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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Luna felt silent tears roll down her face. "I-I fell in love, with a male named Aaron. We had a relationship that I didn't know was actually an affair. He was already mated! And when his mate came back from a trip, he turned everything on me. I was heart broken and humiliated. My father knew my crime was unacceptable, so I was severely punished." Now the tears had turned to sobs
Gabriel sighed, and pulled her closer to him. "You didn't deserve that. Luna, it wasn't your fault. It was Aaron's. I still see a beautiful young woman whom I wish to have as my mate." He meant every word.
Luna was shocked, "But, I did something terrible." She looked at Gabriel in confusion. She really believed she was a monster for her crime
Gabriel shook his head. "Aaron is the true criminal. He is one who used you. You were naive. But what matters to me is that I love you."

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Looking around Faolin wondered, "Is their any wolves in this forest?" He howled loudly and waited as he walked slowly. Where was everyone. Sighing he walked forward. He needed a cave for the night.

(Can someone make an extra character to meet mine or can I jump into one of the people currently role playing's story?)
Luna nearly choked when Gabriel said he loved her. "You do?"

She gave a little laugh "Have fun telling my brother that."
Where was he? Faolin looked around confused. He howled louder hoping someone anyone would hear him. So far no luck. Sprinting forward he jumped over a small stream and kept running stopping once in a while to howl out that he was really lost and that if someone could help him it would be appreciated.
Luna smiled, "Yea, yea he is. You didn't figure that one out?"
"Gabriel I-I think I love you too." Luna looked down blushing. Was she even ready to be in love again?
Looking around Faolin howled loudly and listened to it echo. He could see a cave from here. Silently he headed towards it while stopping once to listen for an awnser. He hear the sounds of moving water a hare eating something then a hawk swooping down and killing it with the slight crunch of bones no howl he would wait a little longer.
Luna nodded and smiled. She tangled her fingers as she smiled into her lap. She was even shocked by herself.

Her wolf howled

I love him

Listening with wide eyes and perked ears she smiled as he supported her, assuring her that there would be a position well suited for her physical and mental capabilities. As he continued to talk and ask farther questions she lowered her head slightly in saddness. She had never really had a perfect family or even pack growing up. Diatra cleared her throat slowly as the two walked "well.. I was born from a lone wolf, my mother.. She died protecting me from rogue males.. But they didnt know she had a pup until after.. The leader took me in under his wing.. When I was old enough to understand the males and the way they ran things and treated others I quickly fleed the area, covering my tracks.. After that I was in and out of packs my whole life really.." Diatra's voice was soft and quiet, almost similar to that of a hum. However she snapped out of the thoughts and looked to him "But Im hoping Im here to stay.."

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She looked at him "I don't know, I still don't even know what to do about Finn. I haven't seen him in forever and just so much has happened today." Luna felt stressed, she couldn't focus on one problem at a time
Gabriel gently began stroking her neck. "Just relax. We'll think of something. For now, let's just rest." He nuzzled against her neck to help her relax.
Luna layed back down and tried relaxing. It wasn't easy but she eventually felt herself let it go. She could wait till later to grieve
Dasiy caught her breath. From all that running, it made her feel tired. She sighed, and fell on her knees. She needed rest, so she climbed into another tree, and slept on one of the branches. She hummed to help her sleep. After the scare she had and all that running, it made her uneasy. She eventually fell asleep.
Gabriel was happy to see Luna relax. She needed to. After what had happened today for her, she needed some kind of support. And, as he was set on becoming her mate, he felt it his duty to help her. He planted a kiss on her lips. It was his way of saying "it'll be fine."

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Silently Faolin perked his ears up. He had heard a howl in that cave over their. He thought he had saw something or someone go in. He cautiously approached the cave as he asked, "Is anyone in there?" He looked around as he stated, "I don't mean any harm if their is I am lost. Hello?" He waited to see if anyone would reply.
Luna smiled and snuggled next to Gabriel "Where are the others?"
"Probably outside," Gabriel answered her. He still had his arms around her. "Should we go, or stay a little while longer?"

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