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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

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  • Jasmine

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Alec refused to leave Faolin in that state,detecting the obvious lie in his tone. His friend was wounded,hurting,and he only wished to help. He followed him towards the river,speaking gently to get his attention.

"Faolin...you're not okay. Tell me what is wrong. Please let me know if I can help."


Diana felt peaceful and calm for the first time in the day,feeling complete in the company of her mate. The fur was warm against her body and she closed her eyes,leaning against Violet and sighing with happiness.

"I love you,my sun and stars. You were the best thing that ever happened to me."



Geralt seemed sad at Tyr's question,but he nodded towards the boy and smiled,keeping his feelings inside.

"I wish I were more than your father's friend,Tyr." He admitted,pulling his dark hair away from his face. "But if he doesn't want me like that,I can definitely be just his friend. I know he needs me. And I would love to be your friend as well."

He stopped and looked up at the cabin,then back at Tyr with a smile as he placed one hand in the boy's head gently.

"We will be friends,Tyr. I promise. Your father won't feel alone anymore,because I will be here for him."

He bumped his fist against his chest,like warriors did back at his clan to acknowledge one another.

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Alec refused to leave Faolin in that state,detecting the obvious lie in his tone. His friend was wounded,hurting,and he only wished to help. He followed him towards the river,speaking gently to get his attention.
"Faolin...you're not okay. Tell me what is wrong. Please let me know if I can help."


Diana felt peaceful and calm for the first time in the day,feeling complete in the company of her mate. The fur was warm against her body and she closed her eyes,leaning against Violet and sighing with happiness.

"I love you,my sun and stars. You were the best thing that ever happened to me."
Faolin looked at Alec with sad eyes as he sighed loudly. He walked into the lake and stood leg deep then closed his eyes as he stated, "I'll tell you what's wrong I spend my entire life searching for a mate and the one I chose turns out to be a cold shut out who refuses to love on any condition whatsoever okay! So no you cannot help Alec!" He had stated this in a loud cold voice that was just wrong for Faolin it didn't sound like him at all and his eyes weren't normal either they were cold stones. Faolin turned away angrilly and plunged into the water and submerged then came out shook himself then just laid down staying silent his eyes as cold as flint. He was changing dramatically.

Looking at Dianna Violet whimpered lovingly then nuzzled her mate as she cuddled closer. Softly she whispered, "Same her my Love." She licked her mate's face then down to Dianna's neck. She licked her mates neck then licked her mate's mark gently and consistently indicating she wanted to mate again with Dianna. Feeling her wolf mentally howl Violet shuddered with pleasure as her wolf mentally licked Dianna's wolf's neck. Then Violet joined her mental wolf in unison in the real world. Breathing heavily Violet whimpered in a needing tone as she asked, "Can we be really close tonight? I want to be close to you again as close as possible." She snuggled closer to prove her point as the connection between them grew stronger. Violet could feel them close to attaining oneness and she wanted them to be one tonight after all that happened she wanted her and Dianna to be one badly so much so she would beg for it if need be.

KaalysBR said:
Alec refused to leave Faolin in that state,detecting the obvious lie in his tone. His friend was wounded,hurting,and he only wished to help. He followed him towards the river,speaking gently to get his attention.
"Faolin...you're not okay. Tell me what is wrong. Please let me know if I can help."


Diana felt peaceful and calm for the first time in the day,feeling complete in the company of her mate. The fur was warm against her body and she closed her eyes,leaning against Violet and sighing with happiness.

"I love you,my sun and stars. You were the best thing that ever happened to me."



Geralt seemed sad at Tyr's question,but he nodded towards the boy and smiled,keeping his feelings inside.

"I wish I were more than your father's friend,Tyr." He admitted,pulling his dark hair away from his face. "But if he doesn't want me like that,I can definitely be just his friend. I know he needs me. And I would love to be your friend as well."

He stopped and looked up at the cabin,then back at Tyr with a smile as he placed one hand in the boy's head gently.

"We will be friends,Tyr. I promise. Your father won't feel alone anymore,because I will be here for him."

He bumped his fist against his chest,like warriors did back at his clan to acknowledge one another.

Tyr smiled at him and was bouncing as he reached the door. He entered and shouted "Tyr is home and he brings present." Dante was still in the kitchen and shouted "ok my little gamma. Leave your present in the bin so I can check them. Then go wash up for diner please." He then turned around and saw Geralt "oh um...hey did expect you to come back...ever?."
Geralt gave Dante a small smile,watching Tyr jump around excitedly and then go wash up for dinner. He replaced the herbs he had found on a table,then turned to Dante taking a deep breath.

"Your son is a great kid."

He looked at Dante for a while,biting his lip at the question. Damn,it would be hard to be only his friend.

"I'm not leaving,Dante. You're not getting rid of me so easily." A smile pulled his lips up. "I want to be by your side,no matter the way you need me to be. I'm yours...even if you love someone else."



Alec was shocked at the extreme changes in his friend,barely recognized him anymore. When he mentioned love,he finally understood what was wrong with him.


He walked into the water along with Faolin,worried about him doing something stupid with himself. He cared deeply about the wolf,and couldn't stand to see him like this.

"Faolin...are you sure it's over? If so...that doesn't mean you will never find the right person for you. I know you are hurting but it's not hopeless,friend."


Diana felt her body react to Violet immediately,aching with the same desire that her lover felt. Diana herself barely couldn't contain her hands as she moved forward and kissed Violet deeply,wanting to leave her marking in her mate again. They already owned each other,and she wanted to make that even more clear.

"My love,I want us to be together again. Both the woman and the wolf will always ache for you."

She allowed her wolf to embrace Violet's white animal form,biting her neck to show that she was ready.

In her human form she kissed Violet deeply,going down to her neck and placing her lips there as well. She kissed Violet's collarbone,knowing that in this night she would be complete once more.

KaalysBR said:
Geralt gave Dante a small smile,watching Tyr jump around excitedly and then go wash up for dinner. He replaced the herbs he had found on a table,then turned to Dante taking a deep breath.
"Your son is a great kid."

He looked at Dante for a while,biting his lip at the question. Damn,it would be hard to be only his friend.

"I'm not leaving,Dante. You're not getting rid of me so easily." A smile pulled his lips up. "I want to be by your side,no matter the way you need me to be. I'm yours...even if you love someone else."



Alec was shocked at the extreme changes in his friend,barely recognized him anymore. When he mentioned love,he finally understood what was wrong with him.


He walked into the water along with Faolin,worried about him doing something stupid with himself. He cared deeply about the wolf,and couldn't stand to see him like this.

"Faolin...are you sure it's over? If so...that doesn't mean you will never find the right person for you. I know you are hurting but it's not hopeless,friend."


Diana felt her body react to Violet immediately,aching with the same desire that her lover felt. Diana herself barely couldn't contain her hands as she moved forward and kissed Violet deeply,wanting to leave her marking in her mate again. They already owned each other,and she wanted to make that even more clear.

"My love,I want us to be together again. Both the woman and the wolf will always ache for you."

She allowed her wolf to embrace Violet's white animal form,biting her neck to show that she was ready.

In her human form she kissed Violet deeply,going down to her neck and placing her lips there as well. She kissed Violet's collarbone,knowing that in this night she would be complete once more.

(Great job running so many people)
Alec was shocked at the extreme changes in his friend,barely recognized him anymore. When he mentioned love,he finally understood what was wrong with him.

He walked into the water along with Faolin,worried about him doing something stupid with himself. He cared deeply about the wolf,and couldn't stand to see him like this.

"Faolin...are you sure it's over? If so...that doesn't mean you will never find the right person for you. I know you are hurting but it's not
Faolin stared blankly at the lake not listening however the last part came over the dead lines and he snapped his cold eyed towards Alec as he asked, "What would you do if Claire shut you out and walked away?" His voice was deathly cold like the winters wind then he snapped his eyes away as he stated, "I doubt any other females would love me anyways. I am not in my prime and I am definitely no longer in the mood to humor any females or males for that matter or you so why don't you just go away and leave? Your doing no good anyways I might as well walk into that lake and drown for all I care." He stood as if to go through with the statement then laid back down again his eyes still rock hard his voice keener then a icy blade this wasn't him. It was like Faolin had advocated for Mr. Cold.

Diana felt her body react to Violet immediately, aching with the same desire that her lover felt. Diana herself barely couldn't contain her hands as she moved forward and kissed Violet deeply, wanting to leave her marking in her mate again. They already owned each other, and she wanted to make that even more clear.
"My love, I want us to be together again. Both the woman and the wolf will always ache for you."

She allowed her wolf to embrace Violet's white animal form, biting her neck to show that she was ready.

In her human form she kissed Violet deeply, going down to her neck and placing her lips there as well. She kissed Violet's collarbone, knowing that in this night she would be complete once more.
Shivering Violet felt her desire returned by her mate and love. Immediately Dianna kissed her deeply and Violet whimpered in a needing tone as she kissed back deeply and with a deep set desire. Yes they already owned each other but then wanted to make it more clear then before. She heard Dianna's voice and words but couldn't form a coeherant awnser. She just nodded as Dianna embraced her in wolf form and bit her neck. Violet shivered then felt her fangs grow longer slightly as she bit Dianna's neck back. She felt shivers of pleasure rack through her body then she felt Dianna kissing her mark and her world exploded into a thousand different sensation that caused Violet to shut her eyes and clutch at Dianna to keep herself upright then she pulled her fangs out of Dianna's neck and licked the mark clean then she changed human. Tonight they woule be one and complete again. Violet kissed her mate deeply as she pulled away and waited for Dianna to take control Violet wanted Dianna to take control. She whimpered again waiting her mental wolf wagging it's tail furiously in anticipation
KaalysBR said:
Geralt gave Dante a small smile,watching Tyr jump around excitedly and then go wash up for dinner. He replaced the herbs he had found on a table,then turned to Dante taking a deep breath.
"Your son is a great kid."

He looked at Dante for a while,biting his lip at the question. Damn,it would be hard to be only his friend.

"I'm not leaving,Dante. You're not getting rid of me so easily." A smile pulled his lips up. "I want to be by your side,no matter the way you need me to be. I'm yours...even if you love someone else."



Alec was shocked at the extreme changes in his friend,barely recognized him anymore. When he mentioned love,he finally understood what was wrong with him.


He walked into the water along with Faolin,worried about him doing something stupid with himself. He cared deeply about the wolf,and couldn't stand to see him like this.


"Faolin...are you sure it's over? If so...that doesn't mean you will never find the right person for you. I know you are hurting but it's not hopeless,friend."


Diana felt her body react to Violet immediately,aching with the same desire that her lover felt. Diana herself barely couldn't contain her hands as she moved forward and kissed Violet deeply,wanting to leave her marking in her mate again. They already owned each other,and she wanted to make that even more clear.

"My love,I want us to be together again. Both the woman and the wolf will always ache for you."

She allowed her wolf to embrace Violet's white animal form,biting her neck to show that she was ready.

In her human form she kissed Violet deeply,going down to her neck and placing her lips there as well. She kissed Violet's collarbone,knowing that in this night she would be complete once more.

Dante looked at Geralt with a sad and conflict expression. "Yeh Tyr is the best kid I know. He is my little gamma. Look Geralt I really want you here with me. I really like you and feel with time I can come up love you. But I don't love, it's just to be constantly reminded how you got pushed to the side. It not really anything to do with him or you or felicity. If anything it has to do with me and my messed up head. I just what to say sorry...if I made you feel hurt or upset. Are you going to be joing us for dinner?" Tyr came running back in and sat at the table. As Dante made three plates of deer in burger form.
Alec didn't seem to be angry by his friends suddenly cold act,but he was severely worried. He shook his head insistently and remained in the same place,although his words hurt his heart. He didn't recognize this man anymore.

"I...don't know what I would do if Claire did that. But I wouldn't punish myself for it either,Faolin. It's not your fault that she is changed. And you are a good person,handsome too. Any person would be lucky to have you by their side. Don't change because of this,Faolin."

He was terrified about the possibility of Faolin actually going through with the suicide,so he remained close,no matter how many times he was told to go away


Diana was ready to take control of the woman she loved,ready to be one with her again. She lowered her face towards Violet and touched their foreheads together.

"You are the most gorgeous woman in the world."

The sounds of the forest were soft around them,the light in the room the dim. But the only thing Diana could see was Violet,beautiful,gorgeous and completely naked in front of her.

She kissed the woman with passion,biting the top of her lip. The night was special,and she intended to make that clear.

(Aaaand fade to black after Violet's action @Lighthouse8477 )


Geralt nodded,trying to imagine how painful it must have been for Dante to be pushed aside,changed for another. He wish they had met in a time before all of this,in a time where his duties to his clan didn't stand between the two of them,and a time where Dante still wasn't feeling for someone else.

But the healer gave him hope. And that was enough for him.

"Dante...I understand. You won't simply heal immediately,like nothing happened. I can't pretend that it didn't hurt to see you and...him. But I should also understand your situation. I really like you as well,and I know how to be patient. Just be patient with me as well."

Geralt nodded when asked if he would stay and sat on the table,smiling to Tyr as he made a plane with his napkins and sent it flying around the room.

Luna carried Inka back into camp and towards her own cabin. Sitting on her front porch steps she let the curious pup play. She watched the activity around her, ready to jump in when needed.

@ anyone
Alec didn't seem to be angry by his friends suddenly cold act,but he was severely worried. He shook his head insistently and remained in the same place,although his words hurt his heart. He didn't recognize this man anymore.
"I...don't know what I would do if Claire did that. But I wouldn't punish myself for it either,Faolin. It's not your fault that she is changed. And you are a good person,handsome too. Any person would be lucky to have you by their side. Don't change because of this,Faolin."

He was terrified about the possibility of Faolin actually going through with the suicide,so he remained close,no matter how many times he was told to go away.
Snapping his eyes from the water Faolin sighed loudly and closed his eyes shedding silent tears. He was half tempted to run into that water now and end it all with one stroke of the bell Faolin would be no more but he couldn't. He sighed then he looked at Alec and gave a small forced smile his eyes broken but not cold as he sighed loudly, "To lose a loved one and not change would be impossible for anyone with a heart beating in their chest Alec." He then turned towards the water then sighed and stated, "I want to die. I have nothing to live for." He looked at Alec then lowered his tail in defeat as he stated, "But I will continue on living although at this point it seems worse then death." He turned still not the same and walked slowly away.

Diana was ready to take control of the woman she loved, ready to be one with her again. She lowered her face towards Violet and touched their foreheads together.
"You are the most gorgeous woman in the world."

The sounds of the forest were soft around them, the light in the room the dim. But the only thing Diana could see was Violet, beautiful, gorgeous and completely naked in front of her.

She kissed the woman with passion, biting the top of her lip. The night was special, and she intended to make that clear.
Silently Violet waited and then it came. Dianna leaned her head forward and touched hers. In that second Violet felt closer to being one with her mate then ever she felt her heart increase extremely as she wanted Dianna. Dianna spoke words but Violet only felt Dianna's raw emotions love, desire, and a mix of something else Violet couldn't name in words but it made her feel special.
She heard the sound of the forest behind her but she ignored it in the dim light she could just make out Dianna's perfect naked body. Then Dianna leaned in and kissed her Violet shuddered then kissed back as she felt her top lip bitten slightly tonight was special. Violet whimpered again then kissed her mate back deeply as she made sure she was clear. She wanted the night to be as special as Dianna could make it.

@KaalysBR (Aaand scene end. Skip to mourning.)
Shaw finished teasing felicity and headed outside to find something to eat, his stomach was rumbling from his battle.

Stepping onto the front porch he looked around and saw Luna with inka on her porch.

He approached her and said, "hey boss, I'm starving but I can't really hunt.. You got anything to eat?" His stomach growled loudly and he rubbed the back of his head nervously. @Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx
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Luna nodded.

"There is a kitchen in the main hall. Big freezer and pantry stocked with food." She pointed in the direction of the building. And while you're in there, could you check on Kira? I'm not sure who is actually still down there besides her. I'll have to go guard the cougar with her I suppose. And find a sitter for Inka..."

Her mind trailed off
Alec felt pain in his own heart for the state of his friend,wanting to help but unable to understand his situation. Faolin was so nice,so gentle. He didn't deserve any of what was was happening to him,and Alec wished he could share his pain so he would feel it lessen.

"I'm sorry,Faolin...I'm just...sorry. I can't explain how much I would miss you if you were gone. Please don't."

He didn't know what else to say,but when his friend came out of the water he took a step forward and hugged him,knowing that wouldn't be enough but hoping to show some comfort.

"Thanks, I'll talk to her." He slowly trudged toward the main hall, still weak from the events of the day.

Once inside, he sought out the freezer. He had no idea how to prepare the meat. He looked for Kira instead, "hey, Luna asked me to check in with you." (Who's Kira? xD )
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Alec felt pain in his own heart for the state of his friend,wanting to help but unable to understand his situation. Faolin was so nice,so gentle. He didn't deserve any of what was was happening to him,and Alec wished he could share his pain so he would feel it lessen.
"I'm sorry,Faolin...I'm just...sorry. I can't explain how much I would miss you if you were gone. Please don't."

He didn't know what else to say,but when his friend came out of the water he took a step forward and hugged him,knowing that wouldn't be enough but hoping to show some comfort.
Looking at Alec Faolin excepted the embrace without any complaint. He just allowed Alec to hug him. Although the swirling pit in his mind and body only receded slightly it was enough to allow Faolin to sigh slightly then whispered, "Thank you Alec." He then pulled away from the hug still not his cheerful self but closer then he had been in the past few hours. However he now looked like Mr. Empty because his body was completely devoid of any emotion whatsoever and his steps were slow and careless as if not really caring if he died on the next step. His tail dragged on the ground behing him it was so low. He was not himself not by a long shot but at least he was no longer considering suicide. He looked back at Alec and asked, "Can you stay with me Alec? I need some sort of friend who at least cares about me to talk to if I talk at all." He then sighed heavily and stated, "You might want to move all the weapons inside my house out and hide them for right now. The way I am feeling I don't trust myself alone with a knife in reach I won't drown myself it's to slow and painful. A knife however I wouldn't put past me." He then walked forward slowly and dejectedly. He had lost all hope.
Quincy watched the exchange sadly, before turning, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He walked around a little, and stopped by the lake, looking to his reflection. His hair came to his chin, he was somewhat muscled, but lithe. He realized most make wolves, no most alpha males were buff, and thickly muscled, he was unspeaking to the type an alpha may look for. He was built like a hunter, fragile, but strong. He sighed and went back to the hall, and to the basement. He then sat sharing the wall, his eye was trained on the lion, but the state was dead, emotionless, to not give anything away. @ juju
Alec simply nodded to Faolin,feeling useless for being unable to help him in a better way than simply offering his friendship. They were close,but he could never help him fully with his lost love. That was something he would have to endure by himself,but he could at least help.

"Of course I will be with you. I would never leave you by yourself in a moment like this."

He took a quick glance at his own house,knowing that Claire would be taking care of Melanie. That only rose his pain for knowing that Faolin was denied the chance to have what he had.

He sighed and walked to his friend's house quickly,removing any objects that he thought that could be harmful. Glasses,blades. Anything Faolin could use to hurt himself with.

"All right,come in. I won't leave your side. I know I'm not much help,but you will always have me to help."

Quincy looked up seeing Shaw, "hello, friend... If you don't mind me calling you that." His voice was soft, his eye glittering in the dark. He was shivering a little, his career human torso not used to the chill of the cellar. He wondered how he went from fully dispising Shaw to longing for him to accept him as a friend. You long for a friendly face, for affection after your heartbreak. The small voice in the back of his head told him. @akumashioni
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy looked up seeing Shaw, "hello, friend... If you don't mind me calling you that." His voice was soft, his eye glittering in the dark. He was shivering a little, his career human torso not used to the chill of the cellar. He wondered how he went from fully dispising Shaw to longing for him to accept him as a friend. You long for a friendly face, for affection after your heartbreak. The small voice in the back of his head told him. @akumashioni
Shaw smiled proudly when Quincy called him a friend. "Wow, I never thought you'd say that.. I'd be honored." He extended his good arm to shake the one eyed wolfs hand.

"Know how to cook?" Shaws stomach rumbles audibly. @MadameRedWolf
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate didn't object to him, couldn't as her body heaved one final time that left her trembling against him.
"You take a toll on me.." She sighed, but clearly put her anger aside as she took his hand and looked at him, waiting for him to say something.
"I'm sorry Kate. Look you can be angry and tear my wounds open with your own hands if you want but after. We need to make sure you are ok. I have constantly told you I value your safety over my own." Victor looks into her eyes and scans her features as if he was seeing her for the first time. The sound of dripping came to ears and it took him a second to notice it was his own reopened wounds from his sprint to Kate that were bleeding freely. He cursed in his mind but ignored it and quickly went to fetch Kate some cold water.
Quincy smiled and nodded, "I'll tell you a secret Shaw, in Wolfswood, I was the head hunter. I know how to defend my party, and then I can go home and cook for them." His eye glittered happily, "let's go upstairs." @akumashioni
Felicity did get irritated by Shaw when he began teasing her, and she made that clear by pouting, frowning and grumbling inaudibly under her breath like an angry child.

But, when Shaw left, Felicity sighed, not liking being on her own so much. That was scary in itself. Just to make herself feel better, she scrambled to every door and window, then locked it. That way, no one could come in, nor could she be forced out. At least that made her feel more secure without Shaw in the cabin with her. She did hope he was actually okay, and not hurt at all. But, he was severely hurt, and so he probably wasn't okay. Now she was regretting not being more stubborn, and that she hadn't allowed him to go outside on his own, or at all.

Shaw lit up, "yes! 'Im starving!" He followed Quincy back upstairs, eager to speak more with him.

"You were the lead hunter? That's impressive." He eyed him inquisitively.

Whatever he was planning on making, shaw was happy.

"So when did you join the pack?" He said as he sat at a table. @MadameRedWolf
Alec simply nodded to Faolin,feeling useless for being unable to help him in a better way than simply offering his friendship. They were close, but he could never help him fully with his lost love. That was something he would have to endure by himself, but he could at least help.
"Of course I will be with you. I would never leave you by yourself in a moment like this."

He took a quick glance at his own house, knowing that Claire would be taking care of Melanie. That only rose his pain for knowing that Faolin was denied the chance to have what he had.

He sighed and walked to his friend's house quickly, removing any objects that he thought that could be harmful. Glasses, blades. Anything Faolin could use to hurt himself with.

"All right, come in. I won't leave your side. I know I'm not much help, but you will always have me to help."
Silently Faolin walked forward ignoring Alec as he plodded slowly forward. Birds and pretty flowers lined the way back to his cabin but he hardly noticed them and then he noticed Alec was gone. He stopped then shrugged as he walked forward to his cabin. He saw Alec go on and sighed somewhat resignedly. He walked to the house and opened the door then heard Alec say, "All right,come in. I won't leave your side. I know I'm not much help, but you will always have me to help." Faolin just nodded at Alec saying nothing. He walked to his bed and sat down on it's edge placed his head in his hands and then cried softly.

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