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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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  • Total voters
Luna watched intently but realised she had left Inka alone. "I have to get back." The worried mother went back to her cabin
Shaws wolf form never calmed down.

If you hadn't paralyzed him, he would have attacked someone, forcing you to kill him.

Those glowing red eyes followed Dante, full of hatred. These eyes didn't even slightly resemble shaws at all.

His human form looked kind, slightly broken.

This.. It was pure rage, unfiltered and aimed at anyone close.

It wanted blood.

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Diana wanted to remain with Violet,but she could feel the violence coming from the other room. She sighed and pulled herself up,caressing Violet's fur in the way out of the room.

"I guess duty calls,Violet."

She walked into the room and looked at the now paralyzed wolf. Pulling a chair,she sat in front of him,calm in front of his anger. Diana was small in her human form and even smaller as a wolf,the male basically towering over her. But she showed no fear.

"All right,Shaw. Let me see what is wrong with your mind."

She reached out with her wolf consciousness,looking for the male's. All she saw was a suffocating amount of hate,black to counter her light. But she wrapped her light around it anyway,hoping her gentleness could calm the wolf.

As a psychologist of the shape shifters,she knew it would take time and many sessions for him to recover. But she was still willing to try.

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As Diana probes his mind she is smothered with black hatred, but she can feel his true emotions, she knows his mind is clouded by an ailment.

She knows shaw is a good man with a kind heart, though it has met great pain.

(he's a good guy, for some reason the alpha rabies doesn't affect his human form.)

@KaalysBR @loyalwolf
"Such an immense pain...I'm sorry,Shaw. You must be extremely strong to be able to hold this hate in your human form. But the animals inside of us have always been susceptible to rage."

Diana approached him in the table,running her hands through his fur. She could feel the disease inside of him. Dante was really good at healing physical wounds,but Diana was the most qualified to work in the man's mind. She knew he could rip her apart in his wolf form,but her eyes were gentle and steady.

"I'm not angry at you for losing control. It's not your fault. We will work together to get rid of this disease."

She opened her mind again,trying to reach out to his true mind,the one behind hatred. It wouldn't be immediate,but her mind was strong.

(He sounds very interesting!)

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His eyes never left hers, following intently, less angry.

She could feel him call to her from the back of his mind.

"Diana!" It was shaws voice, his conciousness was buried deep within the heavy darkness.

"If I transform, I can never regain control.."

"I have to wait until I shift naturally."

His voice was dissapointed and she could feel his shame.

"I hurt someone didn't I?"


She felt the voice at the back of her mind,lost in the middle of the hate. She reached out for it,holding Shaw's consciousness so it wouldn't slip from her grasp.

"Shaw,it wasn't your fault. I can feel the sickness of hate inside of you. This rage isn't a part of you,and we are going to get rid of it together. Don't worry. I'm here for you."

She held onto him,barely managing to stay in the middle of the hate. Her head hurt now,but Diana was willing to help him.

Shaw did his best to hold on to her, the darkness was crushing for both of them.

Shaw managed to pull himself free slightly and fought hard against letting go.

"I'm here for you." The words comforted him, he focused on Diana's voice, her conciousness, and brought himself forward a little further.

"I.. I've never felt so close to being in control!"

His voice was excited and his break of focus caused the darkness to almost drag him back.

Shaw fought as hard as he could for control, his wolf not wanting to let up.

She smiled as his stomach growled and a small giggle escaped her lips. "I'll be the judge of these pancakes of yours." She grinned and stood up, pulling him up with her. "I'm a pancake eating freak just so you know. I eat all the pancakes!" She held his hand and pulled him to the kitchen.

"Shaw,you have to focus your emotions. I promise we will celebrate once we are out of here. And trust me,we will be out of her."

The darkness was suffocating,but it proved useless against Diana's calmness. She could feel a good heart inside of Shaw,and that was what she used to hold on. It allowed her to hold him when the darkness pulled him back andnd to drag him to the position they were before.

"I know you can do this,Shaw. We are closer than before. Don't give up now."

She put her full range of mind into the battle,knowing it woud exhaust her but also give her a better chance.


Alec chuckled when Claire pulled him up,running behind her.

"I bet I can fit all the pancakes in my mouth before you even think twice."

He walked to the cupboards and pulled the ingredients,smiling back at her as he did it.

"Which kind of pancakes do you like? My blueberry pancakes are killer,but I can make normal ones as well."

Shaw found more comfort in her words, "thank you.."

Was the last thing she heard before they both saw white for a second.

The wolf's eyes were still glowing red, but they seemed softer.

Shaw was back in control.

He whimpered slightly not able to feel his own body, the paralysis was quite powerful.

He looked around nervously, eyes meeting Diana's.

He wanted to revert back to human form badly, though he couldn't really move.

@KaalysBR @loyalwolf
Valissa recognized his twitching form as a flashback, she moved forward and cradled his head in her lap, stoking her fingers through his hair, trying to keep him calm. @Nuuchi

Quincy watched, feeling the need to protect Dianna, when he felt the anger and violence leave Shaw, he too, shifted. he wasn't bashful around Dianna, as he sensed she was mated to another, and that she was a healer after all. "I can pull his human form back, Dianna, my Sister and I are from Wolfswood pack, I can help his wolf go back to sleep..." He offered, his one blue eye gleaming earnestly. @akumashioni @KaalysBR
((@akumashioni your correct, Quincy is a kind, loving soul, but in his heart he is an Alpha, even if he easily submits to Luna. the idea of Shaw threatening his pack makes him want to tear him limb from limb- and the fact that Shaw has a dominant feeling to him makes Quincy feel threatened.))
(Shaw doesn't like taking orders from people weaker than him, no wolf does, our characters may have to fight once or twice.

Shaw will do as asked for a while, but once he feels established he will use his power to challenge the alpha position.) @MadameRedWolf

The wolfs eyes seemed pleading, "please help." They seemed to say. @KaalysBR
akumashioni said:
(Shaw doesn't like taking orders from people weaker than him, no wolf does, our characters may have to fight once or twice.
Shaw will do as asked for a while, but once he feels established he will use his power to challenge the alpha position.) @MadameRedWolf

The wolfs eyes seemed pleading, "please help." They seemed to say. @KaalysBR
(Oh shit, I swear that is cruel to fight a single mother. *pouts*)
Diana felt the break of the aggression in the wolf's mind,reacting to it immediately. She heard Quincy's voice and pointed towards one of the cupboards.

"He is back. Take one of the black herbs and give it to him,it will stop the paralysis."

It was the last thing she said before falling from the bench,passing out from the exhaustion in her mind.

MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa recognized his twitching form as a flashback, she moved forward and cradled his head in her lap, stoking her fingers through his hair, trying to keep him calm. @Nuuchi
Quincy watched, feeling the need to protect Dianna, when he felt the anger and violence leave Shaw, he too, shifted. he wasn't bashful around Dianna, as he sensed she was mated to another, and that she was a healer after all. "I can pull his human form back, Dianna, my Sister and I are from Wolfswood pack, I can help his wolf go back to sleep..." He offered, his one blue eye gleaming earnestly. @akumashioni @KaalysBR
Nuuch slowly awakes from it completely delerious at first. When his eyes finally focused and recognised that valissa was there holding him his heart soared and he buried his face in her lap and began crying "valissa... sweetheart... it was awful" he said between sobs
Quincy caught her and lay her neatly down, he turned to Shaw and shook his head, "I don't like you Shaw. I feel like you possess a threat to my pack, but Luna has accepted you, and Dianna and Dante want to help you, so I'll do what I can, for my pack. for my Family." his voice was hard with dislike, "I wont let you go yet, you seem like your less likely to kill people in your human form, so I'm going to bring you back first." he couched next to Shaw, and placed his hands on either side of the dark-wolf's head, and closed his eye. in Shaw's mindscape, the first thing he noticed was how much decay and darkness was in it, the scent of hatred and anger weighed on Quincy's shoulders. he saw Shaw curled up, asleep. Quincy approached him and prodded him with a foot, "Wake up. don't worry, you haven't hurt anyone, yet, but I don't know how long your wolf will be paralyzed so come on." he grabbed Shaw's arm, and began dragging him towards the light. @akumashioni ((Either Quincy and Shaw will hate eachother or be best friends, I think.))

Valissa looked concerned as she held him, "Whats wrong? love, what happened?" @Nuuchi
When Shaw's form had melted back into a human form, he poured the black herbs down his throat to relive his paralysis, he then scooped Dianna up and lay her on a cot, he spared a glance back at Saw, before wordlessly shifting and loping out the front door. he re-entered Luna's cabin, and thoroughly exhausted from helping Shaw, he collapsed on her floor into a deep slumber. ((I gtg for a bit, ttyl)) @akumashioni @Jasil @KaalysBR
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy caught her and lay her neatly down, he turned to Shaw and shook his head, "I don't like you Shaw. I feel like you possess a threat to my pack, but Luna has accepted you, and Dianna and Dante want to help you, so I'll do what I can, for my pack. for my Family." his voice was hard with dislike, "I wont let you go yet, you seem like your less likely to kill people in your human form, so I'm going to bring you back first." he couched next to Shaw, and placed his hands on either side of the dark-wolf's head, and closed his eye. in Shaw's mindscape, the first thing he noticed was how much decay and darkness was in it, the scent of hatred and anger weighed on Quincy's shoulders. he saw Shaw curled up, asleep. Quincy approached him and prodded him with a foot, "Wake up. don't worry, you haven't hurt anyone, yet, but I don't know how long your wolf will be paralyzed so come on." he grabbed Shaw's arm, and began dragging him towards the light. @akumashioni ((Either Quincy and Shaw will hate eachother or be best friends, I think.))
Valissa looked concerned as she held him, "Whats wrong? love, what happened?" @Nuuchi
Nuuch manages to settle himself down enough to tell her of his flashback and how he couldnt see or hear much except blurred visions and voices of some sort, but when he told her of the sack of pups he started crying again, but not as bad.
Inka-Grace woke and found that she was alone. Her legs frantically kicked against her bed, and she began to screech, her big purple eyes widening as they brimmed with briny tears that stung slightly. Her large lips pouted, and she tried to turn around and shift, but she couldn't shift on her own. Her cries softened as her throat became sore and dry. Taking a deep breath, she then began to cry again, her arms stretched towards the open window near her.
Shaw layed there for a while, naked on the table, before his movement returned.

He sluggishly got to his feet and put his boxers and pants on, leaving his shirt off.

He slowly began shuffling back towards the lake, "ugh.." He groaned, feeling like a stranger in his own body.

Once he got to the lake, he gently layed his back on the shore and kicked off, floating out to the middle of the water.

@Jasil @KaalysBR @Nuuchi @tetraboo
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka-Grace woke and found that she was alone. Her legs frantically kicked against her bed, and she began to screech, her big purple eyes widening as they brimmed with briny tears that stung slightly. Her large lips pouted, and she tried to turn around and shift, but she couldn't shift on her own. Her cries softened as her throat became sore and dry. Taking a deep breath, she then began to cry again, her arms stretched towards the open window near her.
Luna jumped off the couch and ran down the hall to her bedroom. She snatched up Inka and held her close. "I know my darling mommy is here. Shh shh"

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