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Fantasy Isle of Mist

She stayed behind him and was ready incase something happened. 'Damnit! she should of brought my sword.' She thought to herself. 'Well at least I can with out one.'

animegirl20 said:
She stayed behind him and was ready incase something happened. 'Damnit! she should of brought my sword.' She thought to herself. 'Well at least I can with out one.'
Raider then thought about what the voice said. He called out a name, 'Elizabeth Alis.' He then would figure that he would find Elizabeth, and remembered that the beach was her territory. "Follow me Maria. I think I know where to go," he would say to her as he headed towards the beach to find Elizabeth.

@Crystal Cali @animegirl20
The vampire was stunned. The strength the defence the yell it made. He ran after it. The vampire was still in shock. He yelled to the creature "Is this what you wanted? Before she attacked you, is this what you were like. The voice had a tender tone to it. It surprised even the owner of the voice. He really did hope that this appeal to better nature would work.

@Dalamus Ulom
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SirGrey said:
The vampire was stunned. The strength the defence the yell it made. He ran after it. The vampire was still in shock. He yelled to the creature "Is this what you wanted? Before she attacked you, is this what you were like. The voice had a tender tone to it. It surprised even the owner of the voice.
George ignored tha vampire, having already stepped out onto the beach.
The thing didn't even consider him a threat. That got the vampire blood boiling "Fine then" he muttered. He dug deep for this. He walked froward trying to keep it casual. He was now beside the creature. "So where are you headed?" This was either really brave or really stupid or both. Probably both.
"Ok Maria said as she continued to follow she then realized something. "Are we heading to the beach?"


Snow had still been siting on the rock. She was making something with the sea shells. She sining to herself and hadn't noticed the vampire or zombie yet.


@Dalamus Ulom
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animegirl20 said:
"Ok Maria said as she continued to follow she then realized something. "Are we heading to the beach?"

Snow had still been siting on the rock. She was making something with the sea shells. She sining to herself and hadn't noticed the vampire or zombie yet.


@Dalamus Ulom
Raider would look back at her smiling and said, "Yes we are." He would then head to the beach to find a few people on the beach including Nicholas and Elizabeth. Then he would hide in some trees or something so no one else saw him. There was a being that appeared to be a zombie, and from the looks of it that zombie may as well be the voice. "Well then... this could be trouble you know?" He would ask Maria as he was hiding to make sure no one saw him.

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He saw at the women on the beach. "Oh miss I don't mean to alarm you" he said as he made sure his fangs were hidden "but there is a zombie walking you way." Today had been one weird and odd day. "How has your day been my zombie compatriot?" Yeah one really odd day.

@animegirl20 @Dalamus Ulom
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Elizabeth cringed as she heard the voice, but composed herself quickly. "Captaaaaaain," she said, dramatically drawing out the word in a tone that one would use when seeing an old friend after a long time apart. "My, my, look at you! You look fabulous." She drew her sword, and her expression grew cold. "Death is a fitting look for you."

@Dalamus Ulom
"Well it seems you two are getting along splendidly" He said moving away from the zombie "If it is all the same to you I think I'll watch from a safe distance" Then it hit him. If the captain died the pirate the humans lose a leader. If see wins zombie guy goes away. Win for the vampire either way. He just wished he had brought some wine. He leaned on a house, waiting for the on coming fight with baited breath.
@Dalamus Ulom[/URL]
"Says the little mutineer who stabbed me in the gut," He lifted his own sword, pointing it directly at her. "You like it? It was a present, from the one who brought me back," the sword would eschew out more of the dark ooze, and as it touched the beach, it would slowly melt the sand.

(Question; Is it alright if I use foul language?)

@Crystal Cali
Mara hid next to him. "Yeah.....I think it's safe to come out though. It seems like him and that girl are going to fight each other."


The Mermaid turned around and looked in shock. "A what?!" She then stopped and looked at the man closely wait a min aren't you a...." She decided not finish her sentence he probably didn't want people knowing. She went into the water and swam as close as she could to the house where the vampire was at. "Hey!" She waved over at him to come to her.

He the anticipation for the fight was killing him. The line about someone bring him back from the zombie intrigued the He notice the mermaid. He walked over to her while keeping an eye on the fighters. "Hello there my Aquarian friend and what can I do for you this day" he ask politely. Mermaid,Zombies and Vampires. Yeah one heck of an odd day today.
@Dalamus Ulom[/URL]
He stepped forward, bringing the blade closer. "Yes, that I should have. But now I'm stonger than you'll ever be," at her comment, he laughed, and brought the blade closer. "Ya want ta bet yer life on it, poppet?" he laughed again, long and hard. Finally, he stopped. "The shiny ones don't hurt as much when ya shove 'em in. And I want you to hurt as much as possible before I kill ye," with that, George stuck, feinting toward her legs before bringing the horrible blade up to slash her pretty face
animegirl20 said:
Mara hid next to him. "Yeah.....I think it's safe to come out though. It seems like him and that girl are going to fight each other."

The Mermaid turned around and looked in shock. "A what?!" She then stopped and looked at the man closely wait a min aren't you a...." She decided not finish her sentence he probably didn't want people knowing. She went into the water and swam as close as she could to the house where the vampire was at. "Hey!" She waved over at him to come to her.

He would look to Maria and say, "Yeah I think so. Though wouldn't be bad if a zombie would still roam around the place though? I think it's time for a good old fashioned sneak attack." Taking out his sword slowly and quietly, Raider held the giant blade in his right arm. With a few chants, he then enchanted himself to grant his body a sort of speed boost, for he would use momentum on his side. His right foot would be out first with his left behind the right. While holding the sword with both hands now, Raider would take the sword towards his back. Before he would do anything he would warn Maria. "You might want to take cover because what I'm about to do next might make some rather heavy winds." He gripped Septentrion tightly, and aimed himself at the zombie. "Now then... wait for the right moment," he would say quietly as he positioned himself. Once the zombie made himself open, he would take off with a glistering speed so that he would take Septentrion and unleash a storm of slashes at the zombie. Then he found that moment when the zombie slashed, and would take off leaving a trail of wind behind him. He would immediately find himself slashing towards the zombie with a whirlwind of slashes from Septentrion. The result would most likely mutilate a being, and would bring about a quick intense burst of wind.

@Dalamus Ulom @animegirl20 @Crystal Cali
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YoungX said:
He would look to Maria and say, "Yeah I think so. Though wouldn't be bad if a zombie would still roam around the place though? I think it's time for a good old fashioned sneak attack." Taking out his sword slowly and quietly, Raider held the giant blade in his right arm. With a few chants, he then enchanted himself to grant his body a sort of speed boost, for he would use momentum on his side. His right foot would be out first with his left behind the right. While holding the sword with both hands now, Raider would take the sword towards his back. Before he would do anything he would warn Maria. "You might want to take cover because what I'm about to do next might make some rather heavy winds." He gripped Septentrion tightly, and aimed himself at the zombie. "Now then... wait for the right moment," he would say quietly as he positioned himself. Once the zombie made himself open, he would take off with a glistering speed so that he would take Septentrion and unleash a storm of slashes at the zombie. Then he found that moment when the zombie slashed, and would take off leaving a trail of wind behind him. He would immediately find himself slashing towards the zombie with a whirlwind of slashes from Septentrion. The result would most likely mutilate a being, and would bring about a quick intense burst of wind.
@Dalamus Ulom @animegirl20 @Crystal Cali
The bade would hit George, but it would be like hitting a moss covered boulder. The slashes went in quite deep, but George didn't really care. He turned around. He would turn towards Raider, saying, "LEAVE!" as he would say that, he would kick Raider in the chest with supernatural strength. "Stay out of this fight, lad, If ya know what's good fer ya."

Shinji Takahashi

Continuing on his way forward for several minutes down the main path of the town to reach the shores of the beach. The blind male had simply passed many citizens of the isle that had been all humans from the scent that they had given off. Luckily, since none of them had decided to bother Shinji the entire way until he had reached the shore. By the time the immediate scent of salt in the air reached his nostrils, the young blind male had realized well enough that he had finally reached the shore. However, his time alone and away from the civilization of others lasted little more then a moment or so before yet another voice had called out to him nearby. This one being that of another male; older as it had seemed yet their scent was not of a ordinary human mortal. Slightly turning his head over his shoulders to simply show the blank silver gaze of his eyes in the direction of who had called for him. For a moment, that the silence came from the two males simply standing there. It wasn't long before the very male that had called out to Shinji the first time had decided to make his own leave for his own business.
"The beings here..truly are strange..." Those being the only actual words to leave his lips, Shinji simply ignored the fact of the stranger before continuing on his way down the very shore in hopes to find some type of secluded area away from the civilization of mortals and mythical alike. With each step he had taken down the large shore, he would only let the smallest bit of the salt water graze against his toes until he had come across what seemed to had been a large bank of rocks that separated the beach off into two sections as it looked to be.

Making his way to the opposite end only to find that it had a large open area of sand and not a sign of scent or even sight of mortal towns let alone mythical creatures around. A warm smile came across the lips of the blind white haired male for a moment before he would approach the center of the area before taking in a deep breath.
"Perfect." With that only word leaving his lips, he would began to hold both of his arms out in front of him; soon clenching his fists firmly before he would begin to move in slight motions. As he continued to move, the air around him had continued to become more and more clear as slight snow flakes formed around him; lowering the temperature of the water molecules around him to freeze them more and more. Shinji had began to create the base of what had seemed to be a large block of pure white ice; planning on making a full solid large block to begin sculping out of it.

YoungX said:
Raider would take the kick and flip backwards to regain his balance. "I'm afraid I can't do that. I can't have some zombie from hell stay on this Isle and cause trouble. Your pretty strong, but can you keep up with me? This should be a nice fight considering I fought Belial earlier," he would take Septentrion and would hold it with his right arm. This would be a typical defensive position so he could get ready, and also he would make some more chants so that he can increase his defenses on his body with another enchantment spell.
@Dalamus Ulom
George ignored the man. "I have no qualms with you. My business is with my murderer. Leave now, or I may decide to kill you too,"
Liz jumped back when he slashed at her feet. Stupid. His sword scratched her face, which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for that black ooze making the wound sting. "Oh bloody hell!" she exclaimed. The winds Raider created know med her back, but she used that momentum to her advantage, doing a backflip to get a good distance away. Seeing that Raider seemed to be keeping the captain's attention, Liz would turn and run for the forest.
The captain was about to attack Raider when Liz ran off. His head turned 180% around, and looked after her. He screamed a horrible, blood curdling scream, and would begin to run after her, blade still out. He was fast, supernaturally fast, and he would begin to catchup to the woman. "YOU COWARDLY BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!"
"Well I would like to know where the heck the zombie came from. I've been here all my life and not once seen a zombie." She really confused. "And why are they fighting?"


Maria held on as the winds pushed against her. Once he was gone she stayed hidden and watched the fight. "A zombie now I've seen everything."

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