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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Yea she's got the right idea." "We could hunt more if need be." He leaned back comfortably and eyed everyone individually. He didn't exactly trust them yet, but they seemed genuine, and hot.

@Supermegabrenda2 @Nuuchi @Yewitz

Shaw reacted the same way but less panicked, "maybe we should just go tell Luna that she's hungry, don't wanna make any decision without her consent."

He opened the cabin door for the two girls and waited for them to pass through before leading the way to Luna.

@xxbetaspiritxx @Jasil
Seeing Isis pat at the spot between her and skip, he quickly moved to sit there, letting out a sigh. He was quite comfortable already. Canagan glanced up at skip, and nodded, murmuring a quick 'thank you,' then turning his gaze to Micky when he spoke. Shrugging lightly, he immediately seemed to look away, "I'd rather not. Maybe some other time?" He mumbled, his voice quiet, nearly incoherent.

@Nuuchi @akumashioni @Supermegabrenda2
@Nuuchi @akumashioni @Yewitz


Isis looked up.

"I could go hunt for them." She flipped her hair back, running her finger through the jagged scar down her side. She streatched her arms out infront of her. Lifting her knees, she hugged them.​
"Uh-oh" skip says with his back turned. Them he turns around and points at micky "that sounds like a challenge! Yug-yug-yug-yug-yug!" He laughed hard joking around with him. "As for my past, well let's just say i was in a pack of misfits. I wouldn't be who i am today if it wasn't for them, and by that i mean the giant you see before you. I was born tiny, frail. The 'runt' so to speak. My last pack lives a life of crime and i got hooked on HGH or human growth hormone. All different kinds too,but once i saw my brother get murdered in cold blood for breaking into a store i decided it was time. That was 4 years ago roughly." For the first time the smile on skips face faded and he leaned back and looked at the sky but only for a moment before he shook his head. "But hey that was long ago, im not that guy anymore! Yug-yug-yug!" He said bringing his smile back, though not as full as it was before @akumashioni @Yewitz @Supermegabrenda2
Laying back with his hands behind his head he was a bit offput by skips story.

"That's a shame, about your brother."

"As for a challenge?" He stood up and hopped a few times before taking his shirt off revealing his incredibly ripped chest and arms. "Name your quarry." He couldn't help but smile wickedly, he loved challenges. Because he always won. @Nuuchi
Nuuchi said:
"Uh-oh" skip says with his back turned. Them he turns around and points at micky "that sounds like a challenge! Yug-yug-yug-yug-yug!" He laughed hard joking around with him. "As for my past, well let's just say i was in a pack of misfits. I wouldn't be who i am today if it wasn't for them, and by that i mean the giant you see before you. I was born tiny, frail. The 'runt' so to speak. My last pack lives a life of crime and i got hooked on HGH or human growth hormone. All different kinds too,but once i saw my brother get murdered in cold blood for breaking into a store i decided it was time. That was 4 years ago roughly." For the first time the smile on skips face faded and he leaned back and looked at the sky but only for a moment before he shook his head. "But hey that was long ago, im not that guy anymore! Yug-yug-yug!" He said bringing his smile back, though not as full as it was before @akumashioni @Yewitz @Supermegabrenda2
akumashioni said:
Laying back with his hands behind his head he was a bit offput by skips story.
"That's a shame, about your brother."

"As for a challenge?" He stood up and hopped a few times before taking his shirt off revealing his incredibly ripped chest and arms. "Name your quarry." He couldn't help but smile wickedly, he loved challenges. Because he always won. @Nuuchi


(isis is in her bikins...)

Isis flickered her gaze between the two. She chuckled as Micky took off his shirt.

"Seen better." She muttered. She began to humm softly,bt still audible to them. A few seconds into the song, she slapped her mouth shut. What was she thinking?! She's a siren, she can't sing infront of men! She glanced up at them, eyes flickering calmly between them. She checked their eyes to see if they where hazed by the trance.

(-cough- while she was singing they were -cough-)
Canagan listened to Skip with interest, his eyes wide. "Oh.. I'm sorry to hear about your brother.." He murmured softly, though seemed to brighten up when Skip spoke about being a 'runt.' Just then, Micky stood up and tore off his shirt, and Canagan let out a startled and embarrassed shriek, his face flushing red, before he quickly covered his eyes and ears with his arms and turned to face the opposite direction, as if the man had stripped every bit of his clothing off. "Do not do that, you shit!"

@Nuuchi @akumashioni @Supermegabrenda2
"What did you call me, punk?" Micky quickly turned on canagan, his fists balled up. "Can't handle my hot body?" He slapped his chest a few times and then realized he may have overreacted a bit. "Apologies for comin at ya like that mate, don't tell me what I can and can't do." @Yewitz @Nuuchi @Supermegabrenda2

(He was too busy being pissed to hear your song :D )
Luna was practically boiling.

She gripped at fistfuls of purple hair and her purple eyes burned with confusion, sadness and rage.

"God Quin just talk to me."

Hot tears formed on her face.
Skip watches micky take off his shirt to reveal his bod, rather dreamy actually. Then he looks over at canagan who seemed embarassed but before he was about to speak he feels his head get cloudy as isis sang. Then his vision tinted slightly before she stopped. He didnt understand what had just happened really so he shook his head and ignored it, this time "well if its muscles you wish" he says as he takes off his shirt and flexes a bit. "I may have you beat!Yug-yug-yug-yug!" @akumashioni @Yewitz @Supermegabrenda2
Nuuchi said:
Skip watches micky take off his shirt to reveal his bod, rather dreamy actually. Then he looks over at canagan who seemed embarassed but before he was about to speak he feels his head get cloudy as isis sang. Then his vision tinted slightly before she stopped. He didnt understand what had just happened really so he shook his head and ignored it, this time "well if its muscles you wish" he says as he takes off his shirt and flexes a bit. "I may have you beat!Yug-yug-yug-yug!" @akumashioni @Yewitz @Supermegabrenda2
Micky realized he was outclassed in strength.

"Bet I'm faster!" He assumed he could beat the giant in everything but strength and endurance. "Bet I'm quicker witted as well!"

He smiled teasingly as he eyed skips muscles. Jesus, he's massive..



She laughed as the boys beat their chests, and flexed their muscles. Canagan turned away, slightly embarassed. She would wipe away tears, finishing laughing.

"How about beast form? Who beats who in all the aspects? I bet I beat you two together in speed." She smiled, eyeing the two.​

@akumashioni @Nuuchi @Yewitz
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Diana woke with a startle,the nightmare that had been holding her asleep finally ending and allowing her mind to be clear. She felt more comfortable once she felt Violet close to her body,the warmth consoling her feelings.
She got up with hesitation and trying to make as little noise as she could. She didn't want to wake her mate as she went downstairs and made some pancakes for breakfast. She wasn't sure of how late it was,but Diana believed that it was never too late for a good pancake.

When she was done,she walked outside,breathing in the cold and pure air of the forest. She usually woke in human form,and was finally feeling comfortable walking on two legs.
Silently Violet opened her eyes then noted the cold spot next to her. She had slept late again. After last night it was understandable she had slept so late. Her wolf had been filled to the brim then overflowed with love and content. So her body had been extremely tired and tingly. Sighing she sat up noting her mate was gone again and she smelled pankackes. She smiled then she walked downstairs then sat at the empty table and began to eat as she silently contacted her mate and stated "Thanks for the breakfast love." Then she continued eating.

Silently Faolin opened his eyes and groaned his body felt like it had been hit with a boulder then left to dry for a week. Groaning again he laid still not moving. He didn't want to move he hadn't the power to move. His heart was with Kira both figuratively and literally. His heart necklace was still on her door maybe he should ask Alec to get it. He laid still not able to decide what to do. He had to live unfortunately for Alec but only Alec and maybe Dante but he wasn't even sure about that anymore he was losing his hold on life and when he said life he meant loving life and being happy. Right now he was dead to life and living.

Micky smiled brightly at he mention of beast form, "no one has more control over their beast than me!" He took off running at a tree, ran up a few steps and back flipped, transforming in mid air. He landed gracefully with a swish of his tail and transformed back.

Now naked, he stood proudly knowing they were in awe of his skill. ( xD )

@Nuuchi @Supermegabrenda2 @Yewitz
akumashioni said:
Micky smiled brightly at he mention of beast form, "no one has more control over their beast than me!" He took off running at a tree, ran up a few steps and back flipped, transforming in mid air. He landed gracefully with a swish of his tail and transformed back.
Now naked, he stood proudly knowing they were in awe of his skill. (> :D )

@Nuuchi @Supermegabrenda2 @Yewitz


Clearly having no shame, she stood.

"Oh yeah?"

She ran straight at him, and jumped. As she was a few inches from you, she would shift, striking your chest with all her four paws, flip backwards, and land with a nearly inaudible 'poof'. She looked down at her shredded bikinis on the ground. Her look said it all. Crap. She swayed her tail, and jumped up on a tree. Her claws dug into the bark, and she quickly climbed. Soon she was on a branch a few feet above the boys.​
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After a bit, and ignoring Micky, he stood up and turned around, a slightly challenging smile finally on his lips. "I.. I bet I'm faster than any of you!" Canagan chirped, jumping up slightly. "And I bet I can climb and swi- no, probably not swim, better than you!" He seemed really happy and content, until Micky began to ran and shifted in mid-air, and when he landed again, shifted back. And he was completely without clothes.

Canagan let out another startled squeak, and quickly moved behind Skip to hide his tomato-red face. "I can't unsee it!" He whined loudly, his happy mood immediately ruined.

@Nuuchi @Supermegabrenda2 @akumashioni
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"That was pretty good.." He almost fell over when she collided into him. "However.. I'll bet you can't do this!"

He did a handstand and transformed, his wolf form still handstanding, and changed back again, landing it.

"None of you are that good!" He crossed his arms and smiled hard, eyes closed.

@Supermegabrenda2 @Nuuchi @Yewitz
akumashioni said:
"That was pretty good.." He almost fell over when she collided into him. "However.. I'll bet you can't do this!"
He did a handstand and transformed, his wolf form still handstanding, and changed back again, landing it.

"None of you are that good!" He crossed his arms and smiled hard, eyes closed.

@Supermegabrenda2 @Nuuchi @Yewitz


(Tabita, the wolf)

Isis (Tabita)

They dropped down, landing gracefully. She would skip over the fire, and run into the lake. A few seconds later, you could see her figure appear on the other side. She then entered the lake again, and soon was back to the margin of the lake. She walked out, a smug smirk on her face.​
"You may not want to be back there buddy! Yug-yug-yug-yug!" Skip laughed "although i cant do any fancy tricks ill still win in size!" He then walks away from canagan and gets down on all fours to shift into his bear form. He growls loudly as he stands tall on his hind legs before shifting back. His bear form and hum form are nearly the same size so skip always wears sweat pants that way he doesn't have to worry about being nude unless he wishes. "Though it could be because I'm not a wolf, Yug-yug-yug-yug!" @akumashioni @Supermegabrenda2 @Yewitz
"I can swim faster than that!" He dove into the lake and swam free form, there and back relatively quickly but not as fast as Isis.

"Maybe you got me there.." He had just noticed her body, why was he so attracted to her? What is it about this woman?

He looked around at the others and felt embarassed for some reason.

He put on his pants and left his shirt on the ground, Eyeing skips bear form. "so you're the strongest, she's the fastest, I have the most control.. What about you can?" He wondered how he would respond to the nickname.

@Nuuchi @Yewitz @Supermegabrenda2
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He whined again as Skip moved away, but didn't complain, and watched as he shifted. Canagan's eyes were wide when Skip, in his bear form, reared up into his back legs with a growl. It made him have the urge to shift, as well. Then, he looked, nervously, to Micky, after he had done whatever. He hadn't been paying much attention. "Y- ah.. Uh, m-me? I'm not.." He slowly lowered his gaze to the ground, and shrugged. "It doesn't matter."

@Nuuchi @akumashioni @Supermegabrenda2
akumashioni said:
"I can swim faster than that!" He dove into the lake and swam free form, there and back relatively quickly but not as fast as Isis.
"Maybe you got me there.." He had just noticed her body, why was he so attracted to her? What is it about this woman?

He looked around at the others and felt embarassed for some reason.

He put on his pants and left his shirt on the ground, Eyeing skips bear form. "so you're the strongest, she's the fastest, I have the most control.. What about you can?" He wondered how he would respond to the nickname.

@Nuuchi @Yewitz @Supermegabrenda2
Yewitz said:
He whined again as Skip moved away, but didn't complain, and watched as he shifted. Canagan's eyes were wide when Skip, in his bear form, reared up into his back legs with a growl. It made him have the urge to shift, as well. Then, he looked, nervously, to Micky, after he had done whatever. He hadn't been paying much attention. "Y- ah.. Uh, m-me? I'm not.." He slowly lowered his gaze to the ground, and shrugged. "It doesn't matter."
@Nuuchi @akumashioni @Supermegabrenda2


She picked up Micky's oversized shirt, and headed behind a thick tree. A short while later, she came out. The shirt reached down to her thighs. She kneeled down, looking at Canagan.

"Why does it not matter? Is there a problem with your beast?" She asked, clearly confused​
Yewitz said:
He whined again as Skip moved away, but didn't complain, and watched as he shifted. Canagan's eyes were wide when Skip, in his bear form, reared up into his back legs with a growl. It made him have the urge to shift, as well. Then, he looked, nervously, to Micky, after he had done whatever. He hadn't been paying much attention. "Y- ah.. Uh, m-me? I'm not.." He slowly lowered his gaze to the ground, and shrugged. "It doesn't matter."
@Nuuchi @akumashioni @Supermegabrenda2
Micky shrugged, "suit yourself."

"Skip? Your rabbits done."

He didn't mind if canagan didn't want to share his secrets or whatever. He would come around eventually, and if not? Who cares?

"You lot are alright." He gestured around at everyone, "truly glad I met you." He wondered where everyone else was but was excited to meet them.
Kira eventually reached the point in whatever time of day it was where she began to slip from the waking realm. She snarled quietly to herself, flicking her ears in an effort to jerk herself awake. The she-wolf rose and began to pace the space between her corner and the stairwell from the basement, tail whisking back and fourth with agitation.

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