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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Diana was following the scent of the wolf she had treated in the last night,pulling Violet along with her. She entered the Alpha's house and bowed respectfully,then turned to Quincy and pointed towards his bandages.
"Change it."

She was getting better at speaking now,and her tone was bossy. A healer doesn't accept a "no" for an answer,and she had to change the bandages.
Violet followed as she stated, "Okay I'm coming Diana." She smiled then continued to follow her. When they reached the cabin Violet lay down in a corner and waited silently watching the proceedings silently listening and waiting. Diana was becoming better at giving orders now. Silently she waited until the right moment then stood up and walked towards the Alpha female. She lowered her head and tucked her tail in a sign of submission as she asked, "Can I join your pack? Dianna you want to join this pack." She lifted her tail hopefully as she gazed at Dianna for a long time blushing as she realized her stare held desire and something else she couldn't identify. A connection like an invisible line in her heart seemed to be tied with Dianna's but maybe it was her imagination she looked away blushing so much it actually showed through her fur slightly.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Violet followed as she stated, "Okay I'm coming Diana." She smiled then continued to follow her. When they reached the cabin Violet lay down in a corner and waited silently watching the proceedings silently listening and waiting. Diana was becoming better at giving orders now. Silently she waited until the right moment then stood up and walked towards the Alpha female. She lowered her head and tucked her tail in a sign of submission as she asked, "Can I join your pack? Dianna you want to join this pack." She lifted her tail hopefully as she gazed at Dianna for a long time blushing as she realized her stare held desire and something else she couldn't identify. A connection like an invisible line in her heart seemed to be tied with Dianna's but maybe it was her imagination she looked away blushing so much it actually showed through her fur slightly.
Luna looked at the new female in her home and had to keep a growl contained. She began to feel cornered in her own house. "I suppose, but you make a wrong move and the welcome will be worn out. That goes for you two as well." She gave pointed looks to all three wolves and let her voice roll in waves, taking Alpha power with it
((Just wondering... do we got Homo-werewoof?? =D *Just wanna make sure I have no misunderstanding...))

Valissa cant help it, she laughs and hug-attacks him her inner wolf was running in circles of joy, she had never felt this happy before, "I love you Nuuch." She said, flushing pink- she felt like she had said it before- there was a mild sense of deja-vu there. @Nuuchi

Quincy lowered himself into a wolf-ish bow, "As you say, Alpha Luna... Is there uh... any jobs or anything.. any thing I could do to help?" @Jasil
MadameRedWolf said:
((Just wondering... do we got Homo-werewoof?? =D *Just wanna make sure I have no misunderstanding...))
Valissa cant help it, she laughs and hug-attacks him her inner wolf was running in circles of joy, she had never felt this happy before, "I love you Nuuch." She said, flushing pink- she felt like she had said it before- there was a mild sense of deja-vu there. @Nuuchi

Quincy lowered himself into a wolf-ish bow, "As you say, Alpha Luna... Is there uh... any jobs or anything.. any thing I could do to help?" @Jasil
(We have a lot of same sex relationships happening)

"For now, you need rest."

She grazed his head with her fingertips, showing affection, respect, and oddly Admiration. Luna gazed at his fur before snapping out of it and making eye contact with the rest.
Violet looked at the Alpha female then bowed her head softly then backed off silently. Perhaps she should have asked what would be a wrong move but she figured as long as I obey her orders don't be mean to her or act like I am trying to take over or steal her child I should be good. Hearing the male Violet added, "I can help hunting and fighting. That's about it." She then lay down in the far corner away from everyone else so as to uncrowd the space in the middle as she waited for Dianna to do something anything for that matter. She was feeling weird and she was liking it for some strange reason. She closed her eyes then sighed and waited.

@Jasil @KaalysBR
Lighthouse8477 said:
Violet looked at the Alpha female then bowed her head softly then backed off silently. Perhaps she should have asked what would be a wrong move but she figured as long as I obey her orders don't be mean to her or act like I am trying to take over or steal her child I should be good. Hearing the male Violet added, "I can help hunting and fighting. That's about it." She then lay down in the far corner away from everyone else so as to uncrowd the space in the middle as she waited for Dianna to do something anything for that matter. She was feeling weird and she was liking it for some strange reason. She closed her eyes then sighed and waited.
@Jasil @KaalysBR
Luna gazed at the female "I would actually like to take a hunting party out Tommorow. In the morning I'll gather some wolves and we will meet by the lake, you are welcome to join us."
Quincy looked like he was going to offer to join, then a sadness passed over his eye and he looked away, realizing as of now, he would be no good on a group hunt until he learned how to hunt with one eye. instead he glanced up at grace(? please tell me I got the right name) and tipped his head, "Alpha Luna, may I greet your pup?" @Jasil

((I Usually have gay male charas, but... idk what I'm going to do with Quincy yet O.o ))
Luna gazed at the female "I would actually like to take a hunting party out Tommorow. In the morning I'll gather some wolves and we will meet by the lake, you are welcome to join us."
Looking at Luna Violet smiled as she stated, "Thank you for your offer. I'll be sure to join what time do we need to be at the lake Dawn or before that?" She smiled gently. She was a nice wolf completely respectful but she always held herself with a bit of dignity that showed she didn't mine being ordered around but she liked to be relaxed mostly instead of completely submissive twenty for seven. So right now she was relaxed not submissive just neutral.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Luna Violet smiled as she stated, "Thank you for your offer. I'll be sure to join what time do we need to be at the lake Dawn or before that?" She smiled gently. She was a nice wolf completely respectful but she always held herself with a bit of dignity that showed she didn't mine being ordered around but she liked to be relaxed mostly instead of completely submissive twenty for seven. So right now she was relaxed not submissive just neutral.
Luna gave it thought, "noon." She spoke simply. "Decent time for me to find a babysitter and make sure the girls are fine."
MadameRedWolf said:
((Just wondering... do we got Homo-werewoof?? =D *Just wanna make sure I have no misunderstanding...))
Valissa cant help it, she laughs and hug-attacks him her inner wolf was running in circles of joy, she had never felt this happy before, "I love you Nuuch." She said, flushing pink- she felt like she had said it before- there was a mild sense of deja-vu there. @Nuuchi

Quincy lowered himself into a wolf-ish bow, "As you say, Alpha Luna... Is there uh... any jobs or anything.. any thing I could do to help?" @Jasil
"Valissa.." nuuch says feeling so overwhelmed with emotion like hes about to burst into tears, but not of sadness. Instead he ends up joining her in laughter and squeezes her tight "i love you too!" He growls out even though hes in human form still then he nuzzels his nose against hers. Its like his body was almost confused what form it was but he didnt care. He had just made Valissa his from here on, and thats all he cared about
Quincy wagged h tail, "I-I could babysit, Alpha ma'am, I-I'd be no good in a hunt as of right now, but i really like pups... I've always wanted some of my own but..." he trailed of in a sad, wistful way, "I'd be honored if you'd let me pup-sit for you, I could be some kind of help then..." he looked around, "And- uh, is there somewhere where I could get spare clothes?" @Jasil

Valissa laughed and held herself to him, "I am yours, as you are mine, right Nuuch?" She smiled blissfully. @Nuuchi

((Did you guys know.... Iguanas will kill themselves if not cared fore properly? like... bonifide suicide! poor guanies... =( ))
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Luna gave it thought, "noon." She spoke simply. "Decent time for me to find a babysitter and make sure the girls are fine."
Nodding Violet stated, "Okay Luna I'll be there at noon sharp probably be early to." She closed her eyes then smiled gently. Looking at Dianna she waited patiently as she smiled wagging her tail glad she could do something of service to her new pack. She grinned happily then looked at Dianna's beautiful body. She was wearing clothes but still she looked georgous and her heart leaped and Violet closed her eyes berating herself for such thoughts however she continued thinking them and stealing looks at Dianna.
@Jasil @KaalysBR

Inka-Grace looked up at her

mother, her eyes still darting around in order to find her father. She felt majorly confused in the fact that she wasn't able to find anyone besides her mother, and a few strangers. Soon enough, she decided to settle down and gurgle quietly to herself, chewing on her fist once more.




Felicity was beginning to grow confused. There were so many other misleading scents causing her to become off trail, and attempt to restart her tracking down. This specific pack, she had definitely heard about. It was usually the old members of packs who had been kicked out, or survived tragic events. Just like her.

Although, she was pretty close to giving up all together. No matter what she did, she couldn't figure out what she would say to the alphas. She desperately wanted to be accepted, but there was still that possibility of being denied. Maybe, she would find her mate...

Her feet gently caressed the soil, and she inhaled deeply, biting the edge of her lip as she did so. She could only rely on her senses to draw her towards the pack, and they weren't proving very strong. Felicity just felt so tired....And so light headed.....She had to sit down on the ground for a few moments to compose herself.

MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy wagged h tail, "I-I could babysit, Alpha ma'am, I-I'd be no good in a hunt as of right now, but i really like pups... I've always wanted some of my own but..." he trailed of in a sad, wistful way, "I'd be honored if you'd let me pup-sit for you, I could be some kind of help then..." he looked around, "And- uh, is there somewhere where I could get spare clothes?" @Jasil
Valissa laughed and held herself to him, "I am yours, as you are mine, right Nuuch?" She smiled blissfully. @Nuuchi

((Did you guys know.... Iguanas will kill themselves if not cared fore properly? like... bonifide suicide! poor guanies... =( ))
Luna nodded, "if you believe you can handle the trouble makers then I suppose yes. I'd only be gone for an hour and a half."
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy wagged h tail, "I-I could babysit, Alpha ma'am, I-I'd be no good in a hunt as of right now, but i really like pups... I've always wanted some of my own but..." he trailed of in a sad, wistful way, "I'd be honored if you'd let me pup-sit for you, I could be some kind of help then..." he looked around, "And- uh, is there somewhere where I could get spare clothes?" @Jasil
Valissa laughed and held herself to him, "I am yours, as you are mine, right Nuuch?" She smiled blissfully. @Nuuchi

((Did you guys know.... Iguanas will kill themselves if not cared fore properly? like... bonifide suicide! poor guanies... =( ))
"Forever and ever Valissa" nuuch says standing there with his new found love in his arms, hes always felt a sense of protection over her but now its so much more. He smiles a euphoric smile, he feels invincible
Quincy yipped happily, wagging his tail, "Yes, thank you Alpha Luna, I wont disappoint you" it was obvious then that like Valissa- he was a young wolf, just exited at being trusted with something important.

Valissa nuzzled into him, "I'm so glad to hear that." ((I gtg for a bit guys, see you soon!))
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy yipped happily, wagging his tail, "Yes, thank you Alpha Luna, I wont disappoint you" it was obvious then that like Valissa- he was a young wolf, just exited at being trusted with something important.
Valissa nuzzled into him, "I'm so glad to hear that." ((I gtg for a bit guys, see you soon!))
Nuuch feels as if him and valissa had been standing there for ages but almost like time stood still for them. "Sooo, you ever going to teach me to fish?" He asks playfully shaking his shining blue hair out of his face
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate turned, distracted by his touch for only a moment until he spoke, her eyes then boring into him like daggers.
"No, you're hurt. I stayed while injured now it's your turn. There are fresh towels in the bathroom if you'd like to shower while I'm gone." She gestured, clearly not caring if her refused or not, she'd make him listen if she had to. The idea brought a small smirk to her face as she slipped into sweats and a T shirt, picking up the basket with the stained sheets and holding it against her hip, glancing to see if anything else needed to be taken care of while she was there.
Victor let his eyes wander over her while she turned away from him to do the sheets. "Gods she is so hot." He thought. He nodded to her, albeit reluctantly, and gave her a small one eyed wink, "Yes ma'am whatever you say." It was said in a teasing tone but he meant it. He did want to keep his mate happy at pretty much any cost. Her logic was also sound. When she was Injured she had to stay. Its only fair if the roles are reversed despite how much he hated being taken care of in such a way. It took him a second to realize she probably felt the same way if not worse. It made him falter for a second before smiling once again, "Get us something good Mk?"
Diana made a mental note to speak with Quincy once she fully recovered her gift of the voice. She was good with healing wounds from the mind and talking to people,and maybe she could help lessen his guilty about his sister.

She was confused with Luna's acceptance of her in the pack. It almost seemed to good to be truth,as most packs took longer than that to believe someone. She was having a hard time letting go of her old pack though,which made accepting her offer harder. But she was vulnerable without a pack,healer or not.

"I accept."

It was easier to talk now. Her mind and eyes drifted towards Violet,and she felt a surge of affection towards to the woman. If she could shift to her wolf form,she would feel an even bigger amout of affection,but for now her gentleness towards the wolf was enough. The feelings only growed as she detected similar emotions from the wolf.

@MadameRedWolf @Jasil @Lighthouse8477
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Luna nodded "There are empty Cabins around camp and I have a guest room, pick whichever you all like."

She gave them each genuine smiles
shadowz1995 said:
Victor let his eyes wander over her while she turned away from him to do the sheets. "Gods she is so hot." He thought. He nodded to her, albeit reluctantly, and gave her a small one eyed wink, "Yes ma'am whatever you say." It was said in a teasing tone but he meant it. He did want to keep his mate happy at pretty much any cost. Her logic was also sound. When she was Injured she had to stay. Its only fair if the roles are reversed despite how much he hated being taken care of in such a way. It took him a second to realize she probably felt the same way if not worse. It made him falter for a second before smiling once again, "Get us something good Mk?"
Kate could feel him staring at her and smirked, turning and approaching him boldly, aiming to tease. Her shirt tight around her bust but her bra still lay near the edge of the bed. She came almost within grabbing range of him, stopped, flipped her hair over her shoulder and adjusted the laundry basket, giving him a normal smile as if she hadn't done a thing. "I could order a pizza?" She offered, returning his wink slyly.
Werewolf meat wasn't the worst meal, in fact one could learn to love it over time.

Most of the kill had been stored higher up in the mountain where less scavengers prowled and the air had a sharp bite to it. The rest was laid out on a stone beside the blackened remains of the fire, awaiting to be stored in her bag as an emergency supply.

As the mountain lion settled down to devour a chunk of flesh a jolt of pain seared along her side where her meal's teeth had tore a new patch of red into her side. The infernal creature had exploited her blindside and had used her bundle of herbs as a means to be scentless. It was clever, for a wolf, but he was foolish to rush in for the kill so soon. Patience could mean life or death, but impatience offered an easy meal for Guinevere.

The wolf's attack was nothing short of an annoyance, but Guinevere could not shake off the pure audacity of the mongrel's actions. He was not a part of the pack, that she could tell by his scent and bedraggled state, but his presence was only a taste of things to come. She could not possibly fail to notice the multitude of new howls that had recently erupted from the forests and sprung up along the territory like weeds.

'I need to stem the flow...take down the new ones before they can join the pack.' she reflected while licking the blood from her paws. Meat was best when it was fresh from the kill, but she had to cook the rest in order to store it.

In fact the fire was not solely created for cooking, but also for its ash. Before the flesh around Crimson's mark had knitted together, she had packed the wound with ash. It stung as she got up to pad up to the edge of her rocky outlook but she knew that it would grow into a noticeable scar in time. Her wounds may heal, but this at least would serve as a testament to her oath.

Wearily she rested her head on her paws and closed her eye, her ear flicking every now and then as she heard two ravens fighting over the eyes of the wolf head below.
Diana nodded gratefully towards the Alpha,bowing in a respectful manner. She pulled her bag to a corner of the room,inspecting the items inside. They were herbs and medicine bred by her clan,their power unknown to any but the Lockhart. She had always considered it selfish to uphold such a huge amount of knowledge. They would heal any who came asking for help,why not spread the techniques of their miraculous healing?

But she would have the chance to change that now,an opportunity she was holding onto as a means of survival.
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate could feel him staring at her and smirked, turning and approaching him boldly, aiming to tease. Her shirt tight around her bust but her bra still lay near the edge of the bed. She came almost within grabbing range of him, stopped, flipped her hair over her shoulder and adjusted the laundry basket, giving him a normal smile as if she hadn't done a thing. "I could order a pizza?" She offered, returning his wink slyly.
At this point, Victor didn't even try to hide the fact his eyes were on her. When she turned around he just checked her out shamelessely. Victor was probably more active than other males but he wouldn't try anything unless it was wanted . He wouldn't hide when he was watching her though. He wanted her to know through the link and through his actions that he would always want her. That her figure would be the only one he would ever need. "Pizza sounds nice....I think? I've never had pizza before." He said, his gaze tearing itself from her generous bosom back to her eyes. "Modern food isn't something I've really delved into."
Quincy looked at the guest bedroom, but he didn't want to encroach upon Luna's privacy. he turned and then looked back at Dianna,"Uhh... could you get the door for me?" his ears droop sheepishly as he tipped his head to the side, sitting down and waiting by the door. @KaalysBR

Valissa laughed, and stepped back before meting into her wolf form. as scents and sound from the forest around her came flooding back, her eyes widened and she gasped, "Quin..." she spun around for a second as if she were chasing her tail, before she found where her brother's cent had come from- Alpha Luna's cabin. her hackles rose, and she began to pace nervously. @Nuuchi

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