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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy looked ecstatic at that, ad held his arms out, "yes, if she doesn't mind, what her name, Luna?" he asked her.

She laughed and nuzzled under his chinand stroked her tail along the side of his face, "You know, if you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber." she winked and laughed at her own cheesy line. @Nuuchi
Nuuch couldnt help but let out a small laugh "is that so? Well how very pun-ny of you" he says joking around with Valissa. He then bites onto her tail softly, not enough to hurt her but enough to where she notices. "Now what you gonna do?" He mumbles out giving her a wink
"It is if you want it to be."

Alec pulled her up,hugging her warmly as they rose from the ground. Her hair was a mess in the morning,but she looked stunning to him nonetheless. He pushed his own hair away from his face,the dark strands soft to his touch. His stubble was nearly growing into a beard by now.

"You can go have a shower,then. Unless you would like me to join." His smile was wicked.

She blushed and pushed him away, slightly smacking his chest as she did so. "Um, I uh, um..." Visions of his naked body in a hot shower clouded her mind and she covered her cheeks. His face, rugged and adorable caught her attention and she stared at him noticing how otherworldly and gorgeous he looked. She had been trying to avoid his looks to try and keep her feelings at bay, but she just couldn't anymore.

Dante nods his head at Faolin. "Yeh your not interrupting anything. Me and Kira here are just trying to talk and hopefully move on the path of friendship." Dante said it with a strangely neutral expression."if this is private then maybe I should leave." @Lighthouse8477 @Moolock
Alec noticed the desire in Claire's expression,and it stirred unknown and wild feelings inside his heart. The wolf took over his mind as he approached Claire and kissed her widly,with an almost desperate need. He only broke the kiss for a second to look her deep in the eyes.

"You are
mine. Mine to claim,mine to mate. Mine."

He kissed her deeply,trying to leave his mark into her so no other male would ever dare to even look at her twice. The possessive personality of the wolf finally showed as he tried to claim Claire as his own.

Her fox howled with excitement inside of her, but her heart was unsure and scared, and it showed as she kissed him back. Her heart had been broken for almost a year now, but the pain was still there. She didn't want to experience something like that again and before she could realize it a tear had fallen down her left cheek. She didn't completely realize that mating meant no other and that feelings for someone else could never be there. That the thought of even leaving a mate would never cross their minds and if it was forced, it would be worse than dying. She had only ever experience a shaky human relationship and it had messed her up so badly she didn't know that she could ever love again. But here she was having extreme feelings for this man and it turned everything in her body upside down.

Alec's emotions turned softer as he could feel the broken feelings inside of Claire,something he carried inside himself. His first relationship had ended in tragedy and he barely could stand the thought of the same happening to Claire. He kissed the tears off her face,leaning his forehead against hers.

"I'm never leaving you,Claire. If we mate,I want us to remain together for the rest of our lives. But I will never do anything that you do not agree with."

If she refused to mate with him,Alec knew he would never be interested in another woman again. Such was mating. And it would hurt,but he wouldn't rush Claire in her decision. He respected her,and respected her emotions.

"Sorry..." She sniffled and closed her eyes, letting his touch calm her down. "Shouldn't I meet your pack members before mating? No one really knows me yet. And Melanie will be very confused..." She thought about the little girl and wanted to love her like Alec did, along with being loved back like a mother. She wrapped her arms around Alec, needing a hug. "Will you show me where the shower is or will I have to stand here all day dirty and nude," she joked, trying to forget about her past.

Alec hugged her tightly,kissing the top of her as she rested upon his arms.

"I am patient. You can meet them if you would like to of course,but the only members that I feel that are close enough to me are Faolin and Dante. Melanie loves you already."

He smiled down at her,running one hand through her hair.

"Okay. Although seeing you naked all day...not a bad thought."

He went upstairs,leading her by the hand until they reached a bathroom. He pointed at it with a smirk.

"Call me if you need help."

"Like hell I'll need help," and she dramatically closed the door. A mirror was plastered against the wall but she didn't dare look at herself knowing she'd look be a huge mess. She turned on the water and closed the curtains, letting the steam and hot water take her to a happy place. When she finally finished scrubbing all the dirt off and relaxing, she turned it off and finished all the necessities of cleanliness. With a towel and damp hair, she stepped out of the bathroom looking for Alec and his clothes.

Alec chuckled and leaned against the wall,listening to the sounds inside the bathroom. The water hitting Claire's body was very interesting,although he managed to control himself until she finally came out of the shower. He was already holding clean clothes for her,things he had burrowed from one of the female pack members. It would look slightly big on her,but still better than his own clothes.

"Here,get this. As much as I love to see you running naked through my house,I don't want you to get a cold."

He placed the clothes in her hands,then listened to a soft whimper in the room by his side. Alec's form practically disappeared as he rushed towards Melanie's room,picking the girl in his arms. She had shifted to her human form in the night,her little hands now grabbing him tightly as he embraced her.

"Dad,I had a nightmare. They did weird things to my head."

"No one will ever touch you while I'm here,baby. You don't have to worry."

She could hear them talking through the open door and carried the lent clothes to the kitchen. She searched until she found a mug and some milk and heated it up for the poor girl. She understood how devastating nightmares were as she still had them herself. While waiting for the microwave to finish she changed and draped the towel over her arm. She took the warm milk out when it finished and took a sip to make sure it wasn't too hot before carrying it upstairs to Melanie's room. She stood at the doorway watching them, not sure whether to walk in or knock.

Alec felt rather than heard Claire's presence in the room. Melanie could hear it as well,as she quickly rose her head and stared at Claire with big eyes,full of wonder. But she seemed to like something about the fox shifter,since she quickly run and burried her face in her legs,hugging them tightly.

Dad,your girlfriend is pretty."

Alec felt his face heat up as he realized he wasn't even sure that he could call Claire his girlfriend yet. They were definitely...something. But what exactly? He looked at Claire with some desperation,asking for her help in how to answer.

She smiled at the girl and bent down so they were at the same level. "I brought you something..." She said and blushed while giving her the warm milk. She worried Melanie wouldn't like it because it had an odd taste, but it was soothing. Warm milk had always helped her when she had nightmares as a child. It was something her mom made and she always added just a bit of sugar to make it sweeter. So she had done that with Melanie's cup, hoping to help with the taste.

Melanie couldn't remember the last time she had milk,although the little girl was definitely adventurous. She picked the cup with unsure movements.

Thank you,Claire."

She drank a sip of it,then seemed surprised when the taste was actually good. She finished it all with a smile,her rosy lips stained with white from the drink

That was really good!"

The girl scratched her eyes,feeling sleepy again now. Alec noticed it was still to early for a child to be up,and placed her again in the bed.

Good night,dad. Good night,Claire."

"Good night pup. See you soon."

He stepped out of the room and waited for Claire to come along.

"Goodnight." She gave a little wave before following Alec out of the room, happy to see the little girl had calmed down. "What would you like to do?" She thought about her cabin and how she would like to search for it, but they couldn't go anywhere while Melanie was asleep. She played with her hair and while looking around trying to think of something they could do together.

Alec looked quieter than usual as he left the room,closing the door behind him. His eyes had a slightly lost look to them,as if he wasn't quite there.

"Maybe we could go fishing,or hunting."

But something quickly proved wrong as Alec had to lean on the wall by his side,pain consuming his heart.

"Those weren't nightmares,Claire. She remembers. I remember it too."

She quickly grabbed a hold of his shoulder and placed her hand over his. "What is it? What's wrong?" She could feel the pain in her heart too through the connection they had. "You should sit down before you fall. Please!"

Alec slid down through the wall,going to the ground. The only thing still holding him was Claire's hand in his shoulder.

The truth about his rejection by his clan burst out of him with obvious desperation. He had never told it to anyone. But he was telling it to Claire now.

"My clan did testing on it's pups. They were trying to make a super soldier,a werewolf with abnormal strength and speed. I was the first subject,and I failed. They left me to die,but I still remember the procedures. Claire,
the pain-" He held onto her as a means of support now. "She is way too clever for her age. She was rejected by her pack. And the nightmares. Claire,they did testing on my daughter. I don't want her to live like me. Always remembering the pain and the rejection she can't even understand. She can't."

He burried his face in his hands,looking about to fall apart.

She cried for their suffering and pulled his head against her chest. She held him tightly and hoped her heartbeat would soothe him, like a mother's does for a child in the womb. Giving as much affection as she could give, she rubbed on his back and kissed the top of his head. "I'm so sorry..."

Alec hadn't noticed the tears in his face until Claire embraced him tightly. Her hands around him felt like a life jacket,the only thing keeping him from drowning completely. He wrapped his arms around her as well,pulling her close to his body.

She had been chosen to mate with a mess of a man,and Alec knew she deserved better. His pain resonated in her,and he felt incredibly guilty for making her go through this.

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to hurt you,I wish I could keep this only to myself."

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"That would make it worse. Let me share this pain with you, I want to go through anything and everything with you. The good and the bad. I'm your mate and you are mine so please let me feel these things with you." She moved so she could lay her head in the crook of his neck and she nuzzled him, letting her fox do what it wanted.

Alec allowed her to do so,although he still kept most of the pain inside himself. The simple presence of Claire was enough for him,his hands running gently through her eyes as she nuzzled against him. He allowed his wolf feelings to take over,as those easier to control than the feelings of the broken man.

But at that time,the wolf was more intelligent than the man. Alec saw a bright light in his vision of the clan,a small part of his mind detecting that the Lockheart was now part of his clan. The man wanted to dismiss such an idea as unimportant,but the wolf grabbed onto it.

It wasn't until a few moments later that Alec understood why. He blinked for a moment,shocked that he didn't even consider the idea before.

"Claire I...how did I even forget this? Maybe Melanie doesn't have to go through his by herself. Maybe...maybe we can ask the member of the Lockhart clan. They heal wounds of the mind as well. Do you think...do you think she would agree?"

There was a shine of hope in his expression now.

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"Why wouldn't she? We can go talk to her when we go out to hunt and fish. Or you go and I can watch Melanie... What do you think?" She smiled and picked up his hands, rubbing his fingers with her.

@KaalysBR (Think I might go to bed soon. Feeling loopy after taking my meds)
Alec seemed to be more relieved now,kissing the top of Claire's head gently.

"I don't know what I would do without you. And yes,I will try to speak with her soon."

He rubbed her fingers back,warmth growing inside of him.

@tetraboo it's okay! I'm heading to bed now myself,it's 3 am. Have a good night!)

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