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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Luna shifted and shook her fur. "Follow me." She began to run back to the cabins to settle the new wolves in.

"I swear... I swear I know you. Like, actually know you." He felt strangely comfortable around her, like he had know her forever.

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Dante Claudio

Dante was fallowing right behind the wolves but not going as quick as them. he caught the scent of what appeared to be human but also not human. he need to bring up the fact that they need better protection of there terrioty. he looked up at a tree and saw a sleeping girl and figure he should change into human form. he didn't want to scare her so he change and climbed up the tree. he slightly shake her and asked "Excuse me Miss but are you ok?" @Queen of Fantasy
"Maybe I knew you when I was little. I don't know, I just moved here," Ollie huffed, looking down at the ground as she tried to remember.

"D-don't worry about it..." He said. "Would you like to walk together, for a bit...?" He nervously pawed at the ground.

(i dont know what to sayyyyyyy @Carnassial )
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Luna reached the Cabins and shifted back. "You can choose any cabin except for Mine and Gabriel's, Pia's, Dantes, or Logan's. We will get clothes for you if you need them, and once you are dressed the entire pack can meet in the main hall to eat."
Luna jogged over to the second cabin next to hers. She went inside and grabbed Gabriel's things to take to her house, he obviously wasn't going to leave her alone now. She took the stuff home and placed it in the living room, unsure of where he liked things.

Luna then grabbed enough food for everyone and began cooking. She planned to take it down to the hall when it was ready
Ollie thought about it for a moment. What did this stranger want? Could she risk danger? She decided that she wanted to know more about him. "Sure".

(lol writer's block )

His rough paws met the gentle grass as he moved forward.

(i want them to be mates helllpppp lol and yes, always)
Gabriel smiled to see Luna moving his stuff to her Cabin. He walked into the cabin to see her cooking. He sniffed deeply. "Smells good," he told her, walking up behind her. He peered over her to shoulder to see what she was cooking.
Kate ate until she was full, tail slashing the air as she dragged what tatters were left away so they wouldn't be easily found. She licked her chops and trotted on, listening for anymore howls or bark to give away their locations
"My name's Ollie, by the way, but you can call me Red," she smirked. "You would know why if you saw me in human form." She trotted along in the grass, keeping pace with the larger wolf.


(I am writer's block incarnate)
"Yea well don't touch it, you've been in the woods all day, but it's a family recipe. My mom made it a lot, before..."

She continued cooking and humming
loyalwolf said:

Dante Claudio

Dante was fallowing right behind the wolves but not going as quick as them. he caught the scent of what appeared to be human but also not human. he need to bring up the fact that they need better protection of there terrioty. he looked up at a tree and saw a sleeping girl and figure he should change into human form. he didn't want to scare her so he change and climbed up the tree. he slightly shake her and asked "Excuse me Miss but are you ok?" @Queen of Fantasy
Daisy's eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at him. "Ahh!!" She screamed, and fell out of the tree. "Ow..." She muttered. She looked back up at the boy and sighed. "Don't you know not to bother someone when their sleeping? Especially in a tree?" She stood, and wiped dirt and leaves off herself. She crossed her arms, and rose one of her eyebrows. She could scent what he what, this close. A werewolf. She went wide eyed and cleared her throat. "What do you want...?" She asked, being a little more calm than before.
She nodded. "Sam. Nice name." It was indeed a nice day, sunny and pleasantly warm. "How did you become a werewolf? Do you know if there are any more out here?"
Kate found herself caught by the strange pull that had brought her here, her nose twitched and she wandered deeper into the territory. The wind changed direction and she hesitated, they would easily be able to smell her now and know she was there, though she shook out her thick pelt and continued deeper.

"Oh... uhh... I was born a werewolf. Full blood. And I think I saw some others a while ago..." Sam said. "But...."

"I fell asleep... after I saw them...." He said, looking around.
Luna smiled as Gabriel went to take a shower. She began to finish up the food and starting getting out containers to take it to the hall
Silently Faolin looked at the wolves for a second. He was standing on wearily legs his eyes were half shut. Shaking his head he looked at...Dante yes that was his name. A very good wolf protective granted but such was expected. He liked the female which one was it? He could remember to tired. Yawning he reviled his very long canines that glittered. He wasn't planning on using them but the message was clear. Attack me and you'll regret that decision. He had slightly lowered his tail when the Alpha came just out of respect because he had experience that being dominate in an Alpha's prescience never ended well. He followed the wolf he was assigned to tiredly and in a daze.
"I was bitten," Ollie stated. "when I was younger. I just moved here, so I have yet to see any others but you." She smiled as best a wolf can, and continued walking.
Once the food was ready to go, Luna grabbed some spare blankets from the closet for the new wolves. When she saw them last they were freezing, they needed extra. She wasn't even sure all three of them were going to show up to dinner, but she hoped most of the pack did.
Gabriel relaxed in the shower, letting the water role off him. Once he finished, he exited, and got dried and dressed. He saw Luna. "What are you doing?" He asked her. She was picking up blankets for some reason.

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