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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jasil said:
Luna's head cleared slightly and she realized she had kissed Caua.
A blush made its way on her face and she turned her head so he couldn't see it.

Luna's heart and breathing quickened with embarrassment, and something else.

"Sorry, I-I don't know what came over me."

She whispered.



(ehm. is that other emotion what I'm thinking? because if it is, shets about to get real here xD )

Caua smiled

"It's okay, dear. Not complaining."

He said, chuckling. He noticed her breathing was accelerated, and so was her heartbeat.

"No need to get worked up because of it."

He smiled, and continued to hum.

Felicity looked bewildered. Her hand tugged at Shaw's, and she shook her head at Dante. "Shaw is staying. I won't stay if Shaw doesn't." She flinched when colours and swirls danced across the room, and she began to frown. "Is that going to hurt?" She asked, edging away from Dante. Felicity decided she didn't actually want Shaw to see her hurt.

@loyalwolf @akumashioni
Supermegabrenda2 said:


(ehm. is that other emotion what I'm thinking? because if it is, shets about to get real here xD )

Caua smiled

"It's okay, dear. Not complaining."

He said, chuckling. He noticed her breathing was accelerated, and so was her heartbeat.

"No need to get worked up because of it."

He smiled, and continued to hum.

Luna looked up at him with a smile.


Was all she could say.

She felt like her words had run dry
"well I hardly know ya isis, but youre alright in my book, yug-yug-yug!" skip says just before she splashed him and took off. skip tries to keep up but to know avail. she was so much faster than him in the water. @Supermegabrenda2

nuuch sat there, was at ease at first until he told him of what happened to his father, then he was in shock. he just didn't understand the things that happen within a pack. he never knew what a real pack life really was. he didn't know how to respond, but when he looked into valissas eyes he saw pain. he knew she didn't like having to tell him but was greatful that she was. "valissa.. I love you" he manages to get out just before he nearly knocked her over wrapping his arms tightly around her and began to kiss her affectionately. @MadameRedWolf
Jasil said:
Luna looked up at him with a smile.

Was all she could say.

She felt like her words had run dry


(ehem. she is naked, caua)

Caua smiled, and kissed her lips, not humming anymore. He had on hand around you, and the other resting on his lap. Tingles shot up and down from where his hand was.​
Nuuchi said:
"well I hardly know ya isis, but youre alright in my book, yug-yug-yug!" skip says just before she splashed him and took off. skip tries to keep up but to know avail. she was so much faster than him in the water. @Supermegabrenda2
nuuch sat there, was at ease at first until he told him of what happened to his father, then he was in shock. he just didn't understand the things that happen within a pack. he never knew what a real pack life really was. he didn't know how to respond, but when he looked into valissas eyes he saw pain. he knew she didn't like having to tell him but was greatful that she was. "valissa.. I love you" he manages to get out just before he nearly knocked her over wrapping his arms tightly around her and began to kiss her affectionately. @MadameRedWolf


Isis smiled. She swam back to him, splashing water at him. She tackled his face, laughing. They both fell back into the water.

If Guinevere's eye had held any flicker of warmth to begin with, it soon froze over when the she-wolf asked her why she hated werewolves. She even went so far as to compare them to feline shifters.

"Have you ever considered why wolf and man became such good friends whilst the lurking feline was feared and driven back by their fires?" she said in distaste, failing to notice that she had stood up onto her paws. "I will give you a hint... man and canine are so similar that the lines between man and beast are blurred. You werewolves are a testament to this."

The mountain lion's lail lashed to the side as she glared at her guard. "Your kind gather in groups, rutting like dogs, before they grow tired with each other's presence and decide to amuse themselves in killing off other packs or loners for sport. I had once thought that your kind were like my own, but I know better now."

She was loathe to go into any specifics, believing that this was just some ploy to feed the alpha information.

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Supermegabrenda2 said:


(ehem. she is naked, caua)

Caua smiled, and kissed her lips, not humming anymore. He had on hand around you, and the other resting on his lap. Tingles shot up and down from where his hand was.​
Luna shuddered and her eyes went wide.

Finally she smiled and moved herself up his body closer to his face.

Luna kissed him again, this time it was more passionate and she continued to kiss him for several minutes.

Her body was on fire where he touched it.

Jasil said:
Luna shuddered and her eyes went wide.
Finally she smiled and moved herself up his body closer to his face.

Luna kissed him again, this time it was more passionate and she continued to kiss him for several minutes.

Her body was on fire where he touched it.



Caua ran his hand slowly up and down her back. He tangled his fingers in her hair, and caressed the back of her head. He answered her kiss with the same amount of compassion. He pressed her against him lightly.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua ran his hand slowly up and down her back. He tangled his fingers in her hair, and caressed the back of her head. He answered her kiss with the same amount of compassion. He pressed her against him lightly.​
Luna gasped slightly but sank into the kiss.

"What are we doing?"

She mumbled as she kissed Caua.

Her arms wrapped around his neck.

Shaw flinched at dantes statement, he didn't want to leave her either, "is that absolutely necessary? Me leaving I mean.." He wondered if Dante was soaring his feelings or felicity's but he complied. "I'll be right outside." He pulled himself free of her grasp and walked outside, thinking about how she would handle the treatment. He thought about Dante, he seemed slightly tense towards shaw, he frowned at the thought of them drifting apart. He sat down with his hands in his lap and sighed heavily. @xxbetaspiritxx @loyalwolf

"No music?" "That's bloody trespass, choice!"

He didn't remember when he gave Quincy that nickname, but it was the one he stuck with.

As the Lightning illuminated Quincy, Micky absorbed the image fully, not saying anything. He found Quincy absolutely irresistible. "How far off is it?"

Jasil said:
Luna gasped slightly but sank into the kiss.
"What are we doing?"

She mumbled as she kissed Caua.

Her arms wrapped around his neck.



Caua felt tigles shoot up and down his neck.

"I don't know. But I ain't complainin'."

He muttered, trailing kisses down her neck.​
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Felicity looked bewildered. Her hand tugged at Shaw's, and she shook her head at Dante. "Shaw is staying. I won't stay if Shaw doesn't." She flinched when colours and swirls danced across the room, and she began to frown. "Is that going to hurt?" She asked, edging away from Dante. Felicity decided she didn't actually want Shaw to see her hurt.
@loyalwolf @akumashioni
"listen i understand that you guys are mates and all but...its my medical opinion that he waits outside

until this is over. But of course if you think you know more medically then me and feel that my opinion is wrong

then feel free to go treat yourself." he was calling her bluff and watched shaw to leave the room. he also began

to set up the machine and get the sedation medicine. "look i can have an aggressive male like Shaw in the room

while i treat his mate. It going to be painful but it should help you."
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua felt tigles shoot up and down his neck.

"I don't know. But I ain't complainin'."

He muttered, trailing kisses down her neck.​

Luna's eyes shut and she couldn't help but just let Caua do whatever.

"Is this a siren thing?"

She let out between breaths.

"I swear if you are manipulating me."

Her hand tangled in his hair.
Jasil said:
Luna's eyes shut and she couldn't help but just let Caua do whatever.

"Is this a siren thing?"

She let out between breaths.

"I swear if you are manipulating me."

Her hand tangled in his hair.


Caua muttered

"Nope. Not doing any manipulations right now. And it's not a siren thing."

He trailed back up to her lips, kissing her again.​
Adamik's head had snapped up from walking when he heard a snarl, and turned to see a huge cat. His ears flattened against his head, and he easily identified the creature as a lion. He jumped away from Inka, nudging her only once before he raced away. He knew that if their meeting turned into a fight, he would surely lose. There was zero chance he could survive an attack from a lion. A lion, of all things.

@Supermegabrenda2 @xxbetaspiritxx

even though this isnt important anymore aaa


Canagan had probably fallen asleep again, because when he woke again, saw Skip and Isis playing around in the water. He raised his hands to rub at his eyes, and let out a surprisingly loud, long yawn, before watching them with tired, yet curious eyes.

@Supermegabrenda2 (again :>) @Nuuchi
Felicity smiled reassuringly in agreement, a little reluctant to go through with the idea, but if it was going to help her, she was going to allow Dante to do it. She noticed that he was acting a little irritably, or she had assumed, and so she muttered a small apology, having blamed herself.

The plants had heightened her anxiety, and so her heartbeat was racing rapidly, causing her to feel nauseous. "Thank you, Dante." She whispered. Felicity didn't trust many people except from Shaw, and so didn't really make much of an effort.

Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua muttered

"Nope. Not doing any manipulations right now. And it's not a siren thing."

He trailed back up to her lips, kissing her again.​
Luna pressed herself more onto Caua and kissed him harder.

"Well then that changes things."

One hand was tangled in his hair, the other gently touched his beard.


Luna paused and pulled away, her forehead against Cauas.

"We really shouldn't."
skip stays under water for longer than normal. he could hold his breath for quite some time so he decided to sneak up on isis and yank her under. he turned her to make eye contact so she didn't freak out then resurfaced to catch his breath. he wiped the water away from his eyes and looked over to notice canagan starting to wake up, so he waves at him with a big smile. @Supermegabrenda2 @Yewitz
Valissa grunted in surprise, but she kissed him back and entangled her fingers in his hair @Nuuchi

Quincy stopped and set the bag down. He shook out his fur and started panting at him, "what getting tired cion?'' He asked playfully, "the city is over there" he pointed to a watery glow on the other side of the trees with his muzzle but his eye never left Mickey. @akumashioni
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"Yea right! I'm inexhaustible!" He nodded at the direction Quincy pointed and grabbed the bag, continuing faster, not even panting yet. (He's got crazy endurance.)

"We can't slow down were nearly there!"

He was too excited, he could hardly contain himself. @MadameRedWolf

Shaw waited impatiently outside, wanting to go back in but refraining. "I wonder when they'll be done.."

He began doing one armed pull ups on the porch to pass the time.

@xxbetaspiritxx @loyalwolf
Skip going against his better judgment swims to the shore then swiftly grabs Canagan in his arms and rushes to the water "you be the judge of that mate" then he give him a nice toss but catches him so he doesn't freak out when he hits the water. @Yewitz

nuuch wasn't sure what came over him. it was like he was forced into her rather than doing it himself. it wasn't like before either, it was different somehow. there was more feeling in this kiss. he decides to stop trying to figure it out and wraps his arms around her slowly. butterflies danced around in his stomach more than ever, like they were becoming one person, one wolf. @MadameRedWolf
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Felicity smiled reassuringly in agreement, a little reluctant to go through with the idea, but if it was going to help her, she was going to allow Dante to do it. She noticed that he was acting a little irritably, or she had assumed, and so she muttered a small apology, having blamed herself.
The plants had heightened her anxiety, and so her heartbeat was racing rapidly, causing her to feel nauseous. "Thank you, Dante." She whispered. Felicity didn't trust many people except from Shaw, and so didn't really make much of an effort.

Dante Injected her with a sedative. He then proceeded to wait a few minutes for the medicine to take affect. Once he realized that she was knocked out he fill her stomach with liquid. He then moved the tube like object through he throat into her stomach. He turned the machine on and began to suck up the material in her stomach and the liquid. Once he was sure that the liquid was out he sighed. He set up an anti-psychotic Iv drip to help find any lingering hallucinations. He also put a wet rag on her for a little. He then went outside and motion shaw to come back inside. "I pumped her stomach and have her on some medicine. When she wakes she'll be fragile and a little weak. You really should take better care of your mate." @akumashioni
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