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Fantasy Isle of Mist

[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"I'm busy,"
"How do you think I feel? About two hours ago, I was deader than dead." George said, chucking a little. "No. I don't want to kill you. I'd like to knock some sense into that head of yours, but I don't want to kill you." he offered her his gloved hand. "C'mon, let's get you up," he said

Liz chuckles softly as she takes George's hand to get up. "Aye, suppose this hasn't been a normal day for either of us." Liz sounded disoriented as her thoughts began to swim in her mind. Reality had just broken, and hadn't the slightest idea of what to do next, but she would roll with it. "So, now what?"
YoungX said:
"Thank you for letting me in. Now then I need some information if you don't mind. I need to look into a certain demon, one that is of a woman. Apparently the former captain of those pirates was resurrected and possessed great power. Don't worry though he isn't going to harm anyone actually, but I was rather curious about it. Do you know if there is a female demon that can resurrect people with great power among the High Order?"
@Crystal Cali
May sighs and thinks for a moment. "I'm not sure if I have heard of such a demon, but I might have a book containing the information you seek. You are welcome to search my library if you like."
SirGrey said:
He looked up at her. "Well most blood sucking demons of the night aren't seen on the beach" he said sarcastically. "I haven't been in a while no". He felt sand in the back of his waist coat. That would be a pain later.
"Oh?" She laughed a little. Then looked back out at the sea. "Well you come here more often. Usually there isn't a whole lot of people so it's nice and relaxing." She laid down next to him and looked at the sky she then turned her head to look at him. "Hey what's the village like?" She asked curiously. She had always wondered what the village was like and she would never be able to see it so she thought she would ask.
@Crystal Cali KK reappears in front of Liz, "So you're another living thing? I hope you're not as boring as the other one right there. So you wanna play?"
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"I see... Thank you. Though now that I think about it the whole affair bothers me. He was revived, but was he revived from hell or on this Isle? I suppose I'll look into that as well," he would say to her as he headed to the library. Raider would look into this nice library, and began reading plenty of books about Demons. There was information he already knew, and some new information. Anyways he would spend some time there so that he could find out more.

@Crystal Cali
Growley said:
@Crystal Cali KK reappears in front of Liz, "So you're another living thing? I hope you're not as boring as the other one right there. So you wanna play?"
Liz gives the creature a curious look. "Depends. What's the prize?" she said, sounding rather amused.
Growley said:
"Well you're a boring living being" KK said with a trace of annoyance, fading into her shadow.
"I'm dead, bitch,"

(This is the "obviously a zombie" zombie I was telling you about)

[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Liz chuckles softly as she takes George's hand to get up. "Aye, suppose this hasn't been a normal day for either of us." Liz sounded disoriented as her thoughts began to swim in her mind. Reality had just broken, and hadn't the slightest idea of what to do next, but she would roll with it. "So, now what?"

"Perhaps we should go back and tell the men? I'd think me coming back would be interestin. And no, I ain't intrested in being captain. Ya may have killed me, but you won fair and square. You're the captain," George said.
Growley said:
@Crystal Cali KK reappears in front of Liz, "So you're another living thing? I hope you're not as boring as the other one right there. So you wanna play?"
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Liz gives the creature a curious look. "Depends. What's the prize?" she said, sounding rather amused.

"Don't trust her, Liz. She ain't what she seems," George said.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Liz gives the creature a curious look. "Depends. What's the prize?" she said, sounding rather amused.

"Depends on what you want." KK said then smiled mischievously.

[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"I'm dead, bitch,"
(This is the "obviously a zombie" zombie I was telling you about)

"Perhaps we should go back and tell the men? I'd think me coming back would be interestin. And no, I ain't intrested in being captain. Ya may have killed me, but you won fair and square. You're the captain," George said.

"Thaaat explains why you're so boring, because you're dead." KK said laughing
YoungX said:
"I see... Thank you. Though now that I think about it the whole affair bothers me. He was revived, but was he revived from hell or on this Isle? I suppose I'll look into that as well," he would say to her as he headed to the library. Raider would look into this nice library, and began reading plenty of books about Demons. There was information he already knew, and some new information. Anyways he would spend some time there so that he could find out more.
@Crystal Cali
May would follow him into the library and walks over to the desk containing bottles of colorful liquid. "You said he was the former pirate captain? How did the current one handle that news?"
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Don't trust her, Liz. She ain't what she seems," George said.

"That's so rude, I'm just trying to be nice, and I'm bored, there are so many monsters here that want to kill me." KK said.

Shinji Takahashi

Once about an hour or so had passed by from Shinji working upon the large sculpture the whole while, the blind male would have finally come to a full completion of what he had created. Taking about a single to two steps backwards to admire his own work of art even if he couldn't see it physically at the moment. He had known well enough of what he had made and what it had looked like, the large 8 foot rose that had been crafted purely out of the giant ice block that he had made from the beginning. Nodding to himself, the white haired male soon took a seat next to the large sculpture before directing his silver gaze towards the direction of the ocean horizon as it was.
"How does it look. Mother, father." Whispering his own words silently to himself without so much as an answer back from anyone since he knew well enough he was speaking with himself at this point. Pulling his own knees close to himself as he had sat there with his gaze staring off into the distance, the large rose had remained standing tall and proud next to him all the while. Thankfully, without any truly loud noises getting in the way, the thin stem of the rose wouldn't collapse on itself and would remain strong until he had decided to break it himself.

[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Don't trust her, Liz. She ain't what she seems," George said.

Liz nods. "Aye, suppose the men ought to know, though after that scene on the beach, they might already know, at least a bit." She looks to the other creature, seeing the look on its face, she mirrors the smile. "Oh darling, I know better than to trust that expression."
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Liz nods. "Aye, suppose the men ought to know, though after that scene on the beach, they might already know, at least a bit." She looks to the other creature, seeing the look on its face, she mirrors the smile. "Oh darling, I know better than to trust that expression."

"Oh come on, you things that are living, and that are not so living, can be so boring." KK exclaimed, fading back into her shadow.
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Raider would then remember what George said earlier and felt stupid. "Oh... OH." He would then find books on faes and see if he could find what he was looking for. "I feel really dumb now... George didn't say a demon resurrected him. It was a Fae!" He would say feeling dumbfounded. "May do you know of any fae's that can resurrect people?"

@Crystal Cali
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Liz nods. "Aye, suppose the men ought to know, though after that scene on the beach, they might already know, at least a bit." She looks to the other creature, seeing the look on its face, she mirrors the smile. "Oh darling, I know better than to trust that expression."

"Then let's go," George said.
YoungX said:
Raider would then remember what George said earlier and felt stupid. "Oh... OH." He would then find books on faes and see if he could find what he was looking for. "I feel really dumb now... George didn't say a demon resurrected him. It was a Fae!" He would say feeling dumbfounded. "May do you know of any fae's that can resurrect people?"
@Crystal Cali
May pauses to think for a moment. "The Unseelie Queen?" She guesses. "I am sure there are books about her, but I'm not sure of just what her powers are. Rains, the Queen of the Forest might know more."
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Then let's go," George said.

Liz nods and would lead the way back to the beach. Well, they really had done a number on the forest, hadn't they? Once Liz made it back to the forest, she calls to the pirates standing at the entrance of the caves. "Cowards! Making bets on who gets to lead the pirates now, are you? Well, guess what. It's still me." The other pirates just give her a dumbfounded look.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Liz nods and would lead the way back to the beach. Well, they really had done a number on the forest, hadn't they? Once Liz made it back to the forest, she calls to the pirates standing at the entrance of the caves. "Cowards! Making bets on who gets to lead the pirates now, are you? Well, guess what. It's still me." The other pirates just give her a dumbfounded look.

"Wipe those damn moronic looks of your faces. They make you lot look stupider than you already are," George said.
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YoungX said:
"The Unseelie Queen? Interesting name... Anyways you mentioned a Queen of the Forest? Is it possible if I can meet her? Even if a demon didn't revive George, the fact that this Queen basically first turned George into a powerful savage of a zombie is well concerning. The Isle could be in danger if she is going to make more undead corpses. I can probably take them, but even I can't last forever if she can keep making more," he would say with a bit of a serious face.
@Crystal Cali
May cringes at the thought of having more undead to deal with. She nods, putting down her project, and calling for one of her servants. "Please seek out Raina and tell her I wish to speak with her," she says, and the servant heads off. May turns to Raider and says "I don't know where exactly she could be. She tends to move quite a bit. So it may be a while before the message reaches her."
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Wipe those damn moronic looks of your faces. They make you lot look stupider than you already are," George said.

The men straighten up with fear and shock in their eyes, asking what was going on.

"Reality broke, that's what," Liz responds with sarcasm. She turns and looks to George. "I'll let you explain first, though we might want to go inside." She nods to the elf queen, still sitting on the beach. "There are others listening."
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]The men straighten up with fear and shock in their eyes, asking what was going on.
"Reality broke, that's what," Liz responds with sarcasm. She turns and looks to George. "I'll let you explain first, though we might want to go inside." She nods to the elf queen, still sitting on the beach. "There are others listening."

"She can listen all she wants. I don't give a damn. Besides, what I've got to say is rather important," George whispered back to Liz. He would turn to the mwn who had assembled. "Alright boys, I'll give you the short an simple so it can go through those inch thick skulls of yours into those goddamn peas you lot call brains. So, some super magic bitch decided to come along, and make me a mindless rage fueled zombie ta kill a load of people. That didn't happen. I broke the magic that made me about as dumb as you people, and angrier than a bull seein' red, and now my successor here has to do some fancy shit to send me back. Till then, I'm helpin her out straightening you morons out. Got it?" he asked the men.
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