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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Luna couldn't take it anymore. She collapsed onto the forest floor, shifting back. She sat on her knees and looked at the ground. She wanted to cry for the loss of her family, but then she remembered what they did to her. She was torn between sobs.
Gabriel was stunned to see Luna so helpless. He walked over to her, and lay down next to her, cuddling against her. "Maybe you should go back to your cabin," he said. He also glanced up at Finn. "I need to talk to you later."
Pia gasped, trotting forward to Luna. She shifted, hesitantly putting her hand on Luna's shoulder. "I'll go with her if you want." Pia said, looking at Gabriel.
Gabriel had to think carefully about this one. He looked to Luna. "She must decide," he explained. He nuzzled the back of her neck to comfort her.
Luna stood and grabbed onto Pia like she was a lifeline. She grazed her fingers over Finn, then Gabriel before she began to walk back home. Tears still ran down her face and she kept walking

Finn watched as she fell and shifted, she was on her knees helpless, he pressed his muzzle to her cheek in a sign of sorrow, his ears pinned in sadness. However as they began speaking of taking her away he perked his ears and frowned "Now hold on I havent seen her in almost eight years" he then looked to Gabriel and nodded "You may speak to me all you like"

Dante Claudio

Dante zeroed in on Gabriel and told Daitra. " that guy over there is are alpha. His name is Gabriel. Come on and I'll introduce you to him." With that he made his way other to Gabriel and bowed his head. "Alpha Gabriel, I found this girl in the forest. She said she wants to join are pack. So I figured I'd introduce you to her and have you examine her." He then looked troward Daitra and waited for her to approach. He noticed how Gabriel was acting more confident and showing power and status.​

The young she wolf made sure to follow Dante's heels and keep herself as unoticible as possible. As the alpha was pointed out they began to approach him.. Oh great. Diatra stood a slight bit taller to show off her form, letting him see she wasnt some weakling but she also wasnt a gladiator either. Her frame was fairly muscled but ver agile and built for speed. "I am Diatra" she said taking a small breath to attempt to relax
Luna walked the way back to her house and went inside. She felt drained, tears staining her face. Throwing an old shirt on, she climbed into bed and cried some more
Pia stood inside Luna's house, deliberating on whether or not she should interrupt her crying fest. Quietly knocking on Luna's door, she called, "Hey... Do you wanna talk about it? I mean... you don't have too, but, sometimes it's good to let it out." Pia leaned against the door, not liking her friend being upset. @Jasil
Gabriel turned to the she-wolf. He examined her carefully. Finally, he made up his mind. "You are accepted. right now, we are marking our turf. Dante, everyone must continue. Take over the North side for me. I have to see Luna." He then ran off after her. Once he reached the cabin, he saw Pia there. "Pia," he said, shifting, "move. I wish to talk to her."
Luna was about to answer Pia when she heard Gabriel at the door. She quieted her crying and turned away from the door, trying to act like she was sleeping.

She just wasn't ready to tell him. She knew how he would look at her when he knew the truth. He would be disgusted
"Ok..." Pia muttered, moving out of his way. Walking out the house, she went to her cabin to put on her clothes. After changing, Pia went to the lake to wait for the other wolves to show up.

She smiled lightly and spoke quietly to the larger male "Thank you" but with that he was giving orders and running off after the female who had been escorted away by another member. She turned to Dante and pawed at the ground "Uhm.. Your the only one I really know.. Do you mind if I tag along?" Diatra was not one to depend on people but Dante was the only pack member she knew and she was starting yo warm up to him slowly.
Gabriel opened the door. He had heard her stop crying. He walked to her room, and saw her in her bed. He walked over, and sat down next to her. "Luna," he said, "can I talk with you?"
"About what?" Luna didn't look at him. She couldn't. She buried herself further in her blanket

As everyone kind of went their own ways he was left on his own. Snorting in frustration he then moved away from the area, wandering he found a lake and the same female who had hidden from him. Finn was not a wolf of violence, he hated everything to do with it but he would fight until death for family and anyone he considered a friend. He cleared his throat and spoke quietly as he stopped a few paces away from her "Hello.."
"What happened between you and your last pack?" He inquired. He lay down on the bed next to her, and put his arm around her. "I'm the Alpha now because of you. I have to help you."
Dante was not please with this. If anyone should tend to Luna, it should be the pack healer. He sighed and made a mental note to check up on her later. He now is stuck with two new wolves and the job of marking the north side of the territory. He looked trowards Daitra. "Yeh it's fine if you join me. I would like to get to know You better." He made his way north, doing the same thing he did when he was marking the east side. " so you two should tell me about yourselves. My name is Dante by the way. Pack healer and apparent territory marker." He directed his comments to her and wanted to restate his position to ease the awareness.
"It's really not a nice story, and I don't need you looking at me differently." Luna turned and looked at Gabriel, wiping the tears off her face

Her eyes followed the dark pelted male as he wandered away from them. Was he even a member? As she heard Dante's voice she perked her ears and followed along at his side, once in awhile doing the same motion as him to help. As he stated himself and his status again she smiled alittle "Well Im Diatra... New member and no idea what role I am but Im sure the alpha will figure that out later.." her voice trailed off at the two carried on.

Dante Claudio


Dante smiled at Diatra and said "i'm sure there be a position prefect for you. I would just give it some time, as you can see the pack is taking care of some personal issues." he continued marking the territory and smiled when he finished. "Alright i think we are good. i have marked the territory to the east and north. Anyway whats your story? I myself am the last remaining wolf of my father pack. he was the alpha and the pack got wiped out. this is technically the fourth pack i have been in over the past 3 years." he gave showed slight sadness with his ear flattening but quickly hide it. @Boondox
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Silently Faolin lapped at the stream water. It was clear and smooth. He was a loner wolf. What he had done...He growled revealing his long teeth. Shaking his head. He must not think on that. He must find a mate. But where? He had been traveling for months and not a single female had crossed paths with him. Were the gods determined to punish him? It was a silently plea to nothing. Well thin air at least. He had no idea who was a werewolf and who was just a wolf. A great deal of difference between the two. However he always had trouble telling. Right now he was lost. He would have howled but was afraid someone might attack him. Onward.
"Because I'm filthy. I've done something unforgivable and I'm lucky to even be alive. The Gods should have killed me a long time ago." Luna turned away again, angry with herself

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