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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jasil said:
Luna smiled at her dear friend who'd joined them. "Hello Dante, everything is perfect. The pack is well, I'm a mother, mating has not been a problem like it normally is in other clans... Perfect."
She grinned at Inka, then Dante, before throwing a glance at Quincy.

"And you Dante, what's up with you and your mate." She wiggled her eye brows at the younger wolf

@MadameRedWolf @loyalwolf @xxbetaspiritxx
Dante nodded his head as Luna spoke about the pack. "That's good to hear. The pack is in a very good state lately. Also good to hear motherhood is working out for you. As for my own mating situation, Me and Marco aren't really working out. I really thought he was the one, but I think my distance and slow approach has driven him away." Dante had a sad smile on his face as he states this. " I have Tyr still so that's a plus." (he has been post so i dont know whether he left the rpg or not)
loyalwolf said:
Dante nodded his head as Luna spoke about the pack. "That's good to hear. The pack is in a very good state lately. Also good to hear motherhood is working out for you. As for my own mating situation, Me and Marco aren't really working out. I really thought he was the one, but I think my distance and slow approach has driven him away." Dante had a sad smile on his face as he states this. " I have Tyr still so that's a plus." (he has been post so i dont know whether he left the rpg or not)
Luna nodded with understanding "Give him time." She touched Dantes shoulder with a smile. "Where is Tyr? I haven't seen him in a while and I'm sure he'd like Grace."
Jasil said:
Luna nodded with understanding "Give him time." She touched Dantes shoulder with a smile. "Where is Tyr? I haven't seen him in a while and I'm sure he'd like Grace."
Dante looks at Luna and said "Maybe you're right, but then again, maybe I'm not meant to have a mate. Or I haven't found the right person yet." he shrugged his shoulders. "As for Tyr, last time I saw him, he was sleeping, but he can be very adventurous. That means he can anywhere most of the time. i try to let him explorer but he knows to stay in the pack lands."
loyalwolf said:
Dante looks at Luna and said "Maybe you're right, but then again, maybe I'm not meant to have a mate. Or I haven't found the right person yet." he shrugged his shoulders. "As for Tyr, last time I saw him, he was sleeping, but he can be very adventurous. That means he can anywhere most of the time. i try to let him explorer but he knows to stay in the pack lands."
Luna smiled "That boy is going to be a handful when he's older."

She stopped the trickle of water so Inka didn't have too much. "This one is adventuresome as well."
Jasil said:
Luna smiled "That boy is going to be a handful when he's older."
She stopped the trickle of water so Inka didn't have too much. "This one is adventuresome as well."
Dante laughs at the fact that Luna thinks there will be a handful. "I'm hoping he will mellow out and take on my personality. But at least he brings excitement into my boring life. He then looked at Inka and smiled."is that so? then im sure you and tyr will get along great when he decided to show himself."
loyalwolf said:
Dante laughs at the fact that Luna thinks there will be a handful. "I'm hoping he will mellow out and take on my personality. But at least he brings excitement into my boring life. He then looked at Inka and smiled."is that so? then im sure you and tyr will get along great when he decided to show himself."
Luna layed back on the grass, making sure to keep an Eye on Inka. "I'm supposed to get a hunting party together to meet at noon, interested?" She questioned
Jasil said:
Luna layed back on the grass, making sure to keep an Eye on Inka. "I'm supposed to get a hunting party together to meet at noon, interested?" She questioned
"i wouldn't mind being a part of it. yet, im not the best hunter you know that but i can do my part. speaking of pack business i was going to ask you if you plan on making alliances with any nearby packs?" dante had been thinking about this for a while now and didn't really know how to bring this up to his alphas.
loyalwolf said:
"i wouldn't mind being a part of it. yet, im not the best hunter you know that but i can do my part. speaking of pack business i was going to ask you if you plan on making alliances with any nearby packs?" dante had been thinking about this for a while now and didn't really know how to bring this up to his alphas.
Luna shook her head, "haven't really met any, not sure how many are close by."

She sighed "Things are already difficult as it is, I'll wait before going out in search of friends."

Luna put a hand to her head.
Valissa smiled at Nuuch and lead him to the lake where she waded in chest deep, and waited for him to approach, " when you come in, be careful not to trip on rocks or weeds, try and move as quietly as possible without splashing, " she instructed. @Nuuchi

Quincy wagged his tail when Luna accepted his creation for Inka, he walked over to the river and plunged his muzzle into the water he then walked back to the edge of the water and dropped a mouthful of very small minnows, "can I put these in? They make a lovely reflector type color when the light hits them, pups usually like them..." He trailed off when Dante approached, and cast his single eye away, but then he helps as having stuck his face in the water, the cold liquid had stopped onto his healing wound, whining he rubbed his paws along the side of his head until he had scrapped the bandage off, the friction had caused a minor seepage of blood around the severely damaged eye socket. @Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx @loyalwolf
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa smiled at Nuuch and lead him to the lake where she waded in chest deep, and waited for him to approach, " when you come in, be careful not to trip on rocks or weeds, try and move as quietly as possible without splashing, " she instructed. @Nuuchi
Quincy wagged his tail when Luna accepted his creation for Inka, he walked over to the river and plunged his muzzle into the water he then walked back to the edge of the water and dropped a mouthful of very small minnows, "can I put these in? They make a lovely reflector type color when the light hits them, pups usually like them..." He trailed off when Dante approached, and cast his single eye away, but then he helps as having stuck his face in the water, the cold liquid had stopped onto his healing wound, whining he rubbed his paws along the side of his head until he had scrapped the bandage off, the friction had caused a minor seepage of blood around the severely damaged eye socket. @Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx @loyalwolf
Luna was unsure "Alright but, make sure she can't catch them because she will put them in her mouth."

Luna noticed the blood and immediately ran over and held the wolfs head. "Dante! His eye!" She gently put a hand on the wound trying to slow the bleeding, delicate areas like the eye needed to be treated quickly.
"I-its fine Luna! Really, is just a little blood, it's cause I got the scab wet," he said lowering his ears, it really was a minor amount of blood, just a trickle into his off-white fur. He used his tail to sweep the miniscule minnows into the pool where they glittered around Inka, he kept his one eye set on her to make sure she was safe. @Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx
MadameRedWolf said:
"I-its fine Luna! Really, is just a little blood, it's cause I got the scab wet," he said lowering his ears, it really was a minor amount of blood, just a trickle into his off-white fur. He used his tail to sweep the miniscule minnows into the pool where they glittered around Inka, he kept his one eye set on her to make sure she was safe. @Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx
"Oh could you just hush and let someone take care of you for once?"

She took the edge of her shirt and cleaned up the blood on his face once the bleeding stopped. Ripping a clean section from her shirt she made another bandage, copying the movements Diana had made before. "There, and it's cotton so it won't rub wrong." She dropped her hands to her lap.
Alec caressed Claire's face gently,focusing on her voice and the growing hope inside of himself.

"I think she should have a good night's sleep first. Then we will figure what to do."

He feared letting a stranger enter the mind of his child,but he also knew that no Lockheart would ever harm a child. His stomach suddenly grumbled,turning his mind to less concerning matters.

"I'm really hungry. You must be wanting to eat something as well. And I make awesome pancakes." A small smile crossed his lips.

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MadameRedWolf said:
He sat still for her while she cleaned it, and lowered his head, "thank you, alpha Luna." He almost sounded ashamed. @Jasil
"Please don't call me that, I'm just Luna."

She smiled at Quicny before turning and collecting Inka from the water, "that's enough for today dear." Luna took off what was left of her shirt and wrapped Grace in it to dry her. She hummed softly as she dried her daughter
Quincy still looked ashamed as he went around the corner and shifted back to a human and put on the clothes that Luna had lent him. He then followed her inside, he shivers, it was a little chilly now, he was glad Luna had brought Inka out of the pool. @Jasil
Luna changed Inkas clothes and tucked her into her crib. "There now little one." She left and sat in the living room "Better Quincy?" She questioned as she tucked her legs under her on the couch
He placed a hand against his face, "yes, thank you Alp- uh... Luna" he said softly. He wouldn't meet her eyes, he sat down against the wall across from her. @Jasil
MadameRedWolf said:
He placed a hand against his face, "yes, thank you Alp- uh... Luna" he said softly. He wouldn't meet her eyes, he sat down against the wall across from her. @Jasil
Luna cocked her head like a canine. (Duh) "Why are you acting so strange?"

She fiddled with her hands and watched Quincy with curiosity
Quincy looked up, "where I'm from, alphas are held higher than that... They don't stoop low to treat a wolf that's below them, if they ever do anything that far under their rank it's for their mate, and sometimes not even then." He explained. "An alphas job was to govern the pack, choose who had pups, organize hunts, and punish traitors." Like me. He thought to himself. @Jasil
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy looked up, "where I'm from, alphas are held higher than that... They don't stoop low to treat a wolf that's below them, if they ever do anything that far under their rank it's for their mate, and sometimes not even then." He explained. "An alphas job was to govern the pack, choose who had pups, organize hunts, and punish traitors." Like me. He thought to himself. @Jasil
Luna's face twisted in disgust "That sounds like how humans run things. Packs are never meant to be run that way. Alphas are to care for their pack like family, like children. Yes they have a natural power and authority over others but we have no more importance than any other wolf." She shuddered. "I will NEVER run my pack like my father did. He punished me for being a 'whore' in his words, and I will never hurt my own." She paused... "Ranks." Luna spit the word out like poison. "A pack is a family not a goddamn military." She mumbled
He blinked owlishly at her, " no wonder Valissa has adapted so well, " he mused, " she used to say such things, that of she were alpha that is how she would run the pack. I would do my best to stop her, for the alphas would have punished her for speaking that way. " he said softly. @Jasil
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MadameRedWolf said:
He blinked owlishly at her, " no wonder Valissa has adapted so well, " he mused, " she used to say such things, that of she were alpha that is how she would run the pack. I would do my best to stop her, for the alphas would have punished her for speaking that way. " he said softly. @Jasil
Luna shook her head "well now you can forget all that nonsense. You are here with us now." She grinned
He smiled up at her, the light had returned to his eye, " thank you, Luna. " he said before he let loose a huge yawn, showing that even as a human he has very sharp canines, almost as of they had been purposefully alerted. He put his head back against the wall and was somehow instantaneously asleep. @Jasil ((I gotta go to sleep, bye all =D))
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa smiled at Nuuch and lead him to the lake where she waded in chest deep, and waited for him to approach, " when you come in, be careful not to trip on rocks or weeds, try and move as quietly as possible without splashing, " she instructed. @Nuuchi
Quincy wagged his tail when Luna accepted his creation for Inka, he walked over to the river and plunged his muzzle into the water he then walked back to the edge of the water and dropped a mouthful of very small minnows, "can I put these in? They make a lovely reflector type color when the light hits them, pups usually like them..." He trailed off when Dante approached, and cast his single eye away, but then he helps as having stuck his face in the water, the cold liquid had stopped onto his healing wound, whining he rubbed his paws along the side of his head until he had scrapped the bandage off, the friction had caused a minor seepage of blood around the severely damaged eye socket. @Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx @loyalwolf
Nuuch follows valissa eager to learn and having trouble hiding it. He occasionally would nip at her ear and muzzle affectionately on the walk over there. Once they got to the lake he watches her very closely and listens to what she told him and slowly crept into the lake right next to her. The water was cold on his paws, and then felt as if it was getting colder as the water rose up to his chest. "How am i doing so far?" He asked then looked up at her and watched as her long white fur blew in the breeze above the water, and her beautiful amber eyes glistened in the light. How could i have never noticed her beauty before? He thinks to himself as he is trying to hold back his emotion so he doesnt scare the fish away, but he just couldnt seem to take his eyes off of her

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