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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Jasil said:
Luna shuddered when he wrapped his arms around her. She felt exposed as they swam.
Hearing him sing in her ear her body instantly relaxed and Luna felt as if she was in a dream, she shut her eyes.

Complete bliss clouded her mind and she was vulnerable.



Caua felt her relax, and he slowly swam back to the river bank. He stopped when her foot could reach the bottom of the river. Letting go of her, he stopped singing. He just stood there, hairs sprayed everywhere.​
Felicity frowned, cuddling into his side. "Please don't worry about me, I'll always be perfectly fine, you know I will." She sighed, smiling. It wasn't exactly true, Felicity was bad at talking to people, and bad at handling scary situations. Because of her small size, she was very easy prey, and would obviously get hurt in almost any situation. "I'm worried for you. You act so strong, Shaw, but I know you aren't as strong as you seem. You don't have to pretend." Her eyes focused on his. "Is there anything about the past you want to talk about?"

xxbetaspiritxx said:
Felicity frowned, cuddling into his side. "Please don't worry about me, I'll always be perfectly fine, you know I will." She sighed, smiling. It wasn't exactly true, Felicity was bad at talking to people, and bad at handling scary situations. Because of her small size, she was very easy prey, and would obviously get hurt in almost any situation. "I'm worried for you. You act so strong, Shaw, but I know you aren't as strong as you seem. You don't have to pretend." Her eyes focused on his. "Is there anything about the past you want to talk about?"
His heart began to ache when she mentioned him pretending. "It's not like that.. I have changed felicity." He pictured himself now compared to then, he was obviously physically completely different, he had always been big but now he was massive. He was naive and trusting, now calculating and worried. He was almost completely different. But felicity had managed to go through all that and still came out unchanged, her childlike sense of wonder still very much apparent. Shaw admired her, she was incredibly fortuitous. "I.. I can't talk about the past.. It's gone.. There's nothing left to speak of."

Felicity nodded in agreement, not saying much else on the matter. Her heart thumped in her mouth, and she suddenly felt racked with guilt for some strange reason or another. She knew he had changed, drastically, but his loving nature towards her hadn't seemed to falter in the slightest. He had always been big, that was true, but now he was almost unbelievably strong. It brought a smile to her face as she thought about it.

Felicity herself had seemed to just get thinner.....and thinner....and thinner until she seemed to just be skin and bone. In fact, without a shirt, her ribs were positively visible, as were her collar bones, shoulder blades and hip bones. Having walked a long, long time, her legs were her strongest body part, and so weren't too unbelievably skinny.

Inka-Grace's eyes were suddenly diverted to the man moving her mother around in the water, and a small whimper escaped from between her lips. She squealed, her legs feeling weak as she tried to move. Inka somehow knew that she was going to be scolded by her mother, and so wanted to move away from the cat and scurry elsewhere.

Her back legs were lifted up before anything else, and she stretched, a yawn causing her to shake all over before she crawled away from the Caracal, padding away and deeper into the woods. Inka suddenly paused when she was about to leave Adam, but didn't want to leave her new 'friend' alone. He seemed nice enough.

Gently, her teeth wrapped around his tail, and she tugged softly, trying to gesture for him to follow her on her little expedition. Along with tugging, she quietly made what she thought were the same noises he had, before releasing him from her grasp. Waiting for him, she sat down, her tail whipping the small clumps of dry dirt around her.

he noticed her silence, "it's ok love, you haven't hurt my feelings."

He scooted over some and layed his head in her lap, his good hand gently caressing her well defined thigh. "My rose.. My delicate flower." His words trailed away as he closed his eyes, thinking of the son she would bear him and the time they would spend together.

Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua felt her relax, and he slowly swam back to the river bank. He stopped when her foot could reach the bottom of the river. Letting go of her, he stopped singing. He just stood there, hairs sprayed everywhere.​
Luna stood hazily, feeling unsteady.

"What did you do?"

Her voice came out in a sort of whisper and she managed to take a small step.

Her eyes drifted around, not really seeing anything

Felicity smiled, her hands combing through his hair. She began to sing a quiet lullaby, hoping Shaw would fall asleep. He needed the rest, and she wouldn't stop until he had actually rested. Her eyes began to shut as she felt herself drifting off, her voice slowly trailing away. "My....my Shaw." She smirked, leaning down and kissing his hair.

He woke up just as Inka did, and shook his head, getting to his feet. He watched as the small canine stretched with a squeal, then began walking away. He tilted his head in confusion, ears twitching, but didn't truly seem to mind and sat back down.

Though, he soon felt his tail, and he twisted to swipe a paw at her, though made sure his claws weren't out. He got back up when released, and calmly padded after her, curious to know why she was moving away from the water.

Inka-Grace looked bewildered when she saw a paw bop at the top of her head, and she growled playfully, her ears flipping over her eyes. With huge amounts of confusion, she shook her head until one ear fell to the side of her face, allowing her to see from one purple eye. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth happily as she allowed her muzzle to sniff the ground. As long as she was with an adult, she assumed it would be okay to go on an expedition.

Clumsily, she stumbled under Adam's stomach, calmly keeping her pace from under him. When looking up, she saw the bottom of his chin. Inka felt safe with this stranger, and so continued to stay by him. The forest intrigued her, and she wanted to explore it.

Kira nodded, biting back a bitter laugh. "This wolf isn't proud anymore." Her tail brushed forward, sweeping away the dust from the pelt of the depicted wolf. "I only asked because I want to know if you're well enough to talk- if you'll say anything... I just want to know why you hate us." Amber eyes raising from the floor to bore toward the cougar, Kira chanced a sad smile. "I mean, we're all freaks, aren't we? So one of us meow's and the other barks, what's the difference in your eyes?"

Jasil said:
Luna stood hazily, feeling unsteady.
"What did you do?"

Her voice came out in a sort of whisper and she managed to take a small step.

Her eyes drifted around, not really seeing anything



Caua smiled.

"Just a little magic I can do."

He said, and placed his hand on her elbow, afraid she would topple over.

"Maybe I sang too much..."

He muttered under his breath.​
Diana put out her tongue towards Violet,allowing herself a rare moment of playfulness.

She pulled her clothes off,exposing her pale human body before shifting into her wolf form. It felt good to be an animal after so long,and Diana smiled towards the calling of the forest.


Alec laughed along with Faolin,pulling his hair away from his face to rise his green eyes to his friend.

"Please,the frogs are all a 7,tops. I'm easily a strong 8 in the beauty scale."

He chuckled when he heard the growl,happy to see some fighting was still on his friend. He would have to be a fighter if he was to make it,and Alec had no doubts that he was strong.

"You couldn't win against me even if you were strong,puny healer."

He laughed and pulled Faolin's waist so he would stand straight,leading him to the bathroom.
Looking at Dianna Violet smiled happily and watched her undress. She gazed at her mate's human form for as long as it lasted then Dianna changed wolf. Smiling Violet nuzzled her mate then silently padded towards the forests her tail held high in happiness as she watched her mate follow.

Looking at him Faolin asked playfully, "Want to test that out?" He growled again but playfully then he shook his head. He knew this was all for his good so he didn't complain. Silently he stood as he felt Alec help him to keep steady and stand straight. Then Alec lead him towards the bathroom. Faolin closed his eyes and sighed as he wondered what he had done to deserve all this? Had he done something wrong or were the gods just not smiling down on him today. They had given him a chance with Kira but his honor and love for her had stopped him from taking that offer he should have pounced upon the opertunity however he knew like any other wolf new to have a truly wonderful relationship with your mate they had to mate with you willingly and with love. More love meant more bonding which meant stronger relationship which meant more happiness. It was a chain reaction Faolin was likely to never see.

(Unless someone wants to be Faolin's mate. Pm me if you want to have this role.)

Supermegabrenda2 said:


Caua smiled.

"Just a little magic I can do."

He said, and placed his hand on her elbow, afraid she would topple over.

"Maybe I sang too much..."

He muttered under his breath.​
Luna shook her head as the haze disappeared. She looked towards shore at let out a scream.

Inka was missing.

Luna bolted out of the water and shifted to her wolf.

Sniffing the ground she began running in the direction of her daughters scent.

@Supermegabrenda2 @xxbetaspiritxx

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Skip gets up and scratches his barrel sized chest and looks around to see whats happening. With a big louder than normal yawn he stretches out right when a gentle breeze sweeps by. He couldnt help but smile at the smell of lavender. In fact he was so happy he started patting his chest with one hand and his leg with the other in rhythm and began to dance around his fire and sing a happy tune
Jasil said:
Luna shook her head as the haze disappeared. She looked towards shore at let out a scream.
Inka was missing.

Luna bolted out of the water and shifted to her wolf.

Sniffing the ground she began running in the direction of her daughters scent.

@Supermegabrenda2 @xxbetaspiritxx



Caua followed her, shifting into his midnight lion. He soon passed the wolf, being slightly fas He roared, seeing Inka with a Caracal. He snarled, wrinkles forming over his nose. He nudged Inka away, standing over her.

@Yewitz @xxbetaspiritxx @Jasil
Nuuchi said:
Skip gets up and scratches his barrel sized chest and looks around to see whats happening. With a big louder than normal yawn he stretches out right when a gentle breeze sweeps by. He couldnt help but smile at the smell of lavender. In fact he was so happy he started patting his chest with one hand and his leg with the other in rhythm and began to dance around his fire and sing a happy tune


Isis awoke slowly, shifting back. Her shirt hung loosely around her. She wached Skip, smiling.

"Rock those moves, Skip!"

She said, laughing.​
Luna picked up Inka by the scruff and snarled at the cat who had taken her.

She watched Caua stand infront of them and couldn't decide if she was mad at him or not.

He distracted her from her child

But now he's defending her

...And he's cute...

Voices in Luna's head whispered at her
Jasil said:
Luna picked up Inka by the scruff and snarled at the cat who had taken her.
She watched Caua stand infront of them and couldn't decide if she was mad at him or not.

He distracted her from her child

But now he's defending her

...And he's cute...

Voices in Luna's head whispered at her


Caua snarled, and snorted. Flicking his tail, he turned, and motioned for her to come. He headed for the cabins, and shifted back. Rubbing his shoulder and biting his lip, he said.

"Sorry... It's my fault she ran off..."​
Inka-Grace whimpered as her mother picked her up, then growled at her. Why were they mad at the friendly creature? And what had the stranger shifted into? He looked scary and malicious. Inka-Grace's nose scrunched up and she continued to whine, her body twisting in an attempt to escape and be reunited with her friend.




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