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Fantasy Isle of Mist

YoungX said:
Raider would find three paths, each having a different sound coming from them. He decided to think for a moment before deciding his next course of action. "If I were resurrecting dead people what noise would I make?" He thought to himself as he would listen to the sounds. Despite not knowing what sound would actually be made, he would choose the third path. Of course the path was dark, but he would make do with his other four senses. He would go down the third path, and would see where it would take him.
@Crystal Cali
The third path would prove to be dangerous. The floor underneath Raider's feet would become more and more uneven, until it would eventually slope downward to the left at an incredibly steep angle. If Raider continued further, he would notice that the ground would begin to vibrate, and become slippery. Eventually, if he did not turn back, he was bound to slide down the slope to the left.
YoungX said:
"Well then... should I keep getting? Grounds getting all shakey and slippery. Hmm...," he would think before continuing onwards. The bubbling noise would probably be acid or something and the scurrying could be rats carrying diseases. He figured the third path was his best bet, and would prepare before advancing. Enchantment spells could only do so much, but he would buff himself so that his body would be even more durable. He proceeded with upmost caution.
@Crystal Cali
The path Raider was on would curve around, but then suddenly end. Dim light would fill the area around him from a hole above Raider's head. The crashing sounds were their loudest here, and it would be revealed that it was the noise of a natural waterfall that was occasionally pulling chunks of dirt in from the outside. The dirt chunks would hit the rocks, and explode, causing the majority of the crashing sound. Shadows moves in the light, though most of them would look like trees, or some kind of animal. Every wall around the hole offers no foothold, and would be impossible to climb. One would have to swim through the 6ft deep pool of water to even reach the walls around.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/waterfall.jpg.3a0fb8fc84d1c6c4807e732b316e8135.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131896" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/waterfall.jpg.3a0fb8fc84d1c6c4807e732b316e8135.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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YoungX said:
"Interesting," he said as he looked everywhere around him. He would notice the hole above him and would think about where the hole leads. In any case, he would plan to jump through the hole. First he would kneel down and put some power into his legs. Then he would get ready to use that energy and boost it with a speed enchantment spell. With that in mind, he would get ready to launch himself forwards towards the hole. He would extend outward causing him to propel himself forward toward the hole. As he got closer he would climbe up the ledges at the top and went up.
@Crystal Cali
When Raider reached the top of the wall, he would be standing in the clearing of the forest. The scent of a campfire would be coming from the north. Far to the south, though still within range of vision, trees would be bent, knocked over, and broken, as if some great winds pushed them over. Warm afternoon winds blew through the trees, and the sounds of birds filled the air.
YoungX said:
"Hmm... I smell a campfire, but I don't think that's what I'm looking for," he would take a moment to get a bearing on his surroundings. As he looked to south, he would notice that trees were bent. They were faraway, but he could see some of the damage.
"I'm pretty sure I wasn't the one who made the bents," he thought to himself as he would find his next destination. He would take a nice walk to the southe while embracing the warmth of mother nature.

@Crystal Cali
After getting past the bent trees, things would start to look familiar. Continuing south would lead Raider back to the beach, using the path he had traveled while chasing Liz and George. The bent trees were a bit curious, though. Some of them looked to like someone had started cutting them with an axe, while others looked like perhaps winds blew them down. There were some trees that lay on their side, with plants already growing up around and on them. It was clear that a collection of destructive forces had come through here before, but that seemed to be a long time ago.
He knew why she was asking. Never being able to see it. It tugged even on a vampires heart. "Oh the village well it has alot of humans that's for sure". He said in a rather whimsical way. This relaxing was actually doing some good. Most days hes either causing trouble or planning on causing trouble. "They have a tavern, its filled with not the greatest of people, but there are some good people as well some good drinks." . He said in a the same whimsical manner. "There having some singing and dancing tonight I think." I don't know if that interests you at all, sorry I tend to go on a bit." This time said in a politer tone.

He then noticed another women. He hide the fangs quickly. She seemed to be offering sea shells. "Well I suppose I am on a beach why not, how much for them?" he ask in the same polite manner.


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She smiled excitedly listening to him talk about it. "No no! It does interest me. I usually try to keep myself hidden from them cause of warnings from others but I've always been kind of interested." Snow sat up when she saw the girl from earlier come towards them. She seemed to be offering seashells. "Oh I'll take some to."


Raider would then decide to go back to the river bank, crawl through the entrance, and try again from there. This time he would decide to select the second pathway. With the speed enchantment still on him, he rushed to get back to where he started to head towards the second path.

@Crystal Cali

"No payment necessary," she told them. "I just promised the woman from the forest I wouldn't waste them so I'm following through on my word." Evie was a little nervous around these new people but tried her best not to show it. "Well I best be on my way, I have to rebuild my house or at the very least make some sort of shelter for the night so I'm not out in the open with who knows what prowling around," she smiled at the pair but her heart was hammering in her chest.
[QUOTE="Crystal Cali]Elizabeth laughs so hard that she falls off her throne. "The look on their faces would be the greatest thing I ever saw in my life!" she gets back up, still shaking a bit with laughter. "Ah, but they know I'm watchin' 'em. Ain't done nothin' to 'em on account of I ain't had a fight worth fighting in some time. Sure, we cause trouble, and make people's lives hell, but we ain't got a fight worth fightin' yet."

The cave would be dark. Every sound echoed, and all the sounds seemed to mesh together as one. The dripping of water from the roof, the flowing of some sort of stream, and sounds that were only slightly more lively, though those were distant. Before Raider stood three paths. Upon closer inspection, each of the three paths had a different sound coming from them, mixing with the other sounds of the cave. A bubbling sound echoed from the one on the left, a scurrying sound from the one in the middle, and a crashing sound from the one on the right. Of course, the cave was pitch black, aside from a few streaks of light streaming in from the entrance. Without another source of light, the paths would not even be visible.

(Sorry for not responding. I got drowned in alerts xD )

George nodded. "What about the fae that brought me back? I get the feeling we're gonna have to deal with her at some point.
"Well that is very kind of you my dear". She seemed a little nervous. "Oh also if you need shelter I would be honoured to let you stay in my humble abode" he said. Kindness or hunting. He hadn't chosen yet. "Though I don't want to impose on you of course and thank you for the gift". Being like this while laying down must of looked odd.

@animegirl20 @Lithia
"Thanks" Snow glanced over at Nicolas. "Very nice of you to offer." She then mumbled the last part that only he could here. "I'm sure she'll have nothing to worry about."

SirGrey said:
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YoungX said:
Raider would then decide to go back to the river bank, crawl through the entrance, and try again from there. This time he would decide to select the second pathway. With the speed enchantment still on him, he rushed to get back to where he started to head towards the second path.
@Crystal Cali
The passage was long and dark, and would grow more narrow as Raider continued. There would be a series of extremely sharp turns that would be reached without warning, but in most cases, he would be able to alter course and continue on. As Raider gets farther down the passage, a chorus of squeaking noises will accompany the scurrying. The noises would be all around him, making it more clear that they were in fact the noises of rodents.
YoungX said:
"Figured there were rats down here...," he would say to himself as he heard the noises. Rodents normally possess no threat, however since he can't see he has to be careful not to get bit. Of course disease isn't really a huge problem, but in the case of a load of rats there might be some problem maybe... It was dark, but with the other four senses he could at least get a bearing of how close the critters were. Raider took out Septentrion, and would position it near his backside with both hands gripping the handle. Then he would make a whirlwind slash around him creating an insane gust of wind that would push the rodents away. The force of the wind would create a large impact so the rodents would probably not come out unscathed. In any case, with the whirlwind slash he should be able to proceed without rodent problems. He wasn't really fond of rodents to begin with anyhow.
@Crystal Cali
If Raider continues the way he was going, he would reach a dead end. The hall would widen out into a small circular area. The area was cramped, but there would be enough room to move around a little. In the center of the area would be what would feel like a narrow column with chains wrapped around it. Half of the rounded wall would have chains, and weapons of varying sizes hanging from it. The only way out of the room would be back the way he came.
YoungX said:
"Weapons? Here? Not what I expected even though it's a dead end. Is this some secret armory or something?" He would ask himself as he took a look at the weapons. Though it's not like he could take all of the weapons back with him as he didn't really have a way of carrying all of them. Instead he would go back the way he came from to choose the first pathway. "I'll just tell the others about the armory later," he would say as he proceeded to head back.
@Crystal Cali
When Raider makes it back to the entrance of the tunnel, he would be met with an invisible force. A magical wall that would not let him pass. The light on the other side of the barrier was dim, and grey, though outside it was only about mid-afternoon. The air was filled with magic, and a grey floating dust that shimmered slightly in the faint light. A figure stood before the entrance, a tall, scarily slender woman with long hair, and a cloak that reached the floor. She'd look at Raider with a sly grin on her face. "Well, hello there."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca93d3277_motherwinter.jpg.f28124cc27ca0c6fd79fd90d8e613ebd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132086" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca93d3277_motherwinter.jpg.f28124cc27ca0c6fd79fd90d8e613ebd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Evie paused to think about the gentleman's offer. She weighed her options silently in her head, the mermaid seemed friendly and safe and if she didn't think it a bad offer than perhaps it would be wise to accept. The other option was staying outside. In the dark. With unknown creatures. She quickly made up her mind, "If it wouldn't hinder you in anyway than I will gladly accept." She politely smiled at the man and the mer girl, "I'm Evie by the way." Though she was a little nervous, at some point Evie had to trust someone.

@SirGrey @animegirl20
YoungX said:
"Hello there. Are you the Unseelie Queen?" He would be calm, but at the same time cautious of the rather slender woman. It would make sense that she was the Unseelie Queen based on the fact that one she seemed to be a fae, and two she appeared before him blocking the entrance with magic.
@Crystal Cali
The unseelie woman tilted her head to the side as she observed her prey trapped behind her barrier. "I am Mother Winter," she informed. Her voice was harsh, and rough due to her old age, though her movements showed little sign of a deteriorating body. She began to pace, watching the man behind her wall. "You are a curious individual. No one has bothered to come here in many years. What business do you have with the Winter Court?" The magic which filled the air inside the caverns spread far. A grey cloud of shimmering magic flowed out of the crack which lead to the underground caverns, and over the water of the stream outside. One with excellent vision might be able to see a hint of it from the beach.

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