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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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"Mm," He sighed, moving closer when he spoke. "Yeah.. Face-first.. And I'm bleeding that bad?" He wiped his nose with his hand again, groaning in disgust at the blood visible. "No, you don't have to carry me. I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own."

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KaalysBR said:
Geralt sighed,disappointment obvious in his expression. But he respected Dante's opinion,and wouldn't keep insisting on something he didn't want.
"What happened to your clan isn't your fault,but the choice is yours and I won't keep insisting in something you don't want to do. I will drop the matter...for now."

He watched Dante grab the machine,a weird tingling sensation in his right hand. He moved his fingers with distraction.

He kept his eyes on Dante as he blowed into the machine,trying to keep his breathing leveled. It seemed to spike whenever Dante was close by,but he controlled it.

Dante grabbed a clipboard and began to take notes if Geralt full physical. He wrote notes down and made sure then he had every statistic down. "It not that it wasn't my fault.its that I couldn't do anything to help but run away. Plus that same pack is out there and I can't do anything to them. How can I be a beta knowing that."
"Well, i guess we should get back then, huh? Unless ya got something else in mind. " Skip says as he shuffles his hands into his pockets being sure to pay attention to canagan in case it gets worse @Yewitz
"Uhh, like what?" He looked at him with a now blank expression, shifting from side to side like he couldn't stay in place. When Skip began to move, he let out a squeak before attempting to go after him. He would've kept going, but his legs tensed and buckled, and he fell with another surprised shriek.

"Good enough on your a own eh?" Skip says with a small laugh "come here mate" skip lifts him off the ground and puts canagan on his back "come, we can have the packs doc check you out real quick" @Yewitz
He whined in complaint as he was lifted up onto the other's back, but quickly fell silent. He sniffled a lot along the way, looping his arms around Skip's neck so he didn't fall off. "Okay.." Canagan sighed, closing his eyes, waiting for them to get back.

When they got there, he slowly lifted his head with another small groan. "Wait, Skip.. My nose is just bleeding... It's just bleeding, I think I'm fine.." He murmured, lifting a hand to poke him on the top of the head.

Nuuchi said:
They walk for a bit making it back to camp and skip walks up to dantes door and knocks "hello?" He says while knocking again "anyone here? @Yewitz @loyalwolf
Dante looked troward the door and answers back. "Yeh there two of us here. Please come in. If you have an medical problems sit on one of the medical beds and I'll be right with you." Dante looks at Geralt and give him a smirk. "I need you to help rebuild muscle strength. I have a medicine ball I need you to work with. It only a two pounder for now. But as you improve you'll move up to the bigger ones." He gave him a kiss and moved on to the new guy. @Nuuchi @KaalysBR
"I'm just saying," He began, "My nose is only bleeding. It's not necessary to come here.. We can just patch it up somewhere else.. If I can find an empty cabin.. Or," With a sigh, he slid off of Skip's back and slowly made his way closer to the door and opened it, walking in. He looked over to the two talking, eyes widening when one of them gave the other a small kiss. He walked away, and coughed. "I just want to see if you have tissues or something. Nose is... Er, bleeding.." He leaned against the wall as he said that, not wanting to appear weak.


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Elise chuckled lightly and nodded.

"You haven't given me a reason to kick your ass yet. Thank you for that."

She noticed that Faolin was getting tired and walked to his chair,pulling him up gently. She smiled down to him as she dragged him to what she imagined was his room.

Time for you to get some rest. Don't worry,I will be here all the time."

She walked to the bed and ended up falling on it along with Faolin,which caused her to laugh out loud. She pulled herself up then stretched.

I hope you don't mind if I stretch a little."

Elise didn't explain what she meant until she ran off to another room and came back as a big white tiger,her blue eyes still having the same colour and happiness of the human. She laid down and stretched,her big paws scratching the ground lightly. She allowed her body to drop near Faolin's bed and kept a close eye on him.

Skip ducks in sideways right behind canagan. "Nothin wrong with getting help mate, this mans trained to help others get their health back. Only reason i brought ya here first was because ya fell right in front of me. Weve only just begun to know eachother and ill not lose ya this early" skip wasnt trying to sound over bearing but hes always been one to speak his mind no matter the situation @Yewitz
Yewitz said:
"I'm just saying," He began, "My nose is only bleeding. It's not necessary to come here.. We can just patch it up somewhere else.. If I can find an empty cabin.. Or," With a sigh, he slid off of Skip's back and slowly made his way closer to the door and opened it, walking in. He looked over to the two talking, eyes widening when one of them gave the other a small kiss. He walked away, and coughed. "I just want to see if you have tissues or something. Nose is... Er, bleeding.." He leaned against the wall as he said that, not wanting to appear weak.

dante looked at him with scrutinizing eyes. " well since your medically trained im sure you can tell me weather its an anterior or posterior noose bleed. if you answer that question right then ill let you take a tissue and be on your way. if not then sit on a medical bed and let me do my job of examining your nose. Or there the third opinion of me just dragging you over to the bed, possible break a few bones just so i can fix them up again." he was trying to get across that if the guy was hurt to just admit it or suffer dante's wrath. he doesnt care how strong or cool someone thinks there are, they would not stop him from doing his job. "thank you fro bring the stubborn guy to me." @Nuuchi @Yewitz @KaalysBR
Elise chuckled lightly and nodded.
"You haven't given me a reason to kick your ass yet. Thank you for that."

She noticed that Faolin was getting tired and walked to his chair,pulling him up gently. She smiled down to him as she dragged him to what she imagined was his room.

"Time for you to get some rest. Don't worry,I will be here all the time."

She walked to the bed and ended up falling on it along with Faolin,which caused her to laugh out loud. She pulled herself up then stretched.

"I hope you don't mind if I stretch a little."

Elise didn't explain what she meant until she ran off to another room and came back as a big white tiger,her blue eyes still having the same colour and happiness of the human. She laid down and stretched,her big paws scratching the ground lightly. She allowed her body to drop near Faolin's bed and kept a close eye on him.
Looking at her Faolin smiled as he replied, "Your welcome Elise." He looked at her as he closed his eyes then felt her lift him gently. He helped her with his heavy body. He said nothing as she carried him to his room. When she placed him down she told him to rest. Silently he looked at her and smiled gently as he almost stated, "Yes mother but refrained." He closed his eyes as she fell on the bed with him and laughed loudly. He looked at her and laughed with her. She was beautiful he almost said it out loud." He looked at her as she stated she was going to stretch. He closed his eyes then heard the sound of stealthy padding. He looked up and stopped and gawked slightly at her tiger form for a second then stated, "Your quite beautiful Elise." He blushed then stated, "Sorry your tiger just seems to captivate me." He blushed again then laid down as he stated, "Ignore me if I offend you."
"You are evil,baby." Geralt chuckled lightly,watching him making questions for the young boy who just entered and threatening to break his bones. He smiled to him,leaning sideways on his bed. "Don't worry,Dante can be a sweetheart as well."

@Yewitz @loyalwolf
Elise was surprised but delighted at the compliment,her blush showing even through her white fur. If cats could smile,she was definitely smiling.

Thank you! Of course you didn't offend me. I bet your wolf form isn't so bad as well. Bet you look cute."

She turned on her back and purred lightly,happy to be near the company of Faolin.

When you feel better,we are going to take a stroll around the forest. Also...this house needs a bit of fresh air."

She walked around and pulled a few windows open,letting the fresh air and light of the sun come in. The house already looked more cheerful,and she did a mental note to clean it later as well.

loyalwolf said:
dante looked at him with scrutinizing eyes. " well since your medically trained im sure you can tell me weather its an anterior or posterior noose bleed. if you answer that question right then ill let you take a tissue and be on your way. if not then sit on a medical bed and let me do my job of examining your nose. Or there the third opinion of me just dragging you over to the bed, possible break a few bones just so i can fix them up again." he was trying to get across that if the guy was hurt to just admit it or suffer dante's wrath. he doesnt care how strong or cool someone thinks there are, they would not stop him from doing his job. "thank you fro bring the stubborn guy to me." @Nuuchi @Yewitz @KaalysBR
Canagan stared at him in shock, already frightened. He held his hand to his nose, like it would stop the bleeding, and inched torwards the door where Skip was, already wanting to escape. "Yeah. Nothing. I'm fine, nevermind," He squeaked, not even listening to Geralt or whatever Skip had said. This man was already terrifying and he'd met him five seconds ago! Canagan would rather bleed out and die than get his nose checked. "'Kaybye."



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Diana woke up in the medical bed,looking around with some confusion until she noticed Violet nearby. She sighed with relief and embraced her white wolf,keeping her arms tightly wrapped around her.

That's when she noticed Canagan,and the blood coming out of his nose. She blinked with worry,pulling herself to a sitting position.

"Canagan...are you okay? What happened?"

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Yewitz said:
Canagan stared at him in shock, already frightened. He held his hand to his nose, like it would stop the bleeding, and inched torwards the door where Skip was, already wanting to escape. "Yeah. Nothing. I'm fine, nevermind," He squeaked, not even listening to Geralt or whatever Skip had said. This man was already terrifying and he'd met him five seconds ago! Canagan would rather bleed out and die than get his nose checked. "'Kaybye."


dante snickered and was having no of what Canagan was putting out. he reach him and grabbed him by the back his shirt. "It's been a while

since i had a patient i had to force to be checked out." he then began to drag him to the medical bed and placed him on it gently. he grab an otoscope he brought it over to the patient. "Look all im going to do is make sure the bleed isnt anything serious. This is an Otoscope and all im going to do it put it up your nose so i can get a closer look. then im going to offer you some tissue and a painkiller if it isnt anything serious. now stop being a whimp and let me do my job." he then looked over to geralt and said "As for you, shut up and do you exercises. Just cause im your boyfriend doesnt mean im going to treat you any different when it come to medical issues." @KaalysBR @Yewitz @Nuuchi
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Quincy raised an eyebrow, "I was going to throw my cigarette on it, but whatever floats your boat cion." He stooped down and picked up the jug and began dumping zealous amounts on the body. "Stupid Bastard, " he muttered, "teach you to fuck with my pack...." He sounded almost ashamed that he had been unable to help, under his bindings his ribs had begun to swell from overuse. I'm fucking useless... What use is a wolf who can't fight? His thoughts record in his head @akumashioni
"Fat chance buddy" skip says holding canagan back and sitting in front of the door. "Youre tough i get it mate, but the only way youre leaving is if somehow ya manage to move me out from the door, or ya just go have the professional look at it." Skip sees the stubbornness in canagan, but he proves to be more stubborn by refusing to move from the door @Yewitz @loyalwolf @KaalysBR
He let out a high-pitched shriek as his shirt was grabbed a hold of, and he was dragged to one of the beds. He sat down with a huff, crossing his arms and glaring at whoever made eye contact with him. "Skip, you traitooooooooor~!" He whined, falling silent when the man came over with some weird, small tool, which he found out half a second later was an Otoscope. He decided to ignore being called a whimp, and sighed. "It hurts, and I'm dizzy. Should I be telling you this?" He asked, when he heard someone say his name. He glanced over to see Diana, and waved. "I'm fine! I just tripped."



Elise was surprised but delighted at the compliment,her blush showing even through her white fur. If cats could smile,she was definitely smiling.
"Thank you! Of course you didn't offend me. I bet your wolf form isn't so bad as well. Bet you look cute."

She turned on her back and purred lightly,happy to be near the company of Faolin.

"When you feel better,we are going to take a stroll around the forest. Also...this house needs a bit of fresh air."

She walked around and pulled a few windows open,letting the fresh air and light of the sun come in. The house already looked more cheerful,and she did a mental note to clean it later as well.
Looking at her Faolin sat up as he looked at her and smiled gently. He blushed gently then whispered, "Thanks Elise." He looked at her as she turned on her back and purred gently seemingly happy. He blushed then lay back down as he closed his eyes as he heard her say when he was better they would take a stroll. She began to open windows. Softly he whispered, "Thanks Elise." Then he closed his eyes and slept.

Violet looked at her mate and smiled. Quickly she placed a hand on her mate's chest and kept her down as she stated, "Love you need to rest right now you need to set your healer to sleep." She kissed her mate gentyl then smiled gently as she stayed closed to her mate watching her worriedly as she asked, "What happened? I am sorry I am not their for you I need to sleep lighter and more often so I don't sleep late." She sounded sorry.

Diana shook her head immediately,holding onto Violet and kissing her forehead.

"You are a bigger wolf than me,you need to sleep to replenish your energies." She hesitated,remembering the attack of the witch. "A witch attacked Luna's house,and I was helping with defeating her. I'm okay,you don't have to worry. It's not your fault,love. If I am alive today,it's thanks to you and Dante."

She touched the new scar in her chest,wondering if Violet found it ugly.


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