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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Luna shrugged "I don't care, your the Alpha you call the shots, but I should probably go talk to Finn soon." She propped herself up on her elbows
Gabriel sighed. "I would like it if you could stay for just a little while," he smirked as he finished the sentence. "Then you can talk with your brother." He just kept laying down on the bed, content.

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Dante Claudio

Dante felt bad for her and her past. He was never the best at comforting and showing his emotion so he had to try his best to reassure her. "Dont worry to much about it. Hopefully this pack works out for the both of us. We just got to be ready to defend this pack no matter what. We just got to have faith and trust in everyone in the pack." he said keeping a stern gaze on her. that's when he hear a howl coming from far off. Great another wolf has shown up. from the sound of the howl it was another male wolf. he looked at Daitra and bark alerting her to the noise. "looks like we have another wolf here. I'm going to check it out, if you want you can come with but just be on guard." with that he made his way toward the howl. he came out to a cave area and saw the male wolf there calling out for someone in the cave. seems like there more then one wolf. "hey you! hold you position!" he didn't want to attack right away but this was a male wolf so he had to be a little more aggressive then normal. @Boondox @Lighthouse8477 @Hare

The howl had caught her off guard and she lifted her head to the sky, perking her ears as she heard Dante speak again. She had to admit she liked the bright colored male, he knew how to talk to her. When hebsaid he was going to check it out Diatra already knew she would be companying him. If this was a male Dante should atleast have someone with him. As he bound off before she could reply she kicked up her paws and chased after him, her lean and agile body making it easy to catch up and stay at his flank. Once they arrived at a cave entrance was when the other wolf came into view and Diatra pinned her ears, however she stood tall, brushing away her small fears and focusing on the male, however she let Dante do the talking.

@Hare. @loyalwolf @Lighthouse8477
Luna grinned, "I suppose youre right. So, how does it feel? Being Alpha?" She turned on her side and faced Gabriel
Gabriel smiled. "It is a duty. I have only been alpha for the day. But so far, it has been fine." He moved an arm around Luna's back, pulling her closer.
"I'm glad it suits you so well. Your doing a good job"

She pokes his chest with a proud look on her face
Gabriel chuckled when she poked his chest. He responded by pulling her on top of him, laughing. "I have you to thank for making me alpha," he said proudly.
"You deserved it. You're the strongest and a good leader." She shrugged and layed her head on his chest
Gabriel placed a finger under Luna's chin, and tilted her head up to look at him. "How can I thank you?" He wondered aloud.

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She laughed and tried biting his finger "How should I know?" She grinned "We need to head back out soon."
Gabriel let her bit his finger. "Agreed," he said, almost disappointed. "I enjoyed this Luna. I'll find some way to thank you for making me alpha. In the meantime, we'll need to get everything sorted." He bent forward, and kissed her gently. He had enjoyed this talk
Luna kissed him back and then hopped off the bed. She threw on some shorts and decided to find Finn
Gabriel let her leave. He sighed, and got of the bed, and went back to his own cabin. He needed some clothes before heading out.
Luna headed outside but didn't see anyone, she shifted and began trotting in the woods to find her pack. She howled to see who would answer

Laying in the sand, he kept an eye on the young female (pia) he had his ears perked as the sun came beating down on them, his mixtures of dark chocolate and silver swayed lightly in the breeze. It was at that time that he heard the faint howl of his sister, sitting up he then lifted his nose to the sky and howled back to her.
Gabriel heard the howls. He just smiled. Seems people were adjusting well. But he also needed to see the she-wolf who had joined. He needed to ensure he could trust her.

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Luna heard Finn howl to her and she ran towards the lake. Reaching the waters she saw Pia there as well "Brother, we need to speak."
Kate bounded threw trees in full stride, jumping over brambles and fallen logs. She frequently left her boundaries but she hadn't been this far in a while. She ran with her nose down and eyes fixated ahead of her, drinking in every smell that came to her. Packs? She knew of them but didn't take much interest, politics weren't her thing anyway, why was she being lead closer to one? She slowed, this felt wrong but it did peak her interest.
Freezing Faolin looked at the female. He stated, "Name's Faolin one second." Turning he looked at the male and asked, "What do you want mister? It's not like I am hurting anyone I am just lost and this female was in the cave I wasn't sure if anyone was their and I needed a place to rest after a long journey I am sure she needed rest to.
Kate had reached the border of the packs territory and she pushed her nose under the dirt. She inhaled deeply and her nose wrinkled in disinterest. She huffed the smell out of her nose and growled lowly. She would test this new pack, if they were a threat a membe would have discovered her by now and confronted her. She mused it over before stepping over the unseen border, tail high and ears pricked
Gabriel was out walking in human form. As he did, he considered what needed to happen. For starters, he needed a beta. Then, he would have to ensure everyone got acquitted. Of course, it didn't need to be in that order. He inhaled deeply. Whatever happened, he was Alpha.

Dante Claudio

Dante looked at the wolf and examined him carefully. he didn't seem like a threat , plus he even let them know that there was another wolf in the cave. "You may not be a hunter, but sometimes wolves can be just as dangerous as them. you on are pack territory so that's why im acting a bit guarded. it also explain why i asked you to hold your position." he could tell that the wolf was cold from the way he was stand and with a sigh he howled signaling the rest of the pack. "look from what i can tell your not a danger but if you want we can see if your aloud to sleep in a cabin. it will keep you warm and safe while your here. Plus if you been on a long journey, im going to want to examine you and make sure your ok." he then barked att eh cave to let the female wolf know he meant no harm and that she should come out.

@Boondox @Lighthouse8477 @Hare
Luna was about to approach Finn when she heard Dante howling. She was alert. "Gabriel! Somethings wrong!" She yelled and shifted. She began running towards the sound, hoping it wasn't major. She reached a small cave and saw many strangers. Two females, a male, and Dante stood in front of her. She shifted back to her human self. "What's going on?"
Kate picked up the howl and laughed, they'd be occupied for a while. She winded around the edge of the territory, heading the opposite direction of the howl. She wanted to know just how established they were

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