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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

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  • Emilan

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Shaw didn't even flinch at the pain, he was incredibly tough, mentally and physically.

He allowed Dante to clean his wounds, the mans hands were extremely deft and he moved with expertise.

Shaw was nervous about his wolf form, he didn't know what would happen, and could rarely remember any thing after transformation. @loyalwolf
Diana nodded in agreement of Dante's diagnosis,walking around the room and approaching Shaw. She held his hand gently,hoping the touch would allow him to calm down a little. Her skin felt specially soft against the roughness of him.

MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa instantaneously relaxed at his touch, the wood in front of her was smoking, slowly building up heat. "That wont bother Quincy. the main difference between us is not eye color, or pelt shading, its the fact I was born to be in the back of the pack, he was born to lead the pack. hes a natural fighter, it wont take him very long to adapt to having only one eye, i'm sure if he tried to hunt he would succeed, the only thing I've ever been better at, was fishing, he doesn't have the patience for it." she chuckled before she turned her head towards him, smiling, "as I said, I felt like I know you from before... I'm not sure how, i cant grasp the memory, but your scent, your voice, it all fees very familiar." she explained. @Nuuchi
"You're right you know, i felt the same way." Nuuch tells valissa "i was so scared of everyone when i first got here, even in my wolf form i was still very shy. Then i saw you, i immediately felt like i knew you and had no fear inside of me." He explains with a smile then he nuzzles her nose against his for a sec until remembering they were in human form again and kissing her deeply. "You've been so helpful to me, and i have no idea how anything i could do would be good enough to repay you" he then smiles softly "i love you valissa"
Shaw felt Diana take his hand and recoiled slightly, "please.. Uh.." He looked nervous.

He was about to have to reveal his wolf form and was scared he would hurt someone.

"If.. If anything goes wrong.. Just.. Do it quickly.." He looked at Dante, eyes pleading for mercy.

He felt like a monster, after witnessing his pack destroy itself, he had never been the same.

Something must have changed in him, he thought. @loyalwolf @KaalysBR
akumashioni said:
Shaw didn't even flinch at the pain, he was incredibly tough, mentally and physically.
He allowed Dante to clean his wounds, the mans hands were extremely deft and he moved with expertise.

Shaw was nervous about his wolf form, he didn't know what would happen, and could rarely remember any thing after transformation. @loyalwolf
KaalysBR said:
Diana nodded in agreement of Dante's diagnosis,walking around the room and approaching Shaw. She held his hand gently,hoping the touch would allow him to calm down a little. Her skin felt specially soft against the roughness of him.
"ok that seems to take care of the wound. now anything you wish for me to look at in you human for or an concerns? i want to make sure to address any issue you have in human form before i move on." Dante goes and grabs a few syringes and some more medicine. Dante grunted at her to keep her hands off him. "Diana i know its in a healers nature to comfort the patient but its best to keep a healthy distance until everything has by examine and accounted for. you want to keep a balance between nurturing and professionalism." many healer would find dante's approach to be cold and different form the normal attitude of most healer but this is what worked for him. dante took note at shaws toughness when it came to cleaning the wound. "OK Shaw unless you have any other concern please shift into wolf form and lay on your back."
Diana nodded towards Faolin,then turned to Violet and smiled gently. The warmth in her heart returned,and she walked to the wolf,lowering her body to the wolf's level.
"Do you want to go somewhere,Violet? Will you show me this forest?"
Silently Violet thought nervous she flicked her tail then she heard a commotion and she turned towards the sounds as Dianna went towards the commotion. Violet stood for about half an hour thinking while she stood frozen her body was screaming a million things at her but the one main message she wanted to refuse to believe was that she wanted Dianna as her mate the thought of that sent shivers through her bones and caused her to shiver then move she sprinted forward to find Dianna when she did find the female she walked up and nuzzled her human hand signaling that she wanted to speak to her privately as her body quivered with nervousness. Their was a strange male their to but she ignored him.
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Diana turned in surprise as she felt a wolf touch the back of her legs,but she didn't have to turn to recognize the scent of Violet. She was becoming quite acquainted to the wolf by now,although her heart didn't fully recognize the process of mating. She noticed that Dante was in control of the situation,but she still wanted to be sure that everything was okay with Shaw. So she nodded to Violet and walked to an empty room in the facility where they wouldn't be heard,but also would be close enough in case something happened. She wondered how the white wolf looked in her human form.

"Do you want to speak with me,Violet?"

Shaw nodded and gulped, turning into his wolf form.

His wolf form was terribly frightening, nearly twice the size of a normal werewolf.

He was pitch black and his eyes quite literally glowed red.

He shook his head around a few times, before locking eyes with Dante and snarling scarily. The wolf took note of the scent of the others in the back room and began howling incredibly loudly.

@loyalwolf @KaalysBR @Lighthouse8477
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Diana turned in surprise as she felt a wolf touch the back of her legs,but she didn't have to turn to recognize the scent of Violet. She was becoming quite acquainted to the wolf by now,although her heart didn't fully recognize the process of mating. She noticed that Dante was in control of the situation,but she still wanted to be sure that everything was okay with Shaw. So she nodded to Violet and walked to an empty room in the facility where they wouldn't be heard,but also would be close enough in case something happened. She wondered how the white wolf looked in her human form.
"Do you want to speak with me,Violet?"
Nodding Violet stated, "Yes Dianna I did." She smiled charmingly then closed her eyes and sighed then looked at Dianna and stated, "Dianna I find you stunningly beautiful and extremely attractive sorry for being blunt but I've been wanting to tell you for a while I just didn't have the courage." She took a deep breatht then stayed silently blushing so much it showed through her coat as she flicked her tail in nervousness. Silently she locked eyes with Dianna to show she was serious also because Dianna's eyes drew Violet's to them and once Violet locked on she couldn't look away without wanting to and she didn't want to.
akumashioni said:
Shaw nodded and gulped, turning into his wolf form.
His wolf form was terribly frightening, nearly twice the size of a normal werewolf.

He was pitch black and his eyes quite literally glowed red.

He shook his head around a few times, before locking eyes with Dante and snarling scarily. The wolf took note of the scent of the others in the back room and began howling incredibly loudly.

@loyalwolf @KaalysBR @Lighthouse8477
dante was incredibly impressed with his wolf form and couldn't but feel the power he was emitting. he couldn't help but smirk at the the power and structure of his wolf form. he held back a growl form escaping his mouth. "its ok buddy, no need to howl. im just going to make sure you ok? there nothing to be scare of,look into my eyes and see that im telling the truth." with that dante kept a stern look on his face but also made sure to come across as sincere as possible. he didn't approach the wolf until he was give the ok and his guard was let down.
The wolf snapped slightly at dantes words, turning his head to the side and putting one ear up.

It heard and understood what he said, but the rage was too great.

He wanted to kill, maim, and hunt.

He continued snarling at Dante, never giving him an "ok"

It couldn't keep itself in check, the rage was piling up so quickly. @loyalwolf
Diana was completely shocked at Violet's words. She could hear the howling in the other room,but all her attention was turned to the female. She had detected feelings from her of course,but never expected something like this. Her heart was beating stronger at each word,and Diana knew she felt the same as she lowered her body towards Violet and embraced her.

"I never really expected to find someone like you,Violet. I also find you incredibly attractive and a very interesting wolf."

Luna heard howls and her head snapped up. She ran out of her house and straight into Dantes. She pause right behind the large wolf "Shaw?" She growled out
Valissa turned her body towards Nuuch, and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him deeply, trying to convey her love and affection for him. when she pulled away, she smiled, "I love you too, Nuuch." @Nuuchi

Quincy awoke with a start, with out a thought he ran after Luna, he snarled at the massive wolf, "I knew he was going to be trouble from the start" he growled thunderously, "He smells of aggression and anger." his eye was dark and emotionless, he awaited a command to attack, or a sign that Shaw was going to go after Luna. @Jasil @akumashioni
akumashioni said:
The wolf snapped slightly at dantes words, turning his head to the side and putting one ear up.
It heard and understood what he said, but the rage was too great.

He wanted to kill, maim, and hunt.

He continued snarling at Dante, never giving him an "ok"

It couldn't keep itself in check, the rage was piling up so quickly. @loyalwolf
dante sighed he was hoping the guy would calm but he left him no choice. "it seem we are dealing with ptsd and emotion issues. that can have some very dangerous effect on a wolf. yet for some reason i feel that there more then just that." while he was ramble he got out a needle and without the slight hesitation plunged it in the wolfs neck. "I just put a paralytic into you system. you will be awake and aware of whats going on but your body wont be responding anytime soon. you seem like a tough wolf and to the normal person you would be scare. but if you ask anyone else here, they will tell you im just as scary without having to be a giant. now lets check you out big guy." he looks at luna and sighs.
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MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa turned her body towards Nuuch, and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him deeply, trying to convey her love and affection for him. when she pulled away, she smiled, "I love you too, Nuuch." @Nuuchi
Quincy awoke with a start, with out a thought he ran after Luna, he snarled at the massive wolf, "I knew he was going to be trouble from the start" he growled thunderously, "He smells of aggression and anger." his eye was dark and emotionless, he awaited a command to attack, or a sign that Shaw was going to go after Luna. @Jasil @akumashioni
Luna kept a hand tangled in Quincys fur, keeping him at bay. "Wait." She mumbled at him "Dante what do we do?"
Diana was completely shocked at Violet's words. She could hear the howling in the other room,but all her attention was turned to the female. She had detected feelings from her of course,but never expected something like this. Her heart was beating stronger at each word,and Diana knew she felt the same as she lowered her body towards Violet and embraced her.
"I never really expected to find someone like you,Violet. I also find you incredibly attractive and a very interesting wolf."
Silently Violet sighed in relief as her body relaxed as Dianna embraced her. She wagged her tail happily and buried her head in Dianna's neck gently as she allowed herself to melt into the hug her bod relaxing as she radiated trust and love. Hearing Dianna's words she wagged her tail faster and blushed deeply as her wolf pushed towards Dianna then retreated and Violet felt her wolf barking and nuzzling her human trying to wake it she resisted because if she changed human she would be standing naked in the center of a room with Dianna granted it wouldn't be that bad but she would be so embaressed and she wanted to make sure Dianna was the one before showing her female form off." She pulled away and smiled happily as she licked Dianna's face then touched her wolf nose to Dianna's human nose. Immediately a shock like an electric pulse ran through Violet's body causing her to shiver with pleasure at the odd feeling she had no clue what it meant but she knew she really liked Dianna. Softly she whispered, "Thanks Dianna." She blushed as she asked, "Want to see my human form? I wanr you I am not wearing any..." She blushed furiously her body twitching and quivering with exitment and fear as she finished, "Clothes." She looked at Dianna her eyes twinkleing she would change in a heartbeat if Dianna said yes. What was she thinking? She should run but she couldn't she was rooted in place not able to flee because her emotions kept her still. She waited with baited breath.
When Dante sedated him, Quincy stopped showing an attack stance, but his fur was bristling and he was twitching in an effort to not take advantage of the aggressive male's weakness, he stayed next to Luna, his front half was in front of her, his back half was behind, with his tail curved around the back of her legs, he stood in a protective stance. @Jasil
Jasil said:
Luna kept a hand tangled in Quincys fur, keeping him at bay. "Wait." She mumbled at him "Dante what do we do?"
Dante looked at Luna and Quincy and wave them off. "dont worry i have paralyzed his body to examine him. after that i'll lace his blood with wolves bane and mountain ash to weaken him back to human form. when i figure out what is wrong with him ill fix him right up. until then he'll be under my watch and care but i dont want tyr anywhere near him." he then continued on to check wolf and wondered want was wrong with him. the pailins were signs of rabies but he has to make sure. "Anyway i would be careful he isn't asleep or sedate just cant move his limbs and body. its pay back for snapping at me." dante had an evil glint in his eyes
Diana blushed stongly at the question,showing embarrassment for the first time since they were together. The idea of a relationship made her shy,but Violet also made her heart feel things she never really expected to feel. The soft fur under her hands,the voice of the wolf in her head. Everything was calling to her,and she couldn't wait to see what Violet was like as a human. She would be naked,but at least they were together and alone.

"Yes,Violet. I want to see your human form."

Quincy, guessing that Tyr was a pup, perked his ears, his eye gleamed with worry, "Would you like me to take care of him? until you're done with..." he looked at Shaw, a look of distrust in his eye, "him." he sounded if he wanted to say something else, but, the admonition that he might be sick stopped Quincy, he turned his gaze back to Dante. @loyalwolf
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy, guessing that Tyr was a pup, perked his ears, his eye gleamed with worry, "Would you like me to take care of him? until you're done with..." he looked at Shaw, a look of distrust in his eye, "him." he sounded if he wanted to say something else, but, the admonition that he might be sick stopped Quincy, he turned his gaze back to Dante. @loyalwolf
Dante looked at Quincy "yeh i dont mind. ill send him over when he get back from playing around. knowing him, he most likely sleeping in a tree some where." (going to go take a nap cuz im tired from school plus i got work later)
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa turned her body towards Nuuch, and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him deeply, trying to convey her love and affection for him. when she pulled away, she smiled, "I love you too, Nuuch." @Nuuchi
Quincy awoke with a start, with out a thought he ran after Luna, he snarled at the massive wolf, "I knew he was going to be trouble from the start" he growled thunderously, "He smells of aggression and anger." his eye was dark and emotionless, he awaited a command to attack, or a sign that Shaw was going to go after Luna. @Jasil @akumashioni
Nuuch felt her love back and knew it was true. He knew they were meant to have been together now and forever. He couldn't help but let out laughter as he thought about how the feeling could be so familiar at the same time. He thought on it, and then his vision began to blur as he collapsed to his knees and fell over. He was having another flashback... nuuch awakens as a pup again this time, everything just looks like blurred blobs to him as he moves around trying to figure out what all the commotion was about. Then he hears a young pups voice call out to him, it was a female voice but he couldn't see anything but as he turned to run back towards the voice he was snatched up and shoved into a sack with other pups while shouting at the mysterious voice for help...
The wolf couldn't move at all, this enfuriated it.

It could sense the other wolf and wanted to attack him, the one eye thought he was tough.

(As I'm sure you are, not being a jerk just in character.)

He had no choice but to lay there, hopelessly paralyzed, attempting to growl every now and again. @loyalwolf @MadameRedWolf @Jasil

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