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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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He clutched his book to his chest and he nodded, now a bit sadly, at what they had said. "Sorry, then," Canagan sighed, just as he asked if the boy wanted to come with, where he immediately seemed to perk up, and nod. "Y-yeah! Of course!" Canagan responded with enthusiasm, though his voice was still quiet. He began to walk after him until he heard a deep, booming voice that startled him, and he yelped, quickly turning around to stare up at a massive man that towered over him. He whined, but didn't respond to the strangers question, even though they seemed friendly.

@Nuuchi @akumashioni
Diana frowned at the sudden smell of strangers near the borders of the pack,biting her lower lip lightly at the situation. They didn't smell aggressive,but one of them didn't smell like a wolf either.

She sighed,considering going and meeting them by herself. But in case they were dangerous...that wouldn't be too clever. She walked to Shaw's cabin and tapped the door softly,hoping he would be inside.

"Shaw...can I speak to you for a second? There seems to be some strangers in the borders and I would prefer to have someone with me when meeting them." Her voice was gentle as she waited for a response.

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"Massive, eh? Yug-yug-yug-yug-yug!" (Thats his laugh) "no need to be alarmed, im as friendly as they come! Lets just say i had a bad past and HGH is the cause of my size." He explains to the other two. "It might be fun to join a good pack though! mind if i tag along?" He asks generously "The name is Skip! And what might i call you two?" @akumashioni @Yewitz
Nuuchi said:
"Massive, eh? Yug-yug-yug-yug-yug!" (Thats his laugh) "no need to be alarmed, im as friendly as they come! Lets just say i had a bad past and HGH is the cause of my size." He explains to the other two. "It might be fun to join a good pack though! mind if i tag along?" He asks generously "The name is Skip! And what might i call you two?" @akumashioni @Yewitz
"Call me Micky, pleasure to meet you skip."

"And you are?" He turned to the other man, waiting for him to introduce himself. @Nuuchi @Yewitz

Shaw was playing with inka when he heard Diana knock on his door. He opened it and listened to her request. "Felicity? Watch inka, I'll be back." As he walked with her he wondered if he would be able to fight again if need be. @KaalysBR @xxbetaspiritxx
He was still shocked as the man spoke, staring up at him in awe, until the other beside him- Micky, apparently- asked for his name. "M-mine..?" He echoed, obviously frightened, "It's C-Canagan. It is a pleasure to meet you, Micky, Skip." Canagan dipped his head slightly, in respect.

@Nuuchi @akumashioni
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"Pleasure to meet ya micky! Yug-yug-yug!" He says patting him on the shoulder. Then he turns his attention to canagan and places his thick hand gently on the shoulder "as for you, no need to be alarmed big guy. Im no older than you are, i just look this way" he tells him with a wink hoping he calms down a bit. Skip, although appears mean, actually doesnt like people afraid of him, but he understands why. @akumashioni @Yewitz
Diana looked up at Shaw as they walked forward,worried about his wounds. She didn't want him harmed by protecting her again,and this time she was prepared to fight by his side.

"Do you feel better,Shaw? How are your wounds?"

As soon as she finished the question they arrived in the place where the three strangers were reunited. She finally recognized the smell of one of them as a bear,which would be a problem if he tried to fight them. She had healed bears before and knew how violent they could be. Not only that,but he was huge.

Diana took a step forward. She was a short person,having only 5'1" of height. The taller man of the group basically towered over her small form,and she had to look up to meet his eyes. But she didn't show hesitation or fear.

"Welcome to our pack territory,strangers." Her voice was gentle,but cautious. "May I ask your intentions near our borders?"

@akumashioni @Nuuchi @Yewitz
Shaw replied, "don't worry about me, it does me honor to fight for my pack." He proudly strode beside Diana and looked the bear man in the eyes, now that's a large man. He noticed the other two and smiled at everyone. He looked pretty bad, having bandages all over his chest and right arm.

Micky saw the two wolves approach and was delighted, "finally! Names Micky." He looked at shaw, "you the alpha? I'd like to join your pack."

Shaw smiled and laughed, "no we're just the welcome committee.
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"Oh, new people! Yug-yug-yug! My name is Skip!" He says loud and proud with his booming voice. "I was just on a stroll when i ran into these two." Please, do not be alarmed of my stature i promise im as gentle as a flower" skip smiled wide with his almost innocent look. "I had no idea there was a pack located out here and wish others no harm, i have no intentions on joining just yet but wouldnt mind a tour if thats not asking too much" @akumashioni @KaalysBR
Canagan was about to respond to Skip, his face heating up even more at the wink, before he turned around. To what? To two other figures. He let out a small sigh, gripping his book even tighter. He just wanted to be small enough to crawl between a space in the roots of a tree and die. He was amazed at how enthusiastic and.. Completely normal he acted. Jealousy was clear in his gaze as he stared up at him, frowning, but decided to let the other two speak, instead of him.

@akumashioni @Nuuchi @KaalysBR
Diana took a glance at Shaw. She valued his opinion and wanted to hear his decision in the matter. Taking three strangers into their pack didn't seem like the most clever idea,but they had Shaw,Alec and Geralt around. They were all good fighters and Luna herself could definitely hold her own. She sighed with hesitation,but nodded.

"We need to talk to Alpha Luna about this matter,but I assume that it wouldn't be too harmful to allow you three to enter our territory. You are welcome,unless our Alpha says otherwise."

@akumashioni @Nuuchi @Yewitz
"Well i certainly appreciate the invite! Yug-yug-yug!" Skip says then he notices canagan trying to hide, so he extends his hand out to him with a soft smile. "Come on big guy, we have others to greet. Dont worry, i have your back" he says with another wink to him hoping he wouldnt be afraid. @KaalysBR @Yewitz @akumashioni
He shifted his gaze to Skip as he spoke to him, and huffed slightly. Why did he keep calling him "Big guy?" Looking down at himself, all he knew was that he was small, and frail, and weak. Either way, he looked up again, and nodded, a very faint smile making it's way onto his lips. He took the other's hand as it was extended to him, even though he didn't know if he should've done that or not. He was beginning to calm down some, and looked over to the two new strangers. "Thank you, sir, ma'am, for allowing us into your territory... I promise we won't cause harm."

@Nuuchi @KaalysBR @akumashioni
"I believe your word,and I hope you will prove me correct for believing. Well,you may come in now."

Diana moved to the side of two men holding hands,gesturing to the pack territory as she walked forward.

"It's all very simple around here. We have cabins,a river,a medical station. You can wander around as you may,and choose one of the empty cabins if you wish to rest. I also have food around in case you're hungry."

She didn't mention where her Alpha's cabin was,still slightly distrustful of the newcomers. But she was giving them the benefit of the doubt,hoping they were good people.

She approached the smaller boy,smiling gently at him.

"You still haven't told me your name. Also,is that book interesting?"

@Nuuchi @Yewitz
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"Yug-yug-yug! Seems like a nice enough place if you ask me!" skip says. "although appreciating the offer I usually hunt my food so no worries on keeping me fed" he says to her with a big smile. then he turns his attention to canagan, whom he still was holding hands with as a security measure hoping that would ease the shyness from him. "cant be shy your whole life, big guy! yug-yug-yug! go ahead and introduce yourself!" skip says looking down at canagan. he was hoping that by calling him that he would know that skip doesn't see himself better than others and that a guy of his stature calling him that would help him become more friendly. the only one around that seems to give skip a run for his money was shaw, but he left his life of crime in the past many years ago and vowed to never harm another unless they are harming him or someone he cared for. @KaalysBR @Yewitz
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Shaw began leading the party back to the camp, skip was slightly bigger than him, which said a lot, but he gave off a commanding aura, almost oppressing..

Micky was delighted by all the welcome he was receiving. "Great! I can't wait to party with you guys!" Speaking of guys, he thought, I hope they're all as gorgeous as canagan and shaw.

@KaalysBR @Nuuchi @Yewitz
KaalysBR said:
Alec sighed once he noticed that Faolin was sleeping deeply,then walked out of his house. He wouldn't be gone for long.
He just needed answers.

He smelled the person he was looking for with ease,walking into the basement where the lion was caged. He only took a quick glance to the lion before turning back to the woman.

"Kira. Why? Why did you end everything?"

His voice showed only confusion. He took another glance upstairs and gestured for Kira to follow him to the door,so they wouldn't be heard.



Geralt nodded to Dante,finishing the plates and placing them on the sink. His smile was bright as he approached the wolf.

"I know you're honest,Dante. That's one of my favorite things about you."

He watched Tyr running upstairs.

"I see, how interesting that you find my honesty appealing. that not usually a trait people find

attractive in someone else. Mister tiger, you just keep grab my interest more and more every day.

I dont know if that a good thing because you know what they say about curiosity and cats." dante

had a wicked grin on his face.

Tyr was upstairs reading the book dante had put out for him and knew they was a worksheet to follow.

He was caught up in dante and Geralt's conversation and could not focus. "Dante and Cat! SHHHHHHH! Tyr cant not

read with loud noise." he yelled from upstairs, earning a laugh from dante.
((I'm sorry I haven't replied, I've been having a migraine, and so it's hard to write/type.))

Felicity looked down in her arms at the small baby, who looked equally disraught to be in Felicity's arms. Upon further inspection, felicity noticed that Inka-Grace's face was beginning to scrunch up, and a few soft tears rolled down her cheeks. Felicity looked bewildered; after having learned all about how to look after children, here she was, obliviously staring down at a crying child.

"Shaw! You can't go fighting! You're still injured!" She angrily called after him, taking Inka inside. At least he wasn't on his own, so that lessened her worry ever so slightly.

After a few moments, she sang a small lullaby, rocking Inka-Grace back and forth to calm her, which actually worked.


(All good)

Shaw had returned back to his cabin after showing the new guys to Luna and hopefully to a cabin.

He saw felicity sing to inka and smiled warmly, "you're great with her." He wondered what it would be like to have a pup.

He honestly felt like a child, holding Skip's hand, but he decided not to say anything about it as they followed after the two. Canagan let out a small sigh, relieved that he had finally allowed himself to relax, and looked over as the woman who had found them came to him and spoke.

He was confused at first. Why was she speaking to him? Why not Micky or Skip? Either way, he managed a bigger smile, and nodded. "Y-yeah, sorry about that. My names Canagan.." As he said that, he finally let his hand slip out of Skip's to grab his book with both hands and hold it out to her. "This is a lovely book, I've probably read it a million times already.. Would you like it?" Canagan looked around after saying that, still holding out the book. He thought this area was beautiful, really, and his smile became genuine. "This place is beautiful, by the way.."

@KaalysBR @Nuuchi @akumashioni
Yewitz said:
He honestly felt like a child, holding Skip's hand, but he decided not to say anything about it as they followed after the two. Canagan let out a small sigh, relieved that he had finally allowed himself to relax, and looked over as the woman who had found them came to him and spoke.
He was confused at first. Why was she speaking to him? Why not Micky or Skip? Either way, he managed a bigger smile, and nodded. "Y-yeah, sorry about that. My names Canagan.." As he said that, he finally let his hand slip out of Skip's to grab his book with both hands and hold it out to her. "This is a lovely book, I've probably read it a million times already.. Would you like it?" Canagan looked around after saying that, still holding out the book. He thought this area was beautiful, really, and his smile became genuine. "This place is beautiful, by the way.."

@KaalysBR @Nuuchi @akumashioni
Micheal nodded at his comment, "sure is a nice place." He laughed to himself at canagan, been here a second and already giving away his only possession. What a guy eh? As shaw showed him to a cabin he immediately flopped into the bed and exhaled loudly. "That's what I'm talking about." "Where's the hotties big guy?" He asked shaw before he left.

Shaw turned back and smiled, "don't worry, you'll meet everyone soon." He winked at Micheal and left. (Leaving to go and talk with felicity.) @Yewitz @KaalysBR @Nuuchi
Skip smiled at canagan for coming out of his shell a little faster than he had thought. canagan seems as though he was born as the runt of the pack which is why he took to him so fast. you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him now but skip was born the runt of his pack so he knows how it feels to be frail. If it wasn't for him getting hooked on HGH he probably wouldn't be no bigger than canagan. He hated being as big as he was but there was nothing he could do about it so he just tried his hardest to let people see the friendly guy in him by smiling all the time and laughing with his unique laughter. "Well I think ill just hang out over by the lake a while. Don't seem right of me accepting a cabin without first meet of the alpha." he explained, truth is he never lived indoors before and wouldn't know how to act. so instead he goes closer to the lake and starts a campfire. once he gets the fire going he decides to go ahead and toss one of his rabbits on the flame and starts whistling a friendly tune. @Yewitz @akumashioni @KaalysBR
Felicity smiled, poking Inka's cheek lightly. "You think so?" She asked Shaw, having stopped her lullaby singing. Momentarily, she slipped out of reality and thought about having pups of her own, what they'd look like, and how troublesome they'd be.

Clicking back into the room, she never allowed her eyes to stroll away from Inka-Grace, of whom seemed to be chewing on her fist. Felicity gently moved Inka's hand away from her mouth, "No, no. You can't eat that." She smiled gently, watching as the small baby began to murmur incoherent sounds as she fell asleep. "Where should we put her when she falls asleep?" Felicity whispered, finally lifting her gaze to meet Shaw's.

"Thank you!" Diana's smile was also genuine as she looked at the smaller man,finding herself comfortable in his company. When he handed the book to her,she held it like it was a treasure. "I will be sure to read it soon. I usually read poetry,and it's been some time since I focused on good fiction. I'm sure I'm going to love it."

She pulled a book from her bag and gave it to Canagan with with a gentle smile.

"This is one of my favorite books,a fantasy with lots of romance and adventure. Hope you will enjoy it."

Diana nodded to Skip at his words.

"Let me know if you need anything else. I'm always here."

@Nuuchi @Yewitz
Geralt's smile became bigger at Dante's words,and he took a step forward towards the healer,diminishing the distance between them until they were nearly touching.

"I'm still looking for something about you that I don't like. I'll let you know when I find it." His eyes shone with playfulness,his voice soft and feline. "And I know how the saying goes. Curiosity kissed the cat."

He pulled Dante into his arms,kissing him deeply and allowing himself to lose his mind into Dante's taste.


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