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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Luna snorted

"Fine, so be it."

Her tail swished angrily

"And of course Quincy was the last around when she spoke."

Luna let out a small growl and sat by the stairs
Kira tilted her head, unsure why Luna spoke with such bitter tones of the new wolf. The thought quickly disappeared- her alpha would know the wolf much better than she and must have had firm reasoning for such hostility. "I've not known him so long to make as firm an attitude for him as you have." She looks over to Luna, amber eyes flashing in the dim light.

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Quincy was happy, happy that Shaw had recognized him, as a friend, it meant he was alone- but not as alone as he was. He then walked back to the basement and froze when he saw Luna. He bowed stiffly, "Alpha. What is it you twitter if me?" His voice was flat, but respectful, his eye showed nothing. @Jasil
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Moolock said:
Kira tilted her head, unsure why Luna spoke with such bitter tones of the new wolf. The thought quickly disappeared- her alpha would know the wolf much better than she and must have had firm reasoning for such hostility. "I've not known him so long to make as firm an attitude for him as you have." She looks over to Luna, amber eyes flashing in the dim light.
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy was happy, happy that Shaw had recognized him, as a friend, it meant he was alone- but not as alone as he was. He then walked back to the basement and froze when he saw Luna. He bowed stiffly, "Alpha. What is it you twitter if me?" His voice was flat, but respectful, his eye showed nothing. @Jasil
Luna raised her head to answer when Quincy walked in.

"Kira I'll be back in a moment."

She motioned for Quincy to go upstairs as she climbed the steps. Reaching the top she went into the main hall and shifted, standing with her arms crossed over her chest.

@MadameRedWolf @Moolock
Quincy stood inverting of her, he didn't meet Luna's eyes, afraid his eyes would brush his passion at being treated as a traitor. "Yes, my alpha? He said softly. @Jasil
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy stood inverting of her, he didn't meet Luna's eyes, afraid his eyes would brush his passion at being treated as a traitor. "Yes, my alpha? He said softly. @Jasil
Luna shook her head with confusion.

"What the hell did I do? What did I do to you to make you suddenly hate me?"

There was hurt in her voice but she masked it with pure confusion.

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Alec sighed once he noticed that Faolin was sleeping deeply,then walked out of his house. He wouldn't be gone for long.

He just needed answers.

He smelled the person he was looking for with ease,walking into the basement where the lion was caged. He only took a quick glance to the lion before turning back to the woman.

"Kira. Why? Why did you end everything?"

His voice showed only confusion. He took another glance upstairs and gestured for Kira to follow him to the door,so they wouldn't be heard.



Geralt nodded to Dante,finishing the plates and placing them on the sink. His smile was bright as he approached the wolf.

"I know you're honest,Dante. That's one of my favorite things about you."

He watched Tyr running upstairs.

Kira blinked as the new wolf entered, confused. She stood and followed him, on the way asking, "What do you mean end everything?" Flicking her ears back against her head, she narrowed her eyes.

"I'm talking about Faolin,Kira."

Alec pulled his hair away from his face,looking tired and lost. He was feeling for his friend,almost like the pain was his own.

"You two were so close. I was sure you would mate with him eventually. Did everything really change so quickly between the two of you?"

"I let my guard down for a moment and he's laboring under the hope that I'll keep it down for him." She curled her tail around her paws. "I'm not and I've learned not to let it down again," Kira said, voice almost a low growl. "Why do you care anyway?"

"He is my best friend,Kira. And he loves you more than anyone else in this world. What do you mean about letting your guard down? Aren't you allowed to love someone?"

Alec sounded even more confused now in face of her growing angry.

"I can't recognize you anymore. Did something happen?"

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"What do you mean you don't recognize me anymore?" She asked, irritated. "I barely know you, I've barely met you!" Kira stood quickly not realizing she'd subconsciously dug her claws into the wooden floor. Glancing in the cougar's direction, she forced her voice to lower again. "Who I love and who I refuse to love is none of your business."

Alec's own eyes darted to the cougar,but shot back at Kira after she finished talking. There was nothing more in his expression ,no more indication of what he was feeling.

"You're right. I don't know you. Sorry." He turned to leave,walking outside without looking back. "Just know that you have someone that loves you,and probably always will. No matter how much you ignore him."

He turned to his wolf form and darted back to Faolin's house,once again keeping a close eye on his friend.

@Lighthouse8477 @Moolock
(I gtg for a few hours.)

Kira sighed, going back to her corner, sitting still for a few seconds, then springing up again and beginning to pace, muttering to herself about Faolin and why the hell Alec would be involved.
Quincy glanced up at her, his eye still guarded, "I could ask you the same Alpha." He replied, "you are angry that I show kindness to Guinevere, correct, because she killed Gabriel." His voice had a matter of fact tone. @Jasil
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy glanced up at her, his eye still guarded, "I could ask you the same Alpha." He replied, "you are angry that I show kindness to Guinevere, correct, because she killed Gabriel." His voice had a matter of fact tone. @Jasil
Luna's face changed even more.

"No.... Gods no! Why would you think that?! Maybe the magnitude of kindness bothered me but... I SPARED her life! Even after what she's done to this pack, I didn't kill her because you didn't want me to!"

She paced around the room, gripping fistfuls of purple hair.

Luna felt got tears form in her eyes.

Canagan rested, his back up against a tree. His knees were pulled up to his chest as he turned the pages to a book that lie in his hands. He let out a small sigh as he read, sometimes giggling or smiling, sometimes whimpering sadly, and sometimes letting out angry puffs of air. That's what books did to him, and he loved them, how they made you feel. He'd coo softly when someone fell in love just like that, and he wished he was in their place. Just once, he thought, Just once in my life, I hope this would happen. Not now, no. Definitely not now. But some day, would be nice.

That was exactly what books did to him. He was barely even aware, or maybe he just didn't care, about anything happening around him.
Micheal was running through the forest in wolf form, following the scent of many wolves in the same area. A pack, this is my chance to meet some new people.

He hesitated at the outskirts of the camps borderline and sniffed around till he caught wind of a scent outside as well, though it didn't smell quite the same.

He shifted to human form as he approached a man reading a book, sitting against a tree.

He quickly took note of the mans features, he looked interesting. "Hey, you know this pack?" @Yewitz
akumashioni said:
Micheal was running through the forest in wolf form, following the scent of many wolves in the same area. A pack, this is my chance to meet some new people.
He hesitated at the outskirts of the camps borderline and sniffed around till he caught wind of a scent outside as well, though it didn't smell quite the same.

He shifted to human form as he approached a man reading a book, sitting against a tree.

He quickly took note of the mans features, he looked interesting. "Hey, you know this pack?" @Yewitz
Who is Michael?
Diana woke with a startle,the nightmare that had been holding her asleep finally ending and allowing her mind to be clear. She felt more comfortable once she felt Violet close to her body,the warmth consoling her feelings.

She got up with hesitation and trying to make as little noise as she could. She didn't want to wake her mate as she went downstairs and made some pancakes for breakfast. She wasn't sure of how late it was,but Diana believed that it was never too late for a good pancake.

When she was done,she walked outside,breathing in the cold and pure air of the forest. She usually woke in human form,and was finally feeling comfortable walking on two legs.

He was completely at peace, reading page after page, until he heard someone's voice- a strangers- and quickly shut his book and looked up. His eyes met the gaze of another man, and he tilted his head, remaining silent. He had caught the scent of other wolves, as well. Though, in all honesty, he hadn't paid much mind.

"Pack..?" He murmured, his eyes seeming uninterested and distant as he spoke, "Oh, yeah, the one near here? No, not really.." Canagan shrugged, slowly getting up, his face finally flushing a faint pink. "Er... Why?"

Why? What was this kid slow or something?

"I wanna join!" "If ya ain't part of the pack then ya can't help me." He turned to walk away before stopping and looking back at him.

"Wanna come with?" @Yewitz
Skip is strolling thr the woods whistling a happy tone. Standing 6'5" 270 lbs he is used to being mistaken for his age. He has three rabbits tied to one side of his belt and a waterskin on the other. Skip comes up on two guys conversing and without thinking his kind hearted nature forces him to approach. "Hello!" His voice booming with bass "you two from around here, are ya?" He asks wotha giant smile across his face @akumashioni @Yewitz
Nuuchi said:
Skip is strolling thr the woods whistling a happy tone. Standing 6'5" 270 lbs he is used to being mistaken for his age. He has three rabbits tied to one side of his belt and a waterskin on the other. Skip comes up on two guys conversing and without thinking his kind hearted nature forces him to approach. "Hello!" His voice booming with bass "you two from around here, are ya?" He asks wotha giant smile across his face @akumashioni @Yewitz
Micheal gawked at the massive figure approaching them. "Bloody hell man! You're massive!" "As for the area? Not from here, I'm trying to join this pack."

He looked toward the direction of the camp, "Gonna liven the place up a bit." He smiled playfully. @Nuuchi @Yewitz

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