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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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She's gone much farther than expected and now sow what looked to be a congregation of cabins. So they were like her too. How strange. She forced her self to flatten out to watch from a distance, not wanting to be seen if she could be smelled. She could smell both males and females and couldn't figure out why she was so fixated

"Well, I live in the middle of the forest if you want to check it out... Welcome to wherever the hell we are, though. All I really do is roam the forest. I don't think I'm the best welcoming committee, honestly." He said.

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She saw Gabriel standing by her "Getting blankets for our guests, did you not see how cold they looked?" She shut the closet door and started back towards the kitchen, putting the blankets on the couch
"Sure, let's go," Ollie chattered, looking to him for directions. "Mostly, I just shift back into my wolf form after work and sleep in the woods, but I'll probably buy a little place for myself after I save enough up."

"Well.. I mean.. you can stay at my place... until you find a place..."


(one bed hehehe @Carnassial )

"You don't have to of course, but the woods are pretty dangerous at night."

He sped up a bit, knowing his home was only a couple of trees away.
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(internal snickering )

"Oh, I don't want to be a burden," she rushed. But really, the woods are more dangerous than sharing a cottage with a stranger for a little bit, right? she thought, eventually coming to the conclusion that it would be fine. "But, if it's no bother, then..." She sped up as well.
Kate wriggled nearer until she'd made a full evaluation. She was dangerously far into these wolves territory but from what she scented it didn't matter, there was no order established here yet.

(I'm just gonna assume when they transform they are in clothes.)

"It's no bother." He said. They neared his house, and Sam transformed.

He took the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door to his small house.

The house was open except for a closed off bathroom.

{bed is in bottom left corner of house

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-22_21-11-4.jpeg.b207fec8f5f437050b9c1034105de5d8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113821" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-22_21-11-4.jpeg.b207fec8f5f437050b9c1034105de5d8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

{couch is near bed}




{curtain is opening to bathroom, and the couch is right next to the cooking area.}


{It is smaller than it looks.}

"Come on in. Sorry, it's kind of small for a house." He said.

(sorry i can't explain floor plans lol @Carnassial )



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Ollie followed him, transforming into her human form and stepping through the door. "Woah," she said as he showed her through the house. "That's a cool bed," she murmured as she poked it and watched it swing.

So much had been happening around her and she really just stood there to aid Dante, she was never good with words. However she caught the eye of luna, the female who had been upset earlier and in all honesty the look didnt seem to friendly, nor to angry either it was just a blank stare. However as they moved back to the cabins, Diatra watched Dante trot off. Her ears pinned slightly as she was now alone with these others who she barely knew. Everyone had departed and Diatra found herself settling into a cabin at the very back, morphing to her human form she gasped and stumbled through the doorway, having lived most of her life as a wolg her human form was slim, slightly tanned and covered in scars, along with tattoos. Her straight blond hair fell neatly against her shoulders and slightly down onto her back as she moved to the bathroom, taking a look at herself in the mirror. Diatra never was very proud of her human appearence for the fact of the many scars that littered her body, including the one that stretched from her left shoulder blade an diagonally down her back and wrapping around her side.

@loyalwolf @Jasil

(Sorry i was away all day)

The commotion startled him and snapped him to reality, jumping to his feet he then noticed luna who was headed his direction but bound off at the sound of the howls. Finn followed at a distance and then watched the scene play out. Finn wasnt even a member of the pack yet he didnt believe so keeping quiet was the most suitable reaction. As they headed back he followed again at a distance and once everyone had seperated and gone off on their own he placed himself against a tree, his wolf form blended slightly with the tree, however the deep silver threw him off. As he lay there in the grass he began to doze off until he noticed a different scent and a figure wiggling their way toward the cabin. Crouching low and moving quietly he was able to position himself behind the she wolf as he was able to tell now and leaped up to attempt to pin her, his ears flattened and his teeth bared "who are you?"

Kate sprang back and wasted no time. She snapped and snarled at him, catching his muzzle and ears in her powerful jaws. She assailed him again and again before seizing an opening and bounding back from him. Her fur bristled, alive as it stood in a ridge that rolled over her shoulders and down her spine. She had never seen another like her besides her father, and this new male certainly was not fa, her nose trembled as it filled with his scent and she allowed her attention to be drawn from him to make sure no one else's attention had been drawn. @Boondox
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Dante Claudio

Dante gave the girl a shy smile and said "Sorry." he couldn't figure out what she was. she wasn't human but she also wasn't a werewolf. he sighed because he wasn't sure what to do about this. he figured he just be direct about it. "Look i can tell your no human but i dont know what you are. that makes me curious. I would really like to discuss this with you some more. not far from here there are cabins. come by and ask for dante and you should be fine." with that he dusted the dirt off himself and made his way back to the cabins. @Queen of Fantasy

He had a lot to do before the day end. His first priority was looking after Faolin because he seemed in need of a check-up. that's when he heard what sounds like to wolves fighting. he slightly panicked and had to calm himself down. he rushed over to both wolves and notice it was finn and another unknown she-wolf. he quickly transformed and let out a warning growl to both of them. "Both of you better stop right now! this is not the place to fight! the next person that makes a move will have to deal with the whole pack and an injection of wolf's bane, understood! Now tell me what going on and who exactly are you!"

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Kate snarled and snapped her teeth in annoyance.

"Save your politics I'm not scared of you or a ramshambled pack, I'm leaving." She growled in disgust but waited in case they made the mistake of advancing. @loyalwolf
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Dante Claudio

Dante growled at her and bared his teeth to let her know she couldn't insult his pack. "For someone who doesn't like the politics of pack life, you sure seem to be keeping a close on us. It easy for someone like you to mock a pack when you never experienced one." he could tell from the way she talk, she was never truly in a real, at least one that care for each wolf. "Leave if you want to but just know if you need a place to stay, i will be willing to talk to the alpha. But just keep your aggression to a minimum if you do stay. Also keep in mind, next time you threaten a member of my pack or belittle it. i will not hesitate to torture you to the point you wish you were dead." he wasn't dumb enough to attack a wild, lone wolf.

"Your pack has no other rankings established." She growled and inhaled deeply, "no pups, and you decided to become my neighbors." She strode up to him upon his threats, clearly not phased in the slightest. "Torture? You should either learn some respect or enlighten me." She snapped, her teeth coming together a hair off from his face. She had only attacked when she was surprised but if he wanted to press the situation she had no problem holding her own. @loyalwolf

Dante Claudio

Dante growled lowly at her. "No we dont have any other ranks established, other then an alpha. But something tell me, 5 of use verse one of you has the odd in are favor. Are pack is just getting established, and they are excepting anyone. they don't care about your past, or how strong you. there not other pack who just use you and toss you aside. they generally want to make sure everyone who join, feels welcome, they even allowed me to shelter and look after two wolves who aren't even a part of this pack. thats show just how special this pack is." she snapped at him. he was slightly shocked and angry but he had to keep himself under control. he slip back to when he heard sounds like that as he fled from his pack being destroyed. "I'm the packs healer, which mean it my job to make sure all wolves are healthy. With this knowledge also come the fact that i know what could be use to damage a wolf. Paralytics, Depressants and toxins are only a few of thing i can implement on you. Trust me torture is a skill i have but do not wish to use. as for respect, I owe you nothing. Your just a lone wolf that think she better then a newly formed pack."​
"I only see two and from the looks of it I'll take my chances. I don't care what your ethics are, I just like to keep a tab on who's moving in." She huffed and yawned, though she was surprised to find herself inhaling his scent, she remained where she was a moment more before backing off from him and turning to melt away as quickly as she'd come, her curiosity calmed and accepting the fact she had just been drawn by the scent of strange male wolves. @loyalwolf

Dante Claudio

Dante snickered at the wolf "Come on your a wolf. use your sense like your suppose. even the most untrained wolf can catch the scent of about 8 wolves in the cabins. Now tell, are you willing to put your life on the line. 8 vs 1 doesnt seem like a fair fight." he realized that she might have live in the forest first but that was a matter she needed to discuss with there alpha. "Look you need to discuss the territory situation with our alpha and not me. If your going to keep tab at such a close distance without expecting some sort of aggression, then you haven't been taught right." he notice her taking a whiff of his scent but he wasn't bother by it. he knew she would be drawn to male wolves especial if she been by herself for a long time. he wait to see what her next move would be.​
Wasn't raised right? Game on. Those we're fighting words no matter who said them. "At least I'm not hiding behind eight others, with out them you're nothing. With them you're still nothing. At least to me, especially with that attitude. And I don't have a territory problem, if I did you'd be dead. Just came to say hi to the neighbors." She called over her shoulder and snickered, not bothering to face him again, she'd lost her interest. @loyalwolf

Dante Claudio

Dante calculate his next word carefully consider she seemed offended. he figure this would be her reaction but he want to have control of the situation so it need to be done. "Your right. With or without this pack i am nothing. i have known that for a long time, trust me. I'm not hiding behind them, i trust them. i trust that they will help me when the time comes. the fact is, when you are nothing to anyone that mean you have nothing to lose when it comes to any situation. keep that in mind. he then look at her intense but i think i will tell the rest of my pack you give your greetings."​
"Don't bother, after being sprang upon by that lunatic and preached at by you I've seen enough, my curiosity is no longer interested." She shrugged, content for now as she was sure there wasn't a good conversation here. Though there was that pulling again, wondering about what her father had told her caused a bit of excitement to set in. There were others like her. She wasn't alone. They didn't mob against her, only threatened to, which in her book was fair. Her mind began reeling but she quickly got it together, not willing to let this be the wolf that won her over. @loyalwolf
Kate continued on her way, making her way down to a favorite gully that always had a babbling stream at the bottom. She cleverly crossed first, crouching on the opposite bank to drink

The moment she lashed at him was when he bared his teeth and let into her, his teeth dug into her shoulder. It was at that moment he was going to aim for the throat when Dante came rushing at the two. Finn didnt want to obey a healer but he quickly unlatched his jaws and jumped back, snarling and watching her with dark emerald eyes that were dancing with rage. How could someone be so dumb as to just waltz into a packs territory and no expect to get pounced. The two bickered and this female seemed to think she was some hauncho. A lunatic? Finnegan growled and took a step forward at her choice of words. It wasnt long before the conversation ceased and the she-wolf was on her way. Snorting with frustration he lashed his tail at his sides before moving himself back to the edge of the clearing, laying back down with his body pressed against a tree trunk for support.

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