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Fantasy Isle of Mist

May listens from the balcony, and though she finds the man's story a bit odd, she didn't think it was entirely too far-fetched. "Lead him to my office, Bentley," she says as she turns and makes her way inside.

"Yes, madam," Bentley replies, motioning for the man to step inside. "Right this way, sir," Bentley says, and would lead the man through a short hall to what would appear to be more like a small throne room than an office. The far wall had a large window with elegant purple curtains. Sitting in front of the window was a large, elegant seat with cushions that matched the curtains behind it. To the right would be a scribe's desk, where the scribe was already sitting, working on some task he had been told to do an hour ago. Along the wall closest to the door would be a row of three simple, but elegant wooden chairs, and hanging on the wall above them was a painting of May and her father.

Raider would find himself in a sort of throne room of some sort. He would then meet a woman who seemed to be May, the leader of this town. As he looked around the room, he would notice how nice it was compared to a typical town room. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Raider, and well as you can see I've somehow gone from fighting Belial to arriving at some beach. I was hoping you could tell me where I am," he would say with a look of curiosity.
May sits on her throne with her legs crossed, and her back perfectly straight as she looks at the man. "It is nice to meet you as well, Raider. I am May. We call this place the Isle of Mist, as we are surrounded by a thick fog that never vanishes. Due to that, the waters are impossible to navigate. If you are looking for a way back to where you came from, you will have to use whatever magic brought you here. If you are willing to stay, I would be happy to help you find a place to live and some work."

"I see. It's nice to meet you May. Anyways the first option is out of the question as I don't know what kind of magic was used in Belial's Sanctum. In any case, I suppose I'll stay here and find some work. I don't really have a home to return to in the first place, and I can always try to kill Belial another day once I figure out how to get back to the 75th floor of Hell." Raider would decide that staying here would actually be the best course of action, and surely having a place to stay is always nice.

Upon arriving at the quieter less piratey part of the beach Evie noticed a mer girl combing out her long red hair on a rock just before the fog belt took over the horizon. She had seen her before though they had never spoken. The mer girl seemed to be weary of humans and that was just fine with Evie who wasn't fond of meeting new people, especially the non human kind who could potentially be vey dangerous.

There was something about the soft lyrical sound of the girl's voice that made Evie stop in her tracks and listen for a moment. Knowing that sometimes things that sound pretty can be a trap to lure unsuspecting victims she wasn't about to let herself become distracted. Evie cleared her throat softly so as not to frighten the girl, "This spot happens to be the best place to collect shellfish. If it's alright with you I'm just going to keep to myself and collect my dinner," she said gently more of a statement than a question.

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May smiles and nods. "Well then, we should find you a job. What sort of work are you used to?" her eyes glance at the rather large weapon the man carried, then back to his face. "Is combat your primary skill, or do you have another trade you wish to work? We have some available houses scattered throughout the village. I'm sure we can find a place that suites you."

May looks Raider in the eye, and raises one eyebrow at him. "Oh? Is that due to a magical enchantment, or a lack of men with the training to handle such a unique weapon?" she asks with a tone of curiosity. "As far as hunting goes, I have yet to encounter a threat from beast or bandit in recent days that poses a current threat. Still, peace can be fragile. I'm sure I will eventually be in need of your skills."



Raina was drawn from the forest by the sound of a beautiful song. She walked along the beach slowly until she found the mermaid who was singing. Raina notices the human nearby, and her mood shifts. She watches the human carefully, though would give the mermaid en encouraging smile as she silently listened from a short distance away.

@animegirl20 @Lithia


Raina was drawn from the forest by the sound of a beautiful song. She walked along the beach slowly until she found the mermaid who was singing. Raina notices the human nearby, and her mood shifts. She watches the human carefully, though would give the mermaid en encouraging smile as she silently listened from a short distance away.

@animegirl20 @Lithia
"It's well... not easy to explain. Maybe someday I'll tell you, but in the meantime I suppose I'll settle down. Though I did see some pirates, and a woman who seemed to have claimed the beach as her territory. I'm assuming they have been causing some problems?" Raider would feel very relaxed and decided to cut loose for a bit. Not in the wild kind, but just simply in his typical relaxed state.
May nods, "Ah, them. Yes, they have overtaken the beach, but they are quite a disorganized group. I hear they have their own queen, but I have to question her leadership abilities, given that their raids so far are typically quickly dealt with. Still, it would be worth at least keeping an eye on them. I do not wish to start a war if I do not have to. Our people have certainly faced enough conflict since arriving here."


Before the mer girl could answer, Evie sensed someone watching her. Not wanting to alert the person behind her she slowly turned just enough to see who had an eye on them. Standing a short distance from her, her clothing giving her away appeared to be a woman from the forest, possibly an elf or other kind of fae but Evie couldn't be sure. She didn't make a habit of speaking to humans let alone unknown creatures. The day had really taken a different turn than expected. All she had planned on doing was gathering her meal but here she was right between two inhuman creatures. At least there weren't any pirates on this part of the beach, they tended to pick a fight and ask questions later... or sometimes never, preferring to speak with a sword in your gut. Perhaps these creatures could be reasoned with? Either way Evie didn't like feeling like she was surrounded.

With her hands out in front of her attempting to show she wasn't intending to cause trouble she sweetly said, "I'm sorry I didn't realize this beach was taken. If I could just slip past you I'll be on my way to a different spot. I only meant to collect some shellfish to eat and sell." She chose her words carefully not wanting to upset either of the fae. Evie quickly added a soft smile to her face to show she wasn't dangerous.

@Crystal Cali @animegirl20
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Raina tilts her head to the side as the human speaks, a blank expression across her face. She had promised the colonist's queen that she would not harm a human without due cause, and this girl gave her none. Raina straightens her head again, and says in a calm manner, "You may take what you need, but do not take more than your arms can carry, and waste none of it. Nature does not provide resources to be frivolous."

@Lithia @animegirl20


May smiles back, then looks to the scribe in the corner. "Search the records, and find a place suitable for this man, if you please," she says. The scribe nods in response, and pulls out a scroll, running his finger along a listing of houses for a moment, then stops. "There is a smaller house in fair condition near the market in the center of the village. Will that do sir?" the scribe says, looking up to Raider.

@Lithia[/URL] @animegirl20


May smiles back, then looks to the scribe in the corner. "Search the records, and find a place suitable for this man, if you please," she says. The scribe nods in response, and pulls out a scroll, running his finger along a listing of houses for a moment, then stops. "There is a smaller house in fair condition near the market in the center of the village. Will that do sir?" the scribe says, looking up to Raider.

He would look to the man with a gentle smile and say, "Yes. That'll be a pretty nice place to live." Turning to May once more he would express his thanks. "Thank you for actually letting me stay here. Also is there anything else I should be aware of?"
May pauses a moment to think of things she missed, then nods. "You should be aware that I am not the only acknowledged ruler of this isle. The forest belongs to the Mythicals, and their queen, Raina, is very protective of it. She can be reasonable, but if you wish to hunt for your own food, or to sell, you will need to speak with her."

May nods to Raider as he leaves. "Certainly," she says. "enjoy your day." After Raider leaves, May would walk back upstairs into a library filled with not only books but off contraptions and jars containing a variety of colored solutions. She walks over to a bookshelf and takes out a dusty book. Maybe this one had the secrets she was looking for.

Raider would go out and start going to his new house. It seems now this Isle wold be his current homestay. He didn't find anything bad about, and thought it to be a wonderful place. For now, he would do his best not to appear scary and would walk to the house.

Shinji Takahashi

Sitting at one of the large round tables within the local tavern at one of the colonist towns on the isle. A young white haired male had continued to pour himself some tea from a small kettle into a white teacup. Taking small sips from the drink every so often whenever the sounds of the liquid had seemed to had filled the cup to the very top. While he had spent his time sitting there simply to drink his tea, although the young male hadn't actually bothered to pay much mind to the other customers within the tavern who seemed to had given him a dirty glare due to some of which recognized who he was while others disliked strangers they didn't know in their usual local tavern like this. It took little to a few minutes passing by that one of the larger light skinned men had decided that they had enough of watching some stranger sitting there just enjoying his drink the way he was had approached the snow haired color male at his round table. Without so much as the slightest bit of warning, the large man had slammed his palm flat upon the round wooden table only to catch the attention ever so slightly of the young male that sat there. "May I help you, sir?" Those being the only words to leave the male's lips as the older man stood towering over the table at a good 6feet or so, approaching the side of the table where the male was drinking; the older man had wasted no time to grip the kettle and toss it off the table to make it crash and break into several pieces. "Get the hell out of our tavern! We don't like strangers like you in here!...This is only for the locals who have lived here all their lives...and since no one here seems to know you, you're no local!" The older gentleman had spoken before the young male only slightly nodded his head before fully standing up from his seat. Planning on making his leave out of the unkind establishment; just as the blind male had turned his back to the older rude man, the larger man had attempted to try and swing a punch at the back of his head. Just as he had done so however, before letting such an impact make contact; the young male quickly gripped the wrist of the older man and tossed him over onto his back to send him quickly into a world of pain from how much force the fist was supposed to make contact.

Without so much as a word from anyone else who had seen how quickly things were dealt with by the unknown stranger. Rather then turning the whole tavern into some sort of battle zone, the male was simply allowed to leave without so much as another interruption. Immediately after leaving the tavern, the male would've began to immediately head his way towards the shore of the isle itself. This very male's name was known as Shinji Takahashi, a man that has more questions and mysteries about him then there are actual answers.

On his way straight for the shore, even with his blind gaze; he would make sure to listen in on even some of the conversations that had surrounded him. Some of which who minded their own business while others who had actually paid mind to the one man walking down the main road of the town wearing all white and having pure white hair had spoken strange rumors about who Shinji might be. Some calling him some kind of shifter of the mythical creatures spying on the humans in disguise. Others saying that he was some kind of ordinary stranger that was just passing through, others even saying that he was some kind of freak or a bum who just didn't have any kind of money to afford anything nice. Some even going so far as to call him royalty who wanted to see what the isle was like.

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Raider would arrive to his new house where he entered inside. He closed the door and would lock it. From there he would take a look at the place. It wasn't fairly big, but its not like he needs such a big place in the first place. For now he would lie down on his bed with his sword right next to him.
A tall white haired man sat in his throne, drinking back a mixture he had made. It was a fine wine mixed with blood. It kept him alive and tasted exquisite. "Hm maybe a little less wine next time" he mussed. He stood up and look over his paintings. "Well I can't stay here, time to view what the other creatures here are doing". He smiled "I do love to cause some 'disruption' he said smiling. He turned into his other form. His bat from. He didn't truly enjoy it as it wasn't that comfy. Still it was a good way to get around. He landed in near a populated area. As he landed he immediately put up his umbrella. "One can never be too careful" he muttered. Walking along the shore line he saw a man. This man had left the bar after what appeared to be a fight of some kind. "Interesting" he said smiling with the fangs showing. He approached the man. "Hello there Missouri" he said politely.


Not wanting to offend the woman, who had a powerful aura about her, Evie decided to go ahead and collect the shellfish. "Thank you," she said kindly, "I will take no more than necessary."

She wandered a bit farther down the beach, so she could see both of the fae before taking out a small bag to carry the sharp shelled creatures. What a strange day this is turning out to be, she thought to herself peering into a deep tidal pool. As she found and put the shells into the bag Evie kept her eyes on the two women especially the one who seemed to be from the forest. The way she talked it was possible she was their queen. After all she seemed very protective of things. Evie had never seen her before but thought it was probably because the woman hadn't wanted her to. Still she had heard rumors of the fae queen every once in a while and this woman seemed to match them.

Evie was counting as she put the slippery and sharp but tasty creatures into the bag making sure not to take any more than what her arms could carry as she was instructed. Not that she would have anyway, she knew how much she needed to eat and also how much the market vendors would be willing to buy. Still it was best to err on the side of caution.

Just as she counted ten shells and was about to put the last one in her bag the shell slipped out of her hand, the sharp slick side of it cutting the side of her hand. Evie let out a startled yelp as blood dripped down her hand into the tidal pool she was standing in. Wonderful, she thought, I didn't bring anything with me to wrap this up and the last thing I want is for the scent of this to attract unwanted attention from who knows what.
Snow stopped her singing when she heard a woman's voice. "Huh?" She turned around to see a human girl. Before she could respond seemed like the girl noticed the elf that was watching them. Snow couls also tell she was nervous. After the elf spoke she spoke up. "Feel free to take some. I'm sure you won't take to much." Snow smiled at her. This human girl seemed nice. Feeling pretty safe. She gave wave to Raina as way of sying good morning to her and went back to her singing and finished combing out her hair.


@Crystal Cali
Raider would finish up resting, and would decide to head out. He wasn't really sure what to do, but he figured he may as well go outside. With his blade on his back hr woukd head out and lock the door. Leaving the town wouldn't really do anything for him, so he decided to go visit a tavern. On his way there, he wondered what other creatures inhabited this isle. If anything, demons might also be on this island. Though that seems unlikely anyways so there is that. He would head into the tavern and would sit down. Raider would order a simple drink of juice since he doesn't drink.

(Open for interaction)
The man didn't hear him. "Well no use in wasting time" he mutters. He walks towards to tavern. "Maybe getting some local culture could prove useful as well as poorly made drink" he says smiling. He walked into the tavern not making eye contact. He order a wine that got an odd look from the bar tender. The gold he offered for it got another look from the bar tender. Holding the wine and a glass he moved towards a man who seems like a raider. "May I sit down sir?" he said in a polite tone.

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