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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Diana blinked with surprise,astonished at the beauty of Violet's human form. She had expected to see someone gorgeous,but the female was beyond any expectations. She felt herself getting lost into the blue tone of her eyes.
"Violet...I was never taught war myself. I am a healer,not a fighter. I may drag you down but...it seems like the fates were kind to me. They gave me the best wolf I could ever ask for."

Diana leaned in,touching her forehead against Violet's lightly. She took a deep breath before closing the distance between them,kissing Violet softly.

The effect was explosive,and Diana felt like everything was right in that moment they shared. The nature of the wolves collided,waiting to become one. Waiting to be together.

Diana pulled from the kiss once she felt the sensation in her hand. With a smile,she showed the mark to Violet. The mark of mating.

"You are my mate,Violet. And I couldn't have asked for anyone better. If you want to complete this process with me...I will do so."
Blushing deeply Violet smiled at Dianna's words then froze as Dianna placed her head against hers. Her body ached in that second her heart accelerated her senses heightened her breath increased then it happened Dianna leaned in and kissed her lips. Violet felt like she was falling into a pit of pleasure and sensation she whimpered softly still thinking in wolf terms of love however it changed from a whimper into a moan as her body thrummed and hummed with excitement and then Dianna pulled away. Violet had never felt so needy in her life she felt as if a part of her heart had broken what had she done had Dianna changed her mind? Her wolf was howling running around her mind around Dianna's circling closer and closer to Dianna's her wolf kept nuzzling Dianna's lovingly and deeply as Dianna's returned the affection Violet sighed in relief at the feeling her wolf wanted to be with Dianna's she wanted to be one with Dianna she knew it in a heart beat then her eyes drifted down to Dianna's hand a strange mark then she heard the word. Mate. She hardly knew what it meant. Silently she looked up at Dianna and stated, "If it means I get to be with you Dianna and love you and kiss you like we just did then I want to be your mate however your going to have to teach me everything about mating and mates because I know absolutely nothing about it but I want you to finish the process my wolf and human ache for you and I need you more then anything I have needed in my life and I couldn't ask for a better wolf to be my mate whatever that is." She smiled her heart beating wildly as she waited looking into Dianna's eyes hopefully.
Diana nodded,holding Violet's hands tightly. She was willing to spend an entire life with the white wolf,keeping her closer to her heart.

"We will be together,Violet. I promise."

But suddenly a desperate howl burst through the air,and Diana rose her eyes with obvious concern. She jumped from the table and fell in her black wolf form,looking back at Violet.

"My sun and stars...I think this wolf might need our help. Please come along with me."

She gestured to the place where the howling was coming from.

Diana nodded,holding Violet's hands tightly. She was willing to spend an entire life with the white wolf,keeping her closer to her heart.
"We will be together,Violet. I promise."

But suddenly a desperate howl burst through the air,and Diana rose her eyes with obvious concern. She jumped from the table and fell in her black wolf form,looking back at Violet.

"My sun and stars...I think this wolf might need our help. Please come along with me."

She gestured to the place where the howling was coming from.
Violet was about to kiss Dianna with her loving words when a howl split the air. Immediately Violet changed into her white wolf which was larger then Dianna's she looked at where Dianna had gestured and she moved. Softly she stated, "I am coming." She bounded after Dianna catching her easily then keeping pace. Immediately the fighting training came back to Violet her eyes went hardish althought the love for Dianna remained her posture grew strong her strides determined her steps balanced and calculated. Looking at Dianna she smiled as she stated, "Always an adventure around here." She nuzzled Dianna's wolf form quickly as she stated, "Your stunning Dianna I am so lucky to be with you forever. Now follow my lead I don't want you getting killed." She pulled ahead of Dianna. She was stronger and larger so she was going first into whatever fray they found to make it safer for her new mate whatever that was.
This weather was like "JK!" The storm is pretty much over tho we still have a warning. I'll be on for now on.

Diana timidly remained behind,following Violet's lead. Diana was much smaller than an average wolf,which is why she accepted the lead. Not only that,but she had a lack of aggressiveness that could prove mortal for a wolf.

When they arrived in the battlefield,Diana gasped softly. The mountain lion she found was the biggest animal she had ever seen,and the wolf was severely wounded. Her thoughts immediately turned to ways to heal her,and she was glad the had her healing bag.

@Juju @OverTheMoo
Cybil looked over at Diana and slowly stood up, she went over to her. However, she kept her eyes focused on the wild cat. She let out a soft growl and stood beside Diana, standing her ground.
OverTheMoo said:
Cybil looked over at Diana and slowly stood up, she went over to her. However, she kept her eyes focused on the wild cat. She let out a soft growl and stood beside Diana, standing her ground.
Diana timidly remained behind,following Violet's lead. Diana was much smaller than an average wolf,which is why she accepted the lead. Not only that,but she had a lack of aggressiveness that could prove mortal for a wolf.
When they arrived in the battlefield,Diana gasped softly. The mountain lion she found was the biggest animal she had ever seen,and the wolf was severely wounded. Her thoughts immediately turned to ways to heal her,and she was glad the had her healing bag.
Silently Violet looked at Dianna then at the mountain lion and snarled dangerously. Her large fangs glittered white as she watched the lion closely as she watched Dianna help the female as she watched the lion at the same time. Growling dangerously she watched the lion waiting for any move whatsoever she knew the chances of beating a large lion like this on her own was unlikely so she bided her time assessing her opponents weaknesses . The Lion was injured from the female aside from his size she saw no weakness.
@KaalysBR @OverTheMoo
(Omg sorry guys! Gonna see the jungle book now! I will be back in a bit... Again, so sorry!

... As for Shaw...be careful what you wish for, my dear. >:3 @akumashioni )
Inka-Grace looked up at her mother with playful eyes, and then back up to Quincy, her eyes filled with challenge as she darted her gaze back to his feet with a wag of her tail.

Rubbing her head against her mother's hand, she squealed quietly, her almost black fur glistening in the sun's rays that came in through various Windows.


Luna stroked her daughters fur affectionately "Beautiful." She whispered.

Inka grace looked like her mother in Almost everyway and Luna smiled even more
Shaws ears perked up as he heard howling.

Apologizing to Dante he ran out the door and followed the sounds to the location. Seeing Diana and the other wolf he hadn't met standing their ground against a large mountain lion. @KaalysBR @Lighthouse8477

(He's in human form, but he's 6 ft 3 and strong as fuck. His wolf form is just smaller than a horse.)
Looking back at the large man Violet growled then asked, "Who are you?" She flicked her tail as she glanced at him then back to the mountain lion waiting with anticipation. She growled waiting for the males answer as she watched the lion worriedly.

"Shaw, new guy." He said as he unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it to the wind.

He punched his palm and started walking forward at the mountain lion, "no one challenges my pack, until I'm dead."

He readied himself for the lion to attack, preparing to counter.

@Lighthouse8477 @KaalysBR
Cybil glanced over at the man walking towards the mountain lion, she showed no fear. She glared over at the cat, who had injured her. She let out a low growl, making sure to stay a safe distance from her.

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