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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Dante caught the scent of blood in the air so he made sure cabin was prepared for any injured

shiftier. "Sometimes i wish i could do more then heal them after a fight. just once i want

to be there and protect them." he sat back and waited for someone to come to him. everyone thats

is injured better come see him or else there going to have an irate Dante on there hands.
Luna stood.

"Well, despite the enemy you brought, I'm honored to have you here."

Sorry for the short reply I'm at dinner
Shaw thought about Dante as he walked, the blood was still flowing, but would stop soon.

He's gonna be pissed when he finds out I got tore up and didn't let him know.

He could smell that he was getting closer to felicity and quickened his pace.

@loyalwolf @xxbetaspiritxx
(No probs)

Geralt nodded to Luna,gratitude showing in his face.

"Thank you,Alpha Luna."

She saw the woman that was nearly killed by his enemy and felt guilty. She tried to get up,but ended up falling forward. He held her gently and picked her in his arms.

"I will be talking her to Dante. Can you walk,Alpha?"

He walked forward slowly,heading for Dante's cabin. He opened the door to see him inside,looking prepared already.

"Dante,I think you might want to take a look a Diana. She was strangled by one of the people after me. We had to do CPR for her to wake up." She sounded guilty as he explained the situation,wondering if Dante would hate him for putting his pack in danger.

"I'm fine." Diana protested,although she still looked pale.

KaalysBR said:
(No probs)
Geralt nodded to Luna,gratitude showing in his face.

"Thank you,Alpha Luna."

She saw the woman that was nearly killed by his enemy and felt guilty. She tried to get up,but ended up falling forward. He held her gently and picked her in his arms.

"I will be talking her to Dante. Can you walk,Alpha?"

He walked forward slowly,heading for Dante's cabin. He opened the door to see him inside,looking prepared already.

"Dante,I think you might want to take a look a Diana. She was strangled by one of the people after me. We had to do CPR for her to wake up." She sounded guilty as he explained the situation,wondering if Dante would hate him for putting his pack in danger.

"I'm fine." Diana protested,although she still looked pale.

Dante look as Geralt entered the cabin with part of his pack. " Alright Diana get on the bed, im going to check you vitals." he started by taking her pulse and breathing rate. he then put pressure on her neck to see if any damage was done to it.

"seem that you oxygen flow was slight damage through the exchange so i recommend some oxygen through a tank. then

im going to give you some anti-inflammatory to help with the swelling. over all you seem ok just need to relax."

He looked over at Geralt with concern and a little worry. "How about you? are you injured? Also what exactly happened out there?" he got out the oxygen tank and hooked up Diana.
Luna followed closely behind them, limping. She stood and watched Dante work from the background.

"She will be alright... Won't she?"
Jasil said:
Luna followed closely behind them, limping. She stood and watched Dante work from the background.
"She will be alright... Won't she?"
"she will be fine but please sit Luna. i need to check

you out and see if you need anything. By the way this is Geralt."

he then motioned for luna to a bed.
loyalwolf said:
"she will be fine but please sit Luna. i need to check
you out and see if you need anything. By the way this is Geralt."

he then motioned for luna to a bed.
Luna sat "I've met him." She said quietly.

"Dante really I'm fine." She muttered to her old friend
Diana looked completely ashamed about being wounded. A healer helped others,instead of being helped. But she allowed Dante to treat her,following his orders and breathing from the oxygen tank.

"My alpha...how is your feet? Dante,I think she might have twisted her ankle."


Geralt looked down in shame at Dante's question.

"I'm fine,my wolf. But they were here because of me. He was following my scent. It should have been me that they wounded,not your pack. I only cause problems wherever I go."

He expected the wolf to hate him for endangering his pack. That would hurt a lot,considering how much Geralt liked Dante. But it would be fair.

@loyalwolf @Jasil
Luna nodded

"It's fine, it's nothing. But you,"

She stared at Geralt.

"Need to stop acting like you are a terrible person and this is all your fault. We make mistakes, so what? You at least helped in killing that ass, so any ill will I may have had with you before is gone, forgiven, because you saved our lives."
Reptilesandromance said:
"I didn't touch the pizza, actually. You absolutely fucking wreak of that cat and you challenged that wanna be alpha bitch for her pack. Gee I wonder what could have possibly irked me." She spat, dry and sarcastic to the bone. It was obvious as she spoke that she was fighting a terrible change, her jaw lengthening and teeth growing. She caught herself and cleared her throat, halting the transformation; she waited for him to respond, fists clenched and teeth gritted.
"Yes, they were basically torturing her. Now, while I understand she is our enemy, I have a truce with her. She cannot die and must recover and so must I. It was what I paid my eye for. To keep you and your home safe. Yes, I will not fight her alone when the time comes but I did not go to fight her. I simply caught her scent and realized she was in much worse shape than before. I feared she had died " The male took a few respectful steps back as he felt her anger rise higher to the point she even partially shifted. The concern still never left his eyes. "Kate, I didn't do it hiding from you. I didn't temporarily sever our link for that very reason. I had nothing to hide. I was honoring a promise I made. It was just....complicated because of how the wanna be alpha felt about her." Admittedly, Victor's eye left her for a moment and lingered on the pizza without wanting to. The scent was starting to make him salivate but he shook it off and refocused on his mate. "I truly didn't mean to anger you. I'll go....wash the scent off and keep apologizing. I truly did not mean to upset you."
Geralt nodded gratefully to Luna. He knew he was too apologetic for an Alpha,but he couldn't stand to harm another pack that only tried to help him. His glance went back to Dante,hoping the healer would agree with the pack leader.


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KaalysBR said:
Diana looked completely ashamed about being wounded. A healer helped others,instead of being helped. But she allowed Dante to treat her,following his orders and breathing from the oxygen tank.
"My alpha...how is your feet? Dante,I think she might have twisted her ankle."


Geralt looked down in shame at Dante's question.

"I'm fine,my wolf. But they were here because of me. He was following my scent. It should have been me that they wounded,not your pack. I only cause problems wherever I go."

He expected the wolf to hate him for endangering his pack. That would hurt a lot,considering how much Geralt liked Dante. But it would be fair.

@loyalwolf @Jasil
Jasil said:
Luna nodded
"It's fine, it's nothing. But you,"

She stared at Geralt.

"Need to stop acting like you are a terrible person and this is all your fault. We make mistakes, so what? You at least helped in killing that ass, so any ill will I may have had with you before is gone, forgiven, because you saved our lives."
Dante check Luna's foot and realized that it was sprained. "Just a sprained Luna. All I need to do is wrap it up and keep it iced." He then look at Geralt and frowned "look if you keep taking like that tiger or going to put me off you"
Geralt sighed and nodded to Dante,going to sit in a chair in the corner of the room. He waited for Dante to finish his work,keeping a close eye on the two females.

Luna nodded bitterly, not liking how weak she felt. "When will it be fine Dante? I need to be on my feet ASAP, we have a damn cougar locked in the basement."
shadowz1995 said:
"Yes, they were basically torturing her. Now, while I understand she is our enemy, I have a truce with her. She cannot die and must recover and so must I. It was what I paid my eye for. To keep you and your home safe. Yes, I will not fight her alone when the time comes but I did not go to fight her. I simply caught her scent and realized she was in much worse shape than before. I feared she had died " The male took a few respectful steps back as he felt her anger rise higher to the point she even partially shifted. The concern still never left his eyes. "Kate, I didn't do it hiding from you. I didn't temporarily sever our link for that very reason. I had nothing to hide. I was honoring a promise I made. It was just....complicated because of how the wanna be alpha felt about her." Admittedly, Victor's eye left her for a moment and lingered on the pizza without wanting to. The scent was starting to make him salivate but he shook it off and refocused on his mate. "I truly didn't mean to anger you. I'll go....wash the scent off and keep apologizing. I truly did not mean to upset you."
"I don't want your apologies or your protection. She deserves whatever they were doing for bringing it on herself, I'm still livid you went and gouged your eye out over such a waste. Come back to me when you've finished what you started, I won't be part of it any longer." Kate snapped though her anger was getting the best of her, she knew this but didn't care, there was no sense in sugar coating it. She felt her stomach lurch again and barely moved in time as her stomach rejected whatever it held again, though this time yellow bile and stomach acid were all that slid foreword to spatter on the stainless steel sink. She groaned and clutched her abdomen, pushing her hair back as her body heaved again and again though after the third go there was nothing more for her stomach to toss, her body just heaving over the sink. She threw on the hot water, steam rising to her face as she remained bowed over the basin.
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KaalysBR said:
Geralt sighed and nodded to Dante,going to sit in a chair in the corner of the room. He waited for Dante to finish his work,keeping a close eye on the two females.
Jasil said:
Luna nodded bitterly, not liking how weak she felt. "When will it be fine Dante? I need to be on my feet ASAP, we have a damn cougar locked in the basement."
"Just a week until it's fully healed and don't worry... The cougar would have to be stupid to try some with a pack of wolves here." Dante saw how upset Geralt was so he went to go sit in his lap. "Don't look so sad tiger."
Quincy sat up abruptly and wiped his face with his paw, "i-i wasnt crying." He snapped, then he looked at her, " never mind if I was or not how are your wounds healing?" He stood, his eye was wet, buy he swallowed his sorrow and looked to her back, " I'm not as good a Healer as Dante or Diana but I cleaned the wound and I put Neosporin on it and bandages and you should probably try and eat the food I put in there, you should also drink some of the water you don't heal as well if you're dehydrated." He looked at her, wondering why she hated the wolves so much, " to answer your question Guinevere that's your name correct? No I haven't seen any of the other wolves crying but that's probably because none of the other ones are ostracized for helping the enemy. " @Juju
Geralt blinked with surprise as Dante sat on his lap. He smiled a bit more now and tapped his knee gently.

"I'm fine,wolf. I spoke with Shaw today. Honestly,I think that you are too nice of a person for him. You should find you a nice tiger instead."

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"Jesus Kate...." He didn't leave maybe he would later but right now he couldn't just leave his mate as she is now. "Kate gods what is wrong did you get sick from something?" He went to her side and held her hair out of her face while she was heaving. "Alright Kate I'm sorry your right. Please just let me help."
KaalysBR said:
Geralt blinked with surprise as Dante sat on his lap. He smiled a bit more now and tapped his knee gently.
"I'm fine,wolf. I spoke with Shaw today. Honestly,I think that you are too nice of a person for him. You should find you a nice tiger instead."

Dante grinned and looked at Geralt with an evil glint in his eyes. " is that so...well then maybe you can introduce to some good looking Tigers at some point. Becuse u don't know any" he says it in a playful tone.
Geralt laughed softly at Dante's joke,holding him while he sat on his lap. He didn't seem embarrassed about the fact that the two women were still on the room. In fact,he had all but forgotten about them. Dante himself was much more interesting. He rose one hand to mess with Dante's hair.

"Well,you have me right in front of you. Vulnerable,open...what else could you need?"

KaalysBR said:
Geralt laughed softly at Dante's joke,holding him while he sat on his lap. He didn't seem embarrassed about the fact that the two women were still on the room. In fact,he had all but forgotten about them. Dante himself was much more interesting. He rose one hand to mess with Dante's hair.
"Well,you have me right in front of you. Vulnerable,open...what else could you need?"

Dante didn't seem amused with the fact that Geralt messed with his hair. "Well you a decent choice but I need someone who won't mess my hair up. Also someone who can beat me in a fight. Basically I need a challenge and you are not a challenge, tiger." He said with a grin and a mocking tone. Dante wanted to see how Geralt would react but he didn't mean an offense. He was just playing with the big cat.
A gleam played in Geralt's eyes and suddenly he was standing upright,holding Dante by the back of his legs and walking with him away from the room.

"Well,wolf. I know how to use these muscles right here. But I would prefer to use yours."

He dropped Dante in a sofa,a wicked smile pulling his lips up. His inner tiger was taking control,crazy to take a bite of the wolf in front of him.

KaalysBR said:
Geralt blinked with surprise as Dante sat on his lap. He smiled a bit more now and tapped his knee gently.
"I'm fine,wolf. I spoke with Shaw today. Honestly,I think that you are too nice of a person for him. You should find you a nice tiger instead."

( aw :( that hurts!)

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