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Fantasy Lawrence Academy

Maia went through the roof wholly, upon seeing that no one really noticed her. 'Wahh, their combat abilities are amazing!' She floated downwards watching Elliot's trick, taking care to hide herself from them.
Maylen looked at Sho, confused of this, "hot blonde," code attack. What would happen next, she didn't know. But from what she saw, Haru wasn't following up with the move. She tilted her head, wondering what he was doing. "Hm?" 'They both seem worn out but... could they be acting that way?' Just looking at their faces, they both looked determined to win, but out of breath to do so. She waited for a little more for the fight to show any signs of exhaustion. If so, then she'd stop them.

@Nenma Takashi @Kori Zanos
Torar went to swing at Haru, realizing too late that Sho was behind him. Torar's eyes widened as he spun around fast, unsure who to hit. "Damn, they're everywhere at once!" He thought to himself.

@Nenma Takashi
Haru faked a movement right as Sho stretched to tower over Torar. "HARU!" Haru ran to back up Sho but face planted onto the ground Sho looked over. "Idiot if you were tired you should had told me I would had gone with plan shy book worm!"
(No wonder I haven't gotten to do anything here xD ...my character just asked for a fight to see the coach use his aura again.) @Wild Born
(Uhhh...sure...wait, no, sorry. My character just wanted to test the aura the coach was using. If its not him ,he wouldn't be fighting at all. Sooo, I guess He's back to being asleep, or something. Thanks for the offer, anyway @ashlynn
Ally stretched and watched Haru and the other fight "I'm rooting for the tiger" she said and watched, siting pretty close.
Michael rested his head back against the wall, the fighting going on holding no interest for him. Within seconds, he had fallen back into a deep sleep.


ashlynn said:
(k im just bored and being ignored so..but its fine ill find some other way to be involved)
( Don't put it like that DX I'll RP with you, gladly, if you'd like. Its just, my character is just disinterested in fighting...)
She limped out into the hallway, looking for her room. She hopped up onto a gust of air and rode it up to the roof where she sat down and watched the fighting from above. All of a sudden she felt her self slip forward, off the slanted roof. As she went hurtling to the ground she screamed.

(theres your chance...)
Maylen sighed, chuckling a little. "Alright boys, fight is over. It has been ended as a tie. You're equally as strong." She walked over to both of them, patting Haru on the head while he was on the ground, and patted Torar on the shoulder. "My bet is split in half, both of you are impressive." She started walking away, then turned back around. "Hey, Haru, hope you don't mind if me and Sho can talk later." A smirk came across her face, then rested into a calm smile. Maylen felt like messing with these two in a subtle way, seeing that they both had a thing for girls.

@Kori Zanos @Nenma Takashi
A wave of red energy rolled beneath...(What's her name?) Stopping her decent, and lowering her to the ground safely. "Man, did you really have to yell so loud?" Michael said, yawning as he turned the corner. "I had just gone back to sleep..."

Karlin had fainted on the way down, from the fear. She laid limply on the ground where she had been set. There was a tear in the back of her shirt where she had slid down the roof and that portion of her back was bleeding.
"Oh, damn it!" Michael said, lifting her in his arms, and carrying her to the infirmary. The nurse patched her up easily, a change from the usual school nurse. After stitching up Karlin's back, and bandaging her up, the nurse asked Michael to watch over her for a while, which he agreed to, however hesitantly.

Crow walked into the school, with her hands in her pockets. She headed for P.E. class, since she missed her first one. When she came in, she saw a lot of people fighting, working out, chatting.

"One of these schools, huh?"

She thought in her mind. She shrugged and sat on the bleachers.
Tsuriko sat down, the fight between those boys had just ended, and things seemed to be going pretty slow. Letting her energy relax and release, she curled up, Shunko still on her head, in a sleeping position in her normal form, a white fox with eight tails and several red markings on the face. She rested peacefully, waiting for somethings to happen
Maia floated some ways away from the people (er, beings?) trying to come up with something to do. She needed a body for this class, but borrowing from one of her classmates just scared her and she doesn't think anyone would willingly let someone possess their body anyway(though she could do it without consent, it was basic ghost etiquette(???)). 'Well, physical education doesn't matter if you're dead anyway~' She thought as she went through some of the unused gym equipment.
Tsuriko lifted her fox head, sensing a spirit of sorts somewhere in the gym. She studied the room, her eyes finally stopped when she saw a curious, interesting looking ghost floating about the gym equipment.
Torar grinned as Maylen walked by, and shrank back down into his human form. He rolled his shoulders, which ached from the fight and walked over to where Haru was in the ground. "Not like I'd try to fight ya when you're in this condition. Wouldn't do that to a bro." He said, offering his hand to help Haru up. "D'ya need a nurse or something?" He asked.

@Nenma Takashi @FlameintheRoses
Haru took his hand and shook his head. "Nah just tired." He laughed then winced in pain for a second. Sho shook his head. "Don't go trying to look cool." Haru chuckled.

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