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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Logan

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loyalwolf said:
Dante left the room and quickly went to the showers. he washed all blood off of himself. he then came out and looked to put
something casual on. he put on a tank top and some shorts then came back out to Geralt." What do you think your doing?

You know that if i saw you doing that i would kill you. Obvious you trying to get me to kill you. lay back down now!

before i do something you'll regret."

"You look very hot." Geralt was smiling despite the pain,shamelessly staring at Dante. He wished to keep looking at him,but he could already feel his left arm giving up under his weight. So he obeyed,slowly lowering himself with a grunt of pain. He breathed deeply for a second before looking up at Dante.

"You should probably not wear those clothes around me if you want me to keep still. Actually,no. Don't wear clothes at all. That's gonna work."
Nuuch stands up "im ready to fight anything that gets in my way" he says with a new found fire in his heart "my mate says she needs me, and giving that she just found out she is pregnant i understand why. So it shall be up to her" @MadameRedWolf @KaalysBR

Skip looks over at canagan. "Do what you please mate, but when it comes to a pack every hand has a part when needed" he wasnt really sure what else to tell him. He could see he was frightened so he didnt want to oush him either way. @Yewitz
"Yeah, I know.. I know!" He groaned, raising his hands to pull at his tufts of platinum hair. He already seemed stressed, "I don't know if I should help or not, this doesn't even seem like much of a threat!" Canagan then looked down, and sighed, "I doubt you'd need me, anyway."

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Skip directs his attention towards canagan fully at this point and puts a hand on his shoulder "never think you are useless mate. Maybe they wont need our help, but its the thought that counts. I may be big and strong, but i could easily be beat by a guy with speed that knows what they are doing. These muscles hurt if they hit you, but they arent very aerodynamic." Skip then brushes canagans hair a bit to force eye contact "you made it this far mate, and i have your back 100 percent" he then winks at him and smiles big before peeking at the fight to make sure nothing is coming there way while they talk. @Yewitz
Nuuchi said:
Skip directs his attention towards canagan fully at this point and puts a hand on his shoulder "never think you are useless mate. Maybe they wont need our help, but its the thought that counts. I may be big and strong, but i could easily be beat by a guy with speed that knows what they are doing. These muscles hurt if they hit you, but they arent very aerodynamic." Skip then brushes canagans hair a bit to force eye contact "you made it this far mate, and i have your back 100 percent" he then winks at him and smiles big before peeking at the fight to make sure nothing is coming there way while they talk. @Yewitz

Canagan stared up at him in shock, his eyes wide, when Skip spoke. He glanced over when he placed a hand on his shoulder, and he could already feel his face heating up. Dammit, why did he always have to get so embarrassed? Canagan looked back up at him, face becoming even warmer when Skip brushed a tuft of hair out of his face so they kept eye contact. He gulped, having the urge to look away, but couldn't. "Y-yeah," He whispered shakily, like his breath was lost, finally looking away when Skip winked at him. "Maybe I can.. Go climb a tree or something and wait to see if I'm needed.." Quickly, without even waiting for a response, Canagan rushed off to a nearby tree and began to swiftly climb it, not appearing to have any difficulty in doing so.

Quincy nuzzles Mickey's side, "it's alright cion. A pack always faces problems. But being together and fighting as a whole to next one another is what a pack is about. They won't be the last, but together, were invincible." @akumashioni

Valissa screamed and scrambled back, the long shirt she wrote billowed around hey thighs, "Diana!* she cried and rushed forward to the healers side. @Nuuchi @KaalysBR
Skip heard scurrying and looks back to see canagan climbing a tree and couldn't help by let out a small chuckle. Then he readies himself in case hes needed @Yewitz

Nuuch seemed so distracted. He knew he needed to help but in two different places. Diana needs him to help with the fight, but his mate needs him there because she just found out shes pregnant. He nearly began another flashback but fought the collapsing and shook hard so he wouldn't go down. There was too much going on for him to be unconscious again. @MadameRedWolf @KaalysBR
"I'm fine,Valissa. Protect your child. Don't worry about me."

Diana felt the pain in her back,but ignored it completely. She turned around in time to see the witch materalizing in front of the window,jumping towards her. Instead of dodging,Diana jumped forward and pushed her hands in the woman's chest,holding her down and burning her with the protections. The woman clawed at Diana wildly and shrieked. Diana rose her eyes to Nuuch,hoping he could strike against the witch while she was distracted.

@Nuuchi @MadameRedWolf
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Nuuch was taken off guard by the sudden sounds and seeing the witch comes out if no where. He wasn't sure what to do until he watched the witch scream in agony while being held down. He looks over quick at valissa "hide, now!" He screams at her them falls forward and shifts to wolf form and leaping over Diana and going straight for the witches jaw in hopes that he would at least do severe damage to the witch if not causing a decapitation. @KaalysBR @MadameRedWolf

(I didnt drop, i think the last i remember o was waiting for @MadameRedWolf to respond :P @Jasil)
Diana knew she couldn't shift or the protections would wear down,so she held the witch tightly on the ground until she heard the sound of Nuuch's growl directed towards them. The witch shrieked as she was suddenly attacked,Nuuch biting into her jaw and trying to pull her head away.

The woman suddenly disappeared from bellow their arms and Diana sighed,imagining it had backed off so it wouldn't have it's head removed.

But the sound of the witch's shriek suddenly came back,aiming towards Valissa. The thing could feel life growing inside the female's womb,and she hated life more than anything.

Diana jumped towards Valissa again,but this time the protections didn't hold. The witch pushed her claws deep in her chest,and Diana only had time to turn and slap both her hands against the woman's face. The blood and pain made the protections stronger,sending the witch flying across the room. She tried to get up but fell down again.

Diana slid through the wall,coughing up blood. Her white dress was red with the fluid from her chest wound.

"Nuuch...finish the witch."

@Nuuchi @MadameRedWolf
"Nooo!" Nuuch cried. At that moment his tunnel vision returned much like last time. His body moved almost as if it were in autopilot. He leaps again pouncing down hard on the witches gut, then stands up on his hind legs and with snarling growls of rage he proceeds to maul the witch's face and neck the snaps straight down on its jugular as hard as he could @KaalysBR @MadameRedWolf

drOp w0t))


Canagan watched what was going on from a high branch, millions of thoughts racing through his mind. How kept his gaze on Skip, mostly, watching what he did, waiting to see of he would jump into one of the fights. His wolf was urging him to go back to Skip, but he held tight to the branch, fighting that urge. "This'll be over soon. Should be, anyway.." He sighed, shaking his head.


Diana watched in silence as Nuuch attacked the witch's neck. It shrieked loudly and clawed at his arms,but all she could do now was harm him mildly. Her head was pushed up until a loud,horrifying sound came out of it's body and she turned into dust.

Diana pushed herself up from the ground,ignoring the pain and blood in her chest. She leaned onto Valissa to make sure the baby was okay.

"It's..fine. I don't know if...boy or girl...yet..."

She stumbled forward and hit the ground,leaning against it. The baby was safe,so she allowed her vision to darken.

@Nuuchi @MadameRedWolf
@Yewitz (what you mean drop wot? Lol its another rp we are apart of if thats what you mean :P ))

Skip occasionally peaked up at canagan making sure he was ok all the way up there. He was eager to jump it, to show off his bear form possibly to these who hasnt seen it yet curious of how they would react.

(Thats fine lol skip is pans so he wont mind :P )

After the shriek and witch turning to dust nuuch was able to shake off the tunnel vision and limped at first realize he had minor injuries but didnt let that slow him down. He ran fast over to check on the girls "valissa, youre ok?" Asking first out of instinct then running to diana "diana, are you there? Stay with me, please!" Nuuch shifts to human and picks her up and begins to take her to dantes cabin. @MadameRedWolf @KaalysBR
oooohh :000 @Nuuchi idk I heard it and I was like

" o crap that sounds p interesting "

and yaya ik ik vuv''' still I just kinda wanted to make sure


Canagan honestly didn't know what to do up there, and noticed when Skip glanced up at him every now and then. He waved at him every time he did so, before turning his attention back to everything else with a sigh.
KaalysBR said:
"You look very hot." Geralt was smiling despite the pain,shamelessly staring at Dante. He wished to keep looking at him,but he could already feel his left arm giving up under his weight. So he obeyed,slowly lowering himself with a grunt of pain. He breathed deeply for a second before looking up at Dante.
"You should probably not wear those clothes around me if you want me to keep still. Actually,no. Don't wear clothes at all. That's gonna work."
Dante looked at Geralt with an unamused looked. "Don't push your luck tiger. Just cuase you my boyfriend doesn't mean, I will not be wearing clothes anymore. I'll save that for only special occasions or for when I'm shifting. Anyone I hate to say it but I'm going to need help with all of this. So who do you want to be informed about your situation?" Dante would like to have Faolin as his assistant but he will leave the choice to Geralt and who he feels comfortable with l.
Diana was burning in Nuuch's arms,obviously starting to run a fever. She knew the witch had poisoned her,although she was too weak to even say that to Nuuch. So she allowed him to carry her to Dante as the blood from her chest turned her white dress into a red tone. It was hard to stay conscious but she struggled against the stupor of the venom.

@loyalwolf @Nuuchi


Geralt felt a slow smile open in his lips,his heart racing a little at Dante's words.

"This is the first time you refer to me as your boyfriend. I loved that. Please never stop calling me that." He chuckled a little,although it turned into a frown when Dante mentioned needing help. He didn't want to be a burden to anyone else as well,so he opened his mouth to snark back.

That's when a unknown wolf entered the cabin with a wounded female,and he rose his head with worry.
KaalysBR said:
Diana was burning in Nuuch's arms,obviously starting to run a fever. She knew the witch had poisoned her,although she was too weak to even say that to Nuuch. So she allowed him to carry her to Dante as the blood from her chest turned her white dress into a red tone. It was hard to stay conscious but she struggled against the stupor of the venom.
@loyalwolf @Nuuchi


Geralt felt a slow smile open in his lips,his heart racing a little at Dante's words.

"This is the first time you refer to me as your boyfriend. I loved that. Please never stop calling me that." He chuckled a little,although it turned into a frown when Dante mentioned needing help. He didn't want to be a burden to anyone else as well,so he opened his mouth to snark back.

That's when a unknown wolf entered the cabin with a wounded female,and he rose his head with worry.
"Don't worry, I official consider you my boyfriend. You mine and no one is going to take you from me, got it." That when nuuch and Dianne rushed through the door. Dante was quick to react. Get on the medical bed and explain what going on. He quick moves a cart with a bunch of medical equipment and waits for the two of then to get settled. @KaalysBR @Nuuchi
(no disrespect @Supermegabrenda2 I wasjust kidding I know everyone has a life outside of here :P )

Nuuch barrels through the door calling for dante. as dante scrambles to get things ready he takes Diana and lays her on one of the medical tables. "dante she was attacked by a witch! she had a protection spell on her arms but the witch broke through it after a second attack. I managed to kill the thing but I just hope I wasn't too late!" nuuch standing by her side and holding the hand for comfort of the barely conscious Diana while dante gets everything together. @KaalysBR @loyalwolf

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