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Fantasy Isle of Mist

YoungX said:
"Well then... I better follow," and with the speed buff still on him would chase after the zombie. He would take Septentrion and would slash in the air which would create air blade attacks towards the zombie. With the intense attack from Septentrion, the zombie would probably lose an arm since he wasn't focused. Ten more slashes would be made since he decided that slashing would work best since he really didn't have any other attack to try out. He would make another enchantment spell so that Septentrion would also be powered up, and would proceed to begin to head up to the zombie to make up-close and personal slashes.
@Dalamus Ulom
The wind would break apart on his body, as it would begin to harden and he began to go faster, fueled by his ever increasing rage. He would cut several trees as he passed, causeing them to tumble into the path of his pursuer. "YOU'RE GONNA DIE, POPPET! I'M GONNA PUT YER HEAD ON A BLOODY STICK SO THAT I CAN ENJOY YOUR HORRIFIED EXPRESSION FOR ETERNITY! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"It seems to me my charming friend that the zombie is a past foe of our dear pirate queen". He said in a polite manner "She killed him before, and now someone has brought him back and well it seems he is not here to kiss and make up" he said in a sarcastic manner. He just glanced up seeing Liz run off and zombie giving chase. "Well they seem to be gone now, oh yes, If I can ask, what is your name if I can ask my sea based friend?"
Elizabeth laughs as she twists and turns through the forest, making sure to take the most treatourous path. "You say cowardice, I say avoiding unnecessary risk."

Shinji Takahashi

Spending several minutes there while he had continued to form more and more of the large ice block, the distant sounds of battle and shouting echoing rather annoyingly loud into his very eardrums was almost irresistible however it had nothing to do with him currently for him to need to bother with such a quarrel. Unless the sounds of pleas were needed that someone truly required assistance, Shinji wasn't about to just barge into a battle that he knew nothing about and attempt to help one side that he didn't truly know which needed the help to begin with. Rather, once the large 7-8 foot ice block was finished being crafted. Although even if he was unable to see it with his very own gaze, he was more then knowing enough of how large the block he had made it due to how it over towered him quite a bit. Nodding his head only slightly at the sight of it, soon enough the white haired male would begin to form what had looked to had been a small black dagger from his own dark manipulation. Carving small dents and constant curves into the large block of solid ice; since he had only just begun with the crafting, he hadn't needed to fear the sounds of the battle getting in the way, however, there was no doubt when he would be close to his finishing project the sculpture was going to be much more fragile to sound then anything. Anything too loud of a crash would shatter the very ice into small pieces, so hopefully that sound of battle would've been over by the time he completed his project.

Even while he carved into the large block, Shinji had made sure to keep his slightest bit of attention focused on the sounds he had heard. Although his area he had worked on was secluded and away from many other civilization. His senses were still as high and alerted as ever to be able to notice just how far towards the forest direction the battles and shouting was coming from. It wasn't until the sounds of trees coming crashing down with horrid thuds and slams did Shinji come to a full halt in his progression. Lifting a single brow in the direction he had heard the sounds, whatever was going on was becoming rather brutal..even to the point that they were destroying homes of the animals that lived upon this isle. If this hadn't come to a halt, even if they didn't destroy his project; if more of the nature and homes of animals were destroyed. Shinji would have to step in to end this one way or another.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Elizabeth laughs as she twists and turns through the forest, making sure to take the most treatourous path. "You say cowardice, I say avoiding unnecessary risk."

He would become even more enraged, howling at her. He became faster, and would begin to close on her. "I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR INNARDS OUT AND FEED THEM TO THE FUCKING MAGGOTS!" As Vos would become angrier, his body would begin to exude the black ooze. He would throw a ball of it at her, attempting to hit her.
YoungX said:
Raider wouldn't let some trees stop him, though he did have to stop for a bit. Then he would take out Septentrion and would take both of his arms as they gripped the handle. With great forceful swing, he would create a powerful single slash that would cut through the trees and would head towards the Zombie. This slash was pretty strong compared to the others before it, and it would certainly cut through that thick skin of his. "I've faced all sorts of demons. For a zombie you are pretty good. Who revived you? Was it one of the higher demons?" Then he would begin to make even more slashes aimed solely at the zombie's limbs. 'He may have thick skin, but surely it'll break once I keep slashing at the weaker points such as the tendons,' he would think to himself as he slashed at the connecting limbs of the zombie repeatedly. As this unfolded he would head towards the Zombie so that he can get up close and personal again, and he would have Septentrion slashing while in a defensive position.
@Dalamus Ulom
As Raider would attempt to slash at Vos' limbs, the zombie would leap up, jumping into the trees. He would proceed to jump, tree to tree, chasing the girl.
Raider would continue to give chase towards the zombie, and began to formulate a game plan. He had a thick skin, plus he possesses supernatural strength and speed, which is pretty normal considering what Raider had fought in the past. Then he looked to his sword and would think about using his Demon powers, but he would think about what would happen. Yes he can be in control, but the damage caused would probably destroy the Isle itself if he wasn't careful. For now he would just fight like he always have, and would head towards the Zombie.
SirGrey said:
"It seems to me my charming friend that the zombie is a past foe of our dear pirate queen". He said in a polite manner "She killed him before, and now someone has brought him back and well it seems he is not here to kiss and make up" he said in a sarcastic manner. He just glanced up seeing Liz run off and zombie giving chase. "Well they seem to be gone now, oh yes, If I can ask, what is your name if I can ask my sea based friend?"
"oh wow." She said as she watched them run off. "Huh? Oh I'm Snow what's yours?" She felt a little better the zombie was gone. That had kind of freaked her out.

Shinji Takahashi

While continuing on his constant sculpture, as the sounds of constant trees collapsing with loud thuds and the sounds of now even the animals of the forest scurrying away in fear while even some of which cried out from their painful last shrieks before finally fading into death. The more the blind male had heard these sounds, the more it had ached him thThe at he was banished and unable to bring them back from the dead to continue to live their lives the way they should've been. Attempting to continue his own art to the best of his ability, each time he had carved his pitch black dagger into the solid ice block; his slashes had become more and more deepened cuts from the rage that built within him for the reason of his own banishment. Once the next sound of a much larger tree being sliced down to the forest floor had been heard echoing through his eardrums, the young male could no longer resist his painful urges; quickly with a single thrust of his black dagger digging into the large ice block that he had been half way completed to. The instant the blade had made contact with the very block itself, the once bright snow white hair upon Shinji's scalp began to slowly but surely turn into it's solid black color. A pair of pitch black feathered wings forming ever carefully until the very tips had touched the surface of the sand beneath his very own bare feet; his own clothing shifting from their once solid white into a granite black and white with his large black cloak as his new upper garment.

"Enough of this nonsense.." That being the only words to leave his lips, without so much as a wasted moment. The now enraged fallen quickly bolted from his standing position straight into the very skies. Soaring immediately straight above the clouds to reach and pinpoint the location of the destruction as soon as possible. Shinji quickly flew over towards the forest area as his now bright blue and crimson hues located the area of destruction rather quickly. Noticing as to how it was what looked to be two males and a female rushing all in the same direction. One of the males seeming to be slashing a rather large blade while the other had the scent of what seemed to had been that of an undead being; whatever the case was, whatever the reason was to why there was undead around. That was none of Shinji's concern at the moment, rather he had immediately dove downwards towards the center of the trio; bursting through the very leaves of the trees and coming straight to the forest floor at an immense speed to make a full impact. Rather then fully letting just his plain physical strength do the work of this, he had made sure to place plenty of his own chi into the impact of his fist making full contact with the forest floor.


The very instant he had landed, from the amount of speed he had put into his decent; there being multiple black feathers flying around him as the simple punch into the ground had quickly caused a bright white flash of what had seemed to replicate a sonic boom of sorts throughout the forest. The very gust of the impact making sure not to cause too much damage to any of the surrounding nature around him; luckily with the trees as old as they were, being able to handle the amount of gust. While the force of the wind was to push the trio apart and separate each of them. Of course, if he had wished to do so. He simply could've flattened the entire area but with his force, it should've been plenty enough that the aftereffect should reach close enough if not give those of the many surrounding towns a quick burst of wind, obviously not to the same powerful extent to that being closer to the range. By the time Shinji had fully stood to his very own two feet; rather then remaining in his fallen form. He had once more returned to his ordinary human disguise as a blind man showing a tad bit of annoyance in his plain silver gaze. "What the hell are you all doing?! You are damaging the forest! Do you not care for the wildlife?!" As he had shouted, the many few smaller animals that had been attempting to flee from the dangerous battle had hidden in debris to the best of their own abilities.

@Dalamus Ulom


@Crystal Cali
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happydeath said:

Shinji Takahashi

While continuing on his constant sculpture, as the sounds of constant trees collapsing with loud thuds and the sounds of now even the animals of the forest scurrying away in fear while even some of which cried out from their painful last shrieks before finally fading into death. The more the blind male had heard these sounds, the more it had ached him thThe at he was banished and unable to bring them back from the dead to continue to live their lives the way they should've been. Attempting to continue his own art to the best of his ability, each time he had carved his pitch black dagger into the solid ice block; his slashes had become more and more deepened cuts from the rage that built within him for the reason of his own banishment. Once the next sound of a much larger tree being sliced down to the forest floor had been heard echoing through his eardrums, the young male could no longer resist his painful urges; quickly with a single thrust of his black dagger digging into the large ice block that he had been half way completed to. The instant the blade had made contact with the very block itself, the once bright snow white hair upon Shinji's scalp began to slowly but surely turn into it's solid black color. A pair of pitch black feathered wings forming ever carefully until the very tips had touched the surface of the sand beneath his very own bare feet; his own clothing shifting from their once solid white into a granite black and white with his large black cloak as his new upper garment.

"Enough of this nonsense.." That being the only words to leave his lips, without so much as a wasted moment. The now enraged fallen quickly bolted from his standing position straight into the very skies. Soaring immediately straight above the clouds to reach and pinpoint the location of the destruction as soon as possible. Shinji quickly flew over towards the forest area as his now bright blue and crimson hues located the area of destruction rather quickly. Noticing as to how it was what looked to be two males and a female rushing all in the same direction. One of the males seeming to be slashing a rather large blade while the other had the scent of what seemed to had been that of an undead being; whatever the case was, whatever the reason was to why there was undead around. That was none of Shinji's concern at the moment, rather he had immediately dove downwards towards the center of the trio; bursting through the very leaves of the trees and coming straight to the forest floor at an immense speed to make a full impact. Rather then fully letting just his plain physical strength do the work of this, he had made sure to place plenty of his own chi into the impact of his fist making full contact with the forest floor.

The very instant he had landed, from the amount of speed he had put into his decent; there being multiple black feathers flying around him as the simple punch into the ground had quickly caused a bright white flash of what had seemed to replicate a sonic boom of sorts throughout the forest. The very gust of the impact making sure not to cause too much damage to any of the surrounding nature around him; luckily with the trees as old as they were, being able to handle the amount of gust. While the force of the wind was to push the trio apart and separate each of them. Of course, if he had wished to do so. He simply could've flattened the entire area but with his force, it should've been plenty enough that the aftereffect should reach close enough if not give those of the many surrounding towns a quick burst of wind, obviously not to the same powerful extent to that being closer to the range. By the time Shinji had fully stood to his very own two feet; rather then remaining in his fallen form. He had once more returned to his ordinary human disguise as a blind man showing a tad bit of annoyance in his plain silver gaze. "What the hell are you all doing?! You are damaging the forest! Do you not care for the wildlife?!" As he had shouted, the many few smaller animals that had been attempting to flee from the dangerous battle had hidden in debris to the best of their own abilities.

@Dalamus Ulom


@Crystal Cali
"Forgive me for that, but there's a zombie I have to take care of," he would lift up Septentrion one more and would prepare to come at the zombie.
"My name is Nicholas and it is my up-most pleasure to make you acquaintance" he said in a polite manner while bowing. He thought it might get a laugh. He then sat down on the beach next to the mermaid. "You say you've been here forever? What is that like?". She was right about the violence moving away. The peace was welcome though it was a shame he wouldn't see one of them horribly murdered. Such a shame

The ooze caught Liz at the back of her legs. A string of curses escapes her mouth as she tumbled down to the ground. Since she was now going to have a hard time running, she would try to use the thick brush of the forest to hide herself, hoping Raider would distract the zombie.
happydeath said:

Shinji Takahashi

While continuing on his constant sculpture, as the sounds of constant trees collapsing with loud thuds and the sounds of now even the animals of the forest scurrying away in fear while even some of which cried out from their painful last shrieks before finally fading into death. The more the blind male had heard these sounds, the more it had ached him thThe at he was banished and unable to bring them back from the dead to continue to live their lives the way they should've been. Attempting to continue his own art to the best of his ability, each time he had carved his pitch black dagger into the solid ice block; his slashes had become more and more deepened cuts from the rage that built within him for the reason of his own banishment. Once the next sound of a much larger tree being sliced down to the forest floor had been heard echoing through his eardrums, the young male could no longer resist his painful urges; quickly with a single thrust of his black dagger digging into the large ice block that he had been half way completed to. The instant the blade had made contact with the very block itself, the once bright snow white hair upon Shinji's scalp began to slowly but surely turn into it's solid black color. A pair of pitch black feathered wings forming ever carefully until the very tips had touched the surface of the sand beneath his very own bare feet; his own clothing shifting from their once solid white into a granite black and white with his large black cloak as his new upper garment.

"Enough of this nonsense.." That being the only words to leave his lips, without so much as a wasted moment. The now enraged fallen quickly bolted from his standing position straight into the very skies. Soaring immediately straight above the clouds to reach and pinpoint the location of the destruction as soon as possible. Shinji quickly flew over towards the forest area as his now bright blue and crimson hues located the area of destruction rather quickly. Noticing as to how it was what looked to be two males and a female rushing all in the same direction. One of the males seeming to be slashing a rather large blade while the other had the scent of what seemed to had been that of an undead being; whatever the case was, whatever the reason was to why there was undead around. That was none of Shinji's concern at the moment, rather he had immediately dove downwards towards the center of the trio; bursting through the very leaves of the trees and coming straight to the forest floor at an immense speed to make a full impact. Rather then fully letting just his plain physical strength do the work of this, he had made sure to place plenty of his own chi into the impact of his fist making full contact with the forest floor.


The very instant he had landed, from the amount of speed he had put into his decent; there being multiple black feathers flying around him as the simple punch into the ground had quickly caused a bright white flash of what had seemed to replicate a sonic boom of sorts throughout the forest. The very gust of the impact making sure not to cause too much damage to any of the surrounding nature around him; luckily with the trees as old as they were, being able to handle the amount of gust. While the force of the wind was to push the trio apart and separate each of them. Of course, if he had wished to do so. He simply could've flattened the entire area but with his force, it should've been plenty enough that the aftereffect should reach close enough if not give those of the many surrounding towns a quick burst of wind, obviously not to the same powerful extent to that being closer to the range. By the time Shinji had fully stood to his very own two feet; rather then remaining in his fallen form. He had once more returned to his ordinary human disguise as a blind man showing a tad bit of annoyance in his plain silver gaze. "What the hell are you all doing?! You are damaging the forest! Do you not care for the wildlife?!" As he had shouted, the many few smaller animals that had been attempting to flee from the dangerous battle had hidden in debris to the best of their own abilities.

@Dalamus Ulom


@Crystal Cali
"I care deeply for the world around me. The woman is a murder, and ran me through with her blade, and threw me into a swamp to rot. And this boy has taken it upon himself to kill me simply for existing. All I wish is to have my revenge, and rest where I belong. I wish to sleep in the ocean, not in some puddle of mud!" he cried

@Dalamus Ulom

Shinji Takahashi

After landing fully upon his own two feet and rising up to his bare foot once more, the very first who had seemed to had spoken up was one of the others males. This one being the other that hadn't held the undead scent upon him but rather the one that held the large blade that did quite the large amount of destruction. Listening as to how he had apologized for his actions and soon even began to pick his weapon to attempt to go after the undead male. The blind white haired young one had arched a brow as he quickly made sure to reveal his own thin katana from his own energy whenever he possibly could with hoping not to be seen. Rushing up towards the male with the much larger blade; Shinji still kept his strength high enough to hold back the other male's blade firmly even if his gaze remained blinded the way he was. As the undead one spoke right after of what he had wished was revenge and wanted to rest, Shiro had only directed his gaze over his shoulder while holding back the other male's blade from going any further into attack.
"You two are such fools...acting like children who know nothing but one sort of action. You. Only to kill what you believe is nothing but a dangerous being and not learning more of his reasoning...and you thinking that killing your own murderer will bring you into peace. There are always other ways around what you search for, learn about his reasoning for chasing the woman for good reason...and speak with the woman and see if she had approach your grave for her actions. Make a compromise and stop this senseless violence. I care not for your reasons..either of you. Just enough." Those being his words as he quickly slashed his blade back to attempt and push the large male with his even larger blade away from Shinji.

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happydeath said:
@Dalamus Ulom

Shinji Takahashi

After landing fully upon his own two feet and rising up to his bare foot once more, the very first who had seemed to had spoken up was one of the others males. This one being the other that hadn't held the undead scent upon him but rather the one that held the large blade that did quite the large amount of destruction. Listening as to how he had apologized for his actions and soon even began to pick his weapon to attempt to go after the undead male. The blind white haired young one had arched a brow as he quickly made sure to reveal his own thin katana from his own energy whenever he possibly could with hoping not to be seen. Rushing up towards the male with the much larger blade; Shinji still kept his strength high enough to hold back the other male's blade firmly even if his gaze remained blinded the way he was. As the undead one spoke right after of what he had wished was revenge and wanted to rest, Shiro had only directed his gaze over his shoulder while holding back the other male's blade from going any further into attack.
"You two are such fools...acting like children who know nothing but one sort of action. You. Only to kill what you believe is nothing but a dangerous being and not learning more of his reasoning...and you thinking that killing your own murderer will bring you into peace. There are always other ways around what you search for, learn about his reasoning for chasing the woman for good reason...and speak with the woman and see if she had approach your grave for her actions. Make a compromise and stop this senseless violence. I care not for your reasons..either of you. Just enough." Those being his words as he quickly slashed his blade back to attempt and push the large male with his even larger blade away from Shinji.

Raider would block the slash with Septentrion, and would put it away thereafter. "Well I mean if I think about it now... it makes sense. Still it'll be a problem if he keeps chasing her. I mean yes there can be a compromise, but will he agree?" He would look at the zombie who seemed to be pretty angry that Elizabeth killed him.

@Dalamus Ulom
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Elizabeth laughs, a scary crazed laugh. "You care" she asked in disbelief. "Care enough to make a poor orphaned girl lie, cheat, and steal for you? Care enough to starve the girl when she was unable to overtake men twice her size, simply because you wanted the man's gold? You were a monster even before you were dead!" Some of what Liz said may have been an exaggeration, but she poured venom into every word she spoke as she stood and faced her former captain.
happydeath said:
@Dalamus Ulom

Shinji Takahashi

After landing fully upon his own two feet and rising up to his bare foot once more, the very first who had seemed to had spoken up was one of the others males. This one being the other that hadn't held the undead scent upon him but rather the one that held the large blade that did quite the large amount of destruction. Listening as to how he had apologized for his actions and soon even began to pick his weapon to attempt to go after the undead male. The blind white haired young one had arched a brow as he quickly made sure to reveal his own thin katana from his own energy whenever he possibly could with hoping not to be seen. Rushing up towards the male with the much larger blade; Shinji still kept his strength high enough to hold back the other male's blade firmly even if his gaze remained blinded the way he was. As the undead one spoke right after of what he had wished was revenge and wanted to rest, Shiro had only directed his gaze over his shoulder while holding back the other male's blade from going any further into attack.
"You two are such fools...acting like children who know nothing but one sort of action. You. Only to kill what you believe is nothing but a dangerous being and not learning more of his reasoning...and you thinking that killing your own murderer will bring you into peace. There are always other ways around what you search for, learn about his reasoning for chasing the woman for good reason...and speak with the woman and see if she had approach your grave for her actions. Make a compromise and stop this senseless violence. I care not for your reasons..either of you. Just enough." Those being his words as he quickly slashed his blade back to attempt and push the large male with his even larger blade away from Shinji.

"Have you ever been murdered? Have you ever been stabbed through the chest with a sword? I admit, in life I did terrible deeds. I murdered senselessly, I've pillaged and destroyed the homes of the innocent. But I regret my actions. However, to die at the hands of one as bad as I, and for her to disrespect my corpse in such a manner is horrendous. I want her to feel the pain I felt. The anguish, the pain, everything. And she always hated me. I saved her life, and she spit in my eye in the most foul of way. Even now she attempts to flee, running from her actions. I was forced to face my demons. But she will never willingly face hers," George said, looking at Liz.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX @happydeath
SirGrey said:
"My name is Nicholas and it is my up-most pleasure to make you acquaintance" he said in a polite manner while bowing. He thought it might get a laugh. He then sat down on the beach next to the mermaid. "You say you've been here forever? What is that like?". She was right about the violence moving away. The peace was welcome though it was a shame he wouldn't see one of them horribly murdered. Such a shame
"Nice to meet you Nicholas. Well haha maybe not forever but I have been here for a while and I've never seen zombies." She the glanced at him and smirked slightly and then put on a innocent smile. "But I have seen vampires."
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Elizabeth laughs, a scary crazed laugh. "You care" she asked in disbelief. "Care enough to make a poor orphaned girl lie, cheat, and steal for you? Care enough to starve the girl when she was unable to overtake men twice her size, simply because you wanted the man's gold? You were a monster even before you were dead!" Some of what Liz said may have been an exaggeration, but she poured venom into every word she spoke as she stood and faced her former captain.

"I wanted you to learn. To be able to stand yourself back up, no matter what. I always gave you extra. I always cared. I would have willingly let you rule the men after me. But, you challenged me. I wanted to refuse, but I couldn't, or else I would have been labeled a weakling, to afraid to even face a girl,"

@Dalamus Ulom

Shinji Takahashi

As the slightest echoing noises of the steel of the larger blade being sheathed away, the blind male would simply give a single nod of his head towards the mortal male. Directing his attention now upon the undead one who had the rage of what he could remember rather being blindly focused upon only one action, if things had not calmed; he would take care of the creature himself to stop this senseless onslaught of a neverending battle of what it seemed like. Awaiting the answer as to see if the undead one would agree to a compromise, the last thing Shinji had expected was to overhear the very female that was being chased the entire time; only slightly turning his gaze over his shoulder towards her; he would listen to the few words she had for the undead being before arching a brow towards her as well. "You do not wish for him to chase you...yet you tempt him with such words. Do you wish for death child?" Even if his human disguise had looked to had been no older then a 20year-old, he had still called the woman a child due to his obvious true age being rather much more ancient then this very time period of time he was within.

Soon enough as the undead one had spoken up about asking if Shinji was ever murdered; hatred nearly filled his very soul to the back of his heart. He wished not to speak of anything like such due to who and what he was, rather he would only approach the undead creature in silence for a moment. The fact that he had gone through death and was revived as the creature he was only to think that killing or torturing the one that had put him through this pain was going to make his any better was even moreso annoying. Without a single waste of a moment, Shinji quickly reached his palm outwards to grip the undead male's throat. Attempting to crush him against the nearby tree as his blind gaze focused onto his darkening dead ones.
"You are...one hell of the biggest fools I have ever met. What made you think, treating such a small child into labor of such a way was going to show her any sort of teachings...and what made you believe that torturing or killing her will bring you peace. If she is to die. You shall be stuck within this life for eternity. You will not return to your grave without some sort of true sincerity from her."

He smiled. She was intelligent. He move closer towards her. He smiled letting the fangs show.The smile was devious if genuine. "What do you think of them, do they scare you, interest you,attract you?" He asked in a low tone. The mermaid had manged to capture his interest. She had shown that see was either lucky,brave or foolish. What a delightful combination.

Liz snorts at the captain's answer, rolling her eyes as she crumpled to the ground. The ooze around her ankles was beginning to really get on her nerves. She'd try to scrape it off, but that only spread the burn to new areas of her body. "Child?" she grumbles at the blind man's words, though can't think of a more wordy retort as the burning sensation was giving her hell.
happydeath said:
@Dalamus Ulom

Shinji Takahashi

As the slightest echoing noises of the steel of the larger blade being sheathed away, the blind male would simply give a single nod of his head towards the mortal male. Directing his attention now upon the undead one who had the rage of what he could remember rather being blindly focused upon only one action, if things had not calmed; he would take care of the creature himself to stop this senseless onslaught of a neverending battle of what it seemed like. Awaiting the answer as to see if the undead one would agree to a compromise, the last thing Shinji had expected was to overhear the very female that was being chased the entire time; only slightly turning his gaze over his shoulder towards her; he would listen to the few words she had for the undead being before arching a brow towards her as well. "You do not wish for him to chase you...yet you tempt him with such words. Do you wish for death child?" Even if his human disguise had looked to had been no older then a 20year-old, he had still called the woman a child due to his obvious true age being rather much more ancient then this very time period of time he was within.

Soon enough as the undead one had spoken up about asking if Shinji was ever murdered; hatred nearly filled his very soul to the back of his heart. He wished not to speak of anything like such due to who and what he was, rather he would only approach the undead creature in silence for a moment. The fact that he had gone through death and was revived as the creature he was only to think that killing or torturing the one that had put him through this pain was going to make his any better was even moreso annoying. Without a single waste of a moment, Shinji quickly reached his palm outwards to grip the undead male's throat. Attempting to crush him against the nearby tree as his blind gaze focused onto his darkening dead ones. "You are...one hell of the biggest fools I have ever met. What made you think, treating such a small child into labor of such a way was going to show her any sort of teachings...and what made you believe that torturing or killing her will bring you peace. If she is to die. You shall be stuck within this life for eternity. You will not return to your grave without some sort of true sincerity from her."

The zombie avoided the hand. "I was not as horrible as she put it. I never forced my crew to do anything. Do you even understand what a pirate is? How our ships are run? Or anything else involving us? I had her fight the man to show her that some battles can not be won, no matter how hard you try. I taught her to be smart, fast, and clever. I taught her everything I thought she would need to be a good leader. And even though she murdered me, I see that she has become everything I hoped she would be. Strong, smart, fast, and beautiful. Even though I was angery with her killing me, I was forced into actually attacking her. My mind was clouded, and I was told to kill by the one who brought me back. I know not who, but whomever it was, they were powerful. And evil. I think it was a woman, one of those fae, but more powerful than any I had ever seen before," George said

@Crystal Cali @happydeath @YoungX
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