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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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akumashioni said:
He sat at the table, "deer?" "Perfect." His stomach growled at the thought, and soon to be smell, of the burgers.
"You have a pup?" Shaw looked surprised.

Looking around he asked, "where is he?"

Shaw liked pups, so full of energy and innocence, they always climbed on him, and he didn't mind.

The burger was just about done so he got two plates out and put them on a bun. There were medium-well and were very juicy. Dante noted the surprised look on Shaw's face. "Yes, I do have a pup. I found him the forest and adopted him as my own. I don't have the luck of having a mate sadly. but, i don't think i would be able to produce pups." he then grinned at shaw. "he sleeping right now cause he got hurt but im sure if you stick around the cabin long enough you'll meet him."
He noticed dantes invitation to lengthen his stay and considered it, though not wanting to wear out his welcome too quickly.

He took his plate and thanked Dante, marveling at how good it looked and smelled.

Taking a large bite, he was impressed with the boys skills.

"This is amazing!" He scarfed his food down quickly, not showing off very well developed table manners.

"You're too kind, I really appreciate you making an effort to get to know me you know?"

"As for sticking around, I'd like that."

He was happy, still mourning the recent death of his old pack, but for now, his mind was elsewhere. @loyalwolf
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akumashioni said:
He noticed dantes invitation to lengthen his stay and considered it, though not wanting to wear out his welcome too quickly.
He took his plate and thanked Dante, marveling at how good it looked and smelled.

Taking a large bite, he was impressed with the boys skills.

"This is amazing!" He scarfed his food down quickly, not showing off very well developed table manners.

"You're too kind, I really appreciate you making an effort to get to know me you know?"

"As for sticking around, I'd like that."

He was happy, still mourning the recent death of his old pack, but for now, his mind was elsewhere. @loyalwolf
"Thank you, I have travelled and lived with a number of packs through the years. Thus, I had to learn skills like cooking to help keep my place." Dante got up and started to make a pot of coffee and boils some water for tea. " Not a problem. I honestly feel like we are alike in many ways. Well, you're welcome to stay, I have extra cotts I use to keep patients for observation. Anyway, I feel like you will fit in just fine and plus you'll be a good asset to the pack. so tell me more about yourself? by the way you want some coffee or tea"
He nods, "coffee. Black."

He stands up and takes his plate to the sink, rinsing it while speaking, "not much to tell.."

He recalled his past.

"I grew up with my ma and pop, moved on from home, found my.. My old pack.."

He gulped and paused slightly before continuing. "They're gone, survivors split up."

"I traveled alone for quite some time, not sure how long it was before I smelled your group." He lowered his gaze to the floor, "I didn't know what to do, I knew it was risky but I had to make a move." "I checked inside the first cabin I saw and it happened to be the alphas... Luckily she is kind.."

He took a deep breath after explaining his story and looked at Dante.

He had never really looked at him until now, he had a style about him that shaw liked.

akumashioni said:
He nods, "coffee. Black."
He stands up and takes his plate to the sink, rinsing it while speaking, "not much to tell.."

He recalled his past.

"I grew up with my ma and pop, moved on from home, found my.. My old pack.."

He gulped and paused slightly before continuing. "They're gone, survivors split up."

"I traveled alone for quite some time, not sure how long it was before I smelled your group." He lowered his gaze to the floor, "I didn't know what to do, I knew it was risky but I had to make a move." "I checked inside the first cabin I saw and it happened to be the alphas... Luckily she is kind.."

He took a deep breath after explaining his story and looked at Dante.

He had never really looked at him until now, he had a style about him that shaw liked.

"I like a man who take his coffee the same way as my soul, " he replied back with a laugh. "That is a sad story, but it's for the best to try and let it go. Try to move on with your life. You owe it to those in your pack that died to live." that was the advice given himself from one of the pack he stayed with briefly. He noticed Shaw looks at him and gave him a curious, questioning look. "Do i have something on my face?" his hands, shaw his coffee and make a cup of black tea for himself.
The wolf sat by her side on the forest,leaning his big body against her as it felt the sensations of the outside. Everything was much more clear for Alec while he remained in touch with nature. The sound of the wind,the colour of the leaves,the sensation of Claire's skin. Everything.

Quincy's tail twitched nervously, but when Luna went into the kitchen, he shifted and put on the pants Luna had lent him. the bandage on his face itched horribly., he let off an annoyed growl when he went to itch it and realized that he still had the bandage on, and Luna and Dianna would have his tail if he messed with it. he ran his fingers through his hair instead smoothing it across his face, and walked into the kitchen behind her, "Luna... Shaw... makes me nervous." he said lowly, worry and dislike clear in his voice when he spoke of the massive wolf. @Jasil

Valissa nodded, "I've had a theory, that you were one of the Alpha's pups that were stolen..." she began telling of the most recent dream she had, "and when the humans came, they killed the yearling and shoved the pups in a bag, and when one pup yelled out to me, and I yelled back, i saw a human face that was covered in a medical mask, and he asked someone else if they wanted to take me, and they said they only needed the Alpha's pups, and me and my brother were knocked out instead." she brought in a shaky breath, "The last thing I remember, was the pup in the bag, screaming in terror, begging for my help..." her voice cracked and a single tear slipped down her face, the hands that were tracing through Nuuch's hair were shaking. @Nuuchi
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy's tail twitched nervously, but when Luna went into the kitchen, he shifted and put on the pants Luna had lent him. the bandage on his face itched horribly., he let off an annoyed growl when he went to itch it and realized that he still had the bandage on, and Luna and Dianna would have his tail if he messed with it. he ran his fingers through his hair instead smoothing it across his face, and walked into the kitchen behind her, "Luna... Shaw... makes me nervous." he said lowly, worry and dislike clear in his voice when he spoke of the massive wolf. @Jasil
Valissa nodded, "I've had a theory, that you were one of the Alpha's pups that were stolen..." she began telling of the most recent dream she had, "and when the humans came, they killed the yearling and shoved the pups in a bag, and when one pup yelled out to me, and I yelled back, i saw a human face that was covered in a medical mask, and he asked someone else if they wanted to take me, and they said they only needed the Alpha's pups, and me and my brother were knocked out instead." she brought in a shaky breath, "The last thing I remember, was the pup in the bag, screaming in terror, begging for my help..." her voice cracked and a single tear slipped down her face, the hands that were tracing through Nuuch's hair were shaking. @Nuuchi
Luna jumped at faced Quincy. "It's alright to be hesitant but he is still my guest here until he gives me a reason to not trust him." She paused and looked back at her bedroom "but I'd prefer him to stay away from the packs pups for now." Luna glanced at Quincy again before stretching her lean body out, working away stress

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Kira wakes slowly, confused for a moment to find herself in a clearing somewhere in the woods (in human form, no less), on a bed of moss. Sunlight filtered through the trees onto her face and the young woman sat up, brushing leaves off herself. She vaguely remembered talking to Faolin, then she'd gone for a walk in the woods... then... nothing. Looking down, she noted her knuckles were crusted over with dry blood and all up her arms were scratched. Did I punch a rock, or something? Or stick myself into a thorn bush? Shivering in her light sweater, Kira felt vulnerable and disoriented. Wherever in the woods she was, it was quiet, and she couldn't smell the pack nearby so she figured she must be way out. How long was I out for? ...God I feel like crap. She attempted to stand, only to be struck by a wave of dizziness, and collapsed forward onto her knees. Okay... taking it slow... Morphing into her wolf form, Kira felt a little stronger and was able to stand on all four legs. That would have to do for now as she slowly took a few steps forward before taking on a confident stride. I don't feel like a wolf... my hearing is no better than usual, the forest smells seem dampened... It took a while of wandering around in what she thought was the right direction before she picked up a faint smell and followed it back to the edge of the lake. I hope I don't look as bad as I feel, she thought groggily, flicking her tail as she waded into the lake to hopefully shock her senses and wash off whatever dirt or blood might be clinging to her pelt. She emerged after only a few seconds and sat on the sand, eyes half closed as she looked to the cabin area.
Cybil sat against a shaded oak tree, her sketch book in her hands. She looked around at the vast forest and tapped her pencil to her chin.

What to draw... What to draw... She repeated over and over in her head, There's so much variety in this forest. Yet, I have no clue what to draw! Being defeated and having no sense of motivation, she quietly slipped her pencil in her pocket and shut her sketch book. Feeling a sense of defeat, she let her head rest on the rugged bark on the oak tree. She looked up at the clouds hiding behind the leaves. Shadows fell over her face and danced across it. She sighed, and looked across the vast forest. rubbing her face, she decide to wander around their territory. Taking light steps, she made no sound as she started her own little adventure.
Quincy paused, he sensed the stiffness in her body, "Um.. where- where does it hurt?" He said, somewhat nervously, "And, if I may, I might be able to help?" He seemed almost bashful, casting his eye to the side, in the darkness the pink that flushed his cheeks wasn't visible- thankfully. @Jasil
Shaw looked down nervously, knowing he had looked a little too hard, "N-No! I was just.. Looking.." He was embarrassed for not having thought of a reason to be staring.

Sipping his coffee he attempted to redirect the flow of conversation.

"That's good." He complimented the drink as he sipped it.

"As for movin on? It's about all I really can do.."

Shaw was growing slightly nervous, he looked toward one of the vote and walked over to it, sitting down.

MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy paused, he sensed the stiffness in her body, "Um.. where- where does it hurt?" He said, somewhat nervously, "And, if I may, I might be able to help?" He seemed almost bashful, casting his eye to the side, in the darkness the pink that flushed his cheeks wasn't visible- thankfully. @Jasil
Luna arched a brow. "Just my shoulders and back." She took a step forward. "What do you mean?" She grinned at Quincy and her eyes flashed with humor

MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy's tail twitched nervously, but when Luna went into the kitchen, he shifted and put on the pants Luna had lent him. the bandage on his face itched horribly., he let off an annoyed growl when he went to itch it and realized that he still had the bandage on, and Luna and Dianna would have his tail if he messed with it. he ran his fingers through his hair instead smoothing it across his face, and walked into the kitchen behind her, "Luna... Shaw... makes me nervous." he said lowly, worry and dislike clear in his voice when he spoke of the massive wolf. @Jasil
Valissa nodded, "I've had a theory, that you were one of the Alpha's pups that were stolen..." she began telling of the most recent dream she had, "and when the humans came, they killed the yearling and shoved the pups in a bag, and when one pup yelled out to me, and I yelled back, i saw a human face that was covered in a medical mask, and he asked someone else if they wanted to take me, and they said they only needed the Alpha's pups, and me and my brother were knocked out instead." she brought in a shaky breath, "The last thing I remember, was the pup in the bag, screaming in terror, begging for my help..." her voice cracked and a single tear slipped down her face, the hands that were tracing through Nuuch's hair were shaking. @Nuuchi
Nuuch looking exhausted trying to take all of it in. "That's dangerously close to my blurred flashback." He says quietly. "If i was that pup, then that means I'm off alpha blood? That cant cant be...it's just..im just nuuch. There's nothing special about that" he begins to freak out in disbelief. "But..i dont know how else we couldve bonded so fast. Valissa i..." he stops for a moment and tries to calm down "im sorry. I don't mean to sound crazy, it's just a lot to take in. If that is true then it would explain so much.. i just never thought I'd be anything close to an alpha though" he then holds her tightly, feeling the sadness of her memory and how maybe, just maybe he was apart of her pack. Either way he knew that his life was with valissa and he would do anything and everything to protect her from things to come.
She could not say just when she had fallen asleep, or perhaps she had slipped into unconsciousness yet again... it was hard to tell when her energy was as taxed as it was. Even though her body had been healing quite well from her fight with Victor, she was still feeling the consequences from their brawl. Pain seared through her limbs and side as the mountain lion got to her feet and stared out at the half-darkened world. Her one good eye looked down at the sprawling forest, cold and full of distaste.

'I cannot bear to linger here any longer...' she thought with a flick of her tail. Guinevere had never been one to remain idle for longer than she needed; it made you that much easier to track.

Despite the objection of her wounded body, Guinevere made her way down the shifting rocks and protruding boulders of the mountainside. Once she reached the bottom she paused at the wolf head she had propped up onto a wooden stake to mark the edge of her mountain. Both of the werewolf's golden eyes had been plucked out by scavenging birds, leaving only grusome holes to keep watch over her 'territory'.

"Hmph, even in death he shirks his vows..." she muttered before stalking off into the woods.

After some time the cougar caught the scent of a wolf... a lone wolf. Flattening her ears, Guinevere crouched down amid the thick vegetation and silently crept up to where the scent was coming from. A faint outline of a human footprint stuck in a patch of soft earth caught the huntress's attention and soon had her on the trail.

It wasn't long before she had the shifter's human form in her sight. Guinevere's grey eye glimmered darkly as she stalked closer behind her prey.


(welcome to the RP!)
Juju said:
She could not say just when she had fallen asleep, or perhaps she had slipped into unconsciousness yet again... it was hard to tell when her energy was as taxed as it was. Even though her body had been healing quite well from her fight with Victor, she was still feeling the consequences from their brawl. Pain seared through her limbs and side as the mountain lion got to her feet and stared out at the half-darkened world. Her one good eye looked down at the sprawling forest, cold and full of distaste.
'I cannot bear to linger here any longer...' she thought with a flick of her tail. Guinevere had never been one to remain idle for longer than she needed; it made you that much easier to track.

Despite the objection of her wounded body, Guinevere made her way down the shifting rocks and protruding boulders of the mountainside. Once she reached the bottom she paused at the wolf head she had propped up onto a wooden stake to mark the edge of her mountain. Both of the werewolf's golden eyes had been plucked out by scavenging birds, leaving only grusome holes to keep watch over her 'territory'.

"Hmph, even in death he shirks his vows..." she muttered before stalking off into the woods.

After some time the cougar caught the scent of a wolf... a lone wolf. Flattening her ears, Guinevere crouched down amid the thick vegetation and silently crept up to where the scent was coming from. A faint outline of a human footprint stuck in a patch of soft earth caught the huntress's attention and soon had her on the trail.

It wasn't long before she had the shifter's human form in her sight. Guinevere's grey eye glimmered darkly as she stalked closer behind her prey.


(welcome to the RP!)
Thank you!
Juju said:
She could not say just when she had fallen asleep, or perhaps she had slipped into unconsciousness yet again... it was hard to tell when her energy was as taxed as it was. Even though her body had been healing quite well from her fight with Victor, she was still feeling the consequences from their brawl. Pain seared through her limbs and side as the mountain lion got to her feet and stared out at the half-darkened world. Her one good eye looked down at the sprawling forest, cold and full of distaste.
'I cannot bear to linger here any longer...' she thought with a flick of her tail. Guinevere had never been one to remain idle for longer than she needed; it made you that much easier to track.

Despite the objection of her wounded body, Guinevere made her way down the shifting rocks and protruding boulders of the mountainside. Once she reached the bottom she paused at the wolf head she had propped up onto a wooden stake to mark the edge of her mountain. Both of the werewolf's golden eyes had been plucked out by scavenging birds, leaving only grusome holes to keep watch over her 'territory'.

"Hmph, even in death he shirks his vows..." she muttered before stalking off into the woods.

After some time the cougar caught the scent of a wolf... a lone wolf. Flattening her ears, Guinevere crouched down amid the thick vegetation and silently crept up to where the scent was coming from. A faint outline of a human footprint stuck in a patch of soft earth caught the huntress's attention and soon had her on the trail.

It wasn't long before she had the shifter's human form in her sight. Guinevere's grey eye glimmered darkly as she stalked closer behind her prey.


(welcome to the RP!)
Cybil's quiet footsteps came to an abrupt stop, catching the scent of another figure. She slowly and cautiously followed the scent, her soft green eyes darted from place to place. After spending much time in the woods, she knew from experience that this was no wolf or other werewolf. Knowing this was a potential threat, Cybil transformed into her wolf form.

He piercing blue eyes landed among a babbling, shallow brook. Despite her dislike towards water, she quietly stepped into the brook. She knew the water would neutralize and help cover up her scent, despite it only being a foot deep. She lowered herself into the water and cautiously watched her surroundings, looking for the threat. Her light blue eyes locked on a figure hiding in vegetation. She let out a soft growl, taking notice she was a cougar. The mortal enemies of werewolves.

This is not good, Cybil thought, she is near our territory. As well as posing as a potential predator...
(sorry! My internet crashed! >.>)

When the shifter stopped and turned to look around at her surroundings, Guinevere rumbled softly in her throat.

'It appears as though the little wolf has become aware of the hunt.' she thought while watching as the werewolf shifted into her wolf form and headed hurriedly towards the waters of a nearby brook. 'and knows she is on the wrong side...'

Guinevere stalked after the retreating wolf, a tawny shadow trailing the white wolf's movements. As the beast lowered herself into the waters, Guinevere crouched down and prepared to strike.

For a few moments the forest was silent and still, not even a slight wind was stirring the canopy of leaves; as if the trees themselves were holding their breath.

Suddenly a blurred form crashed out of the undergrowth and pelted towards the wolf. Because of her position on top of the riverbank, it was easy for the large feline to jump down on top of the wolf's back. Claws tore into the wolf's hide, staining the once pristine fur with streaks of red that would drip into the stream to be swept away by the current.

Using her superior size and strength, the mountain lion attempted to force the wolf's head into the stream to drown her.

Cybil's once pearly eyes now became bloodshot from becoming so exposed to the water. She bit a yelp of pain and shook her head to keep herself from submitting. Her white fur was now stained a light red, making the river become stained as well.

'Pain is just a message...' She thought over and over, 'You can ignore messages.'

Cybil let out a strong growl, remaining strong and standing her ground. She held up her hind legs and pushed the cougar briskly off her. Getting up as quickly as possible, she then lunged herself at the massive cat and bit her. She dug her fangs into the big cat's skin, causing blood. She tightened her grip and dug her black claws into the cat's cream colored chest. The once peaceful forest had now become a war-zone. The battle taking place between one of the greatest enemies, wolf and cougar.

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Juju said:
(sorry! My internet crashed! >.>)
When the shifter stopped and turned to look around at her surroundings, Guinevere rumbled softly in her throat.

'It appears as though the little wolf has become aware of the hunt.' she thought while watching as the werewolf shifted into her wolf form and headed hurriedly towards the waters of a nearby brook. 'and knows she is on the wrong side...'

Guinevere stalked after the retreating wolf, a tawny shadow trailing the white wolf's movements. As the beast lowered herself into the waters, Guinevere crouched down and prepared to strike.

For a few moments the forest was silent and still, not even a slight wind was stirring the canopy of leaves; as if the trees themselves were holding their breath.

Suddenly a blurred form crashed out of the undergrowth and pelted towards the wolf. Because of her position on top of the riverbank, it was easy for the large feline to jump down on top of the wolf's back. Claws tore into the wolf's hide, staining the once pristine fur with streaks of red that would drip into the stream to be swept away by the current.

Using her superior size and strength, the mountain lion attempted to force the wolf's head into the stream to drown her.

It's ok! Don't worry about it.
Inka-Grace's belly was now warm and full, but she was awake. When her mother left, she squealed unhappily, having wanted to change forms. Being a human was boring. Very, very boring. And she didn't like it, at all.

Her arms pushed up, as she awaited her mother to reappear.
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka-Grace's belly was now warm and full, but she was awake. When her mother left, she squealed unhappily, having wanted to change forms. Being a human was boring. Very, very boring. And she didn't like it, at all.
Her arms pushed up, as she awaited her mother to reappear.
Luna stopped staring down Quincy when she heard Inkas whine. She let out an exhausted sigh and collected her daughter. Bringing her back into the living room she sat down and played with her
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka-Grace pouted, pointing to Quincy and then crossing her arms slightly. She gurgled a few noises, her nostrils flaring lightly.
Luna laughed at the frustrated newborn. "I have an idea." She helped her daughter shift and let the pup roam around the floor.
When shifted, the small pup instantly ran to Quincy's feet with a lopsided grin. She brushed her head against the side of his leg before scurrying to the door, her little claws pattering across it as she skidded across the wooden flooring.

Pawing at the door, she suddenly sat down, watching the two with an open mouth, her tongue killing out.

@Jasil @MadameRedWolf

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