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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Felicity, as per usual, nodded calmly at what he had said. At least she wasn't physically beaten, that was a plus. Her own father might've out of embarrassment, but he didn't, thank God. At least Shaw was on her side, and agreed that it was wrong, or so he had said.

When she was pulled in closer to him, she smiled, being very gentle and cautious of his wounds, so avoiding laying her head anywhere but his bicep, and that was only on his good arm. Felicity felt strangely happily, a warmth spreading through her until he had asked whether she'd eaten.

Well, it wouldn't of exactly been a lie to say she had, would it? She wasn't exactly hungry. "I've eaten already, sorry! But do you want to hunt? I'll come wi- wait. No, you can't hunt in your current condition, I won't allow it, I'll have you know." Felicity smiled daringly, kissing him softly on the forehead.

Geralt sat with his back to a tree,looking at the forest in front of him but not really holding onto any of the details.

His first mate was dead. And the second person who interested him after years seemed to be in love with someone else.

He was used to the pain by now,but it still hurt his heart in a familiar way that left him breathless,confused. He didn't have his pack anymore,and these wolves would never truly see him as part of their clan. He didn't have anyone,but maybe that was a good thing.

At least now,the only heart he could break was his own.
"So be it, what should I do then?" He was extremely turned on by her sudden burst of dominance, but was still hungry nevertheless. He didn't enjoy how gentle she was being with him, he was the strongest person he had ever met. It sounded conceited but it was the truth. "I wish I was a cook.." His stomach growled loudly. @xxbetaspiritxx
Tyr was walking around the forest in wolf form growling yo any little creature nearby. That's when he saw a sad man sitting by himself. Tyr looked at him and saw he was lonely. His mind immediately went to Dante and how lonely he is most of the time. He went up to the man and nuzzled his head into the mans Lap. "Don't be sad mister. It will be ok. What your name and why are you sad." Tyr then transformed into human form and reached into a tree to grab some small shorts. @KaalysBR
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Geralt blinked at the sudden appearance of a small wolf puppy,but the sadness in his face was replaced by gentleness as he smiled down at the boy. Geralt had always liked kids.

"Don't worry,pup. I'm okay. You will probably not understand why I'm sad,adults can be very boring sometimes. My name is Geralt. But what about you? What is your name?"

Felicity allowed a genuine smile to beam on her face. "I can cook! I can cook really good!....With the right ingredients of course....But nevertheless, I can cook!" She kissed his cheek and stood with a stretch, strolling through the cabin and looking through cupboards.

She frowned a little. "Don't you have any food or spices? I can make good human food, although, I've never met a real human before." Her small dimples made her cute little face seem even more childish. "Have you seen a real human, Shaw? I bet you have! You must've been everrrrrryyyyywhere already." Letting out a monstrous yawn, she sat down on top of the small kitchen counter. "I'm sorry, am I speaking too much?"

KaalysBR said:
Geralt blinked at the sudden appearance of a small wolf puppy,but the sadness in his face was replaced by gentleness as he smiled down at the boy. Geralt had always liked kids.
"Don't worry,pup. I'm okay. You will probably not understand why I'm sad,adults can be very boring sometimes. My name is Geralt. But what about you? What is your name?"

Tyr blink at the guy and spoke "if your sad you have to let yourself be sad. Being sad help you feel better." Tyr tried his best to emulate Dante. "Tyr name is Tyr. Nice to meet you gggg...Geraldt. Tyr know how sad older people can be. Dante is very sad and lonely a lot. Tyr doesn't know how to help. But Tyr wants to help. Cuz Dante helps everyone but no helps Dante." Tyr said the last thing sadly. Then he got excited and started to bounce. "Tyr found plants for Dante. Dante always likes getting plants so Tyr is always looking for some. Will mister Geraldt help the find some for Dante." He said with a big smile. ( plants = herbs )
Shaw was delighted to hear that she could cook, "umm... I don't think so.. I don't really have any possessions, they gave me this cabin." "yes I've met a few humans, most of them are weak and frightened.. Others.." He unknowingly rubbed one of the scars on his shoulder. He loved the way her childish features blended with her more womanly ones.

He looked at her slightly shocked when she asked if she was talking too much, "I love talking to you felicity, ask as many questions as you like." He stood up and walked over to her on the counter, her legs on either side of him. "Where did you learn to cook?"

Geralt chuckled at the boy who seemed to already be more wise than he was. Deciding that standing around would be useless,he nodded to the boy.

He paused for a moment after hearing his name and hearing that Dante was sad and lonely. Just like him.

"Dante is a great man,Tyr. If I can help him with his sadness,I will. He helped me,and I wish to help him as well." He nodded with a smile once Tyr mentioned plants,pulling himself upright. "I bet you can't find more herbs than me,Tyr. Let's look for some."

His eyes shone with playfulness at the challenge.

Felicity smiled, delighted that he enjoyed her talking, and even more intrigued by the fact he had met real humans! Her father had personally told her to stay away, but she was a troublesome child, and still was to this day, except she was now a woman. She didn't mind at all that he didn't have any ingredients, they could (she could) probably hunt for some herbs, and then maybe a few hares.

Her face looked suddenly puzzled when he walked over to her, and then proceeded to ask where she had learned to cook. "I-uh..." She frowned, flicking through her memories, well, the small amount of them that she actually had. "I'm afraid to say I can't remember exactly." Felicity curled her feet together behind Shaw's back, and pulled him in a little closer. "Probably my mother, I assume. I've always known how to, or so I suspect." She grinned smugly, finally proud of a small talent of hers.

Shaw flicked her nose, knowing he would get a rise out of her. He couldn't escape because she had locked her legs around him.

"We can probably find something in the area." He had never gone hunting for herbs before and had no idea what to look for, always eating prey he captured.

Quincy stopped and turned his head, so his one blue eure looked to him, "a tiger? Well you don't smell hostile... I'm OK... I think." He said. He watched the little pipit, and his eye lit up, that must be Dante's boy, Tyr. @KaalysBR @loyalwolf
KaalysBR said:
Geralt chuckled at the boy who seemed to already be more wise than he was. Deciding that standing around would be useless,he nodded to the boy.
He paused for a moment after hearing his name and hearing that Dante was sad and lonely. Just like him.

"Dante is a great man,Tyr. If I can help him with his sadness,I will. He helped me,and I wish to help him as well." He nodded with a smile once Tyr mentioned plants,pulling himself upright. "I bet you can't find more herbs than me,Tyr. Let's look for some."

His eyes shone with playfulness at the challenge.

MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy stopped and turned his head, so his one blue eure looked to him, "a tiger? Well you don't smell hostile... I'm OK... I think." He said. He watched the little pipit, and his eye lit up, that must be Dante's boy, Tyr. @KaalysBR @loyalwolf
Tyr look like he was ready to take on the challenge. "Tyr will win because Tyr is bestest. Tyr is the faster plant picker in all of camp." He state while pounding his chest. He then look at Quincy. "Mister come help Tyr win and make Dante happiest wolf ever!!" Tyr began running around picking random thing from the gournd. Assuming they are herbs that Dante use
Quincy smiled at the cub, "Dante is lucky to have such a sweet boy care for him..." He glanced to Geralt, and recognition dawned on him: he figured out why there was a sadness in the tiger that mirrored his own. @loyalwolf @KaalysBR
Geralt smiled brightly as he watched Tyr collecting things,looking happier than he was before. He followed Quincy around,being more careful in his collection of herbs. But he made sure to hide some in his pocket,so Tyr would win the challenge. His eyes went up again at Quincy as he walked around,and he himself recognized some sadness in the man. A familiar type of sadness.

"Seems like both of us aren't very lucky on love,right? Unless I'm reading the signs wrong."

He never took his eyes off Tyr as he spoke,taking care of the boy by pure reflex.

"Tyr,you're doing great. I think you're going to beat me tonight."

@MadameRedWolf @loyalwolf
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Luna played with her pup in a clearing in the woods, both in wolf form.

She laughed at the silly child, the sound ringing through the trees around her.

"Come now little one you can do better than that." She laughed with her words.

@ anyone
Diana's human form was wondering through the forest,needing to be alone after the last conflict with the Alpha. She was confused,but her allegiance was still clear.
That was when she heard the sudden sounds of steps running towards her,and Diana barely had time to turn before a hand pinned her against a tree.

She felt blood drip from the back of her neck as she looked up with confusion,finding a man with a wicked smile looking down at her. He smelled like a lion.

"Now,baby girl. Just answer me one question,and you will live. Where is the tiger? Where is Geralt? Don't lie to me,sweety."

Diana knew the man would try to kill the tiger she had seen with Dante. So she lied.

"I don't know where he is."

"Hm. Wrong answer,baby."

The man closed his enormous hand around her neck,squeezing the air out of Diana's lungs. She wiggled around,trying to get away from his grip,trying to scream or pull for air. But soon the sounds of the forest started to dim around her. Black dots appeared in her vision and she slowly stopped moving as she slipped into unconsciousness,sufocating under his grip.


Suddenly,the image of the black wolf started to disappear from Violet's mind,his form becoming blurred. Something was wrong.
Dianna groaned as she ran and hit straight into a tree then everything went black for a while. Then she came to. She groaned then she remembered everything the wolf going blurry then vanishing she snapped her head as she stood and contacted her mate frantically. Dianna please tell me your alright I hit a tree in my haste and I was knocked out please please answer me! Please don't be dead. Love please I am so sorry I am supposed to be the protector. She began to sob loudly.

Faolin came out of his misery. Silently he looked at the ceiling dead to the world not wanting to get up. Sighing he stood up as he walked to the fridge then began to eat whatever he saw then walked back to his bed and then let himself cry fully. No one ever loved him. He was the one always their for everyone and no one was their for him. He sighed then walked to his front door and decided then he had to either find something to keep his mind off of Kira or just kill himself. He would try the first option. He walked towards the pack head down tail down depressed.

@(Anyone who wants to reply to this.)
Quincy shifted, the pants he wore before he shifted were tight fitting enough to have made the shift with him. He ran a hand through his chin length red hair, "yeah, exempt mine is the alpha..." His voice quieted and his eyes became sad, "it sucks to fall for a mated wolf. I should have stuck with men." He laughed mirthlessly. @KaalysBR
Diana's head shot up once she heard Violet's voice in her mind,feeling all the guilty of her mate. The feelings nearly tore her heart with sadness,and she run away from the lion's cage and towards the place where she felt her mate's scent.

When she found Violet she jumped in her arms,burying her face in her mate's hair. She had kept the facade until now,but she couldn't keep it in front of the woman she loved. She cried in her mate's arms,letting all of her fear appear.

"Violet...it's not your fault. I was careless,I know you would be there if you could." She managed to say between sobs.

The marks of the attack were still on her neck,dark bruises in her skin. But she felt the comfort of having the presence of Violet now,the only person who could understand what she felt.

Geralt chuckled at Quincy's comment,nodding in understanding.

"My opinion is that you should always stick to men. Well,the man I care about seems to be in love with someone else...but generally,the rule works."

Diana's head shot up once she heard Violet's voice in her mind,feeling all the guilty of her mate. The feelings nearly tore her heart with sadness,and she run away from the lion's cage and towards the place where she felt her mate's scent.
When she found Violet she jumped in her arms,burying her face in her mate's hair. She had kept the facade until now,but she couldn't keep it in front of the woman she loved. She cried in her mate's arms,letting all of her fear appear.

"Violet...it's not your fault. I was careless,I know you would be there if you could." She managed to say between sobs.

The marks of the attack were still on her neck,dark bruises in her skin. But she felt the comfort of having the presence of Violet now,the only person who could understand what she felt.
Silently Violet ran forward sensing her mate coming. She rounded the corner then her mate appeared. Dianna jumped into her arms burring her face in her hair. Violet's arms wrapped around her mate's back as she held her mate close not letting her go as he wolf and hers reunited happily licking each other and whining in need. Violet sighed as her mate cried and the fear came to the forefront on her mate's mind. Violet hugged her mate closer and let her wolf lick Dianna's comfortingly and lovingly. Softly she stroked her mate's hair as her wolf worked with Dianna's wolf to restore Dianna's skin to normal. With both of the wolves working Dianna's skin returned to normal. Then Violet nuzzled Dianna's wolf fully into Dianna's mind. Violet whispered, "Now your wolf has the knowledge to protect yourself and me." She kissed Dianna deeply then pulled away and whispered, "I am sorry Dianna. Let's agree that this." She touched one bruise on her mate's neck that hadn't healed and continued, "Is both our faults." She then kissed the bruise gently then whispered, "Let us reunite and become stronger." She licked her mate's mark as Violet allowed herself to whimper with need.
Diana couldn't speak as she held Violet tightly,almost afraid that her mate would suddenly disappear from her arms and she wouldn't be able to help her anymore. She allowed Violet's energy to calm her heart and her scent to calm her soul. She would never tire of the feeling of having the woman she loved safe in her arms.

Because that's what had scared Diana the most after the attack. She wasn't afraid for herself. She was afraid for Violet,for something like that happening to her mate. But now she knew she had to watch for her own life,because Violet and her were one.

She looked upon Violet's eyes,pulling her hair back delicately.

"You're right,my love. I feel stronger now,and I know I will be able to fight for both of us. But tonight I just need you. No more fighting. Let's be together and enjoy the peace in front of us."

She pulled Violet delicately,feeling the wolf inside her mind shining bright with it's love for Violet. She entered their cabin and shifted into the form of her white wolf,allowing it to nudge against her mate and whimper with full love and gentleness.


Alec sighed with relief once he was finally back at camp,breathing the familiar air of the forest were his pack was located. He had Melanie and Claire along with him,and walked to his cabin to place them both in their beds,as they had fallen asleep in the trip.

He walked around camp,feeling out of the loop. Something seemed wrong,and he could feel new smells around him. But the one of his friend,Faolin,was the one he went after. When he found him,Alec placed one hand in his back then looked down at him with confusion. He seemed to be drowning on sadness.

"Faolin...are you all right? Did...Something happen while I was gone? Is Luna okay?" His voice panicked a bit with the possibility.

MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy smiled at the cub, "Dante is lucky to have such a sweet boy care for him..." He glanced to Geralt, and recognition dawned on him: he figured out why there was a sadness in the tiger that mirrored his own. @loyalwolf @KaalysBR
KaalysBR said:
Geralt smiled brightly as he watched Tyr collecting things,looking happier than he was before. He followed Quincy around,being more careful in his collection of herbs. But he made sure to hide some in his pocket,so Tyr would win the challenge. His eyes went up again at Quincy as he walked around,and he himself recognized some sadness in the man. A familiar type of sadness.
"Seems like both of us aren't very lucky on love,right? Unless I'm reading the signs wrong."

He never took his eyes off Tyr as he spoke,taking care of the boy by pure reflex.

"Tyr,you're doing great. I think you're going to beat me tonight."

@MadameRedWolf @loyalwolf
Tyr finished his picking and came over to Geralt with a grin. "I win. Now Tyr is hungry." Tyr exclaim as he looked expectantly. " we need to get the plant back to Dante and then eat. Dante makes Tyr favorite everyday. Burgers!" Tyr talked yo them as he began to walk trowards his cabin.
Geralt nodded to Tyr with happiness,still having the right herbs hidden in his pocket.

"Of course you won,Tyr. I knew you were a fast boy when I saw you."

He hesitated for a moment before following to kid,but nodded and walked with him,knowing that seeing Dante would probably cause more pain,but he was willing to do so.

Diana couldn't speak as she held Violet tightly,almost afraid that her mate would suddenly disappear from her arms and she wouldn't be able to help her anymore. She allowed Violet's energy to calm her heart and her scent to calm her soul. She would never tire of the feeling of having the woman she loved safe in her arms.
Because that's what had scared Diana the most after the attack. She wasn't afraid for herself. She was afraid for Violet,for something like that happening to her mate. But now she knew she had to watch for her own life,because Violet and her were one.

She looked upon Violet's eyes,pulling her hair back delicately.

"You're right,my love. I feel stronger now,and I know I will be able to fight for both of us. But tonight I just need you. No more fighting. Let's be together and enjoy the peace in front of us."

She pulled Violet delicately,feeling the wolf inside her mind shining bright with it's love for Violet. She entered their cabin and shifted into the form of her white wolf,allowing it to nudge against her mate and whimper with full love and gentleness.
Looking at Dianna Violet just stroked her hair as she held her mate close to her heart. She felt her mate's fear and just held her to her heart allowing her calm to seep into Dianna eventually it worked. Dianna was scared for her that he would get strangled or attacked by some stranger and almost die. She sensed Diann resolved to watch out for her and herself because they were one. Then her mate spoke. When Dianna finished Violet nodded in agreement she needed her mate as well for tonight she needed Dianna. She felt herself delicately pulled as Dianna's wolf shined bright with love and Violet's wolf blushed and returned the love. She hardly noticed them entering the cabin then her mate was a wolf next to her. Dianna nuzzled her face then whimpered with love and gentleness. Violet nuzzled her mate back lovingly and deeply as she whimpered back with love, need, and gentleness as well. She toned down her deep love nuzzles to gentle needing nuzzles.
Alec sighed with relief once he was finally back at camp,breathing the familiar air of the forest were his pack was located. He had Melanie and Claire along with him,and walked to his cabin to place them both in their beds,as they had fallen asleep in the trip.
He walked around camp,feeling out of the loop. Something seemed wrong,and he could feel new smells around him. But the one of his friend,Faolin,was the one he went after. When he found him,Alec placed one hand in his back then looked down at him with confusion. He seemed to be drowning on sadness.

"Faolin...are you all right? Did...Something happen while I was gone? Is Luna okay?" His voice panicked a bit with the possibility.
Faolin walked along slowly head down tail down feeling miserable. He hardly noticed where he was going and he hardly felt the hand on his back in fact he was still in his own world when Alec spoke. Silently Faolin snapped his gaze back up to Alec and asked, "Huh what? Luna? Oh she's fine." He continued walking towards the lake for some strange reason his body still droopy and sad almost as if he were defeated in some horrible battle as he lied horribly, "I'm fine Alec just fine." He walked on.
KaalysBR said:
Geralt nodded to Tyr with happiness,still having the right herbs hidden in his pocket.
"Of course you won,Tyr. I knew you were a fast boy when I saw you."

He hesitated for a moment before following to kid,but nodded and walked with him,knowing that seeing Dante would probably cause more pain,but he was willing to do so.

"Mister Geraldt will be Tyr and Dante friend? Dante need friends, once Tyr hear Dante say that even with bunch of people Dante feels alone. Tyr not understand? Dante has Tyr and pack why he feel alone?" Tyr didn't know he was asking some very hard questions to answer. He also wasn't expressing himself properly. But he still wanted an answer. Consider that the cabin was in view that answer better have been quick.

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