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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
KaalysBR said:
Diana ran one hand through the wolf's fur gently,hoping to calm him down. She admired his loyalty to his sister,even if it interfered with her job.
The herbs she placed on the wound were different from the usual kind,as they were grown by the Lockhart clan. She placed them gently,trying to avoid to hurt him even more. The effect was immediate as they purged the infection out of the wound.

It seemed to be healing well,so no stitches would be needed. Instead,she applied bandages to wound,keeping them tight but still loose enough that they would come out easily lately.

She would need to change them everyday,so she gestured to the bandages and then to herself. Then she gave the wolf a thumbs up and a smile for being so strong.

MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy dipped his head, "Thats all I needed to hear... I was afraid... the alpha hurt her really bad..." his voice choked up, and his single eye seemed to tear, "I-I just needed to know she was alright... I'm sure she wont want to see me. but I'll allow this... female to treat me." he turned and sat down, turning his face to her, but he wouldn't look her in the eye, ashamed of his wound and asymetricality.
Luna nodded and observed the treatment. Her mind drifted to her daughters then back to the wolf in front of her.

"And you female, you cannot speak. But who are you?"
There was so much to be told,and so little voice inside her human body. She was a healer from a famous and pacific pack,a pack that was now destroyed. But she was still learning how to use her tongue,and she couldn't explain it all. Instead,she forced a single wolf to come out of her mouth. She pushed enough that her voice eventually came out,rough from disuse.


Diana hoped the wolf would know that name,the name of her pack. She hoped the respect people held for her pack would be enough for her to be accepted in this territory.

"Alpha Luna, please allow me to rest with your pack? I'm weary of travel, and even though I'm sure that Val wont want to speak to me, I need to apologize to her... but I'll wait until she approaches me." he dipped his head to her, and only hen did she let his weariness show. he swayed slightly, and his single eye was bleary with exhaustion. ((I gtg, feonce's goin to work, losing computer, if you'll just lead him to bed I'll pick up in the morning =) thanks bye))
Alec shook his head towards Claire. He had been following the Alpha's light for the last minutes,making sure no confrontation happened. Things seemed peaceful enough,although the colour of a light caught his attention. It shined even though she wasn't part of the clan.

"Is that...a Lockhart? Wow."

Alec lowered his head and noticed Claire's look. He probably sounded senseless,but this was a good time to explain more about clans.

"Claire,the wolf clans have different focuses. Some are pacific,and some are turned to war. Some are rabid killers. But then...there is the Lockhart clan. They haven't been known for being a war for centuries. Their lives are devoted to healing and peace,so much that you can see their shine even if they aren't from your pack. I don't understand why a Lockhart would be here,but I can definitely sense her."

He placed himself behind her,then guided her body to where the bright light could be seen,then pointed at it. It was an excuse to touch her as much as anything else.

"There. Can you see it?"

The light was barely visible for her, but she could still see it. "I can though I think being a fox makes it harder. It's so pretty..." She was mesmerized by the light and knowledge she was obtaining. It was the coolest history lesson she'd ever had.

His touch made her shiver and she realized the unclothed state she was in, hoping he wouldn't notice. "Do all your pack members shine like this for you?"

"You look much brighter than any of them." Alec said with a smile. "Melanie as well,since I have a deep connection with both of you."

He felt some curiosity inside of him as he sat by her side,looking up at her.

"I have never met a shape shifter that lived with humans before. Was your life normal? Did you ever feel the call before you actively shifted?"

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She smiled gently as he mentioned his pup. They were the cutest pair she had seen together and she wanted to be apart of it terribly. "I've always lived in the city and the hustle and bustle kept me busy. I had a very normal life with my parents and our dog, Fluff." She giggled at the name of her dog. "I did want to move to somewhere closer to nature, but that was really the only thing I can think of." She ran a hand through her hair continuing to think about her old life. "I've also always loved flowers and when I was a kid I would give mine names and talk to them." She burst out laughing, remembering how she thought they would hibernate like bears in the winter, then wake up in the spring to talk to her again.

Alec had an easy time imagining Claire as a hopeful little girl,full of ideas and dreams. The mental image only raised his affection towards her. Fate had definitely choosen an interesting woman for him to mate with.

"My childhood was spent by going from place to place in wolf form. If I hadn't found a human to guide me,I think I would never be able to shift to my human form. But we were...attacked by one of the aggressive clans. And she died. I didn't think I would care about anyone else after that but..." His eyes were bright as he looked at her. "...I was obviously wrong."

She leaned against his arm, hoping to provide some sort of comfort while he talked about his past. "Have you only ever been in this area?" She traced his fingers on one hand with her own, worried about intruding on such personal matters. She knew she hadn't mentioned anything too deep about herself, but she knew she would cry if she did. She had only just gotten away from the insanity that people had forced on her.

"I have never been too far from her." Alec admitted that in a natural tone. "Wolves don't usually stray too far from the place they were born in. And I was looking for a pack."

A specific one,in fact. The pack that killed Sofia.

(Gtg for the night @tetraboo,have a good night!)
"I'll take you to the city sometime and you can meet my parents and Fluff. You'll probably be weirded out by all the technology and people since you're such a country bumpkin." She grinned trying to lighten the mood and laid her head on his shoulder. "I come here to get away from life then return home with you and a kid... My parents are gonna think I'm crazy." She smiled thinking about how they'd love Melanie and had always nagged her about having kids soon so they could be grandparents.

(Goodnight!) @KaalysBR
shadowz1995 said:
The raw need coming through Kate echoed throughout his body, resonating with his own and god was it seductive. He visibly shudders and the need could be seen in his eye very clearly. "We just had a rough tangle in the sheets and you wanna go again? Gods I love you and I'd be the biggest idiot to ever leave such a one of a kind woman." The wolf chuckles out. "I told you already. I'm all yours."
Kate hadn't meant it that way at all, she wanted him to quite literally stay with her, hunt and form a family. The idea of him leaving on another lethal escapade made her stomach flip, if it held any food it surely would have spilt it's contents onto the already bloody sheets. She decided against saying anything, knowing it wouldn't do much good though she couldn't control what he could sense of how she felt.

She gazed at him fondly and in all honesty felt as if she could stay in that bed with him forever, letting him claim her until his burning desire was extinguished. "I love you victor," she cooed softly, slipping against him closely, shuddering as she felt how strong their bond was.
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate hadn't meant it that way at all, she wanted him to quite literally stay with her, hunt and form a family. The idea of him leaving on another lethal escapade made her stomach flip, if it held any food it surely would have spilt it's contents onto the already bloody sheets. She decided against saying anything, knowing it wouldn't do much good though she couldn't control what he could sense of how she felt.
She gazed at him fondly and in all honesty felt as if she could stay in that bed with him forever, letting him claim her until his burning desire was extinguished. "I love you victor," she cooed softly, slipping against him closely, shuddering as she felt how strong their bond was.
"As do I, Kate. I know you can feel that now." He added with a warm smile. He really did love her. Incredibly so even. He placed her above his love for his family and that was something that was irreplaceable for Victor. He loved nothing more than his family....except Kate now. When Kate pushes herself closer to his chest, he brings her in and holds her as tight as he injured body would allow him. He knew what she wanted and couldn't help but feel the same way. "Maybe we should clean the bed? Blood stains unfortunately.
Luna grabbed the exhausted wolf and dragged him by the scruff towards the cabins. Careful not to harm him in the woods, she reached the clearing. Luna gently placed him down in front of her cabin and opened the door. Taking him inside and placing him on the guest room bed, she left to collect her daughters.

She grabbed them from Marco and Dantes house "Thank you."

Luna carefully took her babies home and put them in bed
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa nuzzled into Nuuch's body as she slept, it had been a while since she had slept as a human- but she slept well, curled around Nuuch's body. she dreamed of her missing friend again...
Val, were going to be together forever right?

You know that your mother is topick your Life-mate...

I dont care, we can run away and make our own pack, ok Val?

I...I like that Idea... yeah, we can. when?

Not now silly, sit back down! were too small to live on our own. I promise we'll run away together when were two summers old, ok?


In the dream she almost heard herself mumble the name of her friend, but as always she woke up before she could remember his name. she twitched as she amok, and slipped away from Nuuch and silently walked over to the lake's edge, looking over it as she did every morning regardless of her physcal form, she was still the same mind wolf or human. @Nuuchi
Nuuch is sleeping better than he had in previous nights. He begins to feel his body become slightly colder where Valissa had been laying and slowly awakens. He opens his eyes and stretches out farther than he ever has and gets a little confused, then he freaks out a little bit forgetting that Valissa had helped him change the day before. At that moment he stopped freaking out and walked out to find her standing by the lake again.

He walks up slowly behind her, admiring her as she seems so peaceful staring out in the distance. "Good morning" he speaks softly hoping not to startle her as he wraps his arms around her giving her a hug from behind. "Sleep ok in human form?" He asks remembering her saying that she didn't like holding her human form unless she had to
Diana sighed with relief when Violet understood her message. Inside her bag were many things that could be used by healers,old knowledge from her clan. She dreaded the fact that such enormous source of knowledge would die along with her clan.
She picked the clothes with some confusion. The idea that she had to wear clothes was still flying over her head,but she decided to put them on anyway. They were more comfortable than she expected.

She noticed Violet's look again,and this time she detected the look of desire. A warmth rose in her chest and went to her cheeks,making her look red. Only now she realized that her human body could be seen as beautiful. She was happy that Violet seemed to think so,as the wolf was definitely gorgeous. A connection seemed to be growing between them. It was beautiful and unexpected.
(Sorry I wasn't on so tired yesterday.) Silently Violet was about to reply when an injured howl rang through the air. She looked at...Diana was gone vanished into thin air. Sighing she looked at the tracks and followed them at an easy pace. It wasn't a long walk to where Dianna was. She was talking to the alpha female who walked away with an male. Silently she watched then walked up to Dianna and smiled gently. Softly she whispered, "Come on Dianna let's go find Faolin for you."

Silently Faolin waited for a reply when none came he made a worried face and sped up as he trotted towards Kira's house either she was ignoring him or someone was in trouble. He howled again when he was nearer the house perhaps then she would hear.

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Valissa jumped slightly, then blushed, "It was a little harder to sleep, as a human my sense of hearing and smell aren't as strong, so I felt a little vulnerable... But its alright..." she trailed off thinking of her dream, "I dreamed of the pups that got stolen from my pack again..." she mused.


Quincy slept in the bed for a good few hours, before he woke up, he started panicking at first, wondering why he was in a human bed rather than sleeping in a hollow somewhere, then he remembered finding valissa's new pack the night before, and relaxed. he was still weary, but he jumped down from the bed and began wandering the cabin, until he came upon Luna and her pups. he stopped in the door way, turning his face so his good eye faced the pups and he could see them, his tail wagged tentatively, he really really liked pups... the swelling in his ye had gone down for the most part, the puss had cleared, but the wound was obviously deep- he'd never use his eye again.

MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa jumped slightly, then blushed, "It was a little harder to sleep, as a human my sense of hearing and smell aren't as strong, so I felt a little vulnerable... But its alright..." she trailed off thinking of her dream, "I dreamed of the pups that got stolen from my pack again..." she mused.

Quincy slept in the bed for a good few hours, before he woke up, he started panicking at first, wondering why he was in a human bed rather than sleeping in a hollow somewhere, then he remembered finding valissa's new pack the night before, and relaxed. he was still weary, but he jumped down from the bed and began wandering the cabin, until he came upon Luna and her pups. he stopped in the door way, turning his face so his good eye faced the pups and he could see them, his tail wagged tentatively, he really really liked pups... the swelling in his ye had gone down for the most part, the puss had cleared, but the wound was obviously deep- he'd never use his eye again.

Luna looked up sleepily, seeing the male in her doorway. "Feeling better?"

She hushed her children, tucking their small pink bodies more in the blankets
shadowz1995 said:
"As do I, Kate. I know you can feel that now." He added with a warm smile. He really did love her. Incredibly so even. He placed her above his love for his family and that was something that was irreplaceable for Victor. He loved nothing more than his family....except Kate now. When Kate pushes herself closer to his chest, he brings her in and holds her as tight as he injured body would allow him. He knew what she wanted and couldn't help but feel the same way. "Maybe we should clean the bed? Blood stains unfortunately.
Kate nodded, turning and kissing him softly before slipping out of his grasp. She slid off the bed and pulled the corners of the sheets up, pulling them off and placing them in a laundry basket. She grabbed a bottle of stain remover and sprayed the spots a few times before leaving it to sit as she retrieved a new set of sheets from a drawer, unfolding the fabric and starting to remake the bed.
(It's okay @lighthouse)

Diana smiled and nodded when Violet approached her. She rose from the ground and held the woman's hand,following her to go meet the healer. Violet seemed like the only friend she had in the pack.
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Quincy lowered his ears respectfully, "yes ma'am, thank you." he dipped his head, but his eyes flickered back to the pups, "You have beautiful children." he wondered of the strange customs of this pack, spending great amounts of time in human shift, or living in human dwellings. he wondered if Valissa had changed like this too. "is... it normal here... to stay in human form?" he asked @Jasil
MadameRedWolf said:
Quincy lowered his ears respectfully, "yes ma'am, thank you." he dipped his head, but his eyes flickered back to the pups, "You have beautiful children." he wondered of the strange customs of this pack, spending great amounts of time in human shift, or living in human dwellings. he wondered if Valissa had changed like this too. "is... it normal here... to stay in human form?" he asked @Jasil
Luna nodded "Most of the Pack stay however They prefer, some are mostly wolves and others like myself, mostly human. I find it's easier to care for my children with hands instead of paws."

She crossed her arms casually
MadameRedWolf said:
Valissa jumped slightly, then blushed, "It was a little harder to sleep, as a human my sense of hearing and smell aren't as strong, so I felt a little vulnerable... But its alright..." she trailed off thinking of her dream, "I dreamed of the pups that got stolen from my pack again..." she mused.

Quincy slept in the bed for a good few hours, before he woke up, he started panicking at first, wondering why he was in a human bed rather than sleeping in a hollow somewhere, then he remembered finding valissa's new pack the night before, and relaxed. he was still weary, but he jumped down from the bed and began wandering the cabin, until he came upon Luna and her pups. he stopped in the door way, turning his face so his good eye faced the pups and he could see them, his tail wagged tentatively, he really really liked pups... the swelling in his ye had gone down for the most part, the puss had cleared, but the wound was obviously deep- he'd never use his eye again.

"Yea it was different sleeping as a human, i had forgotten when i awoke so you could imagine my surprise" nuuch says with a small laugh trying to cheer Valissa up a bit. He then lets go of her, letting his hands run down her body then holding her hand as he walks to stand next to her by the lake. "Of all the places i couldve ended up, i just so happen to stumble upon this pack. I also meet the most kind hearted girls, who also was born a shifter." He then glances over at her still holding on to her hand and softly smiles "the moment we met i couldnt help but feel close to you, almost like..." he then trails off in thought without realising it

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