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Fantasy Isle of Mist

While never having a massive fondness of Demons the take of slaughter didn't bring him much joy. He ordered some more wine. The previous gold offer made to tavern owner was more than enough to get this one. Then he had an idea. But it was cut short. That scream. Even a vampire feared it. "Excuse me would I have something to take care off". He said speeding off. That cry it was that of a power and a demonstration of it. It brought fear and curiosity. The vampire ran towards a scheduled spot to transform. Now in his bat form he flew out towards the forest. Finding a suitable spot, he transformed back. "Now to find out what that scream was".

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @animegirl20 @Dalamus Ulom
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Elizabeth nods to Raider, finishes her ale, then walks to the door of the tavern. "Well, it was nice talking with you," she says as she leaves with no further explanation. Hearing the cry of her name, Elizabeth cringes. "What the bloody hell?" she mumbles as she heads back to the caves.
SirGrey said:
While never having a massive fondness of Demons the take of slaughter didn't bring him much joy. He order some wine. The previous gold offer was more than enough to get this one. Then he had an idea. But it was cut sort. That scream. Even a vampire feared it. "Excuse me would I have something to take care off". He said speeding off. That cry it was that of a power and a demonstration of it. It brought fear and curiosity He ran towards a scheduled spot. Now in his bat form he flew out towards the forest. Find a spot he transformed back. "Now to find out what that scream was".
@Crystal Cali @YoungX @animegirl20 @Dalamus Ulom
A dark figure would walk through the forest. It had no pulse, no breath, and a shambling walk. Yet it seemed to ooze menace and hatred and rage. Rage. It seemed as if the only thing it could think of was Rage. But it could think, even through the rage. Once more, it cried her name. Elizabeth Alis.

He saw it. That dark breathless figure. It cut through his heart with fear. "Come on pull yourself together" he muttered. He walked up to the creature with confidence be it from arrogance or just braver. Actually it was arrogance but never the less he walked up to it. "Creature I speak to you as your superior". He yelled in a stern voice. "You will tell me your purpose in this plain of existence and then I shall see if death is be fitting for you".

@Dalamus Ulom
animegirl20 said:
"The pirate crew I was with got ship wrecked here. I think your story sounds more interesting."
"I see. Well I guess I can go in detail about my journey before I came here."
SirGrey said:
He saw it. That dark breathless figure. It cut through his heart with fear. "Come on pull yourself together" he muttered. He walked up to the creature with confidence be it from arrogance or just braver. Actually it was arrogance but never the less he walked up to it. "Creature I speak to you as your superior". He yelled in a stern voice. "You will tell me your purpose in this plain of existence and then I shall see if death is be fitting for you".
@Dalamus Ulom
The being stopped dead in its tracks, swaying gently with the breeze. Slowly, it turned its rotting, decrepit head towards the vampire, with dark boundless hatred in its glassy eyes that would seem to burn holes into the vampires very soul. After a minute of silence, a single, horrible, blood curdling word would eschew from its mouth. "Revenge," and with that, the decrepit being continued foreward, towards the pirates cave, fueled by its hatred for a single being. Elizabeth Alis.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali
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animegirl20 said:
"Sure why not I have time." She then thought about the other two. "Did they go to see what that sound was?"
"I think so. They left after hearing it, so it's safe to assume that."
The vampire now knew of fear. He had heard of fear. He had created it in people. He thought he had felt it himself. He was wrong. Only now did Davorin Sliske know about fear. He tried to say a word back to him it was stuttered and stilted "But why why do you want revenge on Elizabeth". He drew his blade. The fear had turn to fight or flight. Fight. "Tell me creature or I shall send you back to whatever hell you came from!". It was said with intense anger with fangs showing.
Elizabeth storms onto the beach, looking over her shoulder at every shout. She continues on, though, glaring down the elf queen still standing at the shore. "What the bloody hell is that, Raina?"


Raina looks up at the pirate queen, then towards the forest. "
You mean the shouting? I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. It certainly wasn't my doing."
SirGrey said:
The vampire now knew of fear. He had heard of fear. He had created it in people. He thought he had felt it himself. He was wrong. Only now did Davorin Sliske know about fear. He tried to say a word back to him it was stuttered and stilted "But why why do you want revenge on Elizabeth". He drew his blade. The fear had turn to fight or flight. Fight. "Tell me creature or I shall send you back to whatever hell you came from!". It was said with intense anger with fangs showing.
It stopped again, and turned toward the vampire. It spoke again. "Took men. Took ship. Took happiness. Took..... Life," It turned back around, still slowly shambling toward the caves where the pirates lived. Towards Elizabeth Alis.
animegirl20 said:
"You think they'll be fine on their own?" She said as he glanced out the window.
"I would hope so. They didn't seem to fear the noise, so I'm sure they feel confident. Maybe I should go check or something. If a fight occured, then it wouldn't be good for the isle. You want to come with?"
Maria thought for a moment. Did she really want to bother. "Well sure why not I'll come be better then sitting in here by myself. She stood up.

Unamused by the elf's answer, Liz turns back to the caves, and shouts for others to come help. She didn't know what was shouting her name, but it wasn't human.... It couldn't be... She thought... No, certainly not. The dead stay dead, right?

@Dalamus Ulom
animegirl20 said:
Maria thought for a moment. Did she really want to bother. "Well sure why not I'll come be better then sitting in here by myself. She stood up.
Raider would stand up and would leave the tavern to find the source of the voice. "All righty then. Let's head on out then. Hope the two are all right."
He slashed at the creatures back with his blade, followed by a run around to the front holding his blade forward to it. "I warned ye creature". He yell was pure venom now. "Explain to me what she did".

  • It was a thing to be loved. In wild deeps of the forest, I chased after the small creature. There seemed to be more or those around, lately. Those furry four-legged creatures, vaguely reminding me of werewolves. And they came in so many shapes too! I was drawn in to find out how the next one looked like. Would it be chubby and brown, would it have it´s fur poorly distributed? Would it have that black rope thing around it´s neck? Would it be chasing a lost sheep?

    I growled at the critter and leaped, going over it and landing ahead. The creature turned like a dear would, quickly shifting directions. I would have been very surprised had I not hunted quite a few of them already. I smirked, and raised my tail, blocking it´s path and throwing it back. I grabbed it, it struggled, whimpering and biting. I opened by own teeth and took a chomp out of it´s neck.

    A red fluid flowed down, delightful.

animegirl20 said:
Maira smiled and followed him out. "Yeah me to."
"All right then. I think it came from the forest, so let's go check," he would then proceed to head towards the forest to find the source of that voice. "Stay behind me just in case we have some 'company.'"
SirGrey said:
He slashed at the creatures back with his blade, followed by a run around to the front holding his blade forward to it. "I warned ye creature". He yell was pure venom now. "Explain to me what she did".
The slash would be like hitting a stone covered in moss. The creature would continue foreward, pushing the vampire away with unbelievable strength. As it continued foreward, it would draw its blade. The blade was just as horrible as the thing that weilded it. Covered in rust, blood and some sort of black material, it had developed a jagged edge where the rust had eaten away at the blade, while what was still steel seemed as if it was sharper than any razor. And the balck material seemed to ooze out of it, a strange horrible liquid that would burn when it touched flesh. As it walked away, something would click. Something in his head reconnected. Something started him up. And he was mad. "She ran me through, and stole all I ever cared about in my life that I had left to me. She proclaimed herself QUEEN OF THE PIRATES! THE LOATHSOME LITTLE CUR SHALL RUE THE DAY SHE THOUGHT SHE COULD STEAL FROM MEEE! I AM GANGRENE GEORGE! I AM THE BLACK MARK! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!" His speech was wrong, as if never meant to exist. Everything about him exuded a dark, remorseless hatred. But, what made him worse than when he was mindless.... Was the sense of cunning. The sense of intelligence. The sense of thought. It continued foreward, its steps more sure, moving ten times the speed it had been walking. Finally, it got to the edge of the forset, right next to the caves. In full veiw of everyone on the beach. And he looked directly at Elizabeth Alis. And he spoke. "Hello, poppet. Ye miss me?" The monster laughed, and stepped foreward, towards the girl. "Cause you owe me a little something, missy. Something ta do with shoving a blade in me guts, and throwing me into a swamp to sink into that God forsaken mud. Course, I aint much better than that mud now," he laughed again, walking closer and closer to the so called pirate queen. "Now, I'm gonna pay ye in kind, Miss Elizabeth Alis, one time pirate queen,"

@Crystal Cali @SirGrey
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