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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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As soon as he was through the door she tackled him onto the ground and knocked the can away from his hands. "Gotcha!" She stared down at him, her eyes that of a fox, wild and playful.

Alec allowed her to pin him against the ground as she jumped,laughing at her playfulness. He met her eyes from bellow her body,feeling a surge of both affection and desire. She was so close. But she was holding him down now,a fox taking control of the wolf. He laid on his back with a smile,enjoying the situation. Most males would feel offended. But Alec wasn't most males.

"Well,then. Guess I'm at your mercy now."

"I guess so." She grins evilly and leans down to kiss him, stopping right at his lips. She wondered how long he could stay like this and what he would do with her teasing. She'd probably pay for it later, but it was something she looked forward to and couldn't wait to experience. She stayed teasingly close to his lips and a smile shone in her eyes.

The wolf growled lightly inside of Alec,wanting to jump at the fox and own her completely. But the man himself was enjoying the teasing,deciding that two could play that game.

He rose his head and brushed his lips against hers lightly,his tongue touching her mouth. The simple action sent shivers down his body,but Alec controlled himself. He leaned on his back with a teasing smile.


Luna watched Shaw go with curiosity. Humming to herself she went back inside and leaned against the counter in the kitchen. She softly sang under her breath
She blushed deeply and watched him trying to decide her next move. She could always do something completely crazy, but she was too shy for that so instead she bent down to kiss his jawline and neck before sitting up. "I'm still on top you know." Making certain he knew he hadn't beaten her with his small kiss.

"Yes,and you being on top of me is making me imagine a lot of things."

He chuckled,although the sensation of her lips in his body were sending waves of heat through him. He sit up himself,pushing the thoughts from his mind with some difficulty. Actually,no. With a lot of difficulty.

"Hmm...do you want to go for a walk?"

She grinned, noticing a blush on his cheeks. "Let's." She slowly got off his lap and ran a hand through her hair, trying to tame it in the wind. She was falling for him hard and fast and she hadn't begun to realize it. Her fox, her human self, everything in her body wanted him. It was an exciting feeling to experience, mating with someone, and she was glad it was with him and no one else.

"Thank god."

Alec start to run after her,running with his full speed,which was uncommonly fast. He jumped off the stairs and fell down already in his wolf form,howling as he run after the woman who was already set in his mind as his mate. The wolf didn't have the fears of the man. It was fully devoted.

She shrieked with excitement and ran alongside him, not sure how to become her fox. She soon was tired and sat down against a tree, closing her eyes as she relaxed and took in the feel of the forest around her.

Dante was done cleaning up here cabin and was putting tyr down for he night. he figured it's time to check up on his patient. he may not be the best at healing mental wound but he does know how tot treat flash wounds. plus, shaw had alot of scar that dante wanted to tend to. he followed the sent of shaw to an empty cabin.he had a medical backpack on and he was prepared for anything to happened. he knocked on the door and waited patiently for an answer. @akumashioni (just got home from work)
Shaw had drifted into a light sleep before the knock on his door startled him, he hadn't expected any visitors.

Opening the door he saw Dante and smiled, "hey! Thanks for all your help doc." His frame filled the doorway, the top of his head and shoulders almost touching the sides.

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akumashioni said:
Shaw had drifted into a light sleep before the knock on his door startled him, he hadn't expected any visitors.
Opening the door he saw Dante and smiled, "hey! Thanks for all your help doc." His frame filled the doorway, the top of his head and shoulders almost touching the sides.

Dante kept a neutral look on his face and nod. "No problem, it's my job to help. Plus, you didn't really do anything for me to deny you medical treatment. Speaking of which, I came by to clean and bandage your wound. I also want to take a look at your scars to make sure they healed properly." Dante waited for Shaw to let him in. Shaw didn't seem like such a bad guy and he could be a great asset for the pack. Dante couldn't help but marvel at the height difference between them.
akumashioni said:
He stood aside, gesturing with his arm for Dante to come inside, closing the door behind them.
(His shirts already off you can see his scars.)

Dante went through his bag and found a cotton swab. He gave it to Shaw and said "I going to swab your nasal passage. I want to check for any infection in your immune system." he then grabs it back from him and pushed it far into Shaw's nasal passage. He got his sample and put it in a ziplock bag. He then applied some mistletoe to Shaw's neck wound. He then bandaged it back up "I not sure if I'm going to need to stitch that yet, but I will know by tomorrow." he then began examining Shaws scar running his fingers through the scarred tissue. They seemed to have healed fine, but still this main scars isn't good for the skin. " Well, everything is fine for now. So tell Shaw how are you feeling?" (trust me Dante knows full well he is shirtless lol)
Sniffling slightly he replies, "I feel fine."

Shaw rubbed the back of his head nervously, "when's dinner?"

He hadn't eaten all day, his stomach was growling and he felt weak.

akumashioni said:
Sniffling slightly he replies, "I feel fine."
Shaw rubbed the back of his head nervously, "when's dinner?"

He hadn't eaten all day, his stomach was growling and he felt weak.

Dante grinned at Shaw's declaration of perfect health. But Dante knows that everybody lies, even if they know it or not. "Well Tyr was being fussy today because he has been feeling well. So I actually haven't eaten either. If you want we can head to the main hall or my cabin and I'm sure we can make something to eat. plus, its rare i have company for dinner since tyr always want to eat fast and then run off to play some more."
"Why, that sounds mighty fine." He opened the door and remembered his bare torso.

"Give me one second to get dressed." He says as he dissapears into the bathroom.

He returns shortly, wearing blue jeans (the other ones were soaked from the lake) and a button up red flannel.

He cleaned up well.

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akumashioni said:
"Why, that sounds mighty fine." He opened the door and remembered his bare torso.
"Give me one second to get dressed." He says as he dissapears into the bathroom.

He returns shortly, wearing blue jeans (the other ones were soaked from the lake) and a button up red flannel.

He cleaned up well.

He waits for Shaw to finish what he was doing. Dante honestly didn't mind that he was half naked, but its whatever he was comfortable in. "You clean up, very nicely Shaw. I'm sure the she-wolves will be all over you." he said with a chuckle. He then quickly averted his eyes and lets out a nervous breath. "Anyway, what you in the mood to eat?"
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa paused, and thought to her own dreams and memories, "Nuuch, do you think you belonged to a pack before?" @Nuuchi
Quincy jerked out of his sleep at the cries of Inka. He sat up and curled his Tai over his paws. Along the edge of his flank the whiteness of his fur shone silver, his one blue eye glowed internally in the dark at he waited to see if Luna needed or wanted help. @Jasil
Nuuch calms down and snuggles into valissas lap comfortably. "I dont know. I mean, it would make sense i suppose. I wouldnt imagine that i was born in the lab" nuuch thinks deeply on the flashback trying to make sense of it. He remembers a female pup voice calling out to him just before he was grabbed and he knew who it was then but cant recall now. Then he just remembers being stuffed in the bag and calling out back to her but the name... he couldn't figure out the name he was calling. "I just wish i knew. I dont want to sound crazy," He says sitting up and looking into her eyes "but it may explain how we felt so close when we first met. So... what exactly did happen to the pups in your old pack, is there anything you mightve not told me, or maybe just recently remembered?" He asks with a look of deep concern and trying to understand
"I've never really been picky, what ya got?"

He led the way outside, slightly flushed by dantes compliment, before stopping and turning back, "which cabins yours?"

He liked the idea of one on one time with Dante, he could get to know him without the overwhelming feeling of meeting everyone at once. Having a friend would make easing into the new pack less intimidating.

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akumashioni said:
"I've never really been picky, what ya got?"
He led the way outside before stopping and turning back, "which cabins yours?"

He liked the idea of one on one time with Dante, he could get to know him without the overwhelming feeling of meeting everyone at once. Having a friend would make easing into the new pack less intimidating.

"well most of the food i have are different fresh burgers. mainly because tyr demands that i make all the meat we have into burgers" he said with a snicker. he then point to a more isolated cabin to the left of the rest. "i keep my cabin more isolated so its ease to find. since it doubles as a infirmary, i want to make sure people can find it." its been a while since he hand time to hang out with someone. faolin and him are friend but he has been busy with beta duties and his love for Kira. then there was the small little relationship he had with Marco but he sadly messed that up. it going to be fun having a wolf to talk to again and not having to try to communicate with a pup.
Shaw clapped his hands together cheerfully, "burgers it is!" He waited for Dante to lead the way, figuring it rude to rush away to his house.

"Who's Tyr?" He asked as they walked.

akumashioni said:
Shaw clapped his hands together cheerfully, "burgers it is!" He waited for Dante to lead the way, figuring it rude to rush away to his house.
"Who's Tyr?" He asked as they walked.

Dante walks into his cabin and opens the door for them to walk in. He looks in his fridge and find that he has deer burgers. "Alright, looks like we are having deer burgers tonight." he starts to prepare them and turn on the stove to cook them. " Well tyr is my pup."
He sat at the table, "deer?" "Perfect." His stomach growled at the thought, and soon to be smell, of the burgers.

"You have a pup?" Shaw looked surprised.

Looking around he asked, "where is he?"

Shaw liked pups, so full of energy and innocence, they always climbed on him, and he didn't mind.


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