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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Logan

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Diana took advantage of the distraction presented by Shaw's arrival and ran to the stranger wolf,picking herbs from the bag in her mouth. She placed them on the wounds,licking the herbs so they would stay in place. It was only a momentary type of healing,but it was as much she could manage in such a situation. In the last days she had learned that human fingers were much more adequate for healing,but shifting in the middle of a fight would make her extremely vulnerable.

She gave Shaw a look of gratitude,but her glance quickly shifted to Violet. Worry was obvious in her body language. Diana wouldn't stand to lose the woman she was growing to love.

@Lighthouse8477 @akumashioni @OverTheMoo @Juju
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He was totally locked in on the lion, the slightest miscalculation could mean his gruesome death.

"Here kitty.." He said menacingly.
Cybil looked over at the wolf placing a variety of herbs on her wounds. She bowed her head in a thankful gesture and watched the male as he mocked the cougar.
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"You would lie down and die? How pathetic..." Guinevere snarled when the wolf had laid down. She stalked up to the wolf and was prepared to make the killing blow when a new wolf appeared from out of the bushes, causing the cat's head to turn in annoyance.

Then another, snarling and snapping with lupine arrogance....

and then a man...much larger than a normal human form.

The mountain lion's muzzle parted into a vicious snarl that revealed her fangs, still stained a light red from the loner wolf's blood.

Guinevere's one grey eye smoldered with hatred as it glared from one wolf to the next. A growl rumbled in her throat when the wolf she had attacked decided to wander closer, but it halted into silence when the larger wolf mocked her.

"How brave of you... to challenge a mountain lion four to one." She growled, pacing slowly to the side. Guin's gaze then flicked to the female wolf that she had attacked earlier, noticing that she was being mended by an unfamiliar female.

"And I see you have decided against living... how unfortunate." she hissed, while edging ever more closer. Though she looked comfortably poised, the mountain lion was prepared to spring into action should she need to.

'more members to the pack...' she thought. '... they spring up like weeds. Four to one; not the worst odds, but if that big one shifts...'

@Lighthouse8477 @OverTheMoo @akumashioni @KaalysBR

(I think I have everyone, lol)
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(Shaw is in human form, there's three wolves and a large man.)

Seeing the lion inching closer he sidestepped quickly cuttin off her path.

"I don't take to layin down and dyin, but you ain't touchin a single one of them until you get through me."

He spread his arms out and was clearly ready for an attack.

(Oh right, I forgot about crazy wolf man! hehe sorry about that! I fixed it)
"Take a look at your predicament," he said to the lion, "you're outnumbered, and what's to gain from this?" "You won't walk away unscathed..."

Guinevere's eye locked onto the towering figure that had had stepped forward. "Do you really think I would attack a pack head on?" She said, amused. "You must take me for a fool."

The grey eye peered behind the tall man to glance at the three females behind him. "No, I prefer to take out a pack one by one... to pluck the ones whose deaths mean the most..." She growled while looking at the healer. "...until every friend and loved one is wiped out."

The mountain lion then turned to stalk out of the stream and towards the river bank, her strides elegant despite her wounds both old and new. "Unscathed is not a word I often use to describe myself..."

Diana took advantage of the distraction presented by Shaw's arrival and ran to the stranger wolf,picking herbs from the bag in her mouth. She placed them on the wounds,licking the herbs so they would stay in place. It was only a momentary type of healing,but it was as much she could manage in such a situation. In the last days she had learned that human fingers were much more adequate for healing,but shifting in the middle of a fight would make her extremely vulnerable.
She gave Shaw a look of gratitude,but her glance quickly shifted to Violet. Worry was obvious in her body language. Diana wouldn't stand to lose the woman she was growing to love.
Looking at Dianna Violet smiled. Then she growled as she agreed with Shaw. Quickly she walked and placed herself beside the large male protecting her mate behind her. Her hackles were raised her eyes were cold and flaming her body posture was dangerous and commanding. She revealed her long canines which were longer then normal for any wolf her size. They were razor sharp and glinted white. She held herself like a true warrior target locked muscles coiled to spring or move quickly. She was in a fighters stance if the Mountain lion charged she would be able to be ready for the attack and either block or trick the lion into making itself vunerable to Shaw which no Mountain lion in it's right mind would do however this lion wasn't in it's right mind. She saw it walk away towards the stream but she didn't let her guard down she had moved in front of Dianna when that thing had looked at Dianna. She watched the Mountain Lion waiting not letting her guard down for a second.
@KaalysBR @Juju @akumashioni
Shaw watched the entire time as the lion left, "what a coward, one on one seems fair to me."

He looked back at the others, his massive frame casting a long shadow, "that's fair isn't it?" He seemed a little dissapointed she didn't attack and checked on the others.

"Everyone ok?"

@KaalysBR @Lighthouse8477 @Juju
Diana noticed the look of the mountain lion set upon her,and mistakenly assumed that she wanted to strike at the wolf she was healing. She stood in front of the female in a position of protection,fully aware that she stood no chance if the lion ever attacked her alone.

Her worry raised as Violet positioned herself in a defensive posture,and for the first time in her life Diana felt a will to attack,if only to protect her mate.

Looking at Shaw Violet stated, "Were fine Shaw the Lion knew it wouldn't be a one on one it would be a four on one well." She glanced at Dianna and whispered, "Actually it would have been a two on one. Dianna is a healer not a fighter as for the other female well she probably shouldn't be fighting at all even though I have no healing experience. We should keep our guard up the lion could return any second their are very smart animals especially the females." She smiled gently then looked at her mate who was protecting her patient and she saw a spark in Dianna's eyes the will to fight to protect her. Violet smiled happily feeling warm inside knowing her mate had her back. She didn't know what mates were but she would find out.

@KaalysBR @akumashioni
(Sorry Akuma! I would love a fight between Guin and Shaw but I gtg to bed now! She hasn't gone too far, if people want a fight, but I have to go)
Juju said:
(Sorry Akuma! I would love a fight between Guin and Shaw but I gtg to bed now! She hasn't gone too far, if people want a fight, but I have to go)
(All good <3) (nighty night)
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Diana sighed with obvious relief once the lion was out of her sight. The will to fight disappeared as quickly as it came,leaving Diana disappointed. But her mate and her pack were safe,at least for now. She couldn't ask for anything else.

She nudged the wolf she was healing lightly,placing her on the top of her body so she could carry the stranger back to camp. She turned to Violet and Shaw with a concerned look.

"It won't be a fight for today,I guess. Let's get back to our camp. Shaw,Violet...thank you."

Shaw nodded and headed to the lake.

He enjoyed the spot by the water, it was more peaceful than any where else.

"What luck." He said aloud.

He was grateful to have been accepted, and thankful for an opportunity to defend his pack. He relaxed at the spot for a long while.

@KaalysBR @OverTheMoo @Lighthouse8477
Diana sighed with obvious relief once the lion was out of her sight. The will to fight disappeared as quickly as it came,leaving Diana disappointed. But her mate and her pack were safe,at least for now. She couldn't ask for anything else.
She nudged the wolf she was healing lightly,placing her on the top of her body so she could carry the stranger back to camp. She turned to Violet and Shaw with a concerned look.

"It won't be a fight for today,I guess. Let's get back to our camp. Shaw,Violet...thank you."
Looking at Dianna Violet smiled happily. She walked over to Dianna and stated, "Anything for you Dianna I love you." She wagged her tail then stated, "I will help you in any way I can Dianna no matter what." She was serious. However her connection with Dianna screamed to be made whole. Violet's mating mark had appeared when Dianna's had however their was one thing neither had done yet to solidify the bond. Neither had done a mating ritual they were just about to when the lion had attacked well later right now they had to take care of the female. Looking at Dianna Violet tried to remember how Dianna had looked as a human when they had originally met however at that time Violet had been purposely looking away to give Dianna her privacy. Violet was an honorable wolf she never went into healing because of that. She thought someone's body should only be viewed if that person gave permission for their body to be viewed. She walked with Dianna looking at her mate with love, wonder, and desire. Desire for exactly what she had no clue but she knew that Dianna knew and that was enough.
Diana felt an enormous warmth in her heart at Violet's words. Finally she felt like she belonged somewhere again,and that was along with Violet.

"I love you too,Violet. And I will always be yours if you need me."

They walked back to camp and Diana turned back to her human form,dressing up and placing the wounded wolf in one of the medical tables,noticing the female had passed out due to the wounds. She removed the herbs and cleaned the open spots now,applying balm from green leaves,which would keep the wounds from infecting. She bandaged them after the cleaning was done,to make sure they wouldn't open once more.

Once she was done,Diana walked back to Violet. There was obvious hesitation in her eyes as she looked at her mate. Diana seemed troubled by something.

"Violet...do you mind if we finish our conversation now?"

Diana felt an enormous warmth in her heart at Violet's words. Finally she felt like she belonged somewhere again,and that was along with Violet.
"I love you too,Violet. And I will always be yours if you need me."

They walked back to camp and Diana turned back to her human form,dressing up and placing the wounded wolf in one of the medical tables,noticing the female had passed out due to the wounds. She removed the herbs and cleaned the open spots now,applying balm from green leaves,which would keep the wounds from infecting. She bandaged them after the cleaning was done,to make sure they wouldn't open once more.

Once she was done,Diana walked back to Violet. There was obvious hesitation in her eyes as she looked at her mate. Diana seemed troubled by something.

"Violet...do you mind if we finish our conversation now?"
Looking at Dianna Violet smiled. She whispered, "Thank you Dianna." She had just promised to be Violet's. Then why was she so worried so hesitant? Thinking on this she grew worried and even more hesitant something just want right and she was afraid to ask hence the hesitance. She laid worried why she felt bad then it came to her when Dianna walked up to her. She didn't feel worthy of beign Dianna's mate. Dianna was perfect and beautiful and charming she had half those qualities yet she had snared the female and she felt unworthy but that was ridiculous she was worthy and Dianna truly loved her. Having resolved that she looked at Dianna and stated, "Yes Dianna we can finish our talk now. I want to." She smiled lovingly her heart speeding up as he tail wagged happily. Her prescence grew happy and exited a little nervous but she knew nothing about beign a mate and stated, "I was just hesitant because I relized I really don't deserve you Dianna your perfect and sweet and charming and beautiful. I have never been told about mating before so I am nervous and histant because I don't know how to do either but I am willing to give it my best shot." She smiled waiting to be told what to do she trusted Dianna completely.
Diana was shocked at Violet's words. She had expected something completely different,but that...Diana lowered her body and ran one hand through Violet's fur,affection in her eyes.

"Violet,I could never ask for a better mate than you. You are strong,beautiful,decided...if I can spend my entire life by your side,I will happily do so."

But tears appeared in Diana's eyes as she said her next words,keeping her touch on Violet.

"But I don't know if I'm worthy of your love,Violet. You saw it today,I'm weak. I can't protect you if we both get attacked,and I can't feel hate for any being. I have never killed or harmed anyone. I feel like I might be a broken wolf,Violet."

Diana was shocked at Violet's words. She had expected something completely different,but that...Diana lowered her body and ran one hand through Violet's fur,affection in her eyes.
"Violet,I could never ask for a better mate than you. You are strong,beautiful,decided...if I can spend my entire life by your side,I will happily do so."

But tears appeared in Diana's eyes as she said her next words,keeping her touch on Violet.

"But I don't know if I'm worthy of your love,Violet. You saw it today,I'm weak. I can't protect you if we both get attacked,and I can't feel hate for any being. I have never killed or harmed anyone. I feel like I might be a broken wolf,Violet."
Shivering Violet whimpered slightly. She smiled at Dianna then listened to her words then heard the word if. Her ears pricked forward immediately. When she said she wasn't worthy of Dianna's love Violet changed human without a second thought she pulled Dianna to her and kissed Dianna on the lips deeply. When Violet pulled away she placed her hand on Dianna's chin and stated, "Their are no ifs. You are going to be my mate if it's the last thing I do on this earth because so help me I would die without you Dianna. Your strong Dianna you heal in ways I cannot so let's agree to become mates so we are stronger together . I am the fighter you are the mender and healer I don't want a mate who hates wolves I don't hate my enemies I just don't want them to harm anyone I love. Dianna it's okay your not a fighter I am not a healer I can't fix a small scratch on my leg. We need to be mates to be strong. Your not broken Dianna your special and loved by me and I am pleading and imploring you to tell me how to make you my true mate without any futher hesitation because I need you. You make me happy and strong unlike any other please I'm begging you." She kissed Dianna again feeling the urge to bite her neck for some strange reason but she refrained as she whispered, "Please I love you. Your not broken you are who you are and I don't want to you to change I love you for who you are Dianna please if you don't say yes I will die of a broken heart." She was beign perfectly serious and honest her heart would burst if Dianna walked away.
Tears run through Diana's face at Violet's words,the sadness in her heart being replaced by pure adoration. She was right. The wolves completed each other in ways that Diana could barely describe,only feel. And she would easily die for her mate. The very idea of a separation was breaking her heart,but she was glad it was unnecessary. Because Violet obviously loved her.

And God,how Diana loved that woman.

The sensation of the kiss was still in Diana's face and heart,and she knew it was the right time. Holding Violet's hand gently,she gestured to her cabin.

"Let's go,Violet. Tonight you will be mine."

Tears run through Diana's face at Violet's words,the sadness in her heart being replaced by pure adoration. She was right. The wolves completed each other in ways that Diana could barely describe,only feel. And she would easily die for her mate. The very idea of a separation was breaking her heart,but she was glad it was unnecessary. Because Violet obviously loved her.
And God,how Diana loved that woman.

The sensation of the kiss was still in Diana's face and heart,and she knew it was the right time. Holding Violet's hand gently,she gestured to her cabin.

"Let's go,Violet. Tonight you will be mine."
Looking at Dianna Violet smiled as she watched her mate seem to gather herself as she saw the love radiate through her eyes. Violet smiled happily and lovingly then she saw something in Dianna's eyes something new she gestured towards her cabin and Violet looked at it her heart pounding loudly this was a yes. She heard the two sentances that turned her world upside down. "Let's go, Violet. Tonight you will be mine." Violet shivered in anticipation as her body quaked with exitment she looked at Dianna then slipped her hand into Dianna's and walked with her towards the cabin. When they entered Violet closed the door and looked at Dianna slightly nervous but mostly filled with love, anticipation and lust. She loved this woman with all her heart and she would do anything Dianna asked. Well aside from kill me that she wouldn't do but anything else Violet would do in a heart beat she let Dianna take the lead since she had no clue what to do.
Tyr woke up from his nap and ask Dante to go out to play. Dante said he could but had to be back in time for bed. Tyr ran out the front door as fast as his little legs can take him. he wanted to go for a swim. since he hadn't been to the lake in a while. he saw a tall man sitting by the lake. Tyr never saw him before and Dante said to introduce yourself to any new member. he walked up to the man and pokes his arm. "Hey, who are you? Tyr's name is tyr and its nice to meet you." he said this with a big smile on his face. @akumashioni

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