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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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  • Total voters
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua followed behind her, looking at the cabins. It was a very nice place. He smiled, shifting into his Lion form. He trotted beside her, his mane brushing against her leg once in a while.​
Luna shivered when his fur brushed her leg.

She opened the door to the house and held it for Caua.

"Make yourself at home."

Nuuchi said:
Nuuchs face flushed a little. He knows its a little childish but it still gives his slight butterflies hearing valissa call him her mate. "Good to see you quin, your eyes looking much better than the last i saw" he says not thinking how that might not have been appropriate just yet. @MadameRedWolf
Skip swims up and puts his head between her legs and picks her up out of the water on his shoulders "care for a flying lesson? Yug-yug-yug!" He says placing his hands on the underside of her feet @Supermegabrenda2


Isis shrieked, trying to regain her balance. She laughed.

"Make me fly!"

SHe said, spreading her arms out.​
Felicity smiled, kissing him on the forehead. She nodded when he said what cabin they were in, and she quickly took off her shirt, then her trousers. Neatly, she folded the clothes and placed them by the door. "I'll shift back when I'm inside later." She smiled, falling onto all fours and turning into her wolf. Stretching forwards, she quickly nuzzled his hand with her muzzle, and then walked out of the cabin, padding through the undergrowth.

Her paws gently scraped the dirt and she began to explore, looking around at the river; she decided to avoid the river because she wasn't a very confident swimmer. A strange smell lingered in her nostrils, and she found a patch of mushrooms. They looked edible, and so she began to chew on them, not knowing they were actually drugs. Her pupils widened tremendously.

Beginning to feel a little woozy, she felt her vision falter, and she began to hallucinate, causing her to bark in discomfort. The past was crawling back. The old alpha....The fire....All of the screaming cries of pain and suffering. She stood frozen, until she saw Alfred leap, heading towards her, and she ran as fast as she could, weaving through the trees, howling in fear.

((Because drama is fun.))

He smiled at the sight of the two siblings, happy he could bring the news that lifted their spirits.


Micky was still a little fidgety though he had relaxed slightly, "I'm uh.. Gonna go for now, Seeya later tonight."

Micky wanted to meet everyone individually, he felt the slight tension against him and didn't like it. He had to get these people to know him before they judged him as a group.

"Bloody hell.." He whispered to himself.

He traced along the edges of the perimeter, getting a feel for his new area, and began collecting wood from various trees. @Nuuchi @MadameRedWolf @xxbetaspiritxx

Shaw returned to sleep and didn't move at all.
"Mother?" Nuuch says as it seems he goes into a daze while he walks over to the couch and hugs his knees while sitting down and hid his face from the others. Nuuch had no memory of his mother, but at the same time still felt her love. He didnt know how to explain it fore it was crazy even to him. @MadameRedWolf

Skip smiled big "you asked for it!" His then kicks his feet to thrust him up in the water and pushed with about half strength to send isis flying in the air uo high. Then doing a back stroke to get out of her way upon landing again @Supermegabrenda2
Jasil said:
Luna shivered when his fur brushed her leg.
She opened the door to the house and held it for Caua.

"Make yourself at home."


Caua walked in slowly, looking around. (Insert desc here

xD )

He shifted back, and sowly slipped into the guest room. He saw a small closet, a bed, and a small night stand next to the bed. He threw on a tank top. It was rather tight on him, but he did not mind. He walked out to where they originaly were, and sat on the ground.​
Felicity continued to run, running in circles as the trees seemed like they were going to attack her. She fell silent, covering her ears, but not her eyes when the giant wolf came bounding after her, snarling uncontrollably and she whimpered as loudly as she could, making new and weird paths around the forest until she found herself back cabins.

Red flannel. Red flannel.

The words repeated themselves over and over in her head as she squealed. Diving in and out of the cabins, she whimpered, seeing the giant wolf's auburn fur from behind her. And there she saw the cabin. Her ears suddenly perked, her extremely large pupils stalking the door until she leaped into it, forcing it open. Her paws skidded across the floor until she bumped into the table.

Felicity was completely out of breath, and then she saw the hallucination growing more realistic. The cabin seemed to shatter to pieces as Alfred jumped in, (only she can see just saying:)) stalking after her, not even glancing at the sleeping Shaw. Shaw didn't even seem to be there in Felicity's mind, she only saw one room, in the middle of the room lay a table. Felicity looked terrified, her eyes widening further as she scattered across the room, whining and whimpering.

Quincy's eye followers Mickey, and Valissa noticed this, and went to Nuuch, she took his hand, "come on let's return to the hollow, it's going to rain soon, I want to be home." She kissed his cheek, "and I'll tell you about Natasha" age pulled him towards the door @Nuuchi

Quincy watched Mickey leave for a moment before jogging after him, the cool pre-storm air nipped at his bare chest and feet as he caught up, "aye Mickey, everything OK?" @akumashioni
Luna carried Inka and set her down in her crib.

Once she was sure the infant was comfy and asleep she walked out into her livingroom with a smile.

Micky was surprised to see Quincy follow after him and smiled, "Everything's Jagger, choice, I'm just a bit claustrophobic if you know what I mean.. Besides I'm building something for myself. Never had to go this primitive before.." (If Quincy understands musical instruments, he can see that Micky is trying to build a guitar from bark and sinew. It won't sound as good as a real guitar but it will be playable. More like a lute than a guitar.) @MadameRedWolf

Shaw snapped up when felicity burst through the door, "already?" He said jokingly at first but quickly realized that she was more frightened than usual and was acting strangely.

He shut the door behind her and eyed her from across the room, he didn't want to get hurt in his current state, or hurt her on accident.

"Felicity, can you hear me? You need to shift so I can see what's wrong with you."

Nuuch looks up, eyes appeared bruised on his pale skin from fighting back tears. "Yes sweetheart" he gets up slowly and follows behind Valissa while holding her hand still and shook his hair in front of his face so it was harder to tell he was upset at anyone passing by. @MadameRedWolf
Felicity looked terribly anxious, but suddenly stopped, closing her eyes at the sudden voice of Shaw. Where was he? 'Shift.'

Nodding, felicity shifted into her nude human form, her pupils so large they almost covered the whole of her irises. Alfred continued to chase her down, and she screamed, diving under the table, grabbing the sides of her head, allowing tears to stream down her face. "No, no, no!" She constantly repeated, shaking her head over and over whilst the table was shaking on top of her, it split through the centre, allowed Alfred's jaws to snap through, almost tearing at her flesh.

Nuuchi said:
"Mother?" Nuuch says as it seems he goes into a daze while he walks over to the couch and hugs his knees while sitting down and hid his face from the others. Nuuch had no memory of his mother, but at the same time still felt her love. He didnt know how to explain it fore it was crazy even to him. @MadameRedWolf
Skip smiled big "you asked for it!" His then kicks his feet to thrust him up in the water and pushed with about half strength to send isis flying in the air uo high. Then doing a back stroke to get out of her way upon landing again @Supermegabrenda2


Isis laughed as she was tossed up in the air. She backflipped several times before diving ino the water. She soon resurfaced, spittinG water out.​
Shaw was miserable watching the scene before him, what do I do? He thought.

Seeing her cower under the table, he slowly inched over to her, speaking calmly the entire time.

"Felicity listen, calm down.. I'm here, you're safe." Once he got close enough, he pushed the table aside and held his hand out to her, not wanting to get thrashed.

"Take my hand, I'm here." He lightly touched her knee, still being cautious.

Jasil said:
Luna carried Inka and set her down in her crib.
Once she was sure the infant was comfy and asleep she walked out into her livingroom with a smile.



Caua glanced up at Luna, and stood.

"So... Tell me a bit about you. How did you get here and all."

Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua glanced up at Luna, and stood.

"So... Tell me a bit about you. How did you get here and all."

Luna sat on her couch and crossed her legs.

"Well I was chased out of my old pack and after some time alone I decided that no wolf should ever feel that. So I sent out a message across the country for lone wolves.

Eventually when I got a small pack and a lover, we became the Alphas."

She paused and a sad look came over her.

"He was killed shortly after Inka was born. But it's not sad because he died... It's sad because I don't MISS him. Of course it makes me mourn to think of him but, he was never my true mate."

Luna shrugged helplessly.

"But such is life."

Felicity flinched, edging closer to Shaw until her head was resting on his shoulder. She sharply wrapped her arms around him, weeping into his shoulder. With her eyes tightly shut, she had almost eliminated the hallucinations. "I can't see properly.....Your dad was here....He was chasing me..." She whimpered, holding him more tightly. "Promise you won't let him get me Shaw? Promise?" Her voice was pleading as she nuzzled her lips against the crook of his neck.

Shaw rocked her back and forth, his massive arms wrapped around her tightly.

"You're safe, my love. I'll never let anyone hurt you." "I promise."

He had no problem making this promise, he knew he would keep it.

"Baby, lets go talk to Dante." He picked her up and carried her bridal style to dantes cabin. He knocked politely and hollered, "it's shaw! Felicity needs your help!" There wasn't a lot of worry in his voice, he simply raised it to be heard through the door.

@xxbetaspiritxx @loyalwolf
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Skip was having a wonderful time playing in the water with isis. He wondered if canagan would enjoy himself out there with them as well. "I held back on that toss, care to go higher? Yug-yug-yug!" Skip says to isis as he swims back up to her @Supermegabrenda2 @Yewitz
Jasil said:
Luna sat on her couch and crossed her legs.
"Well I was chased out of my old pack and after some time alone I decided that no wolf should ever feel that. So I sent out a message across the country for lone wolves.

Eventually when I got a small pack and a lover, we became the Alphas."

She paused and a sad look came over her.

"He was killed shortly after Inka was born. But it's not sad because he died... It's sad because I don't MISS him. Of course it makes me mourn to think of him but, he was never my true mate."

Luna shrugged helplessly.

"But such is life."



Caua nodded. Her story reminded him of how he used to get money home.

"I used to get all the money for my family. My father was an abusive, drunk bastard. He was killed shortly after. My mother survived the pain of losing the true mate because she had us. While my sister studied, and my mom took care of our home, I brought the money in."

He looked down at his feet, and bit his lip. After a few moments, he said.

"I used to be a contract killer. The only way I could get money quickly to aid my mom once she got sick. Soon after, she died. Me and Isis moved out... And now we're here."

He shrugged. Shifting into his lion, he layed down next to her on the coutch, his head on her legs.​
Quincy looked at him and recognized the supplies, "you know there's a town nearby where there's a guitar center, if you have the money you can buy a real one..." He said. Then looked back at his face and smiled, "I understand about the people crowding our cabin too." He looked up, "we should go back to the cabin if your serious about making a guitar you don't want the wood to get wet." @akumashioni

Valissa turned about halfway into the woods, and cupped his face in her hands and kissed where his eyes seemed brused, "it's OK to cry, Nuuch. I won't think worse off you, and neither would quincy have" she kissed him again and higher him close trying to show comfort and love @Nuuchi
Felicity kept her eyes tightly shut, covering them with her hands. Luckily for her, she wasn't fearful of being in the nude, it was a normal occurrence in the previous pack, and it was natural.

"What's happening?" She asked, the voices becoming a little distorted. The medical people of the pack scared her. They had unnatural, scary tools and instruments that chilled her to the bone. "Will Dante be able to help?" She asked, sounding quite calm.
akumashioni said:
Shaw rocked her back and forth, his massive arms wrapped around her tightly.
"You're safe, my love. I'll never let anyone hurt you." "I promise."

He had no problem making this promise, he knew he would keep it.

"Baby, lets go talk to Dante." He picked her up and carried her bridal style to dantes cabin. He knocked politely and hollered, "it's shaw! Felicity needs your help!" There wasn't a lot of worry in his voice, he simply raised it to be heard through the door.

@xxbetaspiritxx @loyalwolf
dante was just relaxing in his cabin. he was patiently waiting for Geralt to come

back home. he then caught himself say that this was Geralt's home but he

didn't have time to think about it to much. "Yeh im here. You guys can come

in if you want." he got some water out for his guests.
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua nodded. Her story reminded him of how he used to get money home.

"I used to get all the money for my family. My father was an abusive, drunk bastard. He was killed shortly after. My mother survived the pain of losing the true mate because she had us. While my sister studied, and my mom took care of our home, I brought the money in."

He looked down at his feet, and bit his lip. After a few moments, he said.

"I used to be a contract killer. The only way I could get money quickly to aid my mom once she got sick. Soon after, she died. Me and Isis moved out... And now we're here."

He shrugged. Shifting into his lion, he layed down next to her on the coutch, his head on her legs.​
Luna nodded and bit her lip.

"Damn, I'm sorry."

She wrapped her arms around herself and touched a scar on her back.

Nuuchi said:
Skip was having a wonderful time playing in the water with isis. He wondered if canagan would enjoy himself out there with them as well. "I held back on that toss, care to go higher? Yug-yug-yug!" Skip says to isis as he swims back up to her @Supermegabrenda2 @Yewitz


Isis grinned, and nodded. She hoped on his back, and waited for him to pick her up.​

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