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Fantasy Isle of Mist

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Liz snorts at the captain's answer, rolling her eyes as she crumpled to the ground. The ooze around her ankles was beginning to really get on her nerves. She'd try to scrape it off, but that only spread the burn to new areas of her body. "Child?" she grumbles at the blind man's words, though can't think of a more wordy retort as the burning sensation was giving her hell.

As George would begin to calm down, the ooze would seem to evaporate, and her skin would heal.
YoungX said:
"A woman? Hmm... I might have to look into that, though I'm not sure. Tell me what's your name? My name is Raider," he would say to the Zombie.
@Dalamus Ulom
"I am Captain George Vos. I used to be called the Black Mark. You may call me George, if you want," George said

@Dalamus Ulom

@Crystal Cali

Shinji Takahashi

As the undead creature was rather agile enough to be able to obviously easily move out of the grasp of the blind male. It was no surprise to Shinji that he had been able to do so, luckily though; it showed enough that the creature was calmed enough that he was able to speak fully and normally about how he was brought back to life by someone of the mythical creatures and directed to kill. Even as he had spoken about asking the blind male about the life of a pirate, the young male simply shook his head in response for the time being about the questioning that was given back towards him at first.
"As I had stated at the beginning. I care not for how your kind live or how you mortals live at all..it is nothing to do with me. Whoever brought you back, or whatever had risen you from your grave. That is still none of my concern either. If you wish to return to your grave. Compromise with the woman to have her show her apology at your grave...if it does not work. Hunt down the one who directed your order and demand answers." As he spoke, even if the woman who was being chased was rather hated with the fact that he had called her a child and even with the accidental word of calling those around him mortals while he was in the disguise of his human form. Shinji was simply glad that the violence was over, with that; he had approached one of the nearby large trees that held plenty of the debris. Making sure to keep a slight bit of distance to show his kindness to the small animals that hid away before a small brown and black spotted rabbit had hopped out from it's hiding spot and into the embrace of the white haired blind male.

Carrying the small one over towards a large tree that still hadn't been damaged. He had given the small animal a new home before patting it's head gently at first. Now, turning his attention fully back upon the trio around him. As the sound of how they had seemed rather kind to one another and much more calmed, Shinji simply gave a nod of his head to each of them silently before beginning to progress his way down the large path that head lead back to the shore once more.
"Now that things are settled...I bid you all farewell.." Without so much more then another word, as usual; Shinji was never one to prefer to stay around after he had assisted those with an issue before returning to his own business.

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YoungX said:
"George huh? It certainly has a nice Captain feel to it. We should spar sometime, preferably somewhere without any trees or nature. For someone revived as a zombie, you are very tough compared to the hordes of demons I fought." He would say genuinely out of respect for the former captain's strength.
@Dalamus Ulom
"Thank you," George said

happydeath said:
@Dalamus Ulom

@Crystal Cali

Shinji Takahashi

As the undead creature was rather agile enough to be able to obviously easily move out of the grasp of the blind male. It was no surprise to Shinji that he had been able to do so, luckily though; it showed enough that the creature was calmed enough that he was able to speak fully and normally about how he was brought back to life by someone of the mythical creatures and directed to kill. Even as he had spoken about asking the blind male about the life of a pirate, the young male simply shook his head in response for the time being about the questioning that was given back towards him at first.
"As I had stated at the beginning. I care not for how your kind live or how you mortals live at all..it is nothing to do with me. Whoever brought you back, or whatever had risen you from your grave. That is still none of my concern either. If you wish to return to your grave. Compromise with the woman to have her show her apology at your grave...if it does not work. Hunt down the one who directed your order and demand answers." As he spoke, even if the woman who was being chased was rather hated with the fact that he had called her a child and even with the accidental word of calling those around him mortals while he was in the disguise of his human form. Shinji was simply glad that the violence was over, with that; he had approached one of the nearby large trees that held plenty of the debris. Making sure to keep a slight bit of distance to show his kindness to the small animals that hid away before a small brown and black spotted rabbit had hopped out from it's hiding spot and into the embrace of the white haired blind male.

Carrying the small one over towards a large tree that still hadn't been damaged. He had given the small animal a new home before patting it's head gently at first. Now, turning his attention fully back upon the trio around him. As the sound of how they had seemed rather kind to one another and much more calmed, Shinji simply gave a nod of his head to each of them silently before beginning to progress his way down the large path that head lead back to the shore once more.
"Now that things are settled...I bid you all farewell.." Without so much more then another word, as usual; Shinji was never one to prefer to stay around after he had assisted those with an issue before returning to his own business.

George raised one decrepit eye brow at the odd blind man infront of him.
YoungX said:
"Now then... I suppose I better head back to town. Thank goodness I didn't use my power or I could've torn this Isle apart." He would think the actual repercussions of his actions if he were to have done that. It wouldn't be pretty, but hey alls well that ends well. "What shall you do now George?" He would ask him.
@Dalamus Ulom
He shrugged. "Probably stay with her until she decides to apologize. So I'll probably see you around,"
SirGrey said:
He smiled. She was intelligent. He move closer towards her. He smiled letting the fangs show.The smile was devious if genuine. "What do you think of them, do they scare you, interest you,attract you?" He asked in a low tone. The mermaid had manged to capture his interest. She had shown that see was either lucky,brave or foolish. What a delightful combination.
"Um." She blushed slightly as he moved closer. She looked at him a little nervous. She wondering if should of kept her mouth shut. " I uh..don't know." She leaned back little. One thing was for sure she caught his interest.
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]He shrugged. "Probably stay with her until she decides to apologize. So I'll probably see you around,"

"Indeed. I'll see you around," and with that he would head back towards town. Thinking about it now the recent events that just occurred were probably unrealistic at best, but then again with Raider anything can happen. He made a camaraderie with a zombie, and met another person who can exchange blows with Septentrion. In any case, he would go back and decide to head to the Tavern for a glass of milk for he doesn't drink alcohol.

(Open for Interaction)
"So you're name's George, huh?" K.K. said from a tree nearby.
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Shinji Takahashi

After finally dealing with the strange trio, the blind male had once more returned to his walking down upon the slightly damaged path of the forest of where the full chase had taken place. The entire time he had continued his way down the path, Shinji's gaze had constantly turned from one side to the next to watch as to how the amount of damage that had been dealt to nature was horrid; many homes of the animals being ruined and the lives of even more animals either taken or now just confused of what they were to do now. Truly, the mortals of this world were destructive and

honestly were too dense to know of many other paths they could take to get the same results in the end. Simply exhaling a deep sigh to himself in the silence, Shinji simply continued on his way forward for another several minutes to leave the forest already and be able to return to his original current project; finishing the large sculpture from where he had halted at.

Spending several minutes on his walk there; it wasn't long before he had finally come to the exit of the large forest and soon progressed his way over towards the same direction of the large open area he was originally working on the sculpture from. Luckily, by the time he had reached the location; still not a single person or being had seemed to come by to touch or disturb his art. Yet again, with a single motion of his wrist he would form the small pitch black dagger from his darkness manipulation and began to return to his carving of the large ice block. Now that the sounds of battle had ceased and the crashing of the forest trees had halted as well; there was no chance those sounds could possibly damage the fragile piece of art once he had completed it. Making sure the entire time Shinji had worked on his art, he would use the hand that held upon the dagger to carve into the ice while his free hand curved around the several different parts of the block of ice to make sure he knew where he was cutting and where the parts that he had put a bit too much force upon could be fixed with a few small scrapes.

He smiled. He moved back away from her. "Curious creature aren't you" he said smiling a gentler smile. "Don't worry I won't harm you, cross my vampirc soul and such" he said. "Besides I find alot of bravery in saying what you did miss, as well as capturing my eye. But then your looks alone did that" he said in a surprisingly tender way. He relaxed on the beach laying down. Relaxing like this wasn't something he did often.

[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"What do you want?" George said.

Do you like to have fun?
Liz layed back on the brush on the ground, letting out a sigh as the ooze vanishes, and the pain along with it. "Well, this has been the strangest day of my life," she says, then turns her head to look at George. "You really didn't want to kill me?" She asks with a tone of skepticism.
After having a nice glass of milk, he would then think about what George said about a woman reviving him. "A woman? Was there a woman in the high order of demons? I'm not sure if I think about it. They have pretty irregular names, and I've only met a few so it could be possible." He wondered who he could turn to find this information. There had to be someone on the Isle possessing such knowledge, and decided he would turn to May. Knowing her, she might know or at least know someone with such knowledge. So he would go to where he met May and knocked on the door. "Is May here? I wish to speak with her again."

@Crystal Cali
Growley said:
Do you like to have fun?
"I'm busy,"

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Liz layed back on the brush on the ground, letting out a sigh as the ooze vanishes, and the pain along with it. "Well, this has been the strangest day of my life," she says, then turns her head to look at George. "You really didn't want to kill me?" She asks with a tone of skepticism.

"How do you think I feel? About two hours ago, I was deader than dead." George said, chucking a little. "No. I don't want to kill you. I'd like to knock some sense into that head of yours, but I don't want to kill you." he offered her his gloved hand. "C'mon, let's get you up," he said
SirGrey said:
He smiled. He moved back away from her. "Curious creature aren't you" he said smiling a gentler smile. "Don't worry I won't harm you, cross my vampirc soul and such" he said. "Besides I find alot of bravery in saying what you did miss, as well as capturing my eye. But then your looks alone did that" he said in a surprisingly tender way. He relaxed on the beach laying down. Relaxing like this wasn't something he did often.
She blushed and looked towards the sea. She then noticing him laying down on the sand. She looked down at him. "Hey is this your first time coming to the beach? I don't remember seeing around here." She asked
Maria had left after seeing the rest of them leave and headed home. She would see the guy later tonight when she headed back to the tavern. She could ask him then what happened with the Zombie.
A familiar burly voice sounded from the other side of the door. "One moment" it said. The servant went to the library where May was and informed her that Raider had returned. She walked to the door herself, and opened it. "Raider, please come in," she said, motioning for the man to step inside. "What can I help you with?"
He looked up at her. "Well most blood sucking demons of the night aren't seen on the beach" he said sarcastically. "I haven't been in a while no". He felt sand in the back of his waist coat. That would be a pain later.

[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"I'm busy,"
"How do you think I feel? About two hours ago, I was deader than dead." George said, chucking a little. "No. I don't want to kill you. I'd like to knock some sense into that head of yours, but I don't want to kill you." he offered her his gloved hand. "C'mon, let's get you up," he said

"Well you're a boring living being" KK said with a trace of annoyance, fading into her shadow.

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