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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The wolf nodded,following the instructions of her mate carefully. It was indeed harder,but she was putting her every will into the lesson. She needed to be able to protect the woman she loved so much.


Diana's human form was wondering through the forest,needing to be alone after the last conflict with the Alpha. She was confused,but her allegiance was still clear.

That was when she heard the sudden sounds of steps running towards her,and Diana barely had time to turn before a hand pinned her against a tree.

She felt blood drip from the back of her neck as she looked up with confusion,finding a man with a wicked smile looking down at her. He smelled like a lion.

"Now,baby girl. Just answer me one question,and you will live. Where is the tiger? Where is Geralt? Don't lie to me,sweety."

Diana knew the man would try to kill the tiger she had seen with Dante. So she lied.

"I don't know where he is."

"Hm. Wrong answer,baby."

The man closed his enormous hand around her neck,squeezing the air out of Diana's lungs. She wiggled around,trying to get away from his grip,trying to scream or pull for air. But soon the sounds of the forest started to dim around her. Black dots appeared in her vision and she slowly stopped moving as she slipped into unconsciousness,sufocating under his grip.


Suddenly,the image of the black wolf started to disappear from Violet's mind,his form becoming blurred. Something was wrong.

Shaw was slightly taken aback by Luna's words, maybe he hadn't known what this was about..

Her position as alpha was secure in his eyes, but our guest? He thought she should be killed. He just couldn't do it himself.
Felicity was roaming even deeper into the woods, straying further and further away from pack territory. Her footsteps were almost silent, but a few cracks of dead leaves, or crunchy sticks caught her out, eliminating what was silence.

Her nose crinkled at a sudden strange scent, which she soon discovered to be a dead badger. Fresh. Now feeling nauseous, she allowed her stomach to grumble in protest, her head immediately turning. The scents of Shaw, Luna, Dante, Diana and the others had faded almost completely, causing her to suddenly fall into nervousness. Oh God, why had she wandered? Why had she allowed her curiousity to take over and control her?

Allowing a sigh to escape her lips, her eyes darted around the now dark scenery, and she struggled to attempt to find her way back home.

Luna's words were stopped by and unfamiliar smell on the wind.

"Shaw... Where is your mate.... Where is Diana?!" Her voice raised in urgency. She shifted Inka in her arms and layed her in the grass by Valissa.

"Watch her, I'll be back. Shaw come with me."

She began jogging in the woods, her concern blasting off her body
Valissa stood up, "alpha, of you don't mind an omega speaking... You are the alpha, you care for the pack, and you lead us. I don't know of anyone who challenges you, but on the lion... It is your choice weather she lives or dies, but my own opinion does not believe she deserves to die of her wounds or hunger." Her voice was light, and suggestive, not showing that she felt the alpha wanted to kill her that way, just giving her opinion. @Jasil
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa stood up, "alpha, of you don't mind an omega speaking... You are the alpha, you care for the pack, and you lead us. I don't know of anyone who challenges you, but on the lion... It is your choice weather she lives or dies, but my own opinion does not believe she deserves to die of her wounds or hunger." Her voice was light, and suggestive, not showing that she felt the alpha wanted to kill her that way, just giving her opinion. @Jasil
(But I already left *she said in an innocent child voice*)
Nuuch nuzzles valissa slight then just sits there confused. Trying to figure out what was happening. With the way nuuchs memory was he doesn't understand how a pack is supposed to be but luna saved him from death at his worse and had vowed to stay loyal to her no matter what she decides. @Jasil @MadameRedWolf
He nodded and quickly followed behind Luna, he hadn't realized until now that felicity had been gone for some time, and Diana would have never ignored her alphas call.

He fed off of Luna's energy and grew anxious as well.
Luna arrived in time to see the man on top of Diana. "Hey!" She snarled viciously and ran at him. She jumped onto Him and rolled her body, trying to get him off of her friend.

She pulled and growled, her arms and legs wrapped around the large make, pulling him off
As Luna wrestled the male, shaw began sprinting, sending a massive shoulder check at the man. (I don't care who he is, SENT FLYING!!) he then grabs the man by the collar and lifts him off the ground into the air against a tree.

@Jasil @KaalysBR
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The man's head shot up with annoyance once he heard steps coming towards him. His allies couldn't be too far and he could walk away if he wanted to,but the girl in his hands was still alive. He squeezed her neck harder,a sense of urgency now.

The lion had never left a prey alive. And the girl was very close to death by lack of oxygen. He loved strangling his preys,and he would finish up soon. Then he would leave.

Suddenly a woman pulled him and he growled with annoyance,letting the now pale girl slid from his grip. She didn't seem to be breathing anymore,but he hated to he interrupted.

He turned to the Alpha with hate in his eyes,and started to shift to his lion form.

But before he was completely changed,a huge man hit his side,sending him flying against a tree. He growled loudly,fully shifting into the form of an enormous lion.

@akumashioni @Jasil
KaalysBR said:
The man's head shot up with annoyance once he heard steps coming towards him. His allies couldn't be too far and he could walk away if he wanted to,but the girl in his hands was still alive. He squeezed her neck harder,a sense of urgency now.
The lion had never left a prey alive. And the girl was very close to death by lack of oxygen. He loved strangling his preys,and he would finish up soon. Then he would leave.

Suddenly a woman pulled him and he growled with annoyance,letting the now pale girl slid from his grip. She didn't seem to be breathing anymore,but he hated to he interrupted.

He turned to the Alpha with hate in his eyes,and started to shift to his lion form.

But before he was completely changed,a huge man hit his side,sending him flying against a tree. He growled loudly,fully shifting into the form of an enormous lion.

@akumashioni @Jasil
(Oh shit!)

Shaw didn't grab his collar, instead he took a step back and put his hands up defensively, ready for the lion to pounce.

"Cmon you bastard! Gimme all you got!"

Shaws alpha blood was boiling, he was getting excited.
Nuuch snuggles up to Valissa "hey calm down a bit. Youl get the chance to talk with her when she gets back" he assures her, still ignorant to why she feels like its not her place to voice her opinion to the alpha. @MadameRedWolf
The lion had all of his hate focused on the man now,growling to him as he took a step forward slowly. Two to one. Good odds,as far as he was concerned. His animal form was almost as tall as the man.

He used the tree behind him as a support,jumping forward and aiming for the man's neck.

I'm having wolf blood tonight.

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As the lion pounced, shaw leaned back, catching him by the bottom jaw and pushing up as he wrapped his other arm around the lions back.

He slides his hand from the lions jaw to his neck and rolls to compensate for the powerful leap.

He lands on top of the lion, hand on its throat, arm around its back. He begins squeezing his massive hand on the lions windpipe, going to cut off blood, not oxygen.

He uses his other arm to maintain control, letting the lion slice him all to hell with his front and back claws. @KaalysBR
Luna shifted and dragged Diana off into the foliage. Checking her vitals Luna decided she was okay for now.

Shifting into her nude human form Luna gripped the lions tail and pulled all her strength, hoping to distract him long enough for shaw to win
The lion didn't expect the attack,nor the sudden weight of the human on the top of him. He growled as he recognized the attack to cut his blood from flowing,knowing that he had to act fast.

Instead of wriggling around,the lion allowed himself to fall down. Then he rolled around,pinning the man under his body and bitting the arm that was holding him.

The pressure on his tail was a mere annoyance,but he would surely deal with that woman once he was done with the man.

@Jasil @akumashioni
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Growling in anger Luna shifted to her wolf and bit the lions leg as hard as she could, tasting blood.

Shaking her head side to side with her teeth shut like steel she could feel things rip
When the lion flipped and pinned him, he took his hand off its throat and put it on his face, attempting an eye gouge, Luna attacked the lions leg while shaw pulled his right leg up and kicked him hard in the chest sending him flying again and ripping his leg out of Luna's bite. Shaw recovered, slightly cradling his mauled arm. "That's gonna make for a nice scar.." He winced slightly and looked at Luna, "thanks for the assist."
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akumashioni said:
When the lion flipped and pinned him, he took his hand off its throat and put it on his face, attempting an eye gouge, Luna attacked the lions leg while shaw pulled his leg up and kicked the lion hard in the chest sending him flying again and ripping his leg out of Luna's bite. Shaw recovered, slightly cradling his mauled arm. "That's gonna make for a nice scar.." He winced slightly and looked at Luna, "thanks for the assist."
Luna shifted human, her skin covered in fresh blood.

Nodding to Shaw "Of course, what else would I do?"

Looking back at the lion Luna ignored the breeze that blew across her bare body, ready for another attack.
Shaw never thought much of humans being naked, it was natural to him so he didn't even really notice.

He braced himself for another attack as well, hoping the lions leg would be hurting.
The lion felt the ground disappear from bellow his feet as he was thrown in the direction of a tree,his leg bleeding from the bite wound.

He slid to the ground,feeling from the first time that killing the wolf wouldn't be so easy after all. He was still standing on four legs,but even that was too hard.

He growled with hate,looking at the now naked woman that had wounded him. He suddenly jumped forward,hitting the woman in the chest and sending her flying to the ground.

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Shaw capitalized on the lions attacking someone other than him, "Luna!" His adrenaline flared up much stronger than when he was defending himself.

He grabbed the lion by the back of his mane and under his belly, lifting him up and dropping his ribcage hard onto shaws knee.

(SIDE BREAKER!!) xD @KaalysBR @Jasil

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