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Fantasy Lawrence Academy

The elephant began to shrink, and chuckle as it soon began to change back to his human form. Shunko smiled and said once more,"Like I said, you name it I can change into it! Bull, horse, tiger, anything!" He then looked over and saw a girl that was petting his trunk earlier and said,"Oh, who are you?"

@Maxwelle @Authorian
Tsuriko felt a slight wave of amusement at the Shunko's explanation. "I'm Tsuriko. Nice to meet you." She grinned in spite of herself. "That's pretty impressive, what are you? Err, I mean, how do you do that?"
"Oh? Another person. Do you like chocolate too?" Elliot asked the girl. Without waiting for a response he handed her a bar of chocolate and patted her hand with his normal friendly smile.

Shunko smiled at the new girl and said,"Well, I'm a shapeshifter...I can change into any animal I want, see?" He then changed into a grey stallion and reared back before landing back down and changing back to his regular form.
Maylen cheered on the fight, raising her hands up to her mouth to make her voice project. "I have my bets on you, Torar. Beat him senseless!" She winked at him, smirking as she watched them fight. She floated higher into the air and was soon above them. "Hey Sho! Wanna chat after this fight?" Maylen smiled at Sho, showing a friendliness she wouldn't give to just anyone. She had compassion for this shadow. Not only was he stuck with some brute that worked like a puppet to Sho's intelligence, but he was stuck with this brute in combat. Combat with Haru seemed to be brutal. Only a few times has she seen him fight, but when he does he shows no mercy, or at least from what she's viewed. Her energy had been a little drained, but some remained to keep her shadow cloud from disappearing underneath her.
Turning towards Elliot, Tsuriko was surprised by the sudden piece if chocolate and pat on the hand. A soft smile graced her face, what a kind boy.

"Yeah, thanks." She said, accepting the chocolate and taking a small bite. She turned towards Shunko as he suddenly reared and came back down.

"Wow, impressive!" As her eyes widened, her ears popped out of their own accord. She glanced up and, red in the face, quickly reached up with her free hand to push them back in.
Haru decided to counter strength with more strength he charged and tackled into Torar. "Pretty strong what you bench?" Sho looked at the girl and moved toward her he looked back at the fight. "It isn't wise to bet on Torar and I don't just say that because Haru is my friend I don't believe in luck or chance I believe in facts and a fact is that only one person can stop Haru. He's horrible terrible scary monster of a sister even I somewhat fear her."
(Does anyone know where @Wild Born is? My character is kind of dead in the water without them...)
(There profile says they were last seen engaged in conversation 3 minutes ago so they should still be on.)
Elliot nodded at the girl as if to say your welcome, tipping his hat along with it. "So, can anyone tell me about this'place?" He asked, switching his came around to his other hand.
Maylen looked at Sho, nodding at what he said. "I see." She paused for a moment, then spoke once more. "Although, all I really say to cheer on fights is just fun and games, Sho. This is actually quite amusing, but I know that I wouldn't want to be caught in a fight with him." Her index finger was pointed towards Haru with her left hand, and the other rested on her shadow cloud. A blank stare watched the two as they fought, completed with a smile. She moved a piece of hair out of her hair, looking at Sho with a questioning look when she asked, "Seriously though Sho, want to hang out later? I really have nothing to do once lunch time comes."

'Nothing to do, but I could practice my power if he denies. But I'd have to do it outside... I do hope he says yes.'

The thought played in her mind, but she changed no expression to correspond with it.
Sho looked at her and pointed at himself. "Me? Well I guess if Haru's fines with staying somewhat close I can only go so far without him." He smiled. "Indeed you don't want to fight Haru he's a tough guy and this is honest I tried to kill him the first time we met when he summoned me but his will was something unbelievable in fact sometimes I have nightmares of it."
Tsuriko shrugged. "Not much to tell Elliot. It's a school for the supernatural. Lessons, relationships..." She quenched a fire that burst inside her. "And, of course, the occasional hot blooded fight." In her fox shadow, you could see her tails swishing in anticipation for the one who'd anger and interest her enough to start a fight. "So what about you, what's your power?" She asked, curious.
Torar grinned dorkily when he heard Maylen cheer for him. If a tiger could blush, he would have. "Aw shucks, now I really can't loose."

As if given an extra burst of strength, he flipped him onto his back from where he lay on the ground, and then stood over him with a laugh. "Sorry Kid, think your shadow friend is a bit wrong. Nobody's gotten the best of me in years."
Haru laughed. "Oh it's your first time." Then the smile faded and he got serious. "Then let me make this quick." Sho shook his head. "Oh no here we go." Haru grabbed Torar and lifted him over his head. "SHO!" He threw Torar high into the air. "Can't say no when he's like this." Sho pointed at Torar and parts of him stretched and moved to surround Torar.
Shunko silently became a crow and perched on the top of Elliot's hat. He pecked it a little, but eventually found a good spot and began to rest on it.

Torar wasn't sure how to get out of this one. He squirmed and thrashed to no avail. Suddenly, it hit him. Sho was stretched to bind him in tiger form. He was easily twice is size in his current form.

Torar shrunk his body down to his human form, and easily slipped out of the shadows. He plummeted straight down, transforming back to his Beast Form as he did. Torar crashed to the ground, dragging Haru with him.
Tsuriko sighed, stretching slightly and letting herself relax. Her tails and ears emerged, and finally she turned back into her original fox form. After stretching for a moment like this, she turned into a falcon flying about the gymnasium to wake herself back up. She landed back next to Elliot, turning back into a girl as she eyed the crow which was Shunko, wondering how she'd fare against him in a fight.
Haru smirked holding Torar above him. "Man what do you eat." He laughed as he threw him to Sho. "Light as a feather." Sho smiled as well. "We tried things the Haru way now we do them the Sho way." He moved out of the way and let Torar fly past him. "Haru plan c32 hot blonde." Haru ran past Sho. "Okay!" It may had seemed weird to others but Sho named his plans after a type of girl so Haru would remember them.
Maylen smiled and chuckled a little, she didn't know why, but it was always amusing to her when guys fought, no matter what they fought about and why. "Alright. To be honest, I could care less about Haru, no offence. I'd rather talk to more intelligent, and well, quiet figures." When she saw Haru called for Sho, she waved him over. "Knock 'em out." Although meaning good luck, it would be funny to see someone knocked out from this fight. It was quite brutal, and she kept her distance from them. It was a good thing she did though, wind blew with each astounding blow. 'Good thing this gym was made from some tough elements, otherwise it'd be in pieces by now. And they'd be the ones to fix it.' She laughed as she imagined both of them in butler suits, fixing the entire place up. Only she got the joke though, since it was in her head.

(Maylen is weird, I know. xD )
Shunko stared down at the girl, who seemed to be sizing him up a little. The crow cawed a little, but nuzzled back down into the rim of Elliot's hat.
"Well lets see... Any kind of power you'd think would have to do with chaos... That's my jurisdiction. I guess that's why they call me the Mad Hatter," Elliot said, giving a small bow. The smile on his face was anything but comforting and might have sent shivers down some people's backs. A couple moments and he was back to his normal self, adjusting his hat to better suit the Bird that now rested on it.

@Isune @Authorian
Tsuriko found herself staring at Shunko long after she'd sized him up. She probably could take him... but goodness knows who would win. She smiled, it was nice, meeting another shapeshifter. She never had before, maybe they could train together...

She was snapped back to reality be Elliot, and let out a slight giggle at his little bow. Slightly, unnerved by his strange grin, but all the more curious. She did like people who were just a little but mad- like a character in the stories she so loved. "Mad Hatter? That's an impressive nickname. I, personally do not have one." She leaned forward in interest. "You really must show me your ability sometime," she said, a soft edge to her sultry voice. "It sounds powerful, wonderfully powerful."

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