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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jasil said:
Luna groaned and she placed a hand on the table behind her to steady herself.
"I think I've gotten myself into something I can't handle."

She let out a breathy laugh.



(-cough- da food -cough-)

Caua chuckled, his chest rumbling. He soon reached her lips, and kissed her tenderly. He lifted one hand to her head, and ran his fingers through the back of her head. Reaching out to her back, he drew small circles at the base of her spine.​
Kria shrugged. "This from someone who would rather kill her without a second thought." She regarded him coolly. "You think execution would be a punishment for the death of an alpha?" She stopped and kept her silence as she watched him leave. Risking a glance to Quincy, she sighed, her tail sweeping slowly in an arc over the floor. "Why are you keeping the cat alive?"

Supermegabrenda2 said:


(-cough- da food -cough-)

Caua chuckled, his chest rumbling. He soon reached her lips, and kissed her tenderly. He lifted one hand to her head, and ran his fingers through the back of her head. Reaching out to her back, he drew small circles at the base of her spine.​
Luna cleared her throat,

"We uh, better eat before the food gets cold."

She squeezed her way out of Cauas arms and sat at the table.

Luna glanced over at her sleeping daughter in the livingroom.

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(so sorry peeps!)

Guinevere noted Kira's look and slipped into a sullen silence as she eyed the new wolf with a steely stare. Though the wound on her back was bothering her fiercely, she gruffly declined Quincy's offer to check her wound. She was having enough trouble containing her anger at the insolence of the newcomer., let alone suffering being treated in front of him.

When he mentioned executing her, she couldn't help but snap. "Come here, wolf, and you can try to take my head. I haven't tasted wolf blood in a while... it will be entertaining to see how long you last."

The fur on her neck and shoulders had become ruffled up and a black anger had resurfaced in her single usable eye. She growled in annoyance when the wolf left and retreated into the shadowed back corner of the cell to glower angrily out at the two wolves talking about her as if she were a piece of meat.

In fact she was actually curious to hear the one-eyed wolf's excuse in keeping her alive.

'There are worse things than death...' she thought, wearily lowering herself onto the floor. '...and being caged is nothing new. hmph, I will play the part of the prisoner for now. Until my strength grows'

Guinevere was a patient huntress.

@Moolock @MadameRedWolf @akumashioni
Geralt was still running through the dark forest,being closely followed by shadowy figures. He growled to them,but kept walking to the light he had seen before.

He was alive. He could feel it. And he wasn't about to give that up. So he forced his legs and ignored the clawing and biting sounds behind him,jumping to the sunshine he had noticed,hoping it would be his way out.


Geralt's eyes fluttered open and he looked around weakly,feeling like he had been hit by a train. He noticed a cannula in his nose and rose his left arm to touch it.

That's when he noticed his missing hand,remembering how wildly Letty had bit on it. He still could feel the sensation on his ghost fingers.

He looked around and smiled when he saw Elise sleeping in a chair. So he managed to save her. But even turning his head hurt,so he went back to his hand instead.

He felt incomplete. A warrior with only one way to fight.

"Dante...?" He called with an unsure voice,still sounding rough from the cut in his neck.

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Jasil said:
Luna cleared her throat,
"We uh, better eat before the food gets cold."

She squeezed her way out of Cauas arms and sat at the table.

Luna glanced over at her sleeping daughter in the livingroom.



Caua smiled.

"Good idea."

He sat down, and server her plate to about half full. He serverd his plate the same ammount, and put a little bit of Basil ontop. He then added a little bit of cheese. He pushed the small little pot towards her.

"I didn't know if you liked Basil or not, so I put it in this pot."

He ate his spaghetti quietly, glancing at her, and his food.​
Quincy backed up, he felt attacked from every angle, he backed up, "my point was to heal her and give her a fighting chance! If it wrong to respect life? I have fed her! I have cleaned her wounds! You speak of this shifter like she's just another animal. Just because we can shift into a wild beast doesn't mean we should act like them." Quincy growled at both of them. " I have done everything I can to try and make Guinevere's imprisonment reasonably comfortable, but she's cold and distrustful of wolves. " he growled gesturing at the blankets and food and water, even the discarded bandaged and cleaning supplies. "Humans don't mercilessly kill others, even criminals, why should we." Quincy turned and walked up the stairs and out of the hall. He would return later to treat her wounds. @Moolock @akumashioni
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Kira decided the new wolf won't be coming back soon and took the chance to draw her paws beneath her and fall into a comfortable crouch. She wanted to talk to the feline again and was waiting for Quincy to leave as well. Maybe I can piss him off enough to have him storm out... no, that won't work, it'll make things too obvious. The she-wolf flicked an ear in silent annoyance. Turned out, she didn't have to, and Quincy left on his own, leaving Kira to chance a hint of a grin. She flicked her gaze to the cat. "Care to continue our chat or save it for another time?"

Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua smiled.

"Good idea."

He sat down, and server her plate to about half full. He serverd his plate the same ammount, and put a little bit of Basil ontop. He then added a little bit of cheese. He pushed the small little pot towards her.

"I didn't know if you liked Basil or not, so I put it in this pot."

He ate his spaghetti quietly, glancing at her, and his food.​
Luna put cheese and basil on her food and began to eat.

"This is amazing!"

She told him between bites.

Luna stared down at the food in wonder.

Her cooking wasn't normally this good.
Micky caught up to him as he exited, "ay."

"What's everyone's problem round here? Bring someone cake and they fuckin act like you spit at them." He didn't know how to make Quincy feel better so he settled for staying beside him.

"It'll be alright choice."

Jasil said:
Luna put cheese and basil on her food and began to eat.
"This is amazing!"

She told him between bites.

Luna stared down at the food in wonder.

Her cooking wasn't normally this good.


(-COUGH- why his sister does not look foreward to meeting her mate-COUGH-)

Caua smiled.

"Thanks. Mom's recipie."

His smile soon faded away as he ate.

"This is why I like cooking. It brings back good memories."

He smiled softly, and looked up at her.​
"Even you were ridiculing my choice to convince Luna to not kill her." He spat. He shifted mid stride and continued walking towards the cabin where Shaw stayed He was not angry at Mickey, no. He was terribly hurt, and he figured it would be nice to speak with the wolf who even though disagreed with quincy, he hasn't ridiculed his choice. @akumashioni
Supermegabrenda2 said:


(-COUGH- why his sister does not look foreward to meeting her mate-COUGH-)

Caua smiled.

"Thanks. Mom's recipie."

His smile soon faded away as he ate.

"This is why I like cooking. It brings back good memories."

He smiled softly, and looked up at her.​
(Dude chill, I haven't forgotten. -.-)

Luna continued to eat but then stopped.

"So, um, what happened with your sister?"

She looked up curiously
"Bugger." Micky placed his hands on his head and took a deep breath, some people are just high strung. He put his hands in his pockets and decided to head back to the city, he was after excitement anyways, and there was none to be found for the moment. (Micky is at various bars getting drunk. He will brb.)

Shaw was cuddling with felicity, half awake half asleep. @xxbetaspiritxx @MadameRedWolf
Jasil said:
(Dude chill, I haven't forgotten. -.-)
Luna continued to eat but then stopped.

"So, um, what happened with your sister?"

She looked up curiously


(ik, I just like reminding people like this ^-^)

(Oh i feel sad now after writing this....)

Caua looked down at his food.

"Well... I guess... Since we are Mates i'll share it with you. Remember how I said my father was a drunk, abusive bastad? So... One day he..."

He gulped, clentching his fists.

"He... Tried to force himself onto Isis." He muttered, his nails digging into the flesh of his skin.

"I... I pushed him off... The he beat me to a pulp... Isis ran away, and my beast took over. He ripped my father almost completely apart. We think he died, because he ran away into the woods, and with all tha blood oozing out of him... He coulnd't have made it."

Blood started dripping off his hand, his knuckles turning white.

"When I pushed him off, though... I... I was too late." He whispered.

He started eating again, staring into his food.

"Just don't... Don't mention it to her..."

He said, glancing up at her, then back down at his food.​
Guinevere could see the distraught on the healer's face as he backed away from the onslaught of his pack mates. 'this is what you get.' she thought bitterly as her eye followed his exit. 'Aiding me brings nothing but pain and sorrow and death.' She recalled a similar situation, the setting uncannily similar. No matter how hard she tried, she found that she could not recall the face of her little friend. Only the sounds of screams and the deep color of blood on fresh snow. 'Don't be a fool. Learn your lesson and steel your heart...' she silently urged.

Her chipped ears perked up when Kira proposed a continuation of their previous conversation. "I doubt you would let me sleep if I did not, with all of your restless fidgeting." she said in an amused tone, her eye gleaming red as it caught the halflight of the cell. "I see it; that hunger in your eyes. Don't deny it... you want something more than following a love-struck alpha. I have seen it on so many lupine faces. You say that you mistimed your last move, yet now the alpha is crawling with graveworms and his widow is emotionally crushed. So why is it that you hesitate for the kill."

'And what other powerful warriors are lurking away from my knowledge...' she thought.

Luna's face twisted with disgust.

She stood abruptly and began pacing.

"I... Dear God why are so many men just so... Ugh!"

She was fuming.

Luna was angry for Isis, and for herself.

"I hope he did die. God that makes me want to go back home and kill my dad. Wish I had your guts."

Luna continued to pace, her mind racing

Jasil said:
Luna's face twisted with disgust.
She stood abruptly and began pacing.

"I... Dear God why are so many men just so... Ugh!"

She was fuming.

Luna was angry for Isis, and for herself.

"I hope he did die. God that makes me want to go back home and kill my dad. Wish I had your guts."

Luna continued to pace, her mind racing



"Woah. What did your dad do that makes you want to kill him?"

He asked, putting pressure onto his bleeding hand. He stood, and walked over to her, holding her still.​
Canagan could hear Skip pounding somewhere beside him, and glanced back at him, and smiling, even though that was nearly impossible to do. He stopped when they came to a clearing, and Isis motioned to a deer. His ears perked up and he made a small, excited sound in the pack of his throat. He couldn't wait!


Supermegabrenda2 said:


"Woah. What did your dad do that makes you want to kill him?"

He asked, putting pressure onto his bleeding hand. He stood, and walked over to her, holding her still.​
"He's the reason I was chased out of my old pack. He ruined my life. HE is the reason my body is littered with scars."

She looked up at Caua, anger in her eyes.

"But forget it, was a long time ago. I'm so sorry about your sister."

Luna's voice lowered to a hoarse whisper.
Jasil said:
"He's the reason I was chased out of my old pack. He ruined my life. HE is the reason my body is littered with scars."
She looked up at Caua, anger in her eyes.

"But forget it, was a long time ago. I'm so sorry about your sister."

Luna's voice lowered to a hoarse whisper.


Caua smiled.

"Thanks. But I can be your guts to beat your father up, if you like."

He said, looking up at her.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua smiled.

"Thanks. But I can be your guts to beat your father up, if you like."

He said, looking up at her.​
"It's alright, I never want to see him again."

She wrapped her arms around Caua.

"You know, I haven't known you for long, but Gods I think I love you."

Luna smiled at her mate.

Her mate
Skip makes it to the clearing and checks out the deer. It was bigger than normal. Now he knew he was fast, even faster than a normal grizzly. But he knew that deer would out run him. Looking at isis to see what the plan is knowing the only way he'll touch that thing is by a blindside or if hes trapped. @Yewitz @Supermegabrenda2
Yewitz said:
Canagan could hear Skip pounding somewhere beside him, and glanced back at him, and smiling, even though that was nearly impossible to do. He stopped when they came to a clearing, and Isis motioned to a deer. His ears perked up and he made a small, excited sound in the pack of his throat. He couldn't wait!



Isis raced foreward, pouncing onto the large male deer's flank. She dug her nails in, biting as deep as she could. Looking at Canagan, she yapped at him to come, the deer bucking wildly.​

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