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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Glancing around her new home she ran her fingers through her hair. It wasnt a large cabin but it was cozy enough for her, moving to the small bedroom she found a pair of lightwash jeans with a few holes in them, black combat boots and a black tank top. Slipping the clothes on she looked at herself once more in the mirror, unsure on how she felt about being in her human form after so long. Commotion outside and Dante's voice was all she needed. She moved quickly to the door and stepped outside. Watching the scene play out she then leaned on the side of her cabin.

Gabriel arrived to find Finn leaning against a tree. Dante was also here. He looked around the clearing, and sniffed the air. He grunted. The she-wolf. He stalked over to Dante, glancing at Finn. "What happened here?" He growled.

Kate shook herself before stretching out on the bank in the shade. She couldn't be surprised here should they follow her though she wasn't too worried, it was the closest she'd ever been to a pack and they we're clearly still unorganized. Besides, she hadn't done anything wrong before the one had pounced on her and if the other wasn't there she knew just how far she would've taken the fight, she could be aggressive when confronted but didn't believe in unecisary blood shed.

Now that she knew how many and what was here she should have headed home, stayed away and never be seen again as she usually did but something held her there, her curiosity not quite content just yet.
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Luna had watched Gabriel run away not knowing what to do. Something was off judging by his urgency, but Luna didn't have time to go off chasing after whoever was new. She had wolves to take care of here instead. She threw the blankets in one arm and the food containers under another and tried walking to the hall without dropping anything. Catching the scent of another female on the wind, she growled knowing that's what Gabriel was chasing. She felt jealous for herself and her pack, but she kept walking to the hall anyway.
She stayed on the bank, thinking about the situation before she came to her senses and knew it was best to just head home now. On her way back she would be forced to come very close to their border and it was better to go now should a conflict happen. She stretched and yawned loudly before climbing back up to the path, just as she got to the top the wind changed and she groaned, they would certainly be able to scent her now. That being the case, she moved a little faster than average, trying to get past their stretch of land as soon as possible.
Gabriel finally left, and began racing. He sniffed the air for the she-wolf. Where was she? She was an intruder. And he should deal with her. But....

She would get away. Damn.
Luna reached the Main hall and went to pull her keys out of her pocket. Unlocking the doors she went inside and started cleaning tables. Setting to food on one table and the blankets on another, she nodded in approval. She went back to cleaning up the hall
It's ....very peaceful in this country. Victor's thoughts idled as he crossed pass the river. The scent of more than a comfortable amount of other shifters had been wandering these forests and the lycanthrope couldn't help but be cautious. 'Crimson' was a nickname he had earned while he grew up for the red attire he liked to wear and for how often blood would be on his hands (or muzzle) during conflicts. The male was resting by a nearby river when the sound of elevated voices made way to his sensitive ears. "A disagreement between packs maybe?" He thought. Victor shook his head and stood from where he was resting. Knowing packs it was probably some kind of territorial dispute.

He caught the scent of one female wolf that had broken away from the others and fled north. It appears she was the one who caused the dispute. Wandered into the other packs territory it seems. Admittedly, the scarlet scarfed warrior was mildly curious and started to move in her general direction . Far enough away where he could track her but not be discovered. If the other wolves decided to give chase then that would be a problem as he could not hide his scent from them once they got too close.


(Hope that's good enough for an introductory post.)
Kate kept on her way until something caught her attention, a small scent on the wind. She came to a stop and suddenly wheeled and turned around, if they wanted to come searching she certainly wouldn't run. Nose twitching at the lead she started back the way she came, seeing if they'd actually sent an alpha after her. @shadowz1995
Gabriel didn't give up. Instead, he ran forward. He could tell a fight had taken place. And he needed to know why. If he didn't, he would be very angry.

The sight of the young Alpha seemed to irritate Finn as he stood up and moved away from the pack, he was no member yet but a young and foolish alpha would surely get them killed. Noticing the look from Gabriel, Finn growled lightly under his breath, only he could hear it as he then moved away, back toward the lake to place himself in the sand, his front paws barely touching the waters edge as he sat on his hind. What was he doing here? Luna was probably furious with him. And if she found out that he attacked another shifter he would probably get scolded. But in reality no one had noticed her step foot onto their turf and who knows what she was up to? If anything Finnegan thought he had done them a favor. Growling again in frustration he then tapped his tail against the sand lightly in aggitation.

The light breeze tangled through her long blonde locks as she stood against her cabin, noticing luna taking some things to the hall she bit her lower lip and went back inside her home, getting the feeling that the other she-wolf wasnt to fond of her.. But Diatra hadnt even said a word to her? Seating herself on the couch her mind raced then ended up back to Dante.. He was so kind to her, sure at first he was abit stern but he had to be.. She trusted him and she wasnt exactly sure why. Normally Diatra took a long time to open up to people.
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate kept on her way until something caught her attention, a small scent on the wind. She came to a stop and suddenly wheeled and turned around, if they wanted to come searching she certainly wouldn't run. Nose twitching at the lead she started back the way she came, seeing if they'd actually sent an alpha after her. @shadowz1995
"Oh?" Victor couldn't help but be surprised. Her senses were sharper than he had assumed. Now catching sight of her, she didn't look like much of a fighter. Still her senses we're sharp if she could detect him. Than again, Victor was a warrior not some kind of rogue. Stealth was not exactly his forte. Just enough to hunt basic animals. The crimson-eyed warrior couldn't help but crack a smile and decided it would probably be best to introduce himself at this point. No point in hiding when she had already picked up his scent after all.

He moved with purpose, winding through the trees until he was within clear sight. The young warrior put his hands In gesture of non-hostility, "Easy. I'm just a nomad passing through. Couldn't help but over hear the.....previous hostilities thought I didn't quite catch the details. Mind filling me in?" His posture was passive and he clearly ment no harm but his gaze and scar-riddled body was a clear indicator of someone not to be trifled with lightly.
Gabriel heard the bark. A challenge. He growled, and barked right back, returning it. He then howled. It was a signal to the pack. As he continued to sprint, he caught another scent. A male. String. He inhaled it deeply. Another challenge. He continued to sprint through the woods, crushing plants under foot. No way this would slide.
Kate sat back on her haunches and sized him up before anything else, her tail swayed as she accepted his greeting and she shifted to make things easier. It was hard to tell under her thick fur how strong she was but in person it was clear. She hadn't known her father came from a long line of alphas, she'd always been apart from all the packs, but he'd trained her savagely, wanting to ensure she could survive on her own without a pack or a male around.

"I've lived here almost my whole life, got a bit curious of my neighbors, guess I got a little to close for one of their less dominate members and he surprised me so things got a little toothy." She explained, shrugging simply. Not bothered by him or the situation at all. @shadowz1995 @DaManofWar
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As Gabriel continued to sprint, be finally could get a clear whiff of the intruders. They were together. He didn't like that at all. He howled again, calling his pack. He wanted them gone. As he continued to move, he bared his teeth, ready for action.
Luna finished cleaning and went to check on the new wolves. She went and knocked on each cabin door and repeated the same thing "If you'd like, once you're ready you can go to the hall." She turned and left the buildings
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate sat back on her haunches and sized him up before anything else, her tail swayed as she accepted his greeting and she shifted to make things easier. It was hard to tell under her thick fur how strong she was but in person it was clear. She hadn't known her father came from a long line of alphas, she'd always been apart from all the packs, but he'd trained her savagely, wanting to ensure she could survive on her own without a pack or a male around.
"I've lived here almost my whole life, got a bit curious of my neighbors, guess I got a little to close for one of their less dominate members and he surprised me so things got a little toothy." She explained, shrugging simply. Not bothered by him or the situation at all. @shadowz1995 @DaManofWar
"Hm..." Not bad was initial thought. Once she had shifted into human form, it was clear that this she-wolf had been in her fair share of scraps before. Victor always appreciated a woman who could take care of herself. It was something he greatly respected. Though he did feel like the bark was unnecessary. The male politely shifted his eyes to the side and away from her recently shifted form though he would have rather continued appreciating it, he also didn't want to piss her off. It would be nice having a guide for a change. The crimson-eyed wolf had been scouting the territories by himself for quite awhile now. "Seems that way." Victor replied with a deep chuckle. "Well, no worries. I enjoy a challenge as much as the next warrior but I'm not here to fight." The piercing howl that came then broke the silence of the forest. A rally. Seems like someone had a bit of an impulsive streak if they just summoned their pack over something as small as a one she-wlf and a nomad. "But as it appears....it may very well end up that way now. Are you prepared for a little dance she-wolf?" The warrior couldn't help but crack an expectant smile. He did live for the thrill of combat after all.
Gabriel stopped just a short distance from them. He stated from the male to the female. He bared his teeth. "What are you doing here?" He snarled, his black fur rippling.
His response startled her but she grinned. "Only if I get to lead," she protested jokingly, waiting for them to arrive. She was off their territory, though close to it. If they fought her here she couldn't lose. As the alpha got close she eyed him. "I live here. And your underlings make a terrible welcome committee." She snickered @shadowz1995 @DaManofWar
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Luna heard Gabriel's howl and froze. Should she go?

She decided that she couldn't let Gabriel handle it alone, seeing Finn nearby she yelled his name then shifted and sprinted towards Gabriel. Arriving behind him she stood still, watching his back.
Gabriel exhaled deeply. "We're a new pack. Just getting started. And I am the Alpha, Gabriel Forest. Now, leave. If you return, do so in a manner that does not result in your death." He stood tall and proud, teeth bared, showing his dominance. He heard Luna behind. This only gave him more inclination to defend the land his pack was forging.
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel stopped just a short distance from them. He stated from the male to the female. He bared his teeth. "What are you doing here?" He snarled, his black fur rippling.
"Welp, I sincerely hope you are not growling at myself or the lady here. I am a traveler and she is one of your neighbors. You seem to be the leader of your little pack so I sincerely HOPE this is not how you treat guests. " Crimson turned now to face the growling alpha male and gave his back to female lycanthrope he had just recently exchanged words with. His posture went from a passive one to one ready for combat. His weight was distributed evenly across his body and he was now putting most of his weight on the balls of his feet, ready to make quick, and lethal movements should the need arise.
Kate raised her eyebrow and her demeaner changed from joking to sinister with no warning. Her grin stayed, she clearly wasn't scared of him or her. "That's big talk for someone with no pups and no ranks below him. What happens if I kill you? Rip your throat out and leave it for your girlfriend to find? Everything you've built falls apart. That's what happens. Watch who you threaten, esoecially when they live a stones throw away. I could have your other neighbors down here in a heart beat. But food is plentiful and I have manners so let's drop the hostility and tough talk, you aren't fooling anyone here. You're also not on you're own turf, I'm not intruding, neither is he. A bad move here could be very unfoutunate for you. So let's not." She soothed just as quick as she'd fired up and spoke clearly, meaning every word and not wavering in the slightest. @DaManofWar

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