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Fantasy Isle of Mist

"Oh well I am Nickolas" He stood up bowing to her. "My delightful friend here is called Snow by the way. The sand getting out of his waist coat was a huge relief. "Are you okay to go now or do you have other business to take care of?" he said in a polite manner.

@Lithia @animegirl20
YoungX said:
"Well it just so happens that the former captain of the pirates that live nearby the Isle had been resurrected as a zombie. What's interesting is that the zombie possessed superhuman strength and speed, and seemed to be under rage. Thankfully he's calmed down, but that begs the question of who brought him back to life? He said a Fae woman brought him back, and Raina had led me to the Unseelie Queen. So here I am trying to find the Unseelie Queen, but I found myself trapped in a magical barrier. It's just life for me," he would say to her as he looked around his position.
@Crystal Cali
The Winter Queen tilts her head to the side, a devilish grin on her face. "Perhaps I did. Perhaps I did not. Perhaps it was me. Perhaps it was one of my daughters. Whoever it was didn't do a very good job, if our pet is talking as opposed to killing," she says, her voice full of frustration and anger.
YoungX said:
"Yeah I see your point. Unfortunately if we have zombies killing people then people are just gonna get eaten. It sounds something out of a heresy novel or whatever those books are called." His face was pretty calm as usual despite the situation. Since he has become used to encountering demons and powerful beasts, this is just another cornerstone in his life. "So I wish for you to tell your daughters to not resurrect people or summon anything violent please. It'll suck if people die right?"
@Crystal Cali
Mother Winter tilts her head far to the other side, her bones making a loud cracking noises. "You want us to not resurrect the dead? You want peace? You're no fun." The magical dust began to swirl around, the air would grow thicker as the dust grew darker. It would become increasingly hard to breath, though the dust did not surround Mother Winter.
She hugged her tail like a human would hug their knees and watched as Nickolas stood. She then looked to the ocean. "Guess I'll get back into the water." She said to herself. She straighten out her tail and looked at it. She started to imagine what they would look like as legs. She then shook her head at the point less thought.



"Nice to meet you both," she smiled, genuinely glad to have met two people it didn't seem she had to run from. "Sure I guess I can go now," Evie replied looking to Snow. She didn't want to leave the mermaid behind but she had no idea how to bring her along. It must be hard being confined to the sea, she thought, maybe somehow they could find a way to remedy her situation if the mermaid wanted that.

"Bye Snow, I hope to see you around again," Evie said a little surprised that she really did mean it. She liked the idea of having a friend from the sea. Turning back to Nickolas she said, "Lead the way," with a smile.

@SirGrey @animegirl20
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She turned her head and looked at Evie and smiled. "I'll be here." She then looked over at Nickolas. "Feel free to visit again." She then looked back at the ocean and realized she might of came little to far out. "Perfect....how the heck did I do that?" She sighed and then started making her way back to the ocean.


YoungX said:
Raider would find that the air became thicker, and would have to take deep breaths in order to conserve his air. "So... I guess it was really was you people. Well looks like it's time to do my job," he would say as he took out Septentrion. Around him there would be dust, and it seems it's filling up the room so that Raider would die of suffocation. Of course dust is obviously heavier than air, but it's still light enough to be swayed by the wind. There would be a barrier preventing him from exiting, but was that necessarily the only exit? Rule number one when it comes to being Raider; there is always another solution. As he gripped Septentrion with both hands, he would aim at the ceiling with ferocious force. What was his plan? Simple to escape via above. If that didn't work, then he'll just improvise.
@Crystal Cali
Mother Winter had not considered that he might try to escape from above, but it would be hard for him to do so. He would have to cut through a thick layer of rock before even getting to the dirt. It didn't matter how strong that blade was, it would take damage. It would at the very least be dull enough to put him at a disadvantage in a fight. Seeing him aim for the top, Mother winter simply chuckles. "That would be foolish," she warns.
YoungX said:
"Well maybe. I suppose I'll have to give this a bit more of a push," and Raider would enchant Septentrion to enhance it's strength to a much higher point. Septentrion is a rather special sword, and breaking it would be a very difficult feat to accomplish. More details could be given, but now is not the right time to get into the sword's origins. Then he would enchant himself with a speed buff, and would kneel down. It would be rather poignant what he was going to next, but it was a way he was comfortable of doing. Before he would jump he would look to Mother Winter and say, "I wouldn't underestimate Septentrion if I were you. Big lug wouldn't break even when I tried to smash Belial with it." Then he would jump and with the power of his sword he would raise it above him, and would act as a drill as he would do his best to cut through the rock. As he did this he would spin to create a drill-like effect, and with his enchantment buffs he may as well be considered a drill. Still he shouldn't use his enchantments too much as he doesn't exactly have an endless supply of magic.
@Crystal Cali
Mother Winter would watch the boy leave, and using telekinesis along with her enchanted dust, she'd seal up the hole behind him. She would then turn and place an enchantment on the narrow entrance, the same invisible wall spell she used to trap him where he was. Of course, the spell was only a temporary fix. She had more important things to do than play with some warrior at the moment. Once Raider made it out, he would either have to wait, or find another way in.
YoungX said:
Once Raider made it out he would find himself outside again. First things first he would go after the Mother Winter, and would look for her. Since this was a job, he had to make sure he completed it till the very end. So he would head to the entrance only to find that the same barrier was placed once more. "Hmm... looks like I can't go back in. Looks like I'll need to find another way in or something, but what can I do?" Then he remembered about the waterfall he came through in earlier, and would try that way as an entrance. So he would go back to where he came through from the waterfall, and would enter through the hole. This job wasn't over by a long shot. He hopes at least.
@Crystal Cali
Raider would have to jump from the ledge, and aim for the water below to get back down. All of the walls around the hold were too steep to climb down, without a rope anyway. What might be more concerning, though, as Raider approached the waterfall, there would be a rather large black panther pacing around it, and he did not seem happy to see a stranger in the forest. The panther made quite the fuss as Raider approached, warning him to back off, and also alerting others in the forest to the fact that there was danger.
As Raider went on, he might catch the sound of faint music coming from above, but considering that he was pushing on, it would quickly face away. No one would be by the place Rider had initially entered, leaving him to be able to choose any path. The one he had yet to walk down would lead to a deep pit of glowing green acid. There was a drawbridge there, but the lever to pull it down would be completely broken. The top of the cavern would be very low down, making it nearly impossible for him to get enough momentum to jump across.

"Hmm... Well looks like I'm in a bit of a situation," he would say as there wouldn't be much way to get the drawbridge down. Plus even if he did try to jump, the ceiling was low so that was out of the question. Well darn... Unless..." He would then take out Septentrion, and wondered if this would even work but he had to try something. Just like before with the rodents, he would take a huge swing using both hands to grip the handle. He would try and use an air slash attack to cut the thread connecting the drawbridge so that it would be lowered by force.

@Crystal Cali
YoungX said:
"Hmm... Well looks like I'm in a bit of a situation," he would say as there wouldn't be much way to get the drawbridge down. Plus even if he did try to jump, the ceiling was low so that was out of the question. Well darn... Unless..." He would then take out Septentrion, and wondered if this would even work but he had to try something. Just like before with the rodents, he would take a huge swing using both hands to grip the handle. He would try and use an air slash attack to cut the thread connecting the drawbridge so that it would be lowered by force.
@Crystal Cali
The drawbridge came crashing down, though the impact of the fall caused it to crack. Walking too slow or too fast now would cause the bridge to break. Raider would have to be light on his feet if he wanted to get across, and leave the bridge in tact to have a way back.
YoungX said:
"Hmm well what do you know? That actually worked. Now then...," Raider would begin walking very slowly on the bridge to make sure that it didn't break. This would be hard, but he did his best to make sure he didn't break the bridge or anything like that seeing as how it might be one of his few escape routes. He wasn't sure what was beyond the drawbridge, but he could infer he was getting closer to the Unseelie Queen.
@Crystal Cali
Past the drawbridge would be a pair of large double doors, that had large windows that looked like ice. Behind the doors would be a long wide hall. there were two rows of pillars on either side of the hall, each pillar was designed to look like a statue of an unseelie fae, more specifically, the previous Winter Queens. All along the floor, and wrapped around the pillars were thin lined of ice, that all connected like little uphill streams, eventually all meeting at the ceiling, which was also a thick layer of ice, though the way it shimmered would suggest that there was water above the ice. Standing in the middle of the hall would be a short young woman dressed in a dazzling white dress with a train that fanned out on the ground behind her. She wore a white cloak made of a thick material, and had the hood pulled up over her head, hiding her hair and ears. Her skin was pale, and seemed to shimmer in certain places, especially around her eyes and mouth. The light around her shimmered with streaks of blue magic. She would watch the door intently, waiting for the arrival of her new foe.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca969375b_LadyWinter.jpg.0949f7d67d7a5e5fb339890c587477a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132195" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca969375b_LadyWinter.jpg.0949f7d67d7a5e5fb339890c587477a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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YoungX said:
Raider would push the doors open to be greeted by a woman of winter white. It would seem that she was one of the Winter Courts, and if she was then it would be time to do his job. "Greetings miss. Are you one of the Winter Courts?" He would say staying cautious just in case she tried something.
@Crystal Cali
The girl idly twirled her hands in the air, causing the streams of magic to swirl around. "Certainly," she said in a cheery voice. She sounded like she was quite young. "But knowing that will do you little good," she looks at him and smiles brightly, as if they were having a pleasant conversation.
YoungX said:
"True that. Now listen my job is to make sure the Winter Court doesn't make anymore zombies. Though judging from the way the Unseelie Queen reacted," he would take out Septentrion and held it in his right hand. "It looks like we can't make negotiations." He would be ready to face his opponent and had his enchantments buff him up just in case things got too ugly.
@Crystal Cali
The girl giggles, pulling a white whip from her side, and cracking it in front of her. "Nope!" she sang cheerily, taking a stance as if she were ready to fight. "And if you intend to fight, I'll just have to stop you here."
YoungX said:
"Well all right then." Raider would swing Septentrion and would slash in the air creating air slashes that went towards her. There were about five in total that went from her left all the way to her right. One for the left, one above her, one below her, one at her chest, and one to the right of her. He prepared to block any incoming attack once his defense enchantment came up.
@Crystal Cali
The girl held out her arms, and the ice at her feet quickly grew into a wall, blocking the slashes, though breaking one it was hit. She did a back flip to get farther away, and detached the train of her dress, and her cloak leaving them on the floor. Now her dress had a very short skirt to it, which made her able to move more freely. Lady Winter summoned a cold furry of ice and snow, filling the hall with a blinding blizzard as she charged towards her opponent, slashing her whip at his hands in an attempt to get him to drop his sword.

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