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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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KaalysBR said:
Geralt sighed,trying his best not to let out a grunt of pain as Dante stretched out his limbs.
"Yeah...we are kinda open with that. Although I really would prefer not to talk about my Alpha's sexual life. He wants me dead but he is my...father." His voice lowered at the last word,and Geralt looked away from Dante to hide the look on his face. He only looked back up as Dante mentioned being average. He pulled the wolf gently,looking into his eyes. "There is one thing you're not,and it's average. You've been saving lives for years. The only reason I am alive is you. Both for patching me up and for putting decent ideas in my head. I couldn't choose anyone better to be my Beta,not only because you're intelligent and sharp,but also because you're the only person I trust completely. So don't talk to me about someone else. There is no one else. I only want you,and if you deny it I'm not looking for another person."

"Look Geralt I appreciate you faith in me and your trust. But I lost the chance to be a high rank we I ran away as my family got slaughtered. There no way you clan will accept me after they learn that. As you boyfriend I'm grateful for your offer but as a wolf I have to let you know that I'm not meant to be a beta." Dante gave him a quick kiss since he was done with the speeches. He then brought over a machine meant to test Geralt current lung strength. " blow in The machine and try to maintain a good air flow. As try to make sure you blowing with some force." @KaalysBR
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Geralt sighed,disappointment obvious in his expression. But he respected Dante's opinion,and wouldn't keep insisting on something he didn't want.

"What happened to your clan isn't your fault,but the choice is yours and I won't keep insisting in something you don't want to do. I will drop the matter...for now."

He watched Dante grab the machine,a weird tingling sensation in his right hand. He moved his fingers with distraction.

He kept his eyes on Dante as he blowed into the machine,trying to keep his breathing leveled. It seemed to spike whenever Dante was close by,but he controlled it.

Quincy stretched, his shoulders and elbows popped, he grunted in pleasure as the stiffness went away. His eye was dark as he turned, "Skip, there is a burn area at the far edge of the lake on the border of the territory, let's go there." Quincy went towards the area, knowing Skip and Mickey would follow, it had been a while since he wanted a cigarette, but good did he want one now... "Week stop by the supply shed on the way and get some gasoline for fuel." @Nuuchi @akumashioni

Valissa cuddled against him with a contended sigh
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MadameRedWolf said:
Mickey stretched, his shoulders and elbows popped, he grunted in pleasure as the stiffness went away. His eye was dark as he turned, "Skip, there is a burn area at the far edge of the lake on the border of the territory, let's go there." Quincy went towards the area, knowing Skip and Mickey would follow, it had been a while since he wanted a cigarette, but good did he want one now... "Week stop by the supply shed on the way and get some gasoline for fuel." @Nuuchi @akumashioni
Valissa cuddled against him with a contended sigh
Micky did indeed follow, right behind Quincy.

"Sounds like a plan to me, choice."

He didn't want to touch the dead body or anything, but he would watch it burn.

Storm walked around the forest, and soon came across the pack's cabins. She could smell them. Some of them were obviously hurt. She wondered where the alpha was. It didn't really matter though. She went back into the forest a little bit, still in the sight of almost anyone in the area in front of the cabins.
Quincy entered a storage shed and found an old Zippo lighter and a can of gasoline. His eye lit up when he saw a discarded pack of cigarettes, he grabbed it and opened it finding three there, and pocketed it. He turned and smiled darkly at Mickey, "ready for a bonfire, cion?" He then turned to Skip, "were almost there." @Nuuchi @akumashioni

Valissa fell asleep against Nuuch like that wrapped in his arms.
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy entered a storage shed and found an old Zippo lighter and a can of gasoline. His eye lit up when he saw a discarded pack of cigarettes, he grabbed it and opened it finding three there, and pocketed it. He turned and smiled darkly at Mickey, "ready for a bonfire, cion?" He then turned to Skip, "were almost there." @Nuuchi @akumashioni
Valissa fell asleep against Nuuch like that wrapped in his arms.
"Yea, watching this bloke burn.." He put his hands in his pockets and smiled at Quincy, "Wonder where that witch ran off to."
Quincy smirked, "obviously the alphas and Shaw were too much for her, I don't foresee her returning here, witches are near bloody impossible to kill, and Shaw almost succeeded, usually only another witch, or Someone who knows enchanting can kill a witch." He explained. @akumashioni
"No worries mate, this lion aint as heavy as it looks" skip says not realising his own strength again. "For every good, there is always a bad" skip never likes to think about his past. The fact the he was once considered part of 'the bad' however he knows he'll never escape it @MadameRedWolf @akumashioni
Canagan was trailing behind them, his hands crossed behind his back. He shifted his gaze to the ground. He seemed completely focused there, until letting out a shriek when something seemed to be thrown against him, making him fall to the ground face first. When he looked up, with a noticeable groan of pain, all he saw was the behind of a small cat disappearing into the trees. Canaga quickly scrambled to his feet, and ran forwards and ahead of Skip and the other two before they could take any notice or question what happened. Cana could feel blood running from his nose, but didn't honestly care enough to stop.




I think?????? idk
Quincy turned, "what happened to Canagan?" He shook his head, "we should go find him after we burn this fucker." He lead Skip and Mickey to where there was a large charred area, there were a few charred wolf skills and about of burned sticks, "Valissa told me a while ago they was a shifter who came here and some evil ones followed him, when they were killed they were burned here... At least that's what Val told me" he shrugged. He pulled one of the cigarettes from his pocket and placed it between his lips, and the lighter. He set the can of fuel down before lighting his cigarette, "just toss the fucker down there somewhere, if you will Skip." @akumashioni @Nuuchi
"alrighty then" skip says just before dropping the lion with a bit of a slam for safety precaution. skips eyes darted into the direction canagan had ran trying to spot him. "no disrespect" he began saying but he was clearly distracted "but if ya guys are ok, id kind of like to go look for cana. I made a promise to him ya know. @MadameRedWolf @Yewitz @akumashioni
"No problem man, thanks for doing that for us." He waved at Skip before turning to Mickey, "do you want to pour the gas on it out me? He asked, his eye glowing with excitement. @akumashioni
Canagan had eventually found another tree and climbed up it, where he finally rested, sitting down on a branch and leaning against the trunk while he wiped at his bleeding nose. "Hell.." He whined, wincing when he touched it.
Diana nearly cried with relief once she heard Violet's voice in her mind,immediately feeling more comfortable than before. She ignored the advice to stay down as she ran to Dante's door and pulled it open,burying her face in Violet's hair as she hugged her tightly.
"My sun and stars..."

The pain and tiredness of the chest wound and nearly being controlled caught to her,and Diana's arms lost their force as she fainted in Violet's arms.


Elise had grown to be fond of Faolin,which is why she already disliked whoever hurt him and made him so sad. Something told her that it wasn't like her own case. It was different,more complicated. She worried about him as he closed his eyes then smiled as he opened them again.

"I'd say that we should be getting drunk,but you're still sick so no alcohol. I will make us some pineapple juice,no probs."

She quickly walked to the kitchen and made some pineapple juice,putting some sugar in Faolin's and none on her own. She walked back to him and placed the cup in front of him.

"Okay then. You can tell me the entire story,I don't mind. It's okay if Alec comes back...we're not doing anything forbidden...for now."

Her blue eyes shone with playfulness.
Looking at Dianna Violet smiled as she held her mate then picked her up sideways in her arms. She knew her mate shouldn't be up. Also her mate had just feinted. Placing her wolf inside her mate's mind she began feeding her love some of her energy as she placed her mate on a nearby bed and sat watching her love patiently.

Faolin looked at Elise and smiled as he took the pineapple juice and drank some as he winked at her playfully as he stated, "Don't tempt me. I also don't drink. Well let's start at the beginning. I was the guard of my old pack and then my alpha female tried to seduce me. Let's say it didn't go over well and I got kicked out of that pack and came here. I became a guard then I met Kira. Thought she was meant for me. Then a lot of things happened. Our Alpha became crazy after a mountain lion attacked and he nearly killed me. I became a healer and after a while I tried again with Kira but she was less then interested. So I am here now after a break down and nearly two years of being at the pack I have hardly gotten any sleep and I always watched after everyone else. It caught up to me finally and well you know the rest." He smiled then drank more of his pinnaple juice.

"no worries my friend" skip says with a nod. then he shifts to bear form and takes off towards canagan. hes pretty sure hes the only bear that wears sweatpants so it shouldn't be hard for someone to recognize him. "canagan!" skip shouts "canagan! where are ya mate?" @MadameRedWolf @Yewitz
Elise nodded at the story,absorbing the details into her mind with care. He was interesting,this man. She focused in his words fully,then frowned lightly as he finished the tale.

Honestly,I don't understand how any person wouldn't be interested in someone like you-"

She stopped herself and coughed,blushing intensely. Elise suffered from a serious problem of a big mouth. She turned back to Faolin with a smile.

Don't worry,Faolin. Love doesn't come only once in a person's life. I'm sure you will find a nice girl to be with. And this time,you have me to take care of you. I will make sure to watch out so that you aren't working too hard and not taking care of yourself." She held his hand and smiled. "Friends,right?"

He perked up when he heard his name being called, and he easily recognized it as Skip. Canagan looked down to see Skip, knowimg it was him by the sweatpants, and let out a tiny squeak, lifting an arm to wave it. "I'm right here," He called down, sounding like his nose was stuffed. Which, in a way, he supposed, it was.

Skip shifts back to human and stands up. "What happened to ya mate?" He calls up to him "ya had me worried" skip trying to seem calm but you could clearly see worriness in his expression @Yewitz
"Worried? About me?" He cocked an eyebrow, as he started climbing down again. He was feeling quite dizzy now, the bleeding hadn't stopped yet. "I, er, just fell and got startled. Sorry for, y'know.. Worrying you."

Elise nodded at the story,absorbing the details into her mind with care. He was interesting,this man. She focused in his words fully,then frowned lightly as he finished the tale.
"Honestly,I don't understand how any person wouldn't be interested in someone like you-"

She stopped herself and coughed,blushing intensely. Elise suffered from a serious problem of a big mouth. She turned back to Faolin with a smile.

"Don't worry,Faolin. Love doesn't come only once in a person's life. I'm sure you will find a nice girl to be with. And this time,you have me to take care of you. I will make sure to watch out so that you aren't working too hard and not taking care of yourself." She held his hand and smiled. "Friends,right?"
Looking at her Faolin waited as he finished for her to replied. She frowned when he finished then began to speak. He listened. When she complimented him he blushed deeply then looked away then so she didn't see it. He looked down then looked at her as he listened as she mentioned a nice girl he looked at her and blushed intently. She was blushing deeply as well then she smiled at him. She held his hand and asked a question as he stated, "Yes of course Elise were friends." He smiled at her then added, "Even if you can kick my butt." He chuckled as he looked at her in the eyes then closed his tired.
"Just how ya went barreling past us like that mate" skip watched as he climbed down "youre bleeding pretty bad there, an all ya did was trip? Mustve been some trip mate." Skip notices him being a little disoriented. "You want me to carry you back?" He asks reaching out @Yewitz
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