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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Gabriel immediately shifted, and ran after Luna. He had to face this now. Ensure everything was fine.

When he arrived, he saw some wolves in a cave. He shifted, and stood next to Luna. He radiated his authority. "And what are you doing here?"

Dante Claudio

Dante looked towards luna and gave her a questioned look. he was mental asking the question are you ok. he then remember the situation at the moment and signaled a the two wolves." two new wolves in are area but from my judgement they dont seem to be much harm. the male claims to just be looking for a place to sleep. Judging by his appearance he has been on a long trip so i want to tell you guys. Also i want to know if i was aloud to give them lodging and examine them." he wasn't heartless as to leave wolves to sleep in a cave. especially when one of them looked like he was freezing.

@Boondox[/uSER] @Lighthouse8477 @Hare @Jasil
Luna saw the wolves and also noticed they did look desheveled, but then she turned her attention to the other female standing near Dante. "I can't make that decision."

Luna would've taken them in a heart beat, but she wasn't the Alpha here
Gabriel thought about it. Then nodded. "You may Dante. Just remember, they are to remain in your care and under your watch. Understood?"
Ollie, finishing her shift at the restaurant she worked at, clocked out and stepped onto the street. She strolled leisurely to the side of the street, across the sidewalk, and into the forested area where she liked to whittle away her time. Keeping to the denser part of the woods, she walked for quite a ways before sitting down on a log to rest.

The young male, awoken hours earlier, was now prowling the forest, seemingly his favorite past time.

Really, he was just avoiding his insomnia.

It had been twenty-two years, and he was still alone.

At this point, his family gave up on finding him, as twelve years had since he had disappeared.

He was alone.

A sad, lone wolf.

Stuck in the past.

This is why he prowled the forest, to see the subtle changes.

See the wolves, the people, the ones at fell swoop.


The word itself sent chills down his spine.

Sam the loner.
Ollie closed her eyes, resting and listening to the sounds of the forest. She perked up when she heard leaves crunching. She stiffened, glancing around, but could not identify the source of the sound, given that she was not in wolf form.

In time, Sam came to a slow stop as he saw another werewolf, judging by her scent. She could definitely see him now.

Wary now, Ollie stood up and looked around. She thought she could see movement through the trees. Better safe than sorry, She thought, as she backed up and crouched down. She shifted under the cover of the underbrush, yelping as her form twisted and contorted into the shape of a wolf.

Luna waited for Gabriel to release these wolves into her and Dantes care. They had to get them food, clothes and places to sleep along with whatever check up Dante deemed necessary. She stood and stretched her arms.

The large wolf, Sam stepped slightly forward, looking over the small caramel colored wolf. Admittedly, the wolf's coat was quite beautiful.

Though smaller than Sam, he had a feeling he shouldn't take her strength lightly.

(your character is awesome btw @Carnassial )

Dante Claudio

Dante watched as alpha Gabriel introduced himself and questioned these wolves. He turned to Daitra "looks like we can relax now considering we out number them." Judging by there appearance they don't seem to bad but he want to make sure there health. He turned to Luna and spoke " I want to examine them and make sure they are health. I also want to check up on you as well Luna. You had a very emotional day and I want to make sure that didn't have any negative impact on you or your wolf form. Plus we also need to get Diatra and Finn set up." He then look over at aloha Gabriel. " I understand they are under my care alpha. I would also like to report I finished marking the territory like you asked"

@Boondox[/uSER] @Lighthouse8477 @Hare @Jasil @DaManofWar
"I'm perfectly fine Dante, we have more pressing issues at hand than my emotions." She didn't need to be coddled, she can handle herself
She eyed the larger wolf cautiously, not sure how to approach him. She hadn't met another werewolf until just now. She kept her distance, alert, pacing side to side anxiously.

(Aww thanks, yours too!)

Somehow, the small wolf reminded him of someone he had met once before.

a long time ago...

"Hi." He huffed out.

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Kate kept on her way, her ears always pricked for sound as she wove in an out of the packs territory, occasionally stopping to take a deep inhale. Seems they had a larger company to deal with, all the better for her. Kate's ears pricked to the sound of fawn bleating loudly and staggaring about. She crouched and crept foreword in the brambles, scanning the surroundings with all of her senses, nose trembling. Her stomach rumbled it's inpatients and she sprang, fatally ending the fawn with a swift snap of her jaws behind it's neck. She quickly dragged it farther from the border, knowing the smell of blood would raise suspicion with them all occupied, she dragged it down wind of them before she gave into her hunger and began eating
Ollie's ears perked up at the wolf's voice. "Is that so?" she spoke, and stopped pacing. He did sort of have a familiar air about him, even though it was a distant one. Maybe it's just my imagination, who knows, she thought, ignoring the gut feeling.
Luna stepped forward and placed a hand on Gabriel's shoulder to calm him slightly, but to also have her scent on him. She eyed the two new females feeling jealous for the first time.

"Gabriel it's freezing out here, we should head back," she looked to the new wolves "all of us." She added

"Are or were you part of... Lunixo, the rogue pack? Or maybe Porlic, my old pack?" His heart pounded as he asked the question.

Memories of both simply struck him with pain... Especially in regards to Lunixo.

(Idk I just came up with names)
She tilted her head. "Haven't heard of them. I've never even met another werewolf before, except for the one that turned me. Maybe I saw you on one of my walks...?" she trailed off. Ollie started pacing again, a nervous habit of hers.

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