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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy glanced at Skip, "I just planned on setting the Bastard on fire." He growled, his tail lowered angrily, he awaited Luna's and Cauas response.
@Nuuchi @Jasil

Valissa smiled up at Nuuch and put her hand over his, "I can't wait my love... We're... We're going to be parents" @Nuuchi
Fucking love how the first post was like dark and then the second was like

"Imma be a daddy!"
As Storm still was in the cave for most of the day, the evil presence seemingly disappeared. The blood smell was still there, but it was fading. She decided this was the best time to go out and explore this weird occurrence.
Felicity had Inka-Grace in her arms on Luna's couch, asleep with the baby cuddled close. It probably wasn't best if they suddenly under went an attack, and the woman was asleep, completely unable to protect the child in her slumber. But, she was sleeping pretty lightly.

Felicity wasn't even aware that Shaw had changed into his wolf form, but she knew that if he had, he would be going crazy. She did hope he wasn't terrorising anyone in the pack. That may prove an issue. All she wished was that he was okay and left unharmed.

In her sleep, her plump lips pushed out into a pout, and her large eyes were finally shut, hiding her pale onyx eyes. Her body was curled up tightly into one corner of the couch, and she had Inka comfortably laying on top of her chest, with Felicity holding her there.
Canagan was still in the tree, eyes wide as he watched. Immediately afterwards the scene, he slid down the tree and raced over to where Skip was, reaching up to place a hand on his arm, "I'm allowed to come back down, right?" He asked, a nervous smile on his face.

Jasil said:
Luna glanced up at her mate and saw his wounds.
With a gasp she immediately went to his side.

"We've got to get you to Dante, or-or Diana!"

She began pulling him towards the cabins



Caua followed Luna, winging slightly as he walked after her​
Luna went into her own Cabin.

"Diana! Diana where are you?"

She looked around frantically but then saw Diana's state.

"Oh gods, what happened here?"
Sorry I'm insanely busy and trying my hardest to give replys
nuuch ran his fingers through valissas hair. smiling softly and kisses her belly. "anything I can get for you while you rest?"

Skip thinks quickly "well....in case you wanted to uh... move it..elsewhere" he manages to get out. then he hears canagan call out to him "well of course you can, Yug-yug-yug! you never had to go up there in the first place" he says smiling up at him "you can even jump if ya'd like, ill catch ya" he seems really enjoys canagans company because he cant really figure him out and he found that interesting @MadameRedWolf @Yewitz
Valissa smiled up at him, "your company." And she popped him down to lay with her and curled up next to him. @Nuuchi

"Hmm. What do you think, Mickey, should we move it to a less likely area for it to showed the fire?" He turned asking Mickey what his opinion was, "or should we set the fucker on for here and now?" @akumashioni
Dante was in the kitchen making a special herb elixir. With all the chaos, he still has a promise to complete. He was going to fix Geralt better then ever. The mixture he made would taste gross but it will help Geralt. He went over to him "hey how are you doing tiger? I made you a drink that should help with recovery and damage. Just drink it and don't you dare through up." @KaalysBR
Geralt frowned when Dante came to him with a mixture that made him want to throw up just by looking at it.

"You know,if I weren't your boyfriend I wouldn't be doing this. This is boyfriend privilege. Just let me get a taste of something good before I go into that."

He pushed himself up and kissed Dante before dropping back to the table. He picked the mixture in his right hand,looking at it with a grimace,then muttered something about wolves being weird. Geralt drank it all in one go and hissed lightly,keeping himself from spitting it.

"You know,this isn't half as bad as the weird shit they made us drink in the pack I was born. Glad I am over that."

KaalysBR said:
Geralt frowned when Dante came to him with a mixture that made him want to throw up just by looking at it.
"You know,if I weren't your boyfriend I wouldn't be doing this. This is boyfriend privilege. Just let me get a taste of something good before I go into that."

He pushed himself up and kissed Dante before dropping back to the table. He picked the mixture in his right hand,looking at it with a grimace,then muttered something about wolves being weird. Geralt drank it all in one go and hissed lightly,keeping himself from spitting it.

"You know,this isn't half as bad as the weird shit they made us drink in the pack I was born. Glad I am over that."

"glad you likw it. it was just sap, roots some bark and herb leafs. your going to take that mixture twice a day.

once in the moring then once at night, plus i have a second mixture for you. its going to be a more powerful mixture."

he then began to move the limb and check the damage done on them from the attack. he gave geralt a small smile

"when you become alpha of your cat clan, what will they think of you date a Male. A male wolf for that?"
Geralt snickered loudly at the question,smirking to Dante as he examined him.

"Is that a problem with you wolves? My dad has been bringing guys to his cabin for years now. Everyone knows. Nobody cares." He bit his lower lip for a moment,looking down at Dante's hands. "The fact that you are a wolf might raise some eyebrows,but it doesn't really matter. They will listen to me,Dante. The junction of our clans could be a good way to stop wars. You're not simply my boyfriend,you're my Beta. I care about your opinions,and they will as well."

MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa smiled up at him, "your company." And she popped him down to lay with her and curled up next to him. @Nuuchi
"Hmm. What do you think, Mickey, should we move it to a less likely area for it to showed the fire?" He turned asking Mickey what his opinion was, "or should we set the fucker on for here and now?" @akumashioni
"I say we do it off camp, the stench and what not..." He put his hands in his pockets and looked around, feeling a little uncomfortable with all the recent activity. @MadameRedWolf
Dante looked at him with curious eyes. " your father, who the alpha of the pack, was bringing home random men. And no one In the pack questioned his actions?" He then had a look of shock and slight discomfort when he mentioned being his beta. "I'm not meant to be a beta Geralt. I don't have want it take. Plus there no way I can let you make me your beta when there are so many better candidates out there. At one point in my life being a high ranking wolf was my dream but that dream died when my pack got destroyed. In content being just your average healer." He then bagan to help Geralt stretch out his limbs to help build strength back into them. @KaalysBR
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Geralt sighed,trying his best not to let out a grunt of pain as Dante stretched out his limbs.

"Yeah...we are kinda open with that. Although I really would prefer not to talk about my Alpha's sexual life. He wants me dead but he is my...father." His voice lowered at the last word,and Geralt looked away from Dante to hide the look on his face. He only looked back up as Dante mentioned being average. He pulled the wolf gently,looking into his eyes. "There is one thing you're not,and it's average. You've been saving lives for years. The only reason I am alive is you. Both for patching me up and for putting decent ideas in my head. I couldn't choose anyone better to be my Beta,not only because you're intelligent and sharp,but also because you're the only person I trust completely. So don't talk to me about someone else. There is no one else. I only want you,and if you deny it I'm not looking for another person."

Valissa laughed and curled up to him, "I'm so happy we found one another, my sun and stars.. " she spoke into his neck. @Nuuchi

"Good idea Cion," he rumbled to Mickey then turned to Skip, "yes we could use your help big guy..." He shifted and went to the edge of the clearing and pulled on a pair of discarded sweat pants. @akumashioni @Nuuchi
"Its clear we were simply meant to be. even being captured as a pup couldnt keep me apart from my one true love." Nuuch says back to her while hes softly running his hand up and down her back.

"Alrighty then, the name is skip by the way" he says as he lifts the lion up on his shoulder. @MadameRedWolf @akumashioni

alsoaaaasorry for takingeternITYihadtogotomybrothersgrad


Canagan had quickly shaken his head with a squeak at Skip's offer, and quickly made his way down, landing on a root with a small "thump."

He headed closer, though kept his distance when Skip lifted up the lion. Cana stayed silent, deciding to simply stare ahead of him, occasionally glance over to Skip, until they got back.


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