,Dante. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve anyone. I had a choice and I chose to kill all of them. I'm a monster."

He felt the light humm in his ears and sobbed against Dante's chest,crying until he felt his throat hurt and himself get dry. Then he simply stopped and stayed still,his eyes red as he looked at the ground.

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KaalysBR said:
Geralt slid to the ground,still sobbing as he felt Dante's arms wrap around him. He had been meaning to keep all that pain to himself,but now he nearly chocked in it as he felt the feeling burn his chest.
"I'm a murderer,Dante. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve anyone. I had a choice and I chose to kill all of them. I'm a monster."

He felt the light humm in his ears and sobbed against Dante's chest,crying until he felt his throat hurt and himself get dry. Then he simply stopped and stayed still,his eyes red as he looked at the ground.

"You are not a murder. if you let them live who knows what could of happened to your sister or to me or even worse to tyr. the fact is they were loyal to there alpha so they would of stopped at nothing for him. you had to do what you had to do to protect yourself and the people you love.is it the most pleasant thing in ht world...no but sometimes we as people must carry the burden for those we love. You dont have to carry it alone tho tiger, im here to help you carry this until the end. you are someone very special to me and i want to be there for you no matter what." dante spoke these words to geralt with such wisdom but also kindness and care that it was poetic, dante didn't know how or when geralt was able to sneak his way this deep into dante's but he will do whatever it take to help him and be there for him. "let get some fresh air, maybe go to the lake and take a swim. that just help you out."
Geralt nodded silently as he pushed himself up with difficulty,his gaze slightly unfocused as he pulled Dante up and walked to the river,holding onto the wolf for support.

He felt empty after finally letting out the pain that had been eating at his heart. The only thing that seemed to be able to reach out to his heart was the tone of Dante's voice as he spoke to him. It felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders,and maybe he was finally ready to move on.

When they arrived at the river,Geralt turned to Dante without any hesitation,looking down at his eyes.

"I love you,Dante."

He didn't wait for a reply as he sat close to the river,his eyes following the little waves on the surface.

KaalysBR said:
Geralt nodded silently as he pushed himself up with difficulty,his gaze slightly unfocused as he pulled Dante up and walked to the river,holding onto the wolf for support.
He felt empty after finally letting out the pain that had been eating at his heart. The only thing that seemed to be able to reach out to his heart was the tone of Dante's voice as he spoke to him. It felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders,and maybe he was finally ready to move on.

When they arrived at the river,Geralt turned to Dante without any hesitation,looking down at his eyes.

"I love you,Dante."

He didn't wait for a reply as he sat close to the river,his eyes following the little waves on the surface.

Dante smiled at Geralt with such admiration and love but he didn't say i love you back to geralt. he hoped that the look was enough for him atleast for now. he gave his boyfriend a kiss and just held him as tight as possible. "Tiger, you dont need to hold back your emotions from me. im here to help you with anything you need remember that." dante start to take off his tank top and help geralt take ff his shirt. "Lets take a swim. ill hold on to you so you can just relax. let everything go and let your feels at peace darling. Know what happened is over with and now its time to look froward to your new life and what is in store for you."
Storm watched the clearing in front of the cabins, watching people come and go. She was curious, but not enough to reveal herself. In her wolf form, she could smell that none of them were human. That made her feel a little bit more safe. She continued to watch them from behind the cluster of trees that she had discovered.
Geralt saw the feelings in Dante's eyes and he didn't really need words. Nothing that he said could explain what he was feeling in his heart. He didn't feel empty anymore as he felt Dante grab tightly onto him.

"I won't do that anymore,I promise. I will be honest with you about all my feelings. I want to have a relationship built on honesty. And I want to have a new life with you "

He entered the water with Dante,stretching on the river with a sigh of content. He held onto Dante as they floated,kissing him gently.

Nuuch blinked a cpl times then yawned big "im in and out" he said playfully then gave her a kiss on her head. He slowly remembered everything as his usual wake up. Right when he remembered valissa being pregnant his eyes perked open "you need something sweetheart?" @MadameRedWolf
"Hm. I am hungry..." she mused, "Lets go to the hall and get something to eat, does that sound nice?" she tipped her head as she asked. ((I think we should try and include the new wolf now O.o )) @Nuuchi
"That sounds wonderful, can you walk? I dont mind to carry you again if you need me to" nuuch has clearly developed stronger protective feelings towards valissa now that she is pregnant. (Thats perfectly fine with me) @MadameRedWolf

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