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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate raised her eyebrow and her demeaner changed from joking to sinister with no warning. Her grin stayed, she clearly wasn't scared of him or her. "That's big talk for someone with no pups and no ranks below him. What happens if I kill you? Rip your throat out and leave it for your girlfriend to find? Everything you've built falls apart. That's what happens. Watch who you threaten, esoecially when they live a stones throw away. I could have your other neighbors down here in a heart beat. But food is plentiful and I have manners so let's drop the hostility and tough talk, you aren't fooling anyone here. You're also not on you're own turf, I'm not intruding, neither is he. A bad move here could be very unfoutunate for you. So let's not." She soothed just as quick as she'd fired up and spoke clearly, meaning every word and not wavering in the slightest. @DaManofWar
"No by all means madam. Let him come. I can show him how a true ALPHA conducts himself and a real wolf leads his pack. This sort of behavior is insulting. Regardless of territory a strong alpha should always show respect and honor, even when facing the unknown. This one is as green as the foliage surrounding us."
Gabriel also took a combat stance. It wasn't as expert, but it was honed from years of street fighting. "She intruded on the land. One of my pack mates was injured. If something like this happens again, there will be hell to pay." He turned to the male. "As for you, if you are a nomad, be on your way. I will not hesitate to fight you, nor do I wish to. I simply wish to show that my pack doesn't back down." He radiated confidence and power. He was a new alpha. But one who would fight.
"Injured? Oh did I nip his ear to hard or are you harboring the weak. If he's injured after that you should certainly mind your manners. You weren't even there, you have no idea what happened, I was attacke first without warning be lucky I didn't stay and press the subject. If you're just here to deliver a warning you've wasted your time, go home dog." Kate chided, quickly losing interest in the situation. @DaManofWar
Reptilesandromance said:
"Injured? Oh did I nip his ear to hard or are you harboring the weak. If he's injured after that you should certainly mind your manners. You weren't even there, you have no idea what happened, I was attacke first without warning be lucky I didn't stay and press the subject. If you're just here to deliver a warning you've wasted your time, go home dog." Kate chided, quickly losing interest in the situation. @DaManofWar
Gabriel snarled fiercely and shifted. "You still intruded onto my pack's land. If I must, I will make sure you understand how badly I mean this threat. So leave." He knew they couldn't risk a war. But he still needed to be strong.
Luna walked up and nudged Gabriel with her muzzle. Looking to the new wolves she spoke "Please, we really don't want trouble." She glared at Gabriel for being so aggressive. Maybe the wolves will leave peacefully if he would get his head out of his ass

As he heard Luna's call for him he sprang into action, he bound after her, his mixed pelt lashing through the trees. Upon stopping next to Luna he snarled "Im fine Gabriel, I am not injured, its merely a scratch, shes not that big of a threat" Finnegan smirked and glared at the female, his dislike for her cockiness growing.
Kate outstretched her arms and shrugged. "If you want a fight you've found it, I didn't come as an enemy. I came as a neighbor to offer advice and share what dangers exist here. But you seem very sure of yourself, this isn't your land anymore so if you want to fight let's go, if not, you came to me and can leave."
Gabriel thought carefully. Finally, he nodded. "Very well. If you did have advice, you should have sought me out." He turned around and shifted back, but kept an eye on the male. "Shall we get going?" He asked Finn and Luna.

@Boondox @shadowz1995 @Jasil @Boondox
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DaManofWar said:
Gabriel snarled fiercely and shifted. "You still intruded onto my pack's land. If I must, I will make sure you understand how badly I mean this threat. So leave." He knew they couldn't risk a war. But he still needed to be strong.
"Listen here cur." The alpha tone had now crept its way into his voice and the authority it commanded was practically palpable. To the other wolves in the vicinity it would be menacing and threatening but to another alpha it should be clear. A threat. True and clear as the skies themselves. A threat that not only guaranteed a conflict if one side didn't back down but also would be costly for his pack. The other alpha should be thinking about all options when a wolf takes this tone. "You cannot beat me. Do not threaten me pup. You are far too green to be challenging me. You are an ALPHA NOW! You must think of the well being of your pack! Do you truly believe you will win this fight? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for it? Your pack? Your mate? Answer carefully wolf. You don't want to make a fatal mistake so early into your role as leader and provider of you group." As the warrior kept talking, he eased off towards the end. This alpha was still young and only recently became alpha. He didn't know how things worked. He couldn't. By appearance, he looked like the drifter type. Someone who only looked out for themselves most of their life. He could grow to be a fine leader but he needed to learn how to conduct himself as one.
Luna tried to keep her calm demeanor, and she knew this wolf was a lot wiser than Gabriel, but unlike Gabriel, Luna knew about being in a pack, and being an Alpha. "Please can we all stop the insults and aggression. We can all just be on our way. We will be more cautious to our neighbors if it makes you calmer."
shadowz1995 said:
"Listen here cur." The alpha tone had now crept its way into his voice and the authority it commanded was practically palpable. To the other wolves in the vicinity it would be menacing and threatening but to another alpha it should be clear. A threat. True and clear as the skies themselves. A threat that not only guaranteed a conflict if one side didn't back down but also would be costly for his pack. The other alpha should be thinking about all options when a wolf takes this tone. "You cannot beat me. Do not threaten me pup. You are far too green to be challenging me. You are an ALPHA NOW! You must think of the well being of your pack! Do you truly believe you will win this fight? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for it? Your pack? Your mate? Answer carefully wolf. You don't want to make a fatal mistake so early into your role as leader and provider of you group." As the warrior kept talking, he eased off towards the end. This alpha was still young and only recently became alpha. He didn't know how things worked. He couldn't. By appearance, he looked like the drifter type. Someone who only looked out for themselves most of their life. He could grow to be a fine leader but he needed to learn how to conduct himself as one.
Gabriel registered the tone. He turned to the nomad. "I have no quarrel with you. And do not wish for conflict. So please, do not try and provoke me. I simply wish to see my pack grow and prosper. " He locked eyes with him now. "Who are you?"
Things were getting far too political and Kate shook her head before saying her final word on the females behalf, she was sensible and Kate liked her. "Trappers come through here, mind your paws and when pups come keep an eye on them. It's a tragedy when it happens." As far as she was concerned she was finished here and nodded, turning and starting to walk of in long strides.
Luna mumbled under her breath when the other female mentioned pups "Not for me." She looked to Finn and gestured for him to turn back, then nudged Gabriel to show she was leaving

"Thank you" she nodded to the strange wolves and walked away
An alphas mate that doesn't want pups, how strange. Or maybe she can't have them. Either way Kate could foresee that ending terribly in one way or another though she didn't care, she was more than satisfied with her day so far.
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel registered the tone. He turned to the nomad. "I have no quarrel with you. And do not wish for conflict. So please, do not try and provoke me. I simply wish to see my pack grow and prosper. " He locked eyes with him now. "Who are you?"
The warrior's eyes flicked between Gabriel and Luna before the muscles in his shoulders clearly relaxed and a long breath escaped his throat. "Your mate is wise young alpha. I would heed her advice whenever she offers it. Damn attractive as well The male couldn't help but think. "Just call me Crimson young alpha. That will be enough for now. I've memorized your scent. We will cross paths again. I hope it will be on better terms. Now if you don't mind I seek information from the she-wolf that one of your pack members attacked." Victor turned towards the direction of @Reptilesandromance the ballsy female lycanthrope and set off behind her but not before giving Gabriel some final advice. "You should probably take appropriate action against your pack member for assaulting without questioning first. You don't want to come off as some weak willed alpha that can't keep his pack in check......or do you?" With that he left the small wolf pack behind and caught up to Kate.

"Apologies for that whole charade. When new alphas get uppity, I can't exactly help myself and get the overwhelming urge to show them the truth of the world. Usually by tooth and claw but seems like words were enough this time around."
Kate narrowed her eyes at him and picked up her pace. "Now don't you come following me if you're going to start with the alpha authority figure bullshit, I don't care." She said bluntly, not interested in his status at all though it was strange to suddenly see so many wolves and now this strange male was following her. Why? @shadowz1995
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"Crimson...." Gabriel memorised that name. He nodded, and set off behind Luna. He smirked a bit as he came up on her. "What was that about pups?" He asked her. He was pleased that they considered her his mate. He did.

Reptilesandromance said:
Kate narrowed her eyes at him and picked up her face. "Now don't you come following me if you're going to start with the alpha authority figure bullshit, I don't care." She said bluntly, not interested in his status at all though it was strange to suddenly see so many wolves and now this strange male was following her. Why? @shadowz1995
Victor let out a hearty laugh at the she-wolf's warning and once again put his hands up in a gesture of mercy. "Easy easy. I don't plan to get my ears ripped off today. The whole alpha thing was not directed to you, I promise. But we are males, I'm sure you understand how we can get with each other. So no 'alpha authority bullshit' as you said. I merely wish for a guide. I'm new to these lands and something tells me I might end up slaughtering a certain new pack if they cross me the wrong way." It was said in a light tone but the threat was very real, regardless on whether Kate picked up on that or not. "Of course, if you would rather be on your way. I will not fault you. I can find my own way as well."
Luna kept walking angrily "Nothing."

She walked into camp and went straight to her house to get new clothes. Shifting she walked inside and stomped around as she got her things together.
"No I wouldn't understand, I haven't seen another anything like me since my father died. If you aren't going to be a pain I don't mind the company, but that ordeal was enough of a head ache." Kate softened in her tone and quit moving so fast, she picked up on the threy but didn't mind it, as long as it wasn't directed at her it wasn't her problem. @shadowz1995
Gabriel saw how angry she was, and followed her, shifting as well. "I'm sorry. My emotions got the better of me. But I heard you say something about pups. Luna, what is it?"
Reptilesandromance said:
"No I wouldn't understand, I haven't seen another anything like me since my father died. If you aren't going to be a pain I don't mind the company, but that ordeal was enough of a head ache." Kate softened in her tone and quit moving so fast, she picked up on the threy but didn't mind it, as long as it wasn't directed at her it wasn't her problem. @shadowz1995
"Agreed. I love the thrill of a worthy challenge as much as the next warrior but dealing with that was just....irritating. Irritating? I believe irritating is the right word. I will also do my best to not be a burden Miss. Also, my respect goes to your father. I'm sure he was a noble wolf and a good man."
She pulled on her clothes "I said nothing Gabriel damnit. You probably just heard the girl." She was looking for something to do, unsure if she should go back to the hall
Gabriel could tell something was up. "Luna, she made an excellent point. What if we do end up with pups?" He was now thinking ahead, of how he could protect his pack and family.

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"Best of the best. It's been ages though, I was sixteen. And yes that was extremely irritating and shouldn't have been dragged out." Kate slowed some, they were getting close to home and she wasn't sure of his intentions. She glanced at him, unsure though continued on her way. Her stomach was complaining again after the ordeal and she couldn't care less, if he had sinister intentions he wouldn't be so damn casual. @shadowz1995

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