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Fantasy Isle of Mist

Crystal Cali

The Crazy Artist
In the northern Atlantic Ocean there is a mysterious cloud of mist that most sailors dare not pass through. The few who have never returned. It is the year 1665, and the sailors who shipwrecked onto the isle have done their best to live their life along side the mythical creatures that originally inhabited the isle.... well, some of them have, anyway.
In the 75th floor of Hell, Raider was fighting the demon Belial, a demon who serves under the highest order of demons. The fight had gone on good footing for the two of them, and it seemed that one wasn't getting advantage over the other. As the two started to truly fight seriously, a magical influx had occurred within Belial's Sanctum.

"Well well... I suppose I'll have to finish this later," Belial said as he vanished from thin air. Raider would be left within Belial's Sanctum as the place started shaking violently.

"This isn't good... Yes indeed," he would put away his two-handed blade, Septentrion, which was at a very large place. Soon a piercing light filled the area, and soon Raider found himself at an unknown location. He had no idea where just occurred, but it seems he had been transferred here. The place seems to be some Isle, and he would look around to get his bearings straight.

"Well then... I guess Belial will have to wait... I think." His current location was at a beach of some kind.

(Anyone can interact if they are near him.)
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The pirates living in the caves were very aware of the visitor that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Word would spread like wildfire among the thieves, and the air would be filled with tension. The visitor might be able to catch a glimpse of some of the pirates running for the caves, seeking to alert their queen to the stranger.

Raider would continue looking around, and happened to catch a glimpse of some people running. He wondered who they were, and then knew that he wasn't the only one alone here. What he first thought was that he probably shouldn't go after them because for all he knows he could be surrounded. Sure he could probably actually take all of them on considering he just fought against Belial, but he didn't know if there were any magic users. Strategy always has precedence over sheer power. In any case, his main concern was finding some food to eat and then try and locate some civilization. He would find some animal such as boars and sliced them with Septentrion. Then he would arrive back at the beach to start a fire in order to cook them. From there he would wait for his meal to finish.

@Crystal Cali
<p>Kiara was adamant about keeping her ears hidden, buzzing about the small, human town to stake out the territory. She knew it like the back of her hand, of course, and yet her curiosities always found boredom satiated by spying around. She seated herself on a small bench, chewing into an apple as she scanned the area. People were buzzing about, the excitement tangible--piquing her interest.</p>


She reminded herself of her plans to hunt, but upon scoping around, she figured some stealth magic could get a pheasant for meals. Hell, keeping to the people meant the gossip she needed to sink her hooks in deep. Wiping these people out meant knowing everything about them.</p>
Raina watched carefully from a perch atop the trees as a stranger came into her forest to hunt. Strange, she hadn't seen a truly new face in a long time. This man looked human, though something about him made Raina weary. She stayed away, and watched as he killed one animal. It was only one, so it would likely not go to waste. She'd let him leave, and turn in the other direction to head to her camp in the middle of the forest without revealing herself to him.


The pirates made their way deep into the twisting caverns of their caves to where their queen sat on a golden thrown with plush purple pillows. Elizabeth sat sideways, with her legs hanging over one of the arm rests, swinging them idly as she examined an odd little jewel she stole from the palace. It was only off based on the fact that it looked so much like real gold, though she had found it in the trash. Was the colonists queen really so rich she could afford to throw away gold? Surely, even if she was, the queen wouldn't be so frivolous.

"Madam," a stout man in a striped shirt announced his presence.

Elizabeth glanced over without turning her head, and raised an eyebrow. "What do you want?" she asked with a bored tone.

The man described to Elizabeth how a man had suddenly appeared out of nowhere on the beach. The pirate queen seemed only moderately interested until another young pirate came in and informed her that the man seemed to be making camp on her beach. Elizabeth grumbled, throwing the fake gold aside as she got up, and headed for the exit. She would circle around behind the man, sneaking up on him as quietly as humanly possible, and drew her sword.

"You came to the wrong beach, traveler," she says with a grin on her face as she gently pressed her blade on the back of the man's neck.



May looks out at the market from the balcony of her estate. It wasn't really a castle, just a rather large house. May never wished to spend too many resources on a home just for her. She watched a curious hooded figure walking through the streets. It was an odd day to be wearing a hood, given the comfortable temperature, May thought. Behind her, the door of the balcony opened and a man cleared his throat.

"Yes, Bentley?" May turned to face the male servant.

"It would appear that someone went digging through our waste last night. The stones from your latest experiment are missing," Bentley informed the queen.

May shrugged and turned back to face the streets. "It's no concern. Only a fool would mistake that rock for actual gold." The two of them talked at a normal volume, and though May's voice was a bit on the softer side, anyone with excellent hearing in the market would be able to hear.

"I definitely did come to the wrong beach. One moment I was fighting Belial then I end up here eating some meat. Life is pretty crazy sometimes am I right?" He would casually say to her. Raider would keep on eating his meal as he felt the blade on the nape of his deck. He wasn't really concerned about his situation anyways. Plus his sword was literally right next to him, and even if the woman tried to grab it; it would be pretty pointless. Septentrion is extremely heavy, and only Raider is able to lift it in the first place.

@Crystal Cali
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I know just the fool...

Kiara chuckled as she reminisced over her adventures amidst the pirates, how they'd complain and complain of leadership until the pirate queen would swoop in to knock them all back in place. The pirates needed the right push, and eventually their greed would destroy themselves. It wasn't long before she was devising a plan, mulling over details before returning to the merchants square. Despite the bustling of people, Kiara kept a careful note of the children. She knew how pirates worked, and shiny toys for orphans would mean a quick grab at the small pouch of gold strapped to her side-- or even the three knives, nestled in their respective pouches on her thigh.

She approached the fruit merchant once more, making idle conversation until he brought up a recent pirate raid on the town.

"'ey're hitting all 'o th' wrong places," Kiara murmured, feigning an attempt at being wary before leaning in close, "I hear th' elves got some powerful stuff holed up in 'er tree forts. Strong enough t' bring a vampire t' its knees."

@Crystal Cali
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Elizabeth raises an eyebrow, pulling the sword off the man's neck, but still in a position where she could strike him easily. "Belial, the leader of the Sons of Darkness? I'm supposed to believe you were fighting a demon?" Elizabeth chuckles. "That is a rather outlandish story, my friend," she said, glancing towards the sword beside the man, a grin forming on her face. "Although, if I were fighting a legendary demon, that would be my first choice in weaponry," she says with an impressed tone, her eyes full of greed. She glanced to the stranger, then back to the sword. He was already aware of her presence, so trying to take the sword would be pointless. She'd have to try later.



May watched as the hooded figure moved through the market. She couldn't hear the conversation the hooded one was having with the merchant, but she watched carefully to see what, if anything, the merchant sold to the one in the hood.

He would finish eating and give thanks for the meal. "Well it's fine if you don't believe me. I mean I can't expect people that I actually was fighting head to head with Belial on equal footing." The woman could strike him whenever she wanted, and just because he could fight Belial doesn't mean he should act carelessly.

"Though I did appear out of thin air which even I can't explain. Some magical influx occurred at Belial's Sanctum, and here I am on a beach. Sorry if I intruded on your property."

Raider would grab his sword and would plant it on the ground which allows him to create he momentum he needs to gain some distance away from the woman. He would perform a jump while holding the sword which was impaled on the ground. Within maybe only about three to five seconds, or so he would end up a few feet away from her with the sword ending up on his right hand as he would take the sword out from the ground. The way he would perform this would allow him to not only gain distance, but he would still have his giant blade in his right arm.

@Crystal Cali
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Elizabeth takes a step backwards as the stranger moves, raising her rapier into a defensive position. Elizabeth laughs. "Equal footing?" she says curiously as she examines the man, and more importantly, his sword, then shrugs with a smile. "I suppose that's believable. As for how you got here, well I don't particularly care. Magic isn't entirely uncommon on this isle, so one grows used to it after a while." Elizabeth would stay in a defensive position as she watched the man, not wanting to go clash blades. That was a fight she would almost certainly loose.

Raider would simply put his blade away on his back through a sash. "In any case, I'm not going to fight someone because I feel like it. Plus I did technically go on your territory. Anyways is there a town nearby I could go to?" He would ask with a curious face.

@Crystal Cali
Kiara settled on a couple of fruits once more to maintain her guise, exchanging a few words about how 'freaky' the elves were.

Yeah... Freaky...

A subtle sense of loneliness came and went, the usual reaction to extended conversation about her false home, before she weaved her way through the crowd. The town was quickly boring her, and so she willed herself to catalyze a faster spread of her rumors. Putting herself to work would mean that she could burrow her past down once more, and so she talked and talked until her lips felt numb and her head began to ache.
Elizabeth spins her rapier in a circle at her side a few time, and then uses it to point at an uphill path behind her. "Follow that path. The village isn't far." she informs him, then sticks the end of her sword's blade in the sand, and leans her hand on the hilt as she watches the man.

"I see. Thank you," he said to her as he started following the path she pointed towards. Since he just arrived here, it would be best to gather information on the location he was currently in, and find out where exactly is he.

@Crystal Cali
Maria was in the tavern waiting to here from the owner if he wanted her to dance tonight. He paid her when ever she did so she wasn't complaining. Plus she liked dancing so it all works out. As she waiting she wondered what she would do today. To be honest she missed traveling around. She liked doing it and seeing new and old places. "To bad I'm stuck here." she mumbled to herself.
Elizabeth watches the man leave. She'd stay where she was, thinking to herself that she would wait until he got settled and comfortable in the town before trying to steal that interesting sword. "Fought with the leader of the Sons of Darkness, eh?" she laughs. "He is certainly interesting." She shakes her head as she walks back to her throne inside the caves.

Raider would arrive to see a sort of small town. While it wasn't a big city; he found it to be a very nice place to be in. There was a sort of comfortable feeling to it, and he would see if he could find anyone. He would try and see if he could find the owner of this town, and looked around. Eventually he would find a woman.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for the owner of this town. Do you know where I can find that person?"

@Crystal Cali
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Kiara scanned around, as if the man who had approached her would be speaking to anybody else. Instinctively, she secured her hood over her ears once more, appraising the man's form until her gaze spied the obnoxiously large sword he carried. Her eyes snapped back up to meet his gaze, pressing her lips as she turned to point out the human's leader's residence.

"She's a bit more shy 'bout her wealth, but th' leader stays o'er in that house. Goes by May," Kiara supplied, willing the answer to be sufficient enough for the man to pass.
"I see," he would say to the woman. "Thank you. Anyways I'll be on my way," and he would go headed towards the house she mentioned. It would be obvious that his sword would attract attention as it was well "special." Of course he would expect someone to try and steal it, but unfortunately for them they wouldn't even be able to lift it in the first place. For reasons to be explained much later, only he can even carry the sword in the first place. He would go knocking on the door and would ask, "I'm here to speak to the leader of this town."

@Crystal Cali @XTina
A servant would answer the door, and look to the man who knocked. "What business do you have with the queen?" the burly man asks. May watches from the balcony above, not making any sudden moves or noises to attract attention as she awaits the man's answer.

Although resentful of the town, Kiara couldn't help herself. She weaved her way back through, tucking herself into the perfect eavesdropping spot as stealthily as she could manage. She knew the ways of the forest, but civilization was different altogether-- she could only hope she did her best to remain as unnoticed as possible, curling herself up in a nook and focusing on her hearing to figure out what's happening.
He would look at the servant who looked rather burly. "Well I don't know if you'll believe me, but I found myself at a nearby beach all of a sudden. I mean yeah it's pretty far-fetched, but I guess that's what happens when a magic influx occurs at Belial's Sanctuary. I suppose I need information on where I am, and what this town is. Maybe I could find some work." Raider thought back to that fight, and would think about what even caused a magic influx in the first place. He doubt Belial would've actually done something like that as he would've wanted to fight him with his own strength.

@Crystal Cali

Evie yawned and stretched her arms above her as far as they would go. She climbed down the rope to her tree house, still a little groggy. She wasn't one to sleep in and waste the day but something in the forest had kept her up late last night. She dared not go out to investigate knowing the kind of nightmares that wandered in those woods.

She walked silently along the path to the village admiring the clear sky and the sound of the birds chirping. She had her daggers strapped to her legs in case she ran into trouble, though as long as she avoided the pirates and the deeper parts of the forest trouble wasn't too common.

When she got to the already busy village Evie noticed several things. There was someone new that she had never seen before. He had a dangerous looking weapon. People were staring nervously at him. Not much for crowds, quietly Evie slipped by the stranger and the people gathered around. Maybe the beach would be a quieter place visit she thought to herself, already thinking of collecting some shellfish.
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Maria swam up to the beach. Before she came fully out she checked to see any humans were around. The only one she talked to was May she hadn't met any other humans left. She was always taught to always be careful around humans. When she saw the close was clear she sat upon a rock and stretched out her arms and looked out at the sky. "Sure is a nice day. She started combing out her hair and singing to herself enjoying the morning air.

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