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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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  • Total voters
Luna grunted when she hit the ground. The wind taken out of her she lay there gasping for air.

Once she regained her breath she got on her feet again snarling.

Her ankle felt like it had sustained some injury so she kept her weight off it.

Watching Shaw harm the brute she cringed at the roughness

The lion felt his ribs break,but the adrenaline of the moment was still inserted in his blood. He sent his paws flying up,burying them deep into the man's chest.

He hadn't even shifted yet. That was the most humiliating thing.

Luna jumped at the two males and gripped the lions mane. Yanking on it she screamed, pulling out clumps of hair.

Her fangs grew in her mouth and she bit the back of the lions neck
Shaw winced as the lion scratched his chest, massive red streaks immediately began leaking blood.

Seeing Luna's attack, shaw grabbed the lions back legs and strained heavily as he swung the lion in a wide arc, throwing him against another tree. Shaw was having a hard time controlling himself even in human form.

He loved every aspect of fighting, his enemy bleeding, himself bleeding.. He rolled his shoulders as he walked up to the spot where he threw the lion. "Where's your big words now? Smothered by my great strength?"

@KaalysBR @Jasil
The lion was sent flying again,but this time he didn't manage to land upright. He fell down on his face,pulling himself upright with difficult.

He was feeling the pain in his neck,exploding through his entire blood. It was obvious now that he could fight until death,but he would never win. So he decided to leave this planet with a last cruel act. Instead of going for the man,he turned around and aimed for the neck of the woman he had tried to strangle. She was still alive. Barely,but was.

He jumped forward,extending his claws. But suddenly a hand closed into a fist hit his face,ending the action.

The lion was grabbed by his neck,his face pulled up. His eyes of an lion met the ones of the man he had been looking forward,and Match smiled wickedly.

Hello,Geralt. Seems like I finally found you. And your father will find you soon."

"Maybe,Match. But you won't be alive to see that,asshole. Have a nice time on hell. I'm your fucking Alpha. I gave you your life,and now I'm taking it back."

He snapped the neck of the lion on his hands,kicking his body away from him.

@akumashioni @Jasil
(Brutal :D )

Shaw was surprised at the sudden turn of events, "You killed him.. Thanks." He gave geralt a grateful look and turned to Luna.

"Are you ok? You're bleeding." He was concerned for Luna and Diana, almost forgetting his own cacophony of scratches and deep gashes.
Luna stood there huffing.

"I'm fine." She muttered, limping she walked to Geralt.

"And who are you?" She questioned, standing toe to toe with the large man.

Honestly Luna knew she wasn't very intimidating in size, but she did know she had a very lovely powerful aura
(Sorry for missing most things... I had school and sleep and other things (totally didn't have to murder anyone)

and whoa there's more kitties running around now?!)

@shadowz1995 (haha, you're in trouble with the mrs. now xD )

Guinevere had just closed her eye, but it snapped open once more when Crimson declared that he was planning on setting her free. 'what is this?' Guin thought, her ears perking in disbelief. Despite the pain it caused her, she turned her head to watch as Crimson angrily dismissed the other one eyed wolf whom Guinevere recognized from her stand off with Luna. Seeing Crimson here was surprising enough, but when the stranger wolf offered to mend her wounds, her head swam with confusion.

When Luna appeared, Guinevere flattened her ears and lowered her head back down to rest on her paws, her head throbbing once more.

Then Crimson turned his back to her. At first she had thought he was taking his leave, but she opened her eye to realize that he was standing between the furious alpha and her. Her grey eye could only look up in disbelief as the same wolf she had tried to kill a few days ago now stood up against the wrath of this pack's alpha all over her well-being. Not only that, but he started challenging the female alpha over the leadership of her pack.

It was so much to take in during her current state, but the injured mountain lion forced herself to remain conscious during the majority of the argument.

'I am not worth this...' she thought, clenching her jaw in pain.

Once the alpha left, an uneasy peace settled onto the cell area.

"You owe me your life and then some for this."

Guin's eye flicked open to look up at Crimson briefly before she eventually gave up and closed it again.

'You have no idea...' she thought, her mind remembering the scar on her shoulder before she allowed herself to sink into unconsciousness.



The mountain lion awoke suddenly when she felt a hand being placed on the back of her head while another began applying some sort of liquid onto her wound. Beneath the strong scent of the chemical she could detect a wolf's scent, which she recognized as the one eyed wolf whom had offered to heal her wounds. Feigning being unconscious, Guinevere remained perfectly still as the healer went about his business; too weak to attempt an attack at this point. At one point the hands went dangerously close to the brand on her shoulder, so much that if she had the strength she might have lashed out in a fury.

Blessedly it was only brief, and soon the healer left.

The scent of the raw meat was tempting beyond belief... she couldn't remember how long it had been since she had eaten, but she could not bear to stomach anything just yet. At least the pain of her back was slightly less intense than it had been earlier, but it itched.

When the wolf came back down to lay against the wall, Guinevere gathered enough strength to lift her head and look at the wolf curiously.
"Another straggler, Dante dragged him in." His words weren't hurtful, simply factual.

He looked at geralt inquisitively.
Geralt nodded towards the man,and then introduced himself to Luna.

"We've met before,Alpha Luna. I'm Geralt,alpha from a pack of tigers. I was hoping for a alliance between our packs."

His eyes shifted towards the woman in the ground,kneeling close to her.

"I don't think she is breathing." He sounded alarmed,almost panicking. "How...how do I do a mouth to mouth?"

@Jasil Luna should probably do the mouth to mouth,so Violet won't be pissed xD I gtg for now,be back soon! @akumashioni )
Shaw looked surprised when he said he was an alpha tiger, "impressive."

Hearing that Diana wasn't breathing he grew nervous, "I'm no doctor.."
Luna shoved both men aside, not out of rudeness but worry.

She began CPR and prayed Diana woke up soon.

(I'm pretty sure Violet will be more pissed that her lesbian mate was given mouth to mouth by another girl than a man.)
Jasil said:
Luna shoved both men aside, not out of rudeness but worry.
She began CPR and prayed Diana woke up soon.

(I'm pretty sure Violet will be more pissed that her lesbian mate was given mouth to mouth by another girl than a man.)
(A naked girl) speaking of which, shaw unbuttoned his flannel and gave it to her, the shirt was large enough that it made a dress.
Luna put it over her shoulders and continued trying to save Diana. Once she was breathing agian Luna sat back with a sigh.

"She'll be alright. But should probably go see Dante."
shadowz1995 said:
(Back) "Kate please tell me what happened? Did you not like the pizza?" Victor asked as he went over to the pizza box and opened it. It smelled.....different. He had never had pizza before and he didn't know if his stomach would agree with it. Maybe that's why Kate felt ill? That and she was angry. No not angry. She was pissed. "Kate sweetheart please tell me what's wrong. I can't read your mind but I can feel everything your giving off what happened?" There was no other emotion coming off of Crimson except his concern and worry for his mate. Guilt wasn't included because he simply did not think he did anything wrong. To him, he stopped an injustice from happening. The male's eye watched her carefully, searching for something her emotions wouldn't reveal.
"I didn't touch the pizza, actually. You absolutely fucking wreak of that cat and you challenged that wanna be alpha bitch for her pack. Gee I wonder what could have possibly irked me." She spat, dry and sarcastic to the bone. It was obvious as she spoke that she was fighting a terrible change, her jaw lengthening and teeth growing. She caught herself and cleared her throat, halting the transformation; she waited for him to respond, fists clenched and teeth gritted.

It felt like drowning,diving into a deep river without being able to resurface.
Diana tried to swim up,but she couldn't.

Not until she felt the air being pressed again into her lungs,and her body being dragged away from the water.

Diana coughed and opened her eyes,staring with confusion at the people around her. She touched her neck in the place where the lion's fingers still marked her skin. She heard the comment about Dante,but hated to be a burden.

"I'm...I'm fine." Diana's voice was rough and she looked up at Luna and Shaw. "You two...are wounded." She coughed again,trying to get up so she could help her pack.

@Jasil @akumashioni
Quincy, believing Guinevere was still out, overcome with stress and grief curled up and buried his muzzle in his tail, and cried. He cried for his heartache, for his loneliness, for his ostrisization, he had only tried to be a good wolf, a merciful one, to show a creature what he was never shown, and he was Jared for it. Would his sister even forgive him?. @Juju
Luna shook her head.

"That little pussy didn't do anything but make me fall wrong on my ankle, I'm fine. But we are taking you and Shaw back to Dante."

The Alpha let her pride take over, not wanting to appear weak, especially after what happened only an hour ago.
Shaw held his mangled arm up proudly in the air, puffing up his bleeding chest. "I carry these wounds with honor." He swelled with pride, having fought side by side with his alpha. "I want to endure them." He refused any medical assistance and walked, bleeding, to the direction of felicity's scent. @Jasil @KaalysBR @xxbetaspiritxx
Kira poked her wolf head, muzzle flecked with scars as always, out of her cabin doorway, vaguely remembering hearing Luna's howl... then she'd gone black again and woke up a few paces from the door. Was she going to her leader when-? Probably. Everything felt off, she could tell as soon as she stepped onto the porch. The air practically tasted like tension and mingled fear, anger, and worry. The first place that came to her mind was Luna's cabin, so paws thudding on the ground, the she-wolf bolted across the grass to stand at the foot of her leader's porch, completely unaware of any current situations.
Luna rolled her eyes

"Hey stubborn are you sure we aren't related?" She called after Shaw jokingly before returning her face to Diana.

"I still want Dante to look you over... Then I'll have a chat with our tiger here."
"I'm all right,my Alpha." Diana coughed again,but her voice sounded less rough. "I'm sorry to be a burden,I didn't see the lion coming."

She looked ashamed as she moved forward,examining Luna's wounded feet. It was because of her that the Alpha had received those wounds. She took a quick glance up at Geralt before lowering her eyes.

"It's not his fault,my Alpha."


Geralt looked extremely guilty as he nodded to Luna.

"They were after me,Alpha from the wolves. I asked Dante to handle me to them in case something happened,but he was too generous to do that."

Geralt was still recovering from the initial attack of his clan,and that showed in his walk.

"I will leave your territory if you so wish. But I promise you,the clan of tigers will be mine again someday. And we will fight by your side against any threats."

Guinevere's ear twitched irritably when the wolf began sobbing into the fur of his tail. The mountain lion always detested the sounds of crying, though she had long grown used to the wails of others.

'What on earth is he whining about?' she thought while shifting her head to glare at the wolf curled up against the wall. Perhaps the Alpha had scolded him for offering to aid in an enemy. Yet she saw no apparent wounds on this one's hide, which either meant that the alpha was soft or that aiding the murderer of the alpha male was not much of a crime.

The mountain lion closed her eye and attempted to ignore the soft cries, hoping that he would eventually stop. When they didn't she lifted her head. "Do all the wolves in this pack cry this much?" she asked in an agitated tone, wincing as she disturbed the healing wounds on her side and back.


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